Possessive Policeman_An Older Man Younger Woman Romance

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Possessive Policeman_An Older Man Younger Woman Romance Page 5

by Flora Ferrari

  Her skin is tight, her muscles tensed from the cold and her body is covered in goose bumps.

  Her already perky tits are even firmer and more impossible to resist than ever.

  I’d planned on us going to a swanky hotel that I booked for tonight, and we will, but I can’t wait that long to have her.

  I need her now. I need her here. I need to make her mine before I explode.

  She looks up at me and when her front teeth come across her bottom lip she looks so innocent and pure…

  For me. Me and only me.

  “It’s your first time,” I say.

  “Yes,” she says, but I didn’t need confirmation. I already knew.

  “So you’ll be mine and only mine forever after this.”

  She nods and I swear my cock moves up and down just as much.

  I’m already rock hard at the sight of her but just hearing my own words, my own claim I’m making on her takes me to another level.

  I know I’ve got a huge dick by anyone’s standards but I never knew I could get this big.

  I feel so long and so full and I know I must be pushing ten inches if not there already.

  I never even knew that a man’s cock had different levels like this. I always just assumed there was hard and flaccid, then again I never knew just how amazing it would be to be in this position.

  I dreamt about it and thought about it hundreds of times. Definitely. But to be here now. To experience it in the flesh? It’s a whole different thing.

  And the whole of me if flexed from my toes to every muscle all the way up to the ones in my face.

  I just want to take her and make her mine right now, but I’m just in awe of her…so fascinated by her body that I just want to stare. I don’t want to move. I don’t want to lose this moment. The sight of her thin collarbone exposed with just two thin white bra straps moving across it holding up her womanly chest. The one that has taken shape just recently after years of being a girl who hadn't fully blossomed yet.

  And she is in full bloom today, that’s for sure. Those breasts that I just want to sink my teeth into. The light pink of her nipples and areolas which I can clearly see through the thin wet cotton bra she’s wearing.

  The way she stands there so small and vulnerable looking up at me. I can only imagine how I must look to her like the rabid wolf I am and how that must make her feel.

  But I want her to see my hunger. Want her to know just what she does to me. Because of her I’m this way.

  Her and only her.

  As controlling and possessive as I am it’s really because of the result of the control she has on me and the way she possesses my thoughts.

  The way she’s inside the deepest parts of my mind and soon to be the same with my soul.

  The irony of outward appearance that I’m in control of everything versus the reality that she controls everything because she controls me.

  How I don’t just want to be inside her, but how I want to possess her. To own her. How I need to fill my obsession.

  How it controls me so much it’s brought me to a standstill at this moment.

  How it’s brought me to my knees metaphorically and now I want nothing more than to go to my knees literally.

  To taste her sweetness.

  To feel her explode in my mouth.

  And with that though my hands explode forward grabbing for her bra and unhooking it as her fingers attack my belt, yanking it free and the free for all of the physical mayhem that we’ve both been holding inside is now at the surface and the explosion is sure to be more powerful than anything either of us has ever experienced or could ever know.



  My knees hit the tile below as the warm water from the shower above finds my scalp, running down my face and past my eyelids but my focus doesn’t waver.

  I blink the droplets away and stare into her sparkling pussy the wetness of her body met with the water from above.

  I grab her hard and press her pussy into my face.

  My tongue flattens running straight up her folds and I hear her hands slap against the wet tile against the side of the shower.

  I pull one hand back and slap her ass then drag my tongue back down from where it came.

  I round the tip of my tongue and ascend her folds this time deeper and when I find her clit I take it into my mouth hearing the moan it produces from her and feeling the head of my dick as its twitch thumps the bottom of the shower.

  I feel her hamstring on my shoulder and I grab her ass harder, supporting her fully.

  I feel her weight come off her feet and I slide forward allowing her back to find the wall causing an even louder slap than when her hands found the wall.

  “Deeper!” she moans, but there’s nothing she can tell me that I don’t already know.

  I know the curves of her body. I know the scent of her. And now I know the taste.

  And it’s oh so sweet. Unlike anything I’ve ever tasted and all I can think of is taking more of it into my mouth which I do when I roll her clit around inside my mouth in circles feeling her hands find the top of my head as she forces my head deeper into her loins.

  I can’t get air anymore but I don’t need air. I only want to breathe her in.

  I start to feel lightheaded and it only heightens the euphoria as I drink from her naked fountain.

  And when my tongue darts inside finding her gushy softness that fountain springs to life coving my face with the serum that will keep me feeling youthful forever.

  My head falls back and I yell, “Fuuuuuuuuck!”

  It’s so loud it must carry through the neighborhood, but I don’t care. All I care is carrying her to my bedroom but not before I feel a second wave of her body twitch and her fingers dig into my scalp before I feel the tension release from her muscles and her back slide down the wall slightly.

  “I got you,” I say.

  “Oh…you…got…me all right,” she says as she tries to catch her breath. “You got me good. All of me.”

  “I’m not done,” I say.

  I put her feet back on the tile and spin her around.

  “Good,” she says. “I want more.”

  “You want what’s on my mind, don’t you?”


  “Can you even imagine everything that’s running through my mind right now?”

  “No, and that’s why I want it. To feel it all. To take it all. All of you.”

  My cock trembles making contact with her ass and she comes up on her tiptoes as her face presses against the tiles.

  I run my hands down her slick sides the water lubricating my touch and making her soft skin even softer and more captivating than my obsession with her had already made me.

  My palms turn over when I reach her lower back and a second later I grab her ass hard and she presses ever part of her front into the side of the shower except for her ass which she thrusts back into my groin.

  “Fuck me,” she says.

  “When I enter you there’s no going back. You’re mine forever then.”

  “Oh yeah,” she moans.

  “You understand me?”

  “Yes. Forever. I want your cock inside me forever. Now. Always.”

  I feel my forearms tighten and my biceps flex as I feel my need to enter her reach an all time high that I can no longer restrain.

  I grab my shaft and line the head up to her opening and she pushes back her hips willing my dick inside her, but not yet.

  I thrust my hips back to met her movement as my eyes close and I take a deep breath in just feeling her opening against my head knowing we’re seconds away from making history. I’m seconds away from living for the first time in my life.

  I grab her hip and move our hips forward together.

  “Noooo,” she moans knowing she’s so close but yet so far away. She can feel my dick knocking, pulsating, twitching, and she wants to let it in but I’m refusing…as best I can, trying to make this moment last. There’s only one fi
rst time…for the both of us.

  My knees feel weak, but my thighs flex keeping me in place.

  “You ready for me? All of me.”

  “Uh huh,” she says in a voice that’s barely human. A whimper so high pitched it barely registers as words.

  I lean in and bite her earlobe before whispering in her ear. “And now you will have me and I will have you….

  …forever,” I say as I slide my length inside feeling her walls grip me and my head spins and I realize I’ve found heaven on earth.

  It was here all along…inside her. I leave my dick in place, not wanting to ever pull it out or even move it. Just to be like this inside her forever.

  I wrap my arm around her body and pull her in closer trying to make as much of her skin touch my skin.

  To possess her.

  To have her.

  To become one together.

  “Again,” she says softly.

  I slowly slide my hips back, but before I can get back as far as I want they buck forward wildly showing me who’s in control.

  Mother nature and she’s willing us to reproduce. This is no longer a conscious decision on our parts. It’s beyond control as I feel like something overtakes me causing me to thrust in and out of her beyond my own control putting me on the brink.

  I feel her walls opening wider with each thrust and closing tighter as my hips move back as they’re teased with the horror that each thrust my be my last.


  This is the first day of forever.

  And before I know it I’m bucking wildly feeling her tits bounce wildly above my forearm which holds her locked to me.

  Our bodies convulse as one as we move in rhythm allowing me to get deeper…to get closer to what we both want until…

  “I’m gonna come. I’m coming!”

  The warning was short but unnecessary as my climax explodes to meet hers as we reach the top of the mountain together feeling the shock ricochet through my shaft my balls pulled high and tight inside me as they thrust all of my baby making juices deep inside her claiming her as mine.

  And then I feel myself slide down that mountain both literally and physically as my eyes open and I realize my back is somehow now against the shower wall which we’re sliding down together, my cock still inside her.

  My ass hits the tile and I pull her in tight as we sit together feeling her pussy milk me for every last drop as the shower covers us with its soothing droplets.

  “That was incredible,” she says.

  “You’re incredible,” I say kissing the small of her neck.

  “I came twice. Twice!”


  “Yeah, can you believe it?”


  “No? Why?”

  “That means I’ve got work to do,” I say as my kisses fan out over her shoulders my dick still hard as I rock my hips in the sitting position finding her G-spot.

  “Oh my god. Right there!” she says.

  The only time the number two makes sense anymore is when it pertains to the two of us.

  But now that’s old and antiquated.

  There is no two of us anymore.


  We’re joined now as one forever.

  She’s mine and now my life truly begins…with her.



  I was crazy to think that once I had her it would serve as a temporary fulfillment.

  It’s only made things worse.

  It’s intensified my hunger. Sharpened my long-term focus. Made me obsess over her more and more.

  She has to move in with me or I’ll go crazy.

  I need her all the time. She has to be next to me. With me.

  I’d make her my police partner if it was somehow allowed. She could just sit there in the passenger seat while I did everything.

  Just to have her there with me is enough.

  And I know she’d be safer in a squad car, my squad car, than anywhere else in the world.

  And protecting her is one of my top priorities.

  Protecting her. Satisfying her. Encouraging her to pursue her dreams.

  I need to be satisfied in my own way and I have dreams of my own and they all involve her.

  Involve us. A family together.

  And I won’t let some loser with a vendetta come between me and my life with her.

  But I can’t tell her either. That’s not how a real man works.

  I won’t trouble her head with the idea that danger could be lurking. As a man my job is to realize it and remove the danger without her ever knowing it was even present.

  Plus if I raise alarm bells it could put the whole community on edge and counterintuitively attract The Sunset Stalker.

  Common sense would seem like it’s best to alert everyone, but common sense doesn’t always apply.

  Not in this case.

  And not in my own.

  I’ve completely lost my mind for her and it feels incredible.

  I’ll need to tell her father soon, not that it matters what he really thinks.

  I’ll do my best to present it in a civil way…in a way he can wrap his head around, but my expectations are low.

  And at the end of the day it doesn’t matter.

  All that matters is me and her.

  Us against the world if it comes down to it.

  I’d trade everything for her.

  Which is why I’m back in front of her house, parked here while she sleeps. I’m not letting anyone get remotely close to her. No way.

  I can work days while she’s in class and at night I can spend time with her and keep watch out over her until she comes to her senses and sees she needs to move in with me.

  I know last night only increased our hunger…both of ours.

  She won’t be able to resist for long.

  And I will never stop in my pursuit of her.

  Even when we’re married and having kids I’ll still chase after her like today with an unquenched thirst never taking her for granted.

  She can count on it.

  Just like she can always count on me.



  I tip back my seventh coffee of the night when I hear something come over the campus police station.

  I’ve got the campus police, city police, county police and even a buddy at the FBI feeding me information right now about the whereabouts of The Sunset Stalker or any trouble in the area for that matter.

  I’d put a GPS tracker on her if I could to know that she’s safe all the time, but I know she wouldn’t allow it and I have to respect that even as I worry about her.

  Apparently a female student came running and screaming to a campus cop just a few minutes ago alerting them that some man tried to grab her by the wrist but she performed an overhand chop to his forearm…a move she learned from her self-defense class.

  I pump my fist. Damn right, girl. You show him!

  But now he’s on the loose and on the run.

  They give the coordinates and I realize it’s close. Really close.

  I’ve already memorized the streets in the area and know if he tries to exit the area he’ll likely take this route.

  I look in my rear view and see a body hobbling this way.

  The report updates that she also got a kick in.

  It’s him!

  All the coffee plus the adrenaline in my system kick in and I’m ready to take this guy down.


  I have to let him get closer so I can take him down quickly.


  I spring from my car and he sees me.

  He tries to turn and high tail it in the other direction but I’m way too fast.

  No way this guy is getting away from me.

  Less than five seconds later I dive all out. I hit him completely horizontally putting all my weight into his midsection bringing him down with me.

  I flip him and cuff him in under two seconds and then flip him again ov
er onto his back..


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