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Joe Page 16

by Jacqueline Druga

  “He got over that,” Danny chuckled.

  “Yeah, he did. I was damn proud of him that day. Damn proud.” Joe sighed out. “Ok.” he clapped his hands together. “Let’s work on that possessed dummy plan.”


  Ellen looked exhausted and Elliott understood that, the show was a success but Ellen had a lot of shuffling to do. He aided her in cleaning up the church. The residents offered to do so, but Ellen wanted to get them back in Containment and settled for the afternoon shift.

  They walked together. Her and Elliott.

  “Thank you for taking the time to have lunch.”

  “Thank you for asking, I’m starving.”

  “I hear they have croissants and salad at the café.”

  “Isn’t that funny.”

  “What is that?”

  “Two years ago in Beginnings it was a bakery, now it’s a café.”

  “They expanded.”

  Ellen chuckled.

  “So, did you hear?” Elliott walked with his hands behind his back. “The big night at Hoi-Hoi on the Range.”

  “Yeah, the Hoot and Shoot.” Ellen said. “Sounds like a blast.”

  “I was wondering if you don’t have any plans, if you would like to go with me?”

  “I would love to but … but I have to give that option to Frank.”

  “I understand.”

  “I haven’t seen him more than an hour a night since he became president.”

  “Well, then if he chooses not to go …”

  Ellen shook her head.

  “Ellen, I’m feeling dejected here.”

  “Don’t be. George asked me to go with him.”

  “George? George Hadley?”

  “Yeah, he’s trying to get a rise out of Margaret.”

  “Ah, he’s using you as the jealousy thing.”

  “Yep. I’m sure I can see you there. Hopefully …Oh.” Ellen turned. “There’s Frank.” Ellen waved her hand. “Frank!”

  Frank skidded to a stop, spun and ran to Ellen. “Hey, babe.”

  “Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Hoi-Hoi on the Range tonight.”

  “I would love to, but can’t. I have things to handle. You can go.”

  “Thanks for permission.”

  “There’s always Hal.” Frank pointed.

  Ellen turned around to see Hal approaching.

  “I gotta go, Ryder.” Frank nodded.

  “What’s the rush, Frank?” Elliott asked. “Not an emergency I hope.”

  “Big one.”

  “Do you need assistance?” Elliott questioned.

  “I might. Thanks.”

  “Anything I can do to help.”

  “You’re in good with that priest, it’s him I may need.”

  “You … you need a priest. Last rites?” Elliott questioned.

  “Demonic possession.”

  Elliott and Ellen were still reeling in the aftermath of his words, trying to repeat them through their stunned mouths, but Frank was gone.

  Hal approached. “Ah, a run in with Frank. By any chance did he mention the possession?”

  Both Elliott and Ellen turned to face Hal.

  Hal grinned. “By the look on your faces, I’ll say that was a yes.”


  Robbie was alone.

  He preferred it that way.

  He wasn’t working alone, but he had to do this alone.

  “I want to help you, Frank. Talk to me.”

  Frank did.

  Although Frank wasn’t as upset about things as Andrea, he even came across semi reasonable, thinking away the possibility of a possession.

  Robbie was helping.

  Actually, Robbie aided more than Frank realized. The problem with the perimeter fence, the domestic dispute, all Robbie setups. He needed a half an hour.

  He picked the lock on the file cabinet, and opened the drawer. “Hello, Bob.” He lifted the listless dummy and grabbed his radio. “Subject in my hold.”

  “Bring him in,” Danny stated in return. “We don’t have much time.”

  “Roger that.”

  He tossed Bob in a bag, figuring if Frank returned and found an empty drawer it would only work in Robbie’s favor. But he hoped that wasn’t the case. The plan was too good, not to fall into place.

  Frank didn’t deliberately not answer the phone when Dean called, he was just busy.

  Busy with the fence that didn’t seem to be broken after all. The complaints of a Ben and Todd domestic dispute were grossly over exaggerated. Finally, he called back Dean.



  “Happy Thanksgiving.” Frank said.

  “Frank,” Dean chuckled. “It’s not Thanksgiving.”

  “Yeah, it is. Like Christopher Columbus, we’re gonna celebrate your homecoming today.”

  Again, Dean laughed. “I don’t know what that means, but I’m gonna take it you came up with a solution.”

  “Um, yeah, sort of.”

  “Sort of?” Dean asked. “Frank, it’s my life. Here’s a solution. See ya’ Roy.”

  “It’s not that easy.”

  “What do you mean it’s not that easy?”

  “I think this is jealousy driven, not that you don’t miss the kids,” Frank said. “But I think you’re jealous of Roy.”


  “Ok, just checking. But tonight, Dean, I promise a solution.”

  “I’ll hold you to it. I want to come home.”

  Dean hung up and Frank was still speaking. He shrugged and placed his phone away.

  He just wanted to finish his paperwork, make sure everyone had the reports in and go home before he had to go to Dean’s.

  He stepped inside and took a whiff of the newness of the office. The smell of paint was fresh.

  He placed himself behind the desk and exhaled, pulling forward his reports.


  “Come in.” Frank continued to work.



  “Let me out.”

  Eyes still focused on the papers, Frank replied, “You just came in.”

  “Out of the drawer you moron.”

  Frank looked up. No one was in the room. “Hello.”


  “Where are you?” Frank stood and started looking around. Under the desk, the bathroom, the next room.

  “Where did you put me?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “In the drawer you idiot! Let me out.”

  “Fuck.” Frank walked to the file cabinet. “In there.”



  “In a way.”

  “You sound like my dad.”

  “That’s because I am.”

  “Bob’s my father?” Frank asked.

  “No, goddamn it. I’m your father stuck in this goddamn doll. Robbie opened a door.”

  Frank looked at the door.

  “Another world door, Frank and now I’m stuck.”

  “Where were you before?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Before the doll?”



  “Take me out of the goddamn drawer, Frank.”

  Frank immediately unlocked the drawer. He cautiously lifted the doll.

  “Thank you.”

  “Fuck me.”

  “It was hot in there.”

  “Fuck. Where were you before?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Before you went in the doll.”

  “Same place I’m going now.” Joe said. “To another place in Beginnings. I’ll be back.”


  There was no answer. The dummy just stared with a lost look. “This is fucked up.”

  Frank had work to do, and the doll possessed by his father or not, he couldn’t be disturbed, so he duct taped the mouth of Bob and put him back in the drawer.


  “Good evening, and welcome to DBS community update,” Danny spoke with a confident smile, turning toward the camera like a newscaster or anchorman. “I’m your host, Danny Hoi, spokesman of Beginnings Provinces.”

  He had worked hard on DBS and it showed, the huge warehouse redesigned to be a television studio hosted Danny.

  “A lot of you are probably wondering why we are now doing it this way. As you are aware, in the past, we have had community meetings, which sometimes get out of control. Today we welcome a new age of community notification. No longer will DBS be used just for entertainment, it will also be a news source. Starting today.”

  The camera changed angle.

  Behind the scene, Hal stood with Roy. “Why are we here again?” He asked Roy.

  “We are guests,” He straightened his bowtie. “How do I look?”

  “Like a nerd,” Hal stated. “I can figure out why you are here. But me? Why not my brother?”

  “Perhaps there is something to deal with Bowman.”

  “We’ll soon find out.” Hal returned to watching the monitor.

  “Residents are screaming for our government to speak up and have a community meeting. It’s big news, as all of you know and it’s been putting a slight scare on our residents. The brain flu now nicknamed MOD for Modula Oblongata Dementia. Blake our reporter on the scene has this to say.”

  The shot moved to a pre-recorded segment. Blake stood with a microphone. “As you know Danny, residents are panicked. Men, especially because estrogen seems to be the mighty sword in this one.”

  Dan from Security was on camera. “It’s the scariest thing I ever experienced. I’ve been shot at, chased by Killer Babies, and seen Josephine take a leak behind the Social Hall. But this.”

  Andrea was on screen next. “It’s not posing any major health issues. You can’t die from it. Not at this time.”

  Cut to Jenny. “Hello, Beginnings, wake up and inform us.”

  “As you can see, Danny, they want answers. Will we get them? Back to you.”

  Danny smiled. “Thanks, Blake. Yes, they want answers. President Slagel has issued this public statement.”

  The image showed Frank. “There is a virus in Beginnings. Don’t worry. I will handle it.”

  Back to Danny, Danny looked at the camera. “Strong words from a strong man. Reassuring but... How exactly will he handle it, Resident brain man, Dean is here to tell us. Dean.” Danny shook his hand as Roy was positioned behind the news counter. “Welcome to the show.”

  “Thank you, Danny.”

  “What can you tell us about this virus?”

  ‘Well, Danny as you know it is male gender oriented. It is more annoying than anything else.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, so see things that are not there.” Roy shrugged. “Other than that you do not feel sick, although in some rare cases spontaneous headaches can occur. It’s not airborne or blood borne.”

  “How does a male catch it?”

  “It is not transmitted person to person. But through a certain plant that blooms for a week in April. Those who caught it have caught it by now. Although there is an incubation period that can last up to six weeks.”

  “So some people can still suffer even if they aren’t symptomatic now. What is the medical community doing about this epidemic and, am I right, it is epidemic.”

  “Epidemic means seven percent of a population must suffer. So, by those standards yes it is epidemic. We would say immunize but we can only fight the virus once it surfaces, so awareness. Stop by your local health facilities for symptoms to watch out for.”

  “Thank you, Dean”

  “You are welcome Danny Hoi.” Roy looked at the camera smiled and waved.

  “In other community updates, Joe Day will be played at the Bowman Hoi-Town Palace Theater for the next two Friday nights. Containment heads, Ellen and Richie will have the residents that star in this throw down musical experience, escorted to the theater. They add that even though some show mental unbalance there is no harm in them performing an uncontrolled environment. There’ll be new selections in our shops as the warehouse cargo will be up for grabs, check with your local shops for details.”

  Danny shuffled a paper. “No news yet on the pre-production of the movie adaptation of Beginnings best seller, Frank’s Day Out. There have been a lot of inquiries, right now, author Frank Slagel is working on that screenplay. And finally, what I believe an impacting news for Beginnings. DBS will be sponsoring a new reality game show. That’s right, a game show based on elimination. Each night until we get down to one winner. That winner will received 500 Danny Bucks and a dream scene, television with cable, surround sound system, and a movie player, complete with DVD copies of their favorite past Hoi Shows. The new reality show is based upon a pre-plague world show. It’s called Beginnings Most Smartest Hero. Each episode will feature our contestants battling skill and will to see who will be Beginnings Most Smartest Hero. It promises to be exciting with four preselected contestant in place. Those four will be the leaders of the provinces, Frank, Hal Slagel, Creed, and Will Biggles of Jordan Town. The other four will be chosen by you the residents. Ballots will be placed in the community centers like the library after four. Ballot by computer vote. Here to discuss this exciting new game show and the possibilities it holds is none other than contestant Hal Slagel. Hal, thanks for coming.” Danny turned his chair.

  Hal was on the screen. He stared at Danny. A look of bewilderment on his face.


  “Brain virus, impending confrontation, my father’s open murder case, and not only do you discuss a movie adaptation of my brother’s book, you bring me on to discuss a game show.”


  “Good God, Danny, I thought I was coming by to talk about important issues.”

  “You don’t think entertaining our residents is important?”

  “Well, yes, of course, but Frank’s book …”

  “Is a best seller. Speaking of which,” Danny said. “Give us the insight on how his screenplay is coming.”

  “I haven’t a clue.”

  “Wow. Ok.” Danny looked at the camera. “Secrecy. Now onward to the competition. How do you feel about this?”

  “I just found out about it.”

  “Ok, and you can’t formulate an opinion?” Danny asked. “I mean, what do you think?”

  “I think it’s a great idea and look forward to the competition.”

  “Any suggestions for our viewers who you think would be great contestants.”

  “My brother Robbie. Elliott Ryder, the new and improved nerdy Dean.”

  Closed mouth, Danny nodded. “True. Dean is smart but is he hero enough?”

  “We can find out.”

  “Rumor has it …”

  “Rumor has it?” Hal asked. “I thought you just announced this.”

  “Yeah, but things had to be in place. People have been talking about it. Rumor has it that Frank will take this competition.”

  “Frank?” Hal laughed. “My brother Frank? Granted the man is a hero in sick twisted ways, but Beginnings Most Smartest Hero. Danny, Please. You said of Dean is he hero enough. Well, I say for Frank. He’s hero enough but is he smart enough?”

  “And you would put that answer as ‘no’.”

  “I’m quite sure my brother doesn’t even know who George Washington is. Frank speaks for himself. In fact, if there’s a way to call him and put it live, I’ll show you.”

  “If he’s watching he’s going to be prepared.”

  Smug, Hal shook his head. “He’s not watching. Trust me.”

  “Ok, let’s test you, Hal.” Danny pulled the phone forward. “Let’s call Frank.” He dialed, it rang.


  “Hi, Frank, this is Danny Hoi. I’m calling you from the Community Talk show.”

  “Is this the viewer call in segment?”

  “No it’s …”

  “Because if it is I’m not a
viewer. I was, and once I saw myself, I went back to dinner.”

  “Frank.” Danny interrupted. “Your brother is here and wants to talk to you.”

  “He’s on the show?”


  “Is he a guest?”

  “Yes he is.”

  “On your show.”

  “Yes, Frank.”

  “Don’t you think he could have waited until he was finished with being on the show? Must be important.”

  “Actually it has to do with the show. Here’s Hal.”

  Hal took the phone, mouthed, ‘I told you so’’ and then spoke into the phone. “Hello, Frank.”

  “Hey, Hal, what’s up?”

  “You’re not watching the show?”

  “No, I was.”

  “Well, Danny introduced a new game show and that’s what I’m calling you about.”

  “Excellent. Is this like Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”

  “No, it’s more like a smart contest.”

  “That was a smart contest.”

  “Yes, it was …”

  “Oh! Is this trivia.”

  “You can say that.”

  “I’m a vat of trivia. The brain is buzzing. Hal, thanks.”

  “Why?” Hal asked.

  “I’m your lifeline.”

  “Hold on.” Hal covered the phone and spoke to Danny. “Do I need to go on?”

  Danny nodded.



  “Ready for the question.”

  “Yeah.” Frank cleared his throat. “Thinking cap on.”

  “George Washington is the father of what?” Hal asked.



  “Can you repeat the question?”

  “George Washington …” Hal spoke slowly. “Is the father of what?”

  “Oh!” Frank said with excitement. “I know this.”

  “Please tell me the answer.”

  “Hal, I can’t believe you don’t know this. George Washington is the father of Patsy and Billy Washington. They lived down the street from us in Gaithersburg.”

  “No, Frank …”

  “Yeah, don’t remember you had a huge crush on Patsy, she was like sixteen…”

  “Frank …”

  “And her brother wanted to beat you up, because he had a crush on you …”

  “Ok, Frank that’s …”

  “Her brother was gay but we didn’t know it because we really didn’t think about that gay thing back then and he thought you were gay because of your long hair and ...”


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