Married by Christmas

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Married by Christmas Page 23

by Karen Kirst

  “Don’t call for Wendell. If you do, I’ll make sure you’re punished to the full extent of the law. Keep quiet, and I’ll ask for leniency.” Spinning, he strode to her side. “Let’s go.”

  * * *

  His heart didn’t return to its normal rhythm until hours later, when dusk had fallen and he was confident no one was on their trail. He didn’t dare relax his guard until they reached Gatlinburg.

  “Caleb, I need a break,” Becca said softly.

  She hadn’t complained once about the punishing pace he’d set for them. Her shoulders were sagging, however, and her legs were surely as stiff as his were. Studying their surroundings, he chose a sheltered spot between a circle of pines.

  Reaching the ground first, he turned and assisted her down, hands lingering on her slim hips. He told himself it was to steady her, not because he couldn’t resist touching her in order to reassure himself she was all right. Safe.

  She glanced around in trepidation. The thick pines mostly hid them. Still, there were gaps.

  He released her and snagged the canteen. Half-empty. Giving it to her, he warned her to take it easy. They’d need to find a water supply soon.

  “Amy must be worried sick,” she fretted, arching her back and rubbing the knots from her muscles.

  “They would’ve noticed our absence and come searching for us.” But would they know which way to travel? Caleb couldn’t help the feeling of foreboding lodged in his chest. “I meant to tell you earlier...great thinking running off the other horses. I’m impressed.” He took a shallow sip of water and recapped the canteen.

  “I didn’t really think about it. Just acted.”

  Gently hooking her hair behind her ear, he said, “You were very brave, just like I knew you’d be.”

  “You’re the brave one.” She frowned. “I wish John wasn’t mixed up with Samantha and her troubles.”

  “Me, too. He made his choice, however. He’ll have to live with the consequences.”

  Hugging her middle, she rubbed her arms through her wool cape. Her fingers were pink from the cold. His ears burned from exposure.

  Her jade gaze clung to his. “I won’t feel better until we’re inside our cabin with the door locked and a fire raging in the fireplace.”

  Caleb zeroed in on the word our, aware she didn’t actually think of his cabin as her forever home. “Becca, I don’t know how long it’ll take to capture these people, but as soon as the danger has passed you can return to your cabin in the cove ”

  White teeth sinking into her plush lower lip, brow creasing, she merely nodded her understanding.

  What had he expected? That she’d beg to stay with him forever? I’m really a fool if I think she’d ever do that.

  He turned away to scan the mountainous, winter-cursed terrain beyond the opening. “We’ll stay here ten minutes more, then head out.”

  “Okay.” She sounded uncharacteristically unsure. Confused.

  He brushed it off. No use punishing himself further. Nothing had changed.

  Rose and russet hues streaked across the sky. Without a lamp, their progress was going to be slow. Walking the outer edge of the pines, he stretched his legs.


  Solemn, she accepted his boost up. When they set out again, he reveled in the way she leaned into him, her slender fingers threaded through his. Once they reached the farm, they wouldn’t be sharing this kind of closeness again.

  An hour later, he made the mistake of lowering his guard. Whether due to fatigue or preoccupation with Becca, he didn’t anticipate the riders emerging from the shadows.

  “Stop right there.”

  The husky voice set off alarm bells.

  Becca stiffened. “Oh, no.”

  Surprise flitted across Samantha’s features. She hadn’t been expecting them, then. Or searching for them. Her companion, a man who looked to be about the same age as her, wedged his mount beside hers.

  “That scar,” he said, eyes narrowing. “Is this our elusive witness?”

  A hard smile lifted her lips. “Very perceptive, Isaiah.” The gun she held on them was propped lazily against her thigh. “Rebecca, isn’t it? I didn’t realize our witness was in fact your husband. A shame. I warned you not to place your faith in a man.”

  “Not all men are untrustworthy,” Becca said. Caleb squeezed her arm, a silent warning not to mention Tate at this point.

  “Some people never learn.” Samantha sighed. Her gaze sharpened on Caleb. “What are you doing so far from home?”

  “Your man Wendell thought to deliver us to you as a belated Christmas gift.” On edge, fingers itching to retrieve the weapon he’d lifted from John, he desperately tried to subdue his instincts.

  “Is that so? He failed to mention it to me. Where is good ole Wendell, anyway?”

  “Probably roaming the woods and cursing his existence. I think he got a hold of some rancid food.”

  She and Isaiah exchanged a look. Lifting her gun, she motioned with the long barrel. “Get down.”

  “You don’t have to do this.” On the ground, he blocked Becca with his body. “Your nephew told us what happened to you,” he said gently. “Killing us won’t make the pain disappear. I’m guessing killing Tate didn’t help, either.”

  “Don’t you dare breathe that man’s name again.” Expression thunderous, she jerked out of the saddle, boots striking the ground with force. Memories of the murder filled Caleb. Her hatred. Her utter lack of mercy. She must’ve endured terrible things to have come to this point.

  “I don’t blame you for despising him. Or men in general. He failed you, didn’t he, Samantha? His rejection hurt worse than what those men did to you.”

  “Caleb.” Becca breathed a low warning, gripping his arms from behind.

  Isaiah joined Samantha, placing a hand on her shoulder. “What’s he talking about, Sam?”

  Eyes on fire, she flinched, dislodging him. “Touch me again, and you’ll lose a hand.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?”

  “We’ll discuss this later,” she snapped, fury blazing in a face made more delicate by the severe haircut. “As for you, Caleb O’Malley, playing compassionate bystander won’t alter your fate. In fact, throwing my past in my face has only served to shorten your time on earth. On your knees. Both of you.”

  He weighed his options. Time was running out. Not again, Lord, I can’t fail Becca again. “Aren’t you curious as to what happened to John?”

  While she tried to mask her reaction, he saw her swallow convulsively. She cared about the young man at least a little. “Should I be worried?”

  “How about we strike a deal? I’ll spill about my time with your nephew after you release my wife.”

  Gasping, Becca dug her fingers into his skin. He winced.

  “And have her hightail it to the authorities?” she scoffed. “No deal.”

  “All she cares about is getting home to her sister.”

  “I’m not a fool, O’Malley.” Gesturing to the root-studded earth in front of his horse, she said, “I said get on your knees.”

  Defeat pounded at his temples. Even if he jumped the woman, that left her partner to deal with Becca. He couldn’t risk it. There had to be another way.

  Side by side, they lowered themselves to the uneven ground. He refused to believe this was the end.

  Samantha moved to stand before them. “Tell me where my nephew is or I’ll shoot her and make you watch as she takes her sweet time bleeding to death.”

  In that moment, he hated another human being. Rage licked his insides. “I left him hale and hearty after I relieved him of his weapon,” he said.

  “And where was this?”

  “Half a day’s ride north.”

ellent. That wasn’t so hard, was it?” When Isaiah leaned over to whisper something in her ear, Caleb took advantage of their momentary distraction.

  Nauseated, he turned his head to stare deeply into his wife’s eyes. “Rebecca, I—”

  “Don’t say it,” she begged, a silver tear tracking down her cheek. “None of this is your fault.”

  Wait. She thought he was about to apologize? When they were staring death in the face? “You don’t understand—”

  “Stop your yammering.” Both Isaiah and Samantha were watching them with impatience.

  Beside him, Becca spoke with quiet dignity. “Have you ever thought about how your actions are affecting your nephew? He strikes me as an intelligent, fair-minded young man. Do you really want to take away his innocence? His future? Because if he stays with you, he’ll spend the rest of his life in prison. Or worse.”

  For a split second, Samantha wavered. “I didn’t ask him to tag along. He thinks he can help me.” Her laugh was edged with scorn.

  “I know I can.” John materialized from the gloom-shrouded woods with his horse. He must’ve run after the animal the second they left.

  The sun had dipped below the mountains. Lantern light only served to toss shadows over everyone. “If you’d only let me.”

  Momentarily disconcerted, Samantha stared as he approached with his gun outstretched. Pointed at her. Not them. Could this be the break they needed?

  “What are you doing?” she sputtered.

  “I can’t let you kill another innocent person, Sam.”

  Isaiah kept his pistol trained on Caleb and Becca, but his manner hinted at uncertainty. Caleb could practically see him trying to decide what to do. Aim at the captives? Or the nephew?

  “You’re not gonna shoot me,” she boasted, recovering her equanimity. “I know you, John.”

  “Let them go. Forget about what happened in Cades Cove. We can start over, you and me.” His voice was steady, as was his aim.

  Caleb leaned close to Becca. “Be ready to run.”

  Her big eyes took on a mournful cast. “I’m not leaving without you.”

  “Don’t be stubborn,” he urged. “Think of Amy.”

  “You’d never leave me—” her mouth twisted fiercely “—so don’t ask it of me.”

  Battling frustration, he refocused on the scene playing out in front of him. If he jumped Isaiah, what would Samantha do? Was it worth the risk?

  Samantha scowled. “What makes you think I want a fresh start? I like my life just fine.”

  “You’re bluffing.” Entreaty darkened his eyes. He lifted an outstretched hand. “Leave this violence behind. Come with me, Aunt Samantha.”

  “You sound like my brother,” she said, disgusted. “A normal life is out of the question for me. Not after— Enough of this.” She jerked her chin in their direction. “Isaiah, since my nephew is being particularly grievous, take Mr. and Mrs. O’Malley into the woods.”

  Isaiah grimly made to obey her. “Whatever you say, boss.”

  When he reached for Becca, Caleb didn’t think. Just reacted. He launched himself at the man, knocking him off his feet. A growl of outrage pierced his ear.

  A shot rang out, and Caleb braced himself for the inevitable pain.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Adrenaline surging, Rebecca grabbed a fistful of Isaiah’s hair and yanked with all her might. “Get off him!”

  Head snapping back, he howled an obscenity. Caleb scrambled for the gun. Rebecca watched the struggle, prepared to jump in a second time. She’d almost lost Caleb once to these maniacs. She wouldn’t stand by and watch him get shot again.

  Samantha cradled her left shoulder, face crumpled in more than physical pain. “Why?”

  John scooped up her discarded weapon and holstered it, aiming his own at the man scuffling in the dirt with Caleb. “It’s over, Isaiah.” Then he handed his aunt a handkerchief to put on her wound.

  To Rebecca, he said, “Are you all right?”

  Jerking a nod, she slowly unfurled her clenched fists as Caleb rose to his feet, disheveled and dirty but otherwise unharmed.

  “I don’t understand why you’d do this.” Samantha’s composure slipped.

  Regret carved deep grooves in his cheeks. “If I’d known what you were planning the night you confronted Tate, I would’ve tried to stop you. I couldn’t stand by and let you continue the cycle of violence.” His gaze flicked to Caleb. “Besides, I may not know him personally, but I know someone very close to him.”

  “Who?” Caleb demanded.

  “I work as a farmhand for Evan Harrison and his wife, Juliana O’Malley Harrison. Your cousin.”

  Startled, Samantha jerked back. Cades Cove used to be her home. Of course she’d be familiar with the residents. “The Harrisons are related to my witness? How did you know of the connection?”

  “Juliana is always talking about her family. When I heard Wendell mention he was going after Caleb O’Malley in Gatlinburg, I figured I’d better volunteer to come along. Once I saw the scar, I knew I had the right man. I also knew I couldn’t let anything happen to him. Not after the kindness the Harrisons have shown to me.”

  “Thank you,” Caleb said gravely, his dark eyes full of gratitude sliding to Rebecca. If not for his interference, they’d likely be dead.

  “Now what?” Samantha demanded as John rifled in her saddlebags for rope. “You’re gonna hand me over to the authorities? You know they’ll hang me.”

  He tossed the rope to Caleb, who then proceeded to tie up Isaiah.

  His throat worked, and he had the demeanor of a graveside mourner. What a horrible position to be put in. “We don’t know that. Maybe they’ll show leniency.”

  “Tate was Cades Cove’s sheriff.” She snorted inelegantly.

  John glared at her. “Was a sheriff. Now he’s dead, thanks to you. The fact that you don’t appear to be experiencing any remorse bothers me.”

  “You don’t understand.” Stance rigid, her brokenness cloaking her in fury, she said, “You didn’t see the way he looked at I disgusted him. Like it was my fault—” She shuddered, and when John settled a hand on her uninjured shoulder, she flinched. “I thought he loved me.”

  “It wasn’t your fault,” he said firmly. “Tate was a blind idiot for acting the way he did. But he didn’t deserve to die, Sam.”

  Rebecca startled when Caleb slipped his hand in hers. Absorbed in the scene playing out before her, she hadn’t heard his approach. The troubled light in his eyes mirrored what she was feeling. This story could’ve had a vastly different ending. There could’ve been healing instead of destruction.

  She squeezed his hand, knowing deep in her soul Caleb would never let her down like that. He’d support her no matter what. Studying his dear, familiar profile, she understood that he was the type of man she’d always dreamed of—noble, brave, honorable. Heroic.

  The scar was no longer a reminder of lost dreams. Instead, it was a mark of lessons learned.

  “Let’s go.” John dropped his hand. “You need medical attention.”

  His hands bound, Isaiah moved over to whisper softly to his leader. John loped over to Rebecca and Caleb. “I know you’ve been through a lot, and I apologize for the part I played. I hope you can forgive me.”

  “You saved our lives,” Caleb said simply, as if that wiped clean all that had gone before. “Sheriff Timmons will take that into consideration.”

  They mounted up, Caleb and Rebecca on the horse they’d taken, Isaiah on his mount and John and his aunt riding together. The return trek through the mountains seemed to last an eternity. She couldn’t relax. Every noise potentially meant Wendell had caught up to them or Isaiah had gotten free. Caleb tried to reassure her, but she felt the tension humming through his body, as well.

  As dawn
split the darkness, they glimpsed Gatlinburg tucked in the valley below. The glorious view sparked relief and a deep sense of gratefulness. Their nightmare was over.

  Sheriff Timmons wasn’t there. The deputy informed them that he and a group of men, including Caleb’s father and brother Nathan, were still searching for them. Frustrated at the news, Caleb had no choice but to leave the three in the deputy’s care. They rode straight home. Mary and Amy cried when they saw them. After too many hugs to count, they proceeded to ply them with food and drink. When Mary insisted on drawing them baths in the main house, Rebecca didn’t complain. She was cold and filthy, and her hair surely resembled a bird’s nest. Best to rid herself of all the physical reminders of their ordeal.

  The mental reminders weren’t as easy to dispel.

  Back in their cabin, Caleb turned to her with a determined air. His hair shone and the scent of soap clung to his skin, but he hadn’t taken the time to shave. “I should go after Pa and Nathan. They need to know we’re all right.”

  The horror of all they’d endured swamped her. Her knees threatened to give out. Clad in fresh clothes, a thick quilt wrapped around her shoulders, she couldn’t seem to get warm. She couldn’t bear the thought of him venturing into those mountains again. Wendell and the other outlaws were still out there. “Don’t go.”

  His brows shot up. “Believe me, I’d much rather stay here with you.”

  “Then stay. Caleb, you’ve had only snatches of sleep the past two days. Admit it, you’re exhausted.”

  Indecision flared deep in his eyes. Weariness stamped his features.

  Boldly taking his hand, she led him to the couch. “The truth is I don’t want to be alone. That was as close to dying as I’ve ever been, and I can’t get the images out of my head.” Sinking down, she patted the cushion beside her. “Please stay with me.”

  His intense gaze bore down on hers. Easing down beside her, he rested his arm along the back edge. “I’ll stay.”

  Her breath whooshed out.

  “For today. If they haven’t returned by morning, I’ll have to go after them. Shane needs to know we have Samantha.”


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