Risky Game

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Risky Game Page 10

by Tracy Solheim

“Beer?” Shay nearly choked. “Who said anything about beer?”

  Brody winked at her. “You can’t have pizza without beer. It’s sacrilege.”

  “Are we gonna have beer, too?” Maddox practically shrieked as he ran back in.

  “Root beer for you, little dude. Go ask Mrs. Elder what she wants on her pizza.”

  “Okay. But don’t give her any beer. It makes her burp somethin’ awful.” Maddox scooted back outside.

  Apparently, Brody was inviting the entire complex to his impromptu pizza party.

  “I fixed you a perfectly healthy meal. It’s in your refrigerator.”

  In two strides he was standing within arm’s length. “Yeah. But while I’m eating my nutritious meal, what would you be eating?”

  Shay refused to get sucked into his baby blues. “Probably a bowl of Cap’n Crunch.”

  Brody groaned, closing his eyes. “You’re killing me here, Shannon. God, I miss Cap’n Crunch.” His eyelids snapped open and his smile was wicked. “But I’ll have to sacrifice with pizza and beer. Just for you, I’ll make sure the beer is that low-carb crap.”

  “Fine. You go enjoy yourself. I need a shower and to study.”

  His nostrils flared at the mention of the shower. Shay sucked in a breath when he gently traced a finger beneath one of her eyes. “You’re exhausted. But you need to eat. Take your shower and I’ll bring the pizza back here. I promise I’ll have them out of here in an hour so you can study.”

  It was no wonder people never refused the man. The combination of his blue eyes and infectious smile did her in. “Sure. Whatever. Just make mine extra cheese.”

  It wasn’t until halfway through her shower that she realized Brody hadn’t said he’d be out of her apartment in an hour.

  • • •

  An hour later, Brody and Maddox were karate-chopping the pizza boxes into the recycling bin. Mrs. Elder had taken the baby, Anya, next door to get her ready for bed.

  “I can see why my son loves him,” Jackie said. “Brody is like a big kid.”

  Shay took another sip from the bottle of beer she’d been nursing. True to his word, Brody had bought a low-carb version, but he’d also only consumed half of his bottle. Despite his little fall off the diet wagon, he was still cautious about what he put into his body.

  She smiled at Jackie, who was watching their antics from the sofa while Shay sat in the chair next to her. “Yeah, but unlike Brody, your son will actually grow up one day.”

  “Oh, now, I don’t know, Shay,” Jackie said as she stood. “That boyfriend of yours may be a bit playful at times, but he’s a pretty sharp cookie. Not as smart as you, but most people aren’t. He does have a big heart. Mmm. And a mighty fine body, too,” she whispered with a wink.

  Shay coughed, nearly choking on her beer. It hadn’t occurred to her that Jackie would see the blog post. Surely, she didn’t think Brody was actually her boyfriend? Before she could correct her neighbor, Jackie was corralling Maddox for a bath.

  “Let’s go, son.”

  “Aww, five more minutes?”

  Brody scooped Maddox up off the floor. “No way, dude. You need to get that paint off your face before it becomes permanent.” He tickled Maddox’s belly and the boy shrieked with laughter. “Do what your Mom says or there’ll be no more football games for you.”

  Maddox squirmed out of Brody’s arms and headed for the adjoining door to his apartment. “No way! I’m taking a bath right now ’cause Troy said I could be a ball boy.”

  Jackie laughed. “Thank you, Brody. For everything.” Somehow, Shay didn’t think her neighbor was just talking about getting her son in the bathtub. “Tony and the rest of his unit appreciate that you’re thinking of them. Heck, I appreciate it.” She kissed Brody’s cheek before turning back to Shay and giving her another wink. “Night, Shay,” she practically sang as she pulled the door closed behind her.

  Brody flopped down on the sofa, his long legs dangling off the end.

  “What was that about?”

  He draped an arm over his eyes. “Nothing.”

  Shay wasn’t sure what peeved her more: his lack of response or the fact that he seemed disinclined to vacate the premises.

  “Clearly, it isn’t nothing or Jackie wouldn’t have mentioned it.” Jackie’s husband, Tony, was deployed in Afghanistan. Obviously, Brody had done something for the Army specialist. But the only information she could get out of Brody was a noncommittal grunt. After a few minutes, it seemed as though he’d fallen asleep.

  Too bad he tempted her even in slumber. She was sure she wouldn’t be able to study with him there. He was too much of a distraction to her already flustered body. Stretching out her bare foot, she nudged him on the shoulder. “Brody?”

  Lightening fast, his hand grabbed her ankle almost as if he were snaring a football out of the air. Her leg tingled where his fingers met her skin. Shay gasped, trying to yank her foot free, but it was no use.

  His blue eyes were open and they held that wicked glint again. “Give it up, Shannon. Once I catch a pass, I rarely drop it.”

  Her overly large foot seemed small in his long-fingered hand. Without taking his eyes from her face, he sensuously grazed the pad of his thumb along her arch. Shay gnawed on her bottom lip as heat swarmed to her lower extremities. Everything south of the border was beginning to throb as he stroked her foot more firmly.

  “You have beautiful feet,” he murmured.

  His words were so nonsensical that Shay thought she laughed. At least she tried to cover her moan of pleasure with what sounded like a laugh. Closing her eyes, she leaned back against the chair, her body aching. If it felt this good having Brody Janik rubbing one foot, what would it feel like to have his hands on the rest of her body? An uncontrollable shiver racked her whole being at the thought.

  “Give me your other foot, Shannon.”

  If she gave him her other foot, she was as good as giving him all of her. Quickly, she snatched her ankle back from his now relaxed grip and tucked both her feet under her bottom in the chair.

  “We already covered this yesterday,” she managed to croak out around the rapid pulse beating in her throat.

  He flung himself back on the sofa, slamming his arm back over his eyes. “You started it.”

  “You can’t stay here all night, Brody. I have to study.”

  “Give me a minute to digest my pizza.”

  Shay couldn’t figure out what annoyed her more: his frustrating behavior or her maddening desire for the man-child. Jumping to her feet, she stomped over to the small end table she used as a desk for her laptop. Brody showed no signs of leaving. There was no way she could concentrate with potent sex appeal soaking up all the air in her apartment. And, no way was she going to let him fall asleep on her sofa.

  “I have a plan to catch the snitch.”

  It worked like a charm. Brody opened his eyes. “Shannon, I told you to leave this to security. Donovan Carter used to be with NCIS. He knows what he’s doing.”

  “But he’s not going about it the right way.”

  With a heavy sigh, Brody raised himself to a seated position. Now she was getting somewhere.

  “I’m serious, Brody. Tracking down the IP address is useless. Whoever this blogger is, he or she isn’t stupid enough to leave a trace. If they were, the NFL would have found him or her already. We need to catch the person feeding the blogger info about the Blaze.”

  He stood up. Shay could tell by his body language he was exasperated. “And just how do you think you’re going to do that, Texas?”

  “Well, maybe we could plant something in your locker. Something so inflammatory that the snitch won’t be able to resist.” Shay was actually getting into the idea as she paced her small apartment.

  “Like what?” His tone indicated he was well past annoyed.

  Shannon gnawed on her lower lip
as Brody contemplated her, hands on his hips. His eyes were mere slits in his gorgeous face.

  “I haven’t figured that out yet. But it has to be something really good.” She paced another lap before stopping short in front of him, a gem of an idea popping into her head. “Do you have any sex toys?”

  The look on Brody’s face could almost be construed as comical. “What? Hell no!” He stammered. “I don’t need any toys.” His jaw was like granite as he waved a finger in her face. “And believe me, the women I’ve been with don’t need toys either.”

  Shannon rolled her eyes. She should have known he’d start stomping around like a gelded stallion on her. Heck, it wasn’t like she was questioning Brody’s ability to perform—on or off the field. But her plan had merit and it just might work. All she had to do was narrow down who has access to the locker room and eliminate suspects.

  “I guess I could order one online,” she said, thinking through her strategy out loud.

  “Like hell you will,” Brody blustered. “It’s a stupid plan and it won’t work. Not to mention it’s totally embarrassing to have something like . . . that in my locker.”

  “That would be the point, Brody. We need something pretty dramatic.”

  Brody narrowed his eyes at her. “Forget about it, Shannon. I’m not going to do it.”

  She contemplated him with a measuring glance. “Fine. I’ll do it.”

  “I said no!” Gone was the playful man-child. Brody had transformed into full alpha male on her in two minutes flat.

  “Look,” Shannon said. “The snitch needs to be caught. We can rule out players and coaches or anyone within the organization who doesn’t need money. But it has to be someone with easy access to the locker room, so it’s definitely a person associated with the team. Do you want to catch this person or not?”

  Brody scrubbed a hand down his face. “Yeah, I want the snitch caught.”

  “So you’ll do it?”

  “Damn it, Shannon. Can’t you leave the detective work to the professionals?”

  “No. And admit it, my logic is correct. Whoever is doing this is doing it for the money.”

  “Which brings us right back to you, as the prime suspect.”

  Shay felt the wind leave her sails. Was this man never going to believe her? But she wasn’t giving up that easily. Not when she had her innocence to prove.

  Crossing her arms over her chest, she went toe-to-toe with Brody. “I don’t need your help with this. I can do this on my own.”

  He grabbed her by the shoulders, gently shaking her. “Damn it, Shannon, don’t you ever do what anyone tells you to do?”

  She jerked her chin higher. Brody’s blue eyes glared at her as his fingers massaged her shoulders. As her limbs started relaxing beneath his hold, she felt her eyelids drifting shut.

  “No chasing after the snitch,” he demanded softly. “No sex toys. No phone sex.”

  Shay’s lids snapped open. “Phone sex? Who said anything about phone sex?” The mere words sent titillating spikes of heat to her girl parts.

  Brody released her with a jerk, his face a picture of bewilderment and embarrassment. “Jesus,” he muttered as he took a big step back. “Forget it. That’s not what I meant. You just had me all fired up, that’s all.” He shoved his fingers through his hair.

  “Maybe you should call a nine hundred number or something.” Shay tried not to sound too disappointed at the possibility of him chatting up another woman about sex.

  He snatched his sweatshirt off the sofa. “I don’t need a nine hundred number. What I need is a full-service girlfriend.”

  “Fine,” Shay said, wrapping her arms around her body to keep it from trembling. “End our agreement and go out and get yourself one.”

  He stood stone-faced, staring at her, and Shay realized that even though he’d blackmailed her into it, she’d be disappointed if their arrangement ended. She tried to tell herself it was because of her research, but she knew that was a lie. The sexy man filling the space of her small apartment excited her and she reveled in being needed by such a man, even if it was just for food.

  Brody finally broke the charged silence. “No. This whole thing was my idea. It’s working out—most of it anyway. This is the last year in my contract and I need to put up stellar numbers. For that, I need my blood sugar staying level. So our little agreement stands. We just need to set a few more ground rules.”

  Shay arched an eyebrow at him.

  “No more touching and no more sex talk.”

  Dropping her hands to her side in exasperation, Shay opened her mouth to remind him that he was the one who’d been initiating their kisses.

  “Whoa there, Texas. You started it tonight. Both times,” he said as if he’d read her thoughts.

  She slammed her mouth closed in embarrassment.

  “I came by to tell you that I’ll be in Boston all day tomorrow. I have the meal plan you left for me. If I have to deviate, I’ll text you with what’s available so you can advise me.” He headed for the door. “And Shannon, no more playing Nancy Drew. Leave the investigating to the professionals. I’ll touch base when I get back. Until then, behave.”

  He was out the door before she could get out a retort about his heavy-handedness. Brody Janik may be blackmailing her into doing his bidding but he was most definitely not the boss of her. Still, when he’d been giving his reasons why he wouldn’t break the arrangement, he hadn’t mentioned anything about not trusting her any longer. A little bloom of happiness started to unfurl in Shay’s belly. She allowed herself to enjoy the glow for a moment. Reality would set in soon enough.


  The season is heating up, ladies. And so are your favorite men of the gridiron. Several Miami players were caught sizzling after dark with a trio of exotic dancers early this morning. According to sources, the guys were working on their “footwork.” No word on whether this extra training was sanctioned by their position coaches or not.

  In Denver, a few wide receivers are not only tearing it up on the field, but they’re tearing up speeding tickets as well. Rumor has it that Denver’s Finest will look the other way in exchange for a few choice seats to a home game. Too bad all police don’t operate on the barter system.

  Things are noticeably quiet with the WAGs (wives and girlfriends) in the league. Even our favorite Blaze tight end has managed to keep his romantic escapades from reaching our ears. Of course, that’s probably because his current piece of arm candy isn’t very tasty. But we’re hearing some whispers of big news coming out of Minnesota concerning one player’s love interest. Keep watching this space for details.


  “I worry about you, sweetie.” Her mama’s voice sounded pensive on the other end of the phone. “You work so hard. You must be exhausted. Are you takin’ care of yourself?”

  “I’m fine, Mama.” Shay stirred some honey into her tea. “And I’m not working any harder than you do.”

  It was a sad state of affairs that most of her conversations with Mama took place during the Late Show with David Letterman. Both mother and daughter typically burned the candle at both ends.

  June Dowling Everett hadn’t been prepared for life as a struggling businesswoman. The former beauty pageant contestant had grown up the pampered daughter of the mayor of Lake Hamilton, Texas, and a former first runner-up for Miss Texas. Shay’s paternal grandmother, Meemaw, used to say that with those bloodlines, it was a wonder that only one of her granddaughters had a lick of beauty.

  When June’s parents were killed in a tragic boat accident, the eighteen-year-old dropped out of college and quickly married the small town’s favorite son, rodeo rider Dusty Everett. The two led a charmed life for nearly twelve years. They enjoyed minor celebrity status in Lake Hamilton, as the small town morphed into a sleepy east Dallas suburb. Dusty traveled the rodeo circuit eight months o
ut of the year while his pretty wife and twin daughters held down the home front.

  The fairy tale ended when Shay and her sister were ten and their daddy suffered a debilitating brain trauma resulting from the strike of a horse’s hoof to his head. Dusty’s injury not only brought with it major medical expenses, but a few secrets as well. One of them an eighteen-month-old son he’d been hiding in Oklahoma.

  Instead of crumbling beneath the shame of her husband’s infidelity and an onslaught of debt—including child support for her husband’s son—the thirty-year-old June took the bull by the horns and faced the situation head on. She’d figured out a way to make the money she needed to provide for her daughters, care for her husband and honor his debts by building up her hair salon business from the sunporch of their home to a three-thousand-square-foot facility that housed twelve stylists. Shay was proud of her mama and how she’d taken on such responsibility. It was June’s work ethic that she emulated.

  “I just wish you didn’t have to accept that job.” The regret in her mama’s voice was palpable. “I know you’re doing it to help me, but your Meemaw is unforgivable in her meddling.”

  Shay knew Mama’s greatest regret in the whole unfortunate situation with her father was that she’d been forced to move her mother-in-law into their house to care for her husband and daughters. Meddling wasn’t strong enough of a word to describe Shay’s narcissistic grandmother.

  “It’s a federal job, with great pay and benefits. In this economy, I’m lucky to find a job at all.” If she kept repeating it, maybe she’d believe it. “Besides, we agreed the only way to secure the loan to make the rest of the childcare payments is with my income.”

  “You’ll be running a kitchen in a prison!” Mama’s voice was tinged with despondency.

  Shay tried not to cringe at the thought. “Yeah, I know, but it’s only for a year and I’ll be at home. It’s been so long since I’ve lived with you and Daddy. How is he?” she asked softly. The subject of her father was still a tender one fourteen years later.

  “The same,” her mama said with resignation. The state had deemed Daddy fit to live at home as long as someone watched him every day. Meemaw cared for him just as she’d done when he was a little boy, dressing him, feeding him, and changing his diaper. Daddy wasn’t bedridden, just unresponsive. Mostly he just sat and watched television or stared out the window. It didn’t seem fair that Mama had to be burdened with him, but a private facility was out of the question both because it was too expensive and Meemaw wouldn’t allow it. “Teryn was by last weekend and that always perks him up.”


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