Risky Game

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Risky Game Page 16

by Tracy Solheim

  Anxiety kept her on edge and she barely made it through dinner and dancing. She was surprised she could keep her nerves from showing as she danced with Brody’s father and his grandfather Gus, as well as his brother-in-law Skip, who spent the entire time apologizing profusely for his behavior the night before. Shay didn’t care if he meant it or not, she just wanted to get the evening over with.

  At long last, the newlyweds were headed to the honeymoon suite in a hotel in Burlington. The rest of the guests found their way to the various parlors while others meandered toward their guestrooms. The excuses he made to his family were greeted with knowing grins and winks, as Brody practically tugged her up the stairs. A fire was glowing in the grate, its light illuminating the otherwise dark room. Shrugging out of his tuxedo jacket, he closed and locked the door. Suddenly, Shay’s knees were wobbly. Her breathing sounded loud in the small space. His hands spanned her waist as he pulled her closer.

  “Do you need a minute, or do I rip those granny panties off you right here?”

  Her fingers shook as they tugged on his bow tie. “Um, I’m not wearing granny panties. In fact, I’m not wearing panties at all. Just a thong. This dress is too clingy.”

  Brody’s nostrils flared and his eyes dilated slightly. “Jeez, Shannon. It’s a good thing you didn’t tell me that earlier or we would have never made it to the cutting of the cake.”

  She smiled to herself, his raspy voice steadying her hands as she pulled out the studs in his shirt. He wanted her. Even if it was only for one night. The power in that thought was fortifying.

  “Let me see,” he commanded.

  Placing the studs on the mantel, Shay took a step back, reaching behind her back to lower the dress’s zipper. The sides of fabric fell away, revealing her nude push-up bra and a matching thong. His wicked grin bolstered her even further as she let the dress drop to the floor. Brody hooked his fingers into the strings of her thong, drawing her hips flush with his. Shay heaved a sigh, her own fingers tightly gripping his shoulders as his arousal nudged up against the cleft in her thighs.

  Brody leaned forward and kissed the sensitive spot on her neck. “Oh yeah, Shannon, just like that,” he breathed in her ear as she shifted her pelvis against him. His fingers made quick work of her bra, drawing it down her arms to give his mouth better access. Bending her over his arm, he toyed with her nipple using his tongue. Her heart pounded in her ears when he took the nipple in his mouth, the heat of his kiss spreading across her chest. A slow fever began to burn low in her belly as he sucked and kissed her as if he couldn’t get enough. Want took over and her fingers tugged his shirt out of the waistband of his pants. Shay was desperate to feel his hot skin against hers, to spread her hands over the hard wall of muscle pressed up against her.

  “Brody,” she moaned as she pushed him back, pulling the shirt from his shoulders. His breathing became ragged as her hands explored the smooth sculpted skin on his chest. Leaning into the warmth of his body, she nuzzled his jaw and Brody let out a low growl, before finally taking her mouth in a ravenous kiss. Feverish now, she arched her naked breasts even closer. He groaned, angling his head as both of them nipped at each other’s lips hungrily. Somehow, Brody managed to maneuver their tangled bodies over to the bed. The backs of Shay’s legs brushed up against the comforter and he gently eased her torso down onto the silky quilt, leaving her legs dangling over the side. Shay whimpered as he broke their kiss. Kneeling between her legs, his mouth slowly explored the terrain of her body as her fingers fisted in his hair.

  “Shh.” She felt his smile against her skin. “We’ve got all night, Shannon. There’s no reason to rush this.”

  Restless desire hummed through her, making Shay impatient. They might have all night, but if it was going to be her only night with Brody, she wanted to make every moment count. His tongue found her navel and her body shuddered with anticipation. He hooked his fingers into the thong and began dragging it down her legs, his lips trailing hot kisses behind it.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he murmured. “I’ve been dreaming about these long legs wrapped around me for weeks now.”

  Satisfaction hummed through her along with a little unease, as she began to worry whether she’d measure up to his expectations. He flung the slip of lace onto the floor, hooking her leg over his shoulder as he licked his way back up. All of her anxieties were forgotten as he inserted a finger into the valley between her thighs and slowly stroked. Her eyelids drifted shut on a moan when his mouth joined his thrusting finger.

  Shay had never known such pleasure. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as she dragged her other leg over the bare skin of his back. He licked her to oblivion, until bright lights formed behind her eyelids and she released a breathy scream of utter satisfaction, her body convulsing beneath his mouth.

  A flush heated her skin, as much from fulfillment as embarrassment at her unabashed outburst. Brody grinned that wicked smile as he slowly crawled up her body. He was still wearing his pants and Shay’s fingers began tugging at the waistband.

  “God, Shannon, you’re amazing. I’ve never been so turned on watching a woman come like that.” His words were raspy as he nibbled on her shoulder. “It was almost as if that were your first time.”

  “It was,” she breathed, her body and mind still in the euphoria of her climax. “That was amazing.”

  Brody’s mouth stilled and he pushed up onto straight arms to look down at her, his eyes quizzical. “First time that way or . . .” He left the question hanging in the air as the fire crackled behind him and the moment of truth crackled between them.

  Coherent thought still hadn’t penetrated her sated state because, as usual, the words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. “First time for all of it. I’ve never had any kind of sex before.”

  • • •

  Brody’s breath seized in his lungs. He felt like he’d been tackled on the goal line, the ball knocked from his hands. During a blizzard. The look in Shannon’s glazed eyes was hard to discern. The passion was still there, along with a good dose of uncertainty and maybe some alarm, he wasn’t sure. He was getting a little panicked at his own body’s reaction to her pronouncement.

  “Never?” he asked, sounding a lot like he’d taken a kick to the head.

  She chewed on her bottom lip, swollen from where his own mouth had nibbled on it. A tear leaked out of her eye as she shook her head slowly from side to side. Her fingers, still tucked just inside the waistband of his pants, weren’t as warm as they had been a moment before.

  “I need a minute.” The roaring in his ears was deafening as he rolled off her and onto his back. Shannon snatched her hands back in an effort to cover herself. He wanted to cover her with his own body, but he couldn’t move. Even worse, he had no idea why he was reacting this way. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t ever been with a virgin before. Sure, it had been way back in high school and maybe college, but, hell, Shannon certainly wasn’t acting like she had any reservations. Still, he asked anyway.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  With a gulping sob, she was off the bed and headed to the bathroom. Brody was momentarily distracted by the sight of her nicely rounded ass before the door slammed shut and both Shannon and her booty were locked in the bathroom. He swore, punctuating it with a fist to the mattress. Two minutes earlier he was hot and hard for a woman he’d been lusting after for weeks. Now, his body was practically limp, a novel situation for Brody.

  The sobbing from the bathroom roused him off the bed. He jiggled the door handle, even though he knew it was locked. “Shannon, it’s okay. I just needed a minute.” Which was a lie judging by the inattentiveness in his groin.

  “A minute for what, Brody? To decide I wasn’t what you expected?” She cried through the door. “What you wanted!”

  “No! Hell, no.” He told himself that wasn’t a lie. “I just needed a minute for you to decide if thi
s is was what you really want.”

  “What part of me being buck naked gave you the clue I was undecided?” Her accent became more pronounced the angrier she got.

  Brody plowed his fingers through his hair in exasperation. “I just meant that it’s a big step. You’ve obviously waited this long—”

  “Oh. My. Stars! Do you think I wanted to wait this long? Did you think I was holding out for you?” Judging by her tone, she’d reached a stage of near hysteria, the scorn in her words causing him to flinch. “I seriously should have given it all to that frat boy after the Texas-Oklahoma game.”

  And just like that, certain parts of his anatomy were engaged again.

  “He was too drunk to care whether or not I was experienced,” she sputtered. “I could have gotten it over with and he would have passed out none the wiser.”

  “Like hell you would have!” he roared through the door. Suddenly, the thought of another man laying his hands—and any other part of his body—on Shannon made him insane. Taking a calming breath, Brody jiggled the doorknob again. “Shannon, come out here, so we can discuss this. We can still do this if you want. The night’s still young. We’ll take it nice and slow. I’ll do whatever you want.” His body was revving up at the thought. “Please.”

  The sound that traveled through the door was either a manic laugh or a sob, Brody couldn’t be sure. “No. You’ve had your chance. I’ll just have to find some willing prison guard or, better yet, a convict to perform the deed. I’m sure they won’t be repulsed by my inexperience.”

  The doorjamb splintered as Brody stormed into the bathroom. He’d never felt such rage in his life. “No fucking way!”

  Shannon cowered in the corner, one of the inn’s big fluffy towels wrapped around her. Eyes round with fear, the makeup Julianne had so artfully applied streaked down her face. For the first time, his Texas Amazon looked fragile, the pain in her eyes searing him to his soul. She’d always been so tough. It was one of the many things he admired about her: her strength and her work ethic. That she had chinks in her armor didn’t surprise him, but he wanted to strangle whoever had put them there. Hell, he wanted to kick his own ass for bringing her to this point tonight. Most of all, he wanted to hold her in his arms. Kiss her, sure. Make love to her, definitely. But he also wanted to wrap himself around her and shield her from any and all pain.

  “Shannon,” he croaked, taking a tentative step toward her.

  “Go away, Brody,” she cried, wielding a flatiron she’d grabbed from the vanity. “This was a mistake. All of it. I never should have come here pretending to be what I’m not. What I’ll never be. Get out or I’ll tell your whole family about your stupid blood sugar. I don’t care what you can do to Mama. She wouldn’t want me to go through this.”

  Brody looked from her wild eyes to the busted door. He swore again and Shannon hissed. Putting his hands up, he backed out of the bathroom. “I don’t want to leave you here alone, Shannon. Not like this.”


  He snatched his shirt off the floor and pulled it on. Shoving his arms into his tuxedo jacket, he almost laughed at the fact he’d been so focused on getting her into bed, he still had his shoes on. Hesitating at the door, he glanced back over his shoulder. Shannon hadn’t moved. “You’re sure you’ll be okay?” he asked.

  She nodded fiercely, pointing the flatiron at the door. He quietly slipped out of the room, sheer willpower keeping him from slamming the door instead. Thankfully, the hallway was empty. Taking in a deep breath, he leaned up against the wall and wondered if the better question was whether he was going to be okay.

  Brody made his way to one of the unpopulated common rooms of the inn. Gravitating to a dark corner, he slid into a chair by the fire, hoping no one would wander out of the music room where his parent’s friends were engaged in a noisy sing-along. With an explosive sigh, he dropped his head into his hands.

  “Wow, Brody, is that the sound of a crash and burn I hear?”

  Bridgett’s voice was like fingers on a chalkboard. Brody sprung from his chair, realizing only too late that he had nowhere to escape to.

  Slumping back down, he spied his sister sitting serenely behind him in a large wing chair, her stocking feet tucked beside her, an e-reader in her lap, and a glass of Baileys Irish Cream on the end table.

  “What? Are you a vampire now, hanging out in the dark waiting for your next victim?” he asked, not bothering to filter the anger from his voice.

  “Interesting.” She closed her tablet, leaning forward to study Brody. “By the way you two skipped out of here a while ago, I’d have thought we wouldn’t see you for days. Yet here you are looking very . . . unsatisfied. What gives?”

  “Damn it, Bridgett, go find someone else to cross-examine. It’s none of your business.”

  “I’m still going with the theory that there’s more to you two than what you want us to think. I’ve said it before, she’s not your usual type. She’s naturally pretty, even though she does her best to downplay it. And crazy smart, which most people would think might intimidate you, but I happen to know you’re pretty smart, too. Not to mention that when you two look at one another, the heat is enough to melt the wax off the floor. But, something’s not right. I know one or both of you are hiding something. I just haven’t figured out which one. Yet.”

  There was a reason his sister was the youngest partner ever in her law firm, but Brody really didn’t feel like dealing with Bridgett’s inquisitive badgering tonight. “Give it a rest, okay, Bridgett.”

  She had the nerve to smile. “Hitting too close to home, am I?”

  Brody charged out of the chair toward the fireplace, resting his hands on the mantel. “Since when do you care who I date, Bridgett?”

  “Since you started caring who you dated, Brody.”

  He glanced sharply over his shoulder at his sister. Damn her for being so intuitive. Rationalizing that it was better not to give her any more ammunition in her quest, he kept his mouth shut, turning back to stare at the flames in the hearth.

  Bridgett sighed. “You’ll eventually tell me.”

  Brody scoffed.

  “Because I’m your favorite sister.”

  He couldn’t help but laugh, especially at her smug tone.

  “Admit it. I am. I’m the only one in this family who doesn’t treat you like a prince and you like that.”

  “Nope, I love being a prince.” Of course, his sister was right. Of all the women in his family, Bridgett was the one he gravitated to the most. Like him, she was driven, more goal oriented and independent than their other siblings. Growing up, Bridgett was the sister he ran to when he needed guidance or when he was in trouble. She was solid in a crisis and relentless as a bulldog when she wanted the truth. He needed to steer the conversation into more nebulous waters.

  Resting his shoulder against the mantel, he studied his sister. She was beautiful, with the elegance of a 1950s movie star. And yet, at thirty-three she was sitting alone in a romantic inn with only her e-reader as a companion.

  “Are you happy, Bridgett?”

  His question seemed to catch his sister off guard. “Are you happy, Brody?”

  “Damn it, stop being a litigator and answer the freakin’ question!”

  Unease unfurled in his belly at the look of despondency that quickly passed over her face before she hid it behind her mask of elegance. Was his sister covering up some deep pain or trauma? Had she ever been reduced to cowering in the corner of a bathroom as a man stripped her of her dignity, her pride, her courage? What had it cost her to rise so quickly in her career? Suddenly, Brody felt like a dick for asking the question at all. Apparently, his insensitivity with women had no bounds tonight.

  As usual, Bridgett was careful assembling her answer. “Well, I have a career where people respect me. I’m financially independent, which translates to a fabulous wardrobe. I’m in great healt
h. I have a solid, if not annoying, family. And, I’m not married to someone like Skip. So yes, I’d say I’m pretty happy.”

  Brody grinned at his sister’s response, but he was still troubled by the brief glimpse of pain he’d seen on her face.

  “Now your turn, Brody. Are you happy?”

  He resorted to his own comfortable mask. “I play professional football for lots of money. I drive fast cars. Women throw themselves at me. What’s not to be happy about?”

  “God, we sound plastic,” she said and they both laughed.

  “Did you ever want to do something else with your life?”

  “Not if it means marrying someone like Skip.” She evaded his question with a quip before taking a sip of her Baileys. “Don’t tell me you pine for some life other than a superstar athlete, Brody?”

  He was silent for a moment, realizing how silly his doubts were, even in the quiet darkness of the room. “I don’t know. I think I’m just tired of people’s expectations, you know?”

  “They expect too much?”

  Brody shook his head. “No, that I can handle. It’s the people who expect too little.”

  “Interesting,” his sister said in her most lawyerly voice. “You’re finally tired of being the pretty boy.”

  He shrugged, thinking it was a lot more than that, but he still couldn’t put it into words.

  “Brody, you’re twenty-seven years old. Fortunately, you have a few dollars in your pocket, so you can take your time figuring out what you want to be when you grow up. But you will figure it out. Give it time. You’ve still got football.”

  Yeah, but for how long? He wanted to scream.

  She stretched her long legs and stood. “In the meantime, I’m going to leave you to brood alone. If you’re going to sleep on the sofa, make sure you close the door so Mom doesn’t see you and cause a scene.”

  She stepped closer to the fire and Brody glimpsed something he couldn’t pin down on her face. Concern nipped at his belly again.


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