Secrets & Admirers (The Broadway Series Book 3)

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Secrets & Admirers (The Broadway Series Book 3) Page 17

by Allie York

  “I don’t know anything about money and Harriet isn’t here. She went out with some friends.” Maybe if I could get the crazy sister out of the house, or at least to put the gun down, the situation wouldn’t end too poorly. Then dishes clattered in the kitchen and my shoulders dropped. My hands started sweating and my heart rate picked up. The situation was going to end with someone injured and I hoped it was me and not any of the others in the house.

  “Lead the way, boys.” Carmen motioned with the gun and Beck stepped first, giving me an apologetic look. My fear was mirrored in his eyes. He walked us down the hall that led to the kitchen where Ma was putting dishes away. No. Not Ma. Not Harriet and Not Ma. “Sit!” Carmen directed us to the island and Ma jumped at the sharp voice. Her eyes went wide, then straight to worry when she looked at me. The three of us settled on stools, sitting rigid and waiting for the next order from our captor. “Now, let me try this again. I need to find my sister. Short, scrawny, dumb as a fucking nail. Where is Harriet?” None of us spoke as Carmen stared down each of us, slowly moving her gaze from one face to the next.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I stayed on the couch for a while, just relaxing, thinking things over. I love you. How had Briggs and I gone from exchanging notes, to him constantly telling me he loved me? The most beautiful man I had ever seen made a point to tell me he loved me every day, sometimes multiple times a day. He had me sleep next to him at night and took me to work every morning. I cooked with his mother and Briggs let me use his home at my disposal. Something stopped me from making myself truly comfortable. I loved him. Truly and deeply. I had never bonded with a person like I had Briggs. I never tired of him, never wanted to be away from him, and wanted to spend every ounce of my soul on him. Briggs brought out a wonderful side of me, not the personable side, but a calm that was only for him. But something was holding me back and I had no idea what.

  I climbed to my feet taking a cleansing breath, and headed down the hall. I passed the stairs and followed the noise to the kitchen, only half wondering why Briggs hadn’t come back. He was probably pouting about Blake’s call, but Blake had only called that one time, and I had no desire to call him back. There was nothing for me to say. Just as I rounded into the hall for the kitchen I heard her voice. My mouth went dry and my teeth clenched.

  “Where the hell is my sister?” Carmen’s voice made me shudder and I slid my phone from the waistband of my skirt. I eased a little closer and had a clear view of what was going on. Carmen had a gun and was waving it in the air like a lunatic. My heart stopped completely. Beck, Briggs and Faye were sitting at the island with platters still spread out behind them. “The little bitch stole my money and I want it back. Now where the hell is she?” My heart leapt into my throat, and making swallowing impossible. Carmen had lost her mind and was going to ruin my life, again.

  “Hey, sweet cheeks, could you keep it down? Why don’t you come over here and we can talk this out?” Beck winked at Carmen, trying to charm his way out of the situation. He was smooth, but my sister was insane and had a gun. I sent a text to Rae including a picture from my angle. I begged her to call the police and hoped the text was read soon. If I made a sound, she would hear me, and someone would get hurt.

  Carmen laughed, high and loud. “Let me try this again.” I heard her rack the gun and stepped back just as she turned to yell down the hall. “Little sister. Get your ass out here before I shoot the one you’re fucking. All I need is a signature and I’m gone. I thought surely Marco busting you up would send you back home in a hurry, but your stupid ass never went back to the apartment. That money is mine and you know it. I have no idea why our pathetic excuse for a mother gave you the fucking money, but you don’t deserve a dime of it. You’ve probably forgotten where you hid it anyway.” There was a pause before Carmen spoke again, “Little sister? Last call. I know which one you would shack up with so get your ass out here.”

  “Don’t come in here, Harriet. Get the hell out of here!” Briggs shouted through the house. The normal calm of him was gone, replaced by all-out fear. The man would rather her shoot him than have me walk in the room, but I was going into the kitchen and fixing everything.

  I stepped around the corner and a wicked smile spread over her face. “What do you want Carmen? Mom is gone, I left you alone, you want money? I’ll give you money. I haven’t even touched it, just don’t hurt anyone.” Faye was sitting between her sons with tears in her eyes and shaky hands folded in her lap. I had brought it all on them. I had brought my psychotic sister to their door all because of some money I didn’t even want.

  “I don’t want some money. I want all the money. Five million would pay off my debts and set me up with a really nice place.” Carmen spun and pressed the gun against Briggs’s forehead. A shudder ran through him but his face stayed blank. I watched in slow motion as the man I loved closed his eyes, waiting for the gun to go off.

  “Don’t hurt him! I’ll do anything!” I stepped in, closer to my sister and the gun. Carmen spun to face me again and I let out a sigh knowing the gun was not on any of them. “Where do I sign?” I had no idea if a signature would hold up anywhere without an attorney, but if it got her out of the house and away from Briggs, I was happy. I would sign my soul away if she asked. Carmen lowered the gun and pulled a packet from her back pocket, taking a step closer.

  It was when I reached for the papers that I realized my mistake. Carmen raised the gun again. “But, if you’re dead, I’m next of kin, and none of this is necessary.” I didn’t even have time to process her words before Briggs and Beck were both out of their seats and crashing into Carmen and sending me backward. The gun went off, I stumbled back, and Faye screamed. I slid into the wall behind me from the force of the brothers hitting Carmen. Everything was muffled and my ears were ringing. Blood streaked the floor where my sister was fighting with Beck and Briggs. I scrambled up, crawling toward the gun sitting just out of Carmen’s grasp. A bang from the front room was barely audible through the ringing and screeches from my sister. Murphy came bounding into the room, snarling and growling. The black dog lunged at my sister, grabbing her arm and Carmen let out a shriek, kicking and fighting.

  I got to the gun just as police flooded the kitchen. One of them yelled for everyone to freeze. The gun was pulled from my hand and my arms were jerked behind my back. Briggs yelled, but I couldn’t hear anything else through the ringing as handcuffs cinched around my wrists. Beck and Briggs were dragged off Carmen as I was hauled up off the ground. Another officer grabbed Murphy with a catch pole and the dog released Carmen. The amount of blood on the floor made me panic and I fought against the force dragging me back. Briggs was slumped in the stool, leaning against his brother with his hands behind his back. Both men were covered in blood. So much blood. The person dragging me was far stronger than me, no matter how hard I fought and screamed, it was pointless. The officer pulled me back to the steps before tossing me roughly down.

  “Start talking.” The gravelly voice snapped me to attention and I did just what he asked. I choked back sobs, begging to see Briggs and Beck in between explaining the story. I started with the money and went on from there. I told him about Carmen calling and then the events that just transpired. I gave every bit of information I could, just wanting to get to Briggs, just wanting to see he was all right.

  “Please, just tell me he’s okay. I just want to know Briggs isn’t hurt.” A second officer approached and they whispered quietly, ignoring my pleas, before the first one moved toward me and motioned for me to stand. He had to help me up from the weakness in my knees. My handcuffs were removed and I ran for the kitchen, nearly tripping in the hall. Other people were in the room, but my eyes locked on Briggs and I shoved an officer out of the way to get to him. “I’m so sorry.” My words came bubbling up with a sob and I grabbed his face between my hands. His skin was pale and his dark eyes were panicked. Blood was everywhere. His face and clothes had it smeared all over. “Are you okay?
God, Briggs, please be okay!” I was babbling like a moron, looking him over and groping him for any injuries.

  Briggs threw his arms around me and crushed me into his chest. I burrowed into him. “I’m fine. I busted my nose when we went down. I just really hate blood. I’m fine. Are you hurt? Where is Murph?”

  “I thought you got shot. I thought you were going to die before I could tell you I love you.” Briggs comforted me like only he could and I let my crying completely take over. Beck joined us a few minutes later, rubbing his wrists and I could hear Faye shouting about the police cuffing innocent people and screaming about getting my sister out of her house. Beck had a busted lip and a cut on his cheek, but seemed otherwise unhurt. An officer asked about Murphy’s vaccines and Beck pulled a drawer open to show him the proper paperwork. Briggs was too busy crushing me against him to move.

  The whole ordeal was a nightmare, a horrid dream in slow motion, but it was over. Everyone was safe and Carmen was dragged off in handcuffs. I wanted to say it pained me to see my sister that way, but it didn’t, it was a relief that Karma had taken care of things for once. Beck handed his brother an icepack and dropped down on the stool next to him. An officer brought Murphy back in, handing me a leash, and I let the dog put his front paws in my lap. The Officers all talked to Faye as they left, having her let them out. Everything stopped as fast as it started.

  “Anymore psycho family members?” Beck rested his hand on Faye’s shoulder once she got back, dabbing at his bloody lip. The guy was always trying to lighten the mood, and for once I appreciated it.

  “I don’t have anymore family at all.” Briggs squeezed me a little tighter. “Carmen has never been a model sister, but I never imagined she would do anything like this. I’m so sorry this happened. I’m so sorry I did this to you. Faye, I can’t apologize enough.” Large sums of money could make people desperate, but I would never threaten my sister for any amount of money.

  “Oh, honey, you can’t control other people and you can’t apologize for them. I’m just glad we are all safe.” I let go of Briggs to hug Faye and started crying all over again. The woman had welcomed me into her home, had given me her blessing with her son, and I had nearly gotten them all killed. Faye kissed my cheek and I tugged Briggs from the stool, insisting he go lie down. His face was still pale and bruises had formed under his eyes. I knew his nose was broken and he had to hurt. I hugged Beck and Faye, apologizing again, and followed my man up the steps. My man. I had never been so scared in my life as I was when I thought Briggs had been shot. I just knew he was going to die without me ever getting to tell him how I felt, how much I cared for him.

  I was halfway up when the phone rang and I answered it. Blake.

  “Hello?” I waved Briggs into his room and sat to talk to Blake

  “Harriet! Oh, thank fuck! I know you hate me but please listen, don’t hang up. Carmen is crazy!” Blake rushed through not taking a breath. “I mean it. She wants some money you have and is coming to find you.”

  “It’s over. Carmen was here, and crazy may be an understatement.” I told him what happened, easing his worry and sitting on the stairs. Just talking about the events made me shaky again. I could barely hold the phone by the time my story was over.

  “Jesus Christ, Harri. I am so sorry. I called as soon as I realized what was happening. She came here and threatened me, asking where you went, I thought she was pissed about your mom. She left yesterday and I should have called then, but I didn’t. I should have called you after she came here. I’m glad you’re all right.” Blake’s voice went soft and I thanked him. Despite his infidelity, the guy had tried to call and warn me. Had I answered his first call, it never would have happened.

  By the time I got upstairs, Briggs was stretched out on the bed with the icepack laid over the bridge of his nose and a clean shirt on. He patted the bed and I climbed up next to him. “Are you okay? I know it all happened fast and Carmen is your sister, no matter how insane, and I know that feeling too.” I nodded, not really sure of my answer. “So, what is all this about you loving me?” The light humor returned to his voice.

  I pressed my lips to his neck. “You really want me here?”

  “Harriet, if I was lucky enough to get this every night, I would die happy, but if it’s too much for you then I’ll have to understand.” Briggs started to move the icepack, but I kept his hand in place. It was probably broken and the swelling was only going to get worse. “So, yeah. I want you here, in my bed, every night. I told you, I love you, Harriet.”

  “I love you too.”

  Then the icepack was gone, revealing a nasty looking bruise, and Briggs scanned my face with his beautiful brown eyes. His lips twitched into a smile and I pecked those lips softly before putting the icepack back on his face. As much as I wanted to celebrate the victory with him, the day had proved to be too much. I was just lucky that Carmen hadn’t come knocking when my friends and their kids were with us. If those sweet babies had been threatened, I couldn’t live with myself. Briggs drifted off before I did, snoring softly through the swelling in his nose. I kissed him again on the head and slid out of the room to find Faye. I had more apologizing to do. Because of me her evening was ruined and her family was threatened. Briggs wanting me to stay didn’t matter if Faye was too angry to look at me.

  I wordlessly walked into the kitchen and started cleaning up our mess. There wasn’t much food left, but I put the leftovers in containers and loaded the dishwasher. Faye sat still at the island with her hands folded on the black countertop. I couldn’t look at her. I was far too ashamed to even meet her eyes. I climbed on the stool next to her and opened my mouth to start yet another apology, but she reached over and rested her hand on mine.

  “Harriet, I know how guilty you feel, but no more apologies. You didn’t do this.” I closed my eyes and Faye kissed my head. My entire family had left me, every one of them, but my friends and Briggs took care of me. Faye was the mother I always wanted, but never had. Faye forgave readily and never judged. I never had heard a harsh word from her. The doorbell rang and Beck yelled that Rae was here. My best friend rushed in, panicking over the blood on the floor, and hugging me.

  “Okay, seriously, between you and Jovie, my nerves are done for like five years. I feel like I live in a Law and Order episode! What the hell happened?” I melted into her, thankful that her family had missed the drama, and telling her the full story. She knew about the money, but was still as surprised as I was about the psychotic break on Carmen’s part. My sister was always selfish, but never violent, never unstable. Rae stayed and helped us clean up, including the bloody floor, promising to be back for our next dinner party and left in time for me to go to bed.

  I tossed the melted icepack in the bathroom sink and propped myself up on the pillows next to Briggs. His snoring was almost as loud as his dog’s at the foot of the bed. I shredded a two-inch strip of paper and used my purple pen to make my list for the next day. I tucked the list in my worn copy of Stephen King’s Needful Things, clicked the light off, and draped an arm over Briggs before closing my eyes.

  “You write it all down?” Briggs whispered, slurring his speech with sleep.

  “Yes, alarm set?” I answered. Briggs hummed an answer and I sighed. “I’m thinking the bedroom could really use some candles.”

  “I think I want you to make them, and stop beating yourself up. Family forgives. Love you.” Briggs laced my fingers with his and fell back asleep. I would never forgive myself for bringing Carmen to them, for scaring Faye that way, but they seemed to forgive me. Even Beck wasn’t angry, and Beck was quite the asshole most of the time. He had softened toward me, and stopped making lude comments, but still talked down to the rest of humanity. Family forgives. I had a family. Rae, Nick, and George. Briggs, Beck, and Faye. Jovie, Erica, and Cori. Karma finally made good, and gifted me with amazing people.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I watched Harriet from my seat in her over-sized chair, knowin
g that the question I was going to ask would get me that look. Her delicate fingers shredded the newspaper one strip at a time. I really wanted to know what the point in not buying a damn lamp was, but didn’t dare ask. Beyond the look I would get, she would answer my question in the most roundabout way, giving me details about waste and recycling. So, I sat next to the bookcase and watched. It was nearly full. In the three months since her psycho sister appeared, we had read a lot of books together. Harriet dipped the strips of paper in some white stuff before placing it gently on the world’s largest green balloon. Incense burned in the corner, sending a tiny line of smoke into the air, and some music played softly. I was supposed to be reading, but I was just watching. I shifted, slinging my legs over the edge of the chair and Harriet jerked to attention, smiling at me.

  “Cori and Axel are meeting us at the market tomorrow.” She went back to her white gunk, but I stared. Her tiny upturned nose and high cheek bones were so beautiful. The long black locks that were usually loose were piled in a huge bun on her head that teetered every time she moved. Her and Cori had become inseparable, always on the phone or going places on weekends. That bond may have actually passed up the one with Rae.

  “You should marry me.” It had been at the back of my mind for weeks, even months, but I was back to being a coward. I had a ring, a beautiful one, all picked out and ready to slip on her finger. Unfortunately, our first marriage conversation had not gone as anticipated, so I was not eager to bring it up again, but watching her like that made me need her in every way. It was a longing deep down to have her completely connected to me. Maybe even marriage wouldn’t be enough.


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