Led By Her - Special Femdom Marriage Boxed Set (Books 1-6): A Dominant Female Submissive Male Femdom & Cuckolding Tale

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Led By Her - Special Femdom Marriage Boxed Set (Books 1-6): A Dominant Female Submissive Male Femdom & Cuckolding Tale Page 18

by Tinto Selvaggio

  “Well?” she raises her voice again and frowns at me.

  I should laugh in her beautiful face. Tell her she has to be kidding, that I’ve had enough of this shit. If only I could.

  “Yes Becky, yes I understand.”

  “I’ll be back in to inspect your progress when I feel like it.”

  With that she disappears into her bedroom and reappears stuffing a magazine and her mobile phone into her shoulder bag.

  “Well?” her face darkens. “What are you doing standing there? Why haven’t you started yet? And take your shorts off before you begin.” She vanishes into the blinding sunlight outside closing the villa front door behind her.

  Even faced by the task I’ve just been given, my thoughts keep being dragged to the prospect of Becky stripped down to her swimwear and oiling herself somewhere outside at this very moment. I feel my cock throb as I scan up and down the length of this corridor that confronts me.

  If I start on this endless-looking task down near the bathroom where I slept, I might be motivated by facing Becky’s bedroom down the other end as I work. At least that would give me something positive to focus on or fantasise about. The room I was cuckolded in last night.

  With bare legs it doesn’t take long on these unyielding porcelain tiles for my knees to start aching. It’s so hot too as I scrub. I suspect she may have switched off the air conditioning before she went outside. Maybe she wants to make me work up a sweat while I’m doing this?

  The padlock on my chastity belt clacks away in time with the movement of my arm and my sticky balls as I scour away at the grouting between the white tiles. Every now and again I take a look up from this ocean of tiling to wipe the sweat from my eyes and peer at Becky’s bedroom door. There’s always the chance she may come back into the villa for something and if she does, I’ll be perfectly positioned for a view of her.

  In actual fact, I almost miss her when she does return. I’m scratching hard at a particularly stubborn area of discolouring between two tiles when I hear her voice ring down the hallway.

  “How are you getting on Stuart?”

  I look up and my shoulders stiffen. My mouth gapes at the sight of her. Becky in a pale purple bikini with a body to subjugate and slay all other bodies. Her sunglasses are propped up in her hair. I’m literally speechless. Her costume is held together by gold string and it must be struggling to contain those curves. Where the purple fabric actually covers her flesh it’s stretched like rubber, almost indecent around the plunging arches of her body. I kneel here with sweat running down my chest and face.

  She raises her arms, moving her long charcoal-black hair behind her ears as she prowls barefoot down the corridor towards me. The fragrance of her coconut-scented suntan oil invades my nostrils. I steadfastly try to maintain my eyes downward, in the direction of the ground and not up towards the roll of her hips or the towering majesty of her incredible bust.

  She walks around and beyond me inspecting my work. I continue scrubbing, forcing my eyes not to follow her and feast themselves on her sumptuous behind as she passes. But I can’t stop imagining what the back of her bikini bottoms must look like and I’m trembling.

  “No,no,no,no NO!” she tuts at me, raising her voice further with each word. “Stuart this is not going to do.”

  Now I do turn on my hands and knees. My heart pounds wildly in my chest. Becky is looking down on me shaking her head, her hands on her bare hips.

  “Neither the tiles or the filler are anywhere near clean enough. I’m thoroughly disappointed with this effort Stuart.” Her lips which are usually so ripe; have tightened and her brow has knitted between immaculately tended dark eyebrows.

  “You’re just going to have to start all over again.” She leans forward to look more closely at the tiles around me, her breasts hanging weightily, barely covered by her bikini top.

  “You really do need to improve your performance while you’re here Stuart. Now please, this time: Do it PROPERLY!” The last word is shouted right into my face so that her cheeks redden. “You’ve got plenty of time. Dominic has just sent me a text to ask whether I mind if he takes your wife onto the naturist beach. So they’ll be gone for a while yet.” She’s smirking down at me.

  As my mind tries to process what I’ve just been told Becky straightens herself to her full height and struts back down the corridor with her head in the air.

  My wife on a nudist beach with another man? The spikes between my legs are tearing into my groin as I watch of Becky’s gloriously rounded ass move down the hallway. Her cheeks almost fully exposed by a bikini incapable of coping with what God has given her.

  Chapter Six

  For a few moments I sit here on the tiles stunned at what I’ve let this beautiful, self-obsessed female reduce me to. Of course I should refuse what she wants and tell her there’s “No way I’m carrying on with this shit. That she can “shove her tiles and my toothbrush where the sun doesn’t shine.” I should pack our cases up and book Lynne and myself into some hotel for the rest of our stay here. We could just enjoy the next few days and holiday like any ‘normal’ husband and wife would.

  If I had the money and if I suspected Lynne would leave with me; maybe I might do that.

  But that’s the point. I don’t have the money. Not with the amounts of cash I’ve been regularly handing over to Becky. What choice do I have other than to accept that this week is going to run exactly how Becky wants it to?

  Incredibly and painfully, my cock is trying to swell inside its cage. Oh God, the image of her in that swim suit. I feel like the mental picture has been permanently branded inside my head, like some kind of high definition tattoo.

  I grip my toothbrush in a clenched fist and with my other hand pull the spikes back off my cock. I lower my head and begin again on the tiles. There’s no use trying to kid myself. Even if I had all the money in the world I know for a fact that I’d keep doing exactly what this woman wants.

  I’m a little over halfway up the corridor with my naked body pouring sweat when daylight floods the hallway ahead.

  “Stuart, bring two glasses of white wine outside right away.” Becky’s voice rings out but she doesn’t come inside. Two glasses? Shit, her friend must be here.

  I don’t realize quite how much my legs ache until I attempt to get up off the floor.

  “Stuart!” my name is shouted from further away outside and with note of irritated exasperation in her voice.

  I hurry into Lynne’s room and pull on a pair of my shorts. With a quick check of the mirror I race upstairs for the wine.

  Outside I squint at the ferocious glare of the sun and the sharp reflections from the pool. When my eyes fully adjust I see Becky sitting at the patio table under the sun brolly with another female who’s wearing a floppy white sun-hat and sunglasses. The other woman looks a few years older than Becky and heavier-set.

  “Lynne, the girl I was telling you about Julia; believe it or not this is her husband.” Becky snatches both glasses of wine from me.

  “Sneaked some shorts on did you Stuart? Well you can take them off.”

  Julia looks at her friend as she’s handed her wine and then she bursts out laughing.

  Without a word of argument I lower my pants in front of this stranger because Becky has told me to.

  “What on earth?” Julia gapes at me and lifts her sunglasses above jade-green eyes.

  “What is he wearing Becky?” Heavy gold jewellery glints on the other woman’s darkly-bronzed wrists and neck as she leans forward in her seat and continues to stare at me, her mouth hanging open. I feel my face burning and it’s nothing to do with the sun.

  “It’s a chastity belt” Becky beams at her friend. “So he can’t have sex.”

  “A chastity belt – and pink! Seriously? I didn’t know such things existed!” Julia shakes her head.

  “Your idea Becky?”

  Becky nods her head and then they’re both laughing together as they watch me.

  “I wouldn’t have t
hought he had much need for a chastity belt – he hardly looks like a ladies’ man.”

  “Stuart, show my guest your backside.”

  With my hands over my chastity belt I shuffle around, turning my back on the women.

  “Come under the shade so Julia can see it better.” Becky beckons me with one hand and raises her wine glass in the other.

  I shuffle backwards, closer to them and there’s a shocked intake of breath from Julia.

  “Ooh that looks sore Becky.”

  “He disappointed me and he needs to learn not to. Don’t you Stuart?”

  I lower my eyes to the ground but my head is nodding and Julia is laughing again.

  “Stuart, in my beach bag over there you’ll find a large folding hand-fan. Fetch it and fan Julia and I”

  I’m directed to stand in between both ladies and Becky instructs me where to position my arm and how to move it for maximum effectiveness.

  “Faster Stuart! For goodness sake!” Becky reprimands me but she’s looking at her friend as she speaks.

  “Wow! You’ve got your very own ‘slave’!” Julia is shaking her head in disbelief and then to my horror she’s reaching across grabbing at my chastity belt. I continue wafting the fan around them both and look helplessly over at Becky as my device is roughly examined.

  “And I thought hubby and I were the kinky ones.” Julia smiles and shakes an index finger at Becky.

  “You should try it Jules, having a slave. It really didn’t take a lot of doing.” Becky shrugs, “To be quite honest I think his wife was only too pleased to have his ‘little thing’ locked away.”

  “I’m not surprised,” Julia frowns as she twists my cock cage for a better view of it and my squashed genitals.

  “I get virtually all my housework done for me by him back home Julia. The cars cleaned, gardens tended, you name it. And you’ll never guess what: he even pays me for the privilege. Because he loves being treated this way. Don’t you Stuart?” Becky’s eyes widen at me so I nod without breaking from my cooling duties.

  “And you can see what he gets if he lets me down.” Becky motions towards my rear with her eyes.

  “Pays you for the privilege?” Julia sips her wine and looks quizzically at her friend.

  “I charge him a monthly fee to be my slave” Becky lifts her legs up and tucks her feet under herself on her seat.

  “Becky you never cease to amaze me, really” Julia reaches across to her friend and their glasses clink.

  “I also get the added benefit of his wife keeping Dominic occupied” Becky continues.

  “Ah, I was going to ask you what Dominic thought of the whole arrangement.”

  “She’s been ideal for him really. She seems happy to grant him ‘access all areas’ if you know what I mean. I’ve never been overly keen on anything going ‘up there’ myself.”

  Surely she doesn’t mean what I think she does? My wife would never do anal!

  “Ah yes I understand.” smiles Julia, “and do I presume you and Lynne are also both……like with the other girls?”

  The ‘other girls’? What ‘other girls’? My head is spinning.

  “If you’re asking whether my slave’s wife gives good tongue baths Julia – then the answer would have to be ‘Yes’!” Its Becky’s turn to laugh. “She’s becoming a proper little slut to be honest. Dominic has her stripped bare on the naturist beach at this very moment.”

  “Becky, you and Dominic are outrageous.”

  My arm is beginning to ache with keeping the women cool as I listen dumbfounded while wife’s behaviour and sexuality are discussed in front of me.

  “She’s just been well-trained Julia. Although to be honest she’s started getting a little ‘needy’ lately. I’m hoping it’s just temporary behaviour. You know how much I hate it when they start to behave like that.”

  “Well anyhow Becky, you really must bring them both to our next house party when we’re back home. They’d go down a treat. Especially that.” She points between my legs. “Even though he’s not much to look at, it would be hilarious; everyone will be there.” Julia yanks at my chastity belt making me squeal.

  Becky lifts her sun-glasses and looks at me with what appears thoughtful amusement, her eyes scrutinizing me through half closed lids.

  “Yes, that could be fun.”

  Julia checks her watch then almost jumps off her seat. “I need to be going. I’ll call you at the weekend when you’re home.” She kisses Becky’s cheek and I feel my cock swell as Becky walks her friend across the patio to wave her off.

  I stand worriedly mulling over Becky’s words about Lynne becoming too ‘needy’ for her liking. What ever would we do if Becky really did tire of us?

  The sunlight glinting off the pool catches my eye and the water looks so refreshing, I feel like I’m baking here in the sun. So as the ladies talk at the top of the stairs down to the driveway I make my way back into the dark of the hallway. I still haven’t finished the original task Becky set me.

  “Oh I did so enjoy that” Becky stands over me staring down the length of her nose inspecting the floor around where I kneel with my toothbrush.

  “What do you mean Becky?” I stop and look up in awe from her sandals to her towering bare legs and beyond to the heavenly curves cut by such a scant bikini.

  “You know very well what I mean Stuart. Stop being so stupid.” She adjusts the strap of her bikini top and way up above my head her breasts move heftily. She repositions a foot and places her sandal on my outstretched fingers. Her silver toe ring glistens beneath the straps of her footwear.

  “What I meant Stuart, was making somebody else aware of my control over you.” She says slowly and I feel weight being applied to my hand. I wince.

  “I’m sorry Becky, I don’t understand.”

  “I enjoyed letting Julia see the kind of things I can make you do Stuart” she sounds like she’s talking to a toddler. Her head leans over me as she speaks, her breasts taunting me.

  “Julia was amazed you let me control your sex life. But when she pointed out that you’re hardly a ‘ladies man’ it did start me thinking again. Maybe I could and should recruit another submissive. Someone more….’manly’ perhaps” Her eyes glint at me and she moves her hands to rest them on her hips.

  “Stand up.”

  I pull myself to my feet and stand in front of her blushing hard. My pulse is racing.

  “Does that make you feel jealous Stuart? Me thinking about having another submissive? Another ‘man’ to do my bidding?” She takes a step towards me, breathing over my face.

  “Yes Becky”

  “But then again, we all know being jealous arouses a ‘man’ like you doesn’t it Stuart?”

  I can hardly breathe.

  “Yes Becky”

  “So tell me, when your little willy is unlocked and you play with it, do ever think about me?” She raises her chin and moves her head back. Her hands move position on her curvaceous hips. It’s all I can do to nod my response.

  “You do? Really Stuart, you have no shame do you? ”

  “No Becky.”

  “And what about when your lovely wife lets you make love to her? Do you think of me then as well?” Her voice has softened and thickened.

  She leans forward and I can almost taste the wine on her warm breath all over my face. I gasp as I feel her fingernails suddenly graze my balls.

  “Tell me, do you think about me when you’re fucking your wife?”

  I’ve never heard her swear like that before but I cry out in pain as my cock swells and is impaled on the spears surrounding it.

  “Yes Becky.”

  “How absolutely delicious, you being in pain whenever you’re aroused by me. Such total control”

  Without warning her hand swipes across my groin, slapping my balls. I double up in pain.

  "I arouse you even though I put you through all this” her voice quietens and she clasps my scrotum with her nails.

  “Yes Becky” I roll back my
head as she holds me firmly.

  “So do you swear there’s absolutely nothing you wouldn’t do for me Stuart?" Her eyes glare with excitement and they broaden as if awaiting my response.

  "Nothing Becky," I gasp as I’m gripped, "I'd do anything you told me to, anything Becky"

  “Really?” the nails begin to burrow into my flesh.

  “Yes, yes Becky I’d do anything for you!” I’m standing on my tiptoes as she twists her lacquered nails into my flesh.

  "Hmm, there must be something you wouldn't do. I can be quite imaginative you know.“ She moves even closer in to me. “Perhaps I’ll have you clean my toilet with your tongue,” she whispers right into my ear and her free hand rises to pinch one of my nipples between her fingers. “Or maybe I’ll fill my bidet and make you drink from it Stuart. Do you think you’d even do something like that for me?”

  My balls are released and she stands back from me laughing behind one of her hands.

  “For now though, you can start to get in shape. I’m going upstairs, out of the sun for a while to watch some TV and you can exercise while I do. Pour me another glass of wine while I shower and have it ready for me upstairs.”

  Twenty minutes later and I’m looking at Becky languidly stretching out on the sofa in a fresh black one-piece swim suit. She looks sensational and my whole body aches at the sight of her there.

  Her fingers flick idly through the channels on the TV remote until she finds some kind of reality show. When I hand over her drink she points across the room towards the window.

  “Running on the spot for 30 minutes. Keep one hand over your chastity belt so that it doesn’t make a noise and disturb the T.V. Off you go”

  Outside, behind my bouncing bare buttocks the noise of a cicada reaches a crescendo. My breathing becomes increasingly labored quite quickly and my thighs which are already taught from all that kneeling earlier; begin to ache while Becky sips her wine. Occasionally while I jog she looks over at me and urges me to raise my knees higher.

  Then during the ad break Becky goes through to the little bathroom at the top of the stairs and returns carrying a red fly swatter.


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