Splitting the Defense

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Splitting the Defense Page 17

by Amber Lynn

  “Are you wearing underwear?”

  The underlying issue seemed to be her frustration. Toby had plenty of his own pent up, but he could deal with it. It was hard to believe he was thinking about taking Jimmy’s advice, but for once his friend appeared to be right.

  Meredith looked confused for a second, but quickly shook her head. It wasn’t like whether she was wearing any would make a big difference. The lack of it just made his task easier.

  Before she could react, he closed his hands around her hips and lifted her up onto the counter. There was a startled gasp from within her chest that made Toby smile. He hadn’t had many chances to show off his strength.

  During the move, her dress had ridden up some, but not enough to give him full access to his goal. He used one arm to quickly push her back a little. She positioned her arms behind her to prop up her torso. It was the position he was hoping she’d mold into.

  Once that was set, he pulled her right leg away from her left, lifting her butt slightly off the counter so he could use his free hand to expose her mound. Licking his lips, he stared down at her offering. A part of him was surprised that his mountain woman was smooth. He preferred little hair for what he was about to do, but he had dreams of her being all natural.

  “I know you already know it, but I love you more than I can say in words, Meredith. You and the kids are my life now, and I don’t want you to forget that.”

  Not waiting for a response, Toby bent over and slid his tongue across her visibly wet slit. There was no denying how horny she was based on her juices. The tanginess of them hit his tongue and he lapped them up, sticking his tongue up into her to get more of them.

  Meredith moaned loudly. Her arms immediately gave way, causing her to lay back on the counter and writhe against it. Her thigh muscles tightened around his head as she pushed into his mouth.

  “Oh, god,” she panted as her breathing became erratic.

  Toby laughed against her skin, making her shiver it seemed as his warm breath hit her. Liking the reaction, he blew softly up her slit.

  “I didn’t think you were a religious person.”

  With his right hand, he pressed his thumb against her button. Not expecting the scream that ripped from her chest, he stopped moving instantly.

  It took a second, but Meredith eventually spoke. Her legs trembled, leaving Toby to try to figure out whether he’d hurt her or she’d just orgasmed. He’d expected to have to work a little harder to bring it out of her.

  “I was talking to you. Holy crap.”

  The panting came out so ragged that Toby worried she was going to hyperventilate. He wasn’t sure what to do. The plan was to have her up on the counter for a while, slowly drawing pleasure out of her. With every breath to her sensitive skin, her legs vibrated more around him, making it clear he’d already pushed her over the edge.

  A part of him felt like cock of the walk for making her cum in like two minutes, but he’d wanted to take a little longer. He hoped it was just a sign of her not being touched in almost a year. If that wasn’t the case, she was going to be exhausted by the time he got through, because two minutes wasn’t going to be enough.

  He went ahead and lapped his tongue at her a few more times. His breath had made her twitchy, but his tongue cleaning up the juices made a vice grip of her legs appear around his head. She bucked against him some more, a good sign that she’d be up for continuing their fun. At least that’s how he read it.

  When she was just slightly moist, instead of dripping, Toby pulled her off the counter and picked her up. Her legs quickly wrapped around his hips, pulling her mound right into his painfully hard penis. He moaned as his body ground against her.

  “The second we get to town, we’re stopping at the doctor’s so he can look you over. I’d like to get an idea of when I can finally get inside of you.”

  Toby didn’t expect Meredith’s lips to descend on him. His face was covered with her juices and her scent was stuck in his nose. He would’ve warned her, but her tongue was in his mouth before he could.

  His head was hazy, not surprising with her scent clouding everything. He clearly didn’t need alcohol to impair him. It took him a second to realize one of her small hands had slipped between them, had already undone his button and had moved on to pulling his zipper down.

  He didn’t want to push her away, but he couldn’t let her clouded judgement lead them on any more than he could his own. He bit her tongue gently and reached between them to still her hand. It had to be one of the hardest things he’d ever done.

  Her pouting lips were easy to feel as she pulled her face away from his. Her eyes weren’t exactly focused, but he got the feeling she was trying to shoot fire out of them at him.

  “This isn’t the first time I’ve had a baby, Toby. I know when I can have sex again and I called to confirm a few days ago since it was a C-section this time. You don’t have to be gentle.”

  Toby groaned. He trusted Meredith, which he was afraid may come back to bite him at some point.

  “You’re sure?”

  Meredith’s head barely nodded before he let go of her hand and let her finish unleashing him from his pants. Once they were loose, he pushed them and his boxers down enough that he was totally out in the open. He wanted nothing more than to drive up into her without any restraint, but he managed to position her and let her slowly envelope him.

  His eyes drifted shut and he bit his lip hard. Her warmth around him made him want to unleash everything he had inside of him. Cumming in less than thirty seconds seemed like bad form, so he gathered whatever strength he could as he let her start up a slow pace.

  She used her arms around his neck to pull up and slide back down. When she got close to the bottom of him, he thrust up into her. Her moans were almost as intoxicating as her wrapped around him.

  Time played out, with Toby having no idea how much of it went by as she ministered over him. At one point, he’d bent down and started sucking and biting on her neck. He’d gotten tired of biting his lip, and she tasted so good.

  “I’m going to cum,” he managed to whisper before he got to the point coherency left the building.


  Toby had meant it as a warning that she should dismount. There wasn’t a condom between them, and Meredith had already proven she was capable of having kids. When her legs wrapped tighter around him and she picked up the pace, it was pretty clear she’d already picked out where he was shooting his load. Right into her womb. He pictured his sperm attacking one of her eggs, and that was all it took.

  “Marry me,” he whispered as he filled her up.

  Meredith had bit down on his shoulder as she started vibrating around him. She wasn’t in a position to answer his request, but eventually he hoped she’d agree. He had no doubt that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, something he’d known for a while.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  “Mommy, wake up.”

  Meredith heard Caleb’s voice, but it sounded like it was in a tunnel. She closed her eyes tightly and then let them open a fraction of an inch. She was so tired, and it felt like there was a two-by-four laying across her.

  “What is it, honey?”

  Before she answered, she listened for Grace’s crying, but the room was silent. Caleb usually found something to play with until she woke up unless Grace needed her. Since he was waking her up, she instantly worried he was hurt.

  “I’ll go grab the baby. Why don’t you come help me, Caleb?”

  The bed shifted and the previous night started flashing in Meredith’s mind. Her temperature rose as she thought of all the different ways Toby had touched her. Things hadn’t stopped in the kitchen. Toby had carried her to his room, with him still inside of her. She was surprised she hadn’t woken up in that same condition.

  “You might want to grab a shirt from the closet. I’m not sure where your dress got to.”

  Toby leaned over and whispered in her ear. Kissing her cheek, she felt what she�
�d thought was the two-by-four lift off her. A chill instantly crept through her as Toby shifted out of bed.

  Caleb giggled, causing Meredith’s eyes to open a little further. His eyes were focused on the other side of the bed.

  “You’re naked.”

  Meredith rolled over and saw the evidence of her fingernails still running down Toby’s back. She didn’t remember digging in that deep, so she had to believe he had sensitive skin. He somehow used his feet to flick his boxers up in the air to grab them. Meredith didn’t doubt the move was something Caleb would soon be practicing.

  “Nothing gets by you, Caleb.”

  Toby pulled his black boxers on and walked around the bed to rub his hand over Caleb’s already messy hair. The boy pretended to take issue with the move and waved his hands around, trying to knock Toby’s arm away.

  “Your mom’s been thinking about getting a new bed for back home, and since mine’s different than the one in the room you’re staying, I asked her to sleep in her last night. I didn’t know it’d be like sleeping with a furnace.”

  Caleb laughed again as Toby picked him up and propped him on his hip, kissing the top of his head. Meredith couldn’t help but think it was only a week ago that she’d thought pushing Toby out of her life was the right move. Not only was she learning she didn’t want to live without him, Caleb deserved to have the kind of father figure Toby could be. That he’d already proven he would be.

  “She’s a blanket hog too. I’m surprised you got any covers at all.”

  “Hey,” Meredith said to defend herself.

  She scooted up a little so she had her back against the headboard, making sure to bring the covers she was just accused of stealing with her. Toby had suggested she grab a shirt once they left the room, but if she needed to nurse Grace, a shirt would only get in the way. She’d learned how her clothing choices made breastfeeding a task the night before when she had to run to the bathroom and try to wrangle a breast out of the tight fabric.

  “I snuggled with her, so she couldn’t steal them. What do you say we go get Grace and get her breakfast? I bet you’d like to eat something too. I think I’ve got a box of cereal with your name on it.”

  “She needs her diaper changed. I wanted to help, but I couldn’t get her out of her bassinet to change it. She stinks.”

  Caleb made a face that illustrated how ripe he thought his sister’s diaper smelled. Meredith could picture him trying to help get Grace ready for the day.

  “Well, I can take care of that. You relax and get ready to feed your daughter.”

  Toby leaned down and kissed Meredith on the lips. She’d expected a soft kiss on her head like he’d given Caleb. They hadn’t purposefully hid kisses from him, but he’d also never been right there for the act.

  “Thank you,” she whispered as he pulled away.

  She was quiet enough that she wasn’t sure he heard him. A quick wink let her know he had.

  “We’ll be right back.”

  As soon as they left the room, Meredith was quick to take stock of things. Her immediate thought was that she could’ve slept for at least a day. Not every part of her was sore, but the parts that weren’t were more than likely still numb.

  The pain was one of the sweetest things Meredith had ever felt. She’d known things were going to be different with Toby, but she couldn’t have dreamed he’d make her feel so alive. Concentrating on anything other than what his hands felt on her was going to make it tough to get through the day.

  Not only did she have to deal with the feeling his touch left behind. His words left a mark too. She pretended she didn’t hear them. He’d said them when his mind was sort of occupied, so she didn’t know whether he’d really asked her to marry him. It could’ve just been something he blurted out in the heat of passion.

  He’d said he loved her too, not just written it on a piece of paper for her to find. There was a little leap from officially saying he loved her and asking her to marry him. The two probably weren’t meant to happen the same night. Knowing that they were compatible in bed as well as life in general made her think that if he ever asked her, she’d probably say yes. Caleb already thought he was his new father and Meredith was borderline crazy about him.

  Before she could dwell on it long, Toby reappeared with a baby in his arms and a five-year-old in his underwear next to him. Meredith rubbed her eyes quickly to make sure it wasn’t a hallucination.

  “Apparently, it’s really hot in the house and Caleb here thought it’d feel better to take his jammies off.”

  “Did you now?” Meredith asked as she stared at her son.

  She supposed she had to be thankful he didn’t decide to go totally nude. He’d never had a stage where stripping was all he could think about, and she hoped she could prevent it from becoming a thing. There was a time when she wished he’d be that carefree, but on the brink of it happening, she took back that idea.

  “He sure did. I told him I’ll adjust the thermostat and maybe we can go swimming a little later once we’re all moving around. I see you decided not to take my advice, so let’s get this little one settled for some breakfast and I’ll find you something to wear.”

  The distance from the door to the bed was nothing with Toby’s long legs. Caleb had a rough time keeping up with him, but he tried to mimic the man’s pace.

  Meredith accepted the baby and moved the sheet covering her chest down so Grace could latch on. She was surprised to find the baby in a onesie, not just a diaper.

  “Help me,” Caleb said, reaching his arms in the air.

  Toby’s bed was higher than the bed in the other room, so Caleb couldn’t climb on it by himself. Toby was quick to throw him in the air and catch him before putting him in the middle of the bed next to Meredith.

  “So, other than some breakfast and a swim, what’s on the agenda for today?” Toby asked.


  Caleb was quick to decree. They’d gone to the track twice in a week. That was Meredith’s limit. The enjoyment it brought her son was one thing, but the noise was a little more than she liked to sit through for hours.

  “Maybe another day, sweetie. Grandma and Grandpa are planning a big party tonight for us. Grandma said we should show up around three to help make sure everything gets set up. That means we’ve got to find you something nice to wear and get you a haircut.”

  Watching Toby mess up his hair had reminded her that he was ready for a trim. The party wasn’t her idea of fun, but she felt she owed it to her mom to show up. Even though her parents knew where she was, they’d put their social life on hold. Supposedly, other than corporate functions, they’d been shut-ins.

  Meredith thought it was stupid, and kind of hard to believe, but her mother was all about appearances. That meant she couldn’t look like she was having lavish parties when the world thought her daughter was missing. The police evidently knew she’d run away, or at least were clued in on the reasons why she left, but the world thought she was simply missing. Her mother went on television each year in hope that Meredith would see her and give her parents another chance.

  The full story of what happened after she left was something that Meredith doubted she’d ever understand. She was lucky no one in Keene ever saw the programs her mother did. There was a million-dollar reward always mentioned that anyone in town would’ve turned her in for.

  “What kinda party? Are they gonna have cake?”

  Caleb didn’t sound thrilled about the idea. He’d never been to anything more than a kid in town’s birthday party. He was in store for a big surprise when it came to the parties he was used to and the one they were going to.

  “If you ask me, the fact that you have to get a haircut to go to this party means there’s going to be cake involved.”

  Toby sounded positive as he came out of his closet with a white button-down shirt in his hand. He’d apparently decided it wasn’t too warm in the house for him to put on a pair of jeans. They hung low on his hips, revealing the trail of h
air that went up the center of his stomach to his chest.

  “I’ll call and make sure there’s cake involved. I told them to keep it as low-key as they could, but I imagine there’s going to be a few dozen people. You’re going with us, right?”

  Toby knew about the party, but Meredith hadn’t official requested he make an appearance. He seemed to like to be wherever she was, so she assumed he’d be there.

  “I’m still confused about why your mom let things get out of hand and how she smoothed everything out, but since I’m driving you there, I think it’s only right that I stop in for at least a few minutes.”

  “We share that first sentiment. What would you guys say to going home early, maybe Saturday?”

  Meredith’s suggestion was three days away. Toby claimed his work business was handled. Whatever dotted lines needed to be signed were done and he was officially bought out. He hadn’t really shown any emotion about the fact, which worried her a little. Every time she brought it up, he waved it off, like the end of his career was no big deal.

  Toby put the shirt in Meredith’s lap and then climbed into bed with them. He could’ve gone around the bed but decided the quickest way to tickling Caleb was through her.

  “Stop,” Caleb giggled as Toby attacked him.

  “I thought you told me you weren’t ticklish.”

  The proof that Toby’s statement was wrong went on for a few more moments, up until the point Caleb’s legs got a little too wild. Once the legs got too close to Meredith, Toby caught them and stopped the fun.

  “I’m not ticklish,” Caleb insisted.

  “I can see that. What’s your answer to your mom’s question? You ready to go home?”

  Grace had stopped feeding, so Meredith maneuvered her up to her shoulder so she could burp her. She had no idea what time it was, but they needed to get on with the day if they were ever going to make it to her parents’ home on time.

  Looking down at Caleb, she tried to watch for the same reluctance she’d been searching for the day before. Caleb’s smile from playing didn’t fade.


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