Aiden and Ky

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Aiden and Ky Page 5

by Allyson James

  And fucked was not a word Brianne d’Aroth was used to using. They were doing something to her, the pair of them.

  Mirth danced in Aiden’s eyes as though he knew what she’d just thought. The two of them had every intention of doing something to her, his look said.

  “Remove your clothes,” Ky said. “I’m losing patience.”

  “I’d do it,” Aiden advised. He caressed the glass stopper of the bottle, finger moving lovingly around it.

  Her heart squeezed. “What if someone comes in?”

  “They won’t,” Aiden said. “This train is mostly empty, only a few hardy souls in the back who don’t look like they’ll move until the last stop. We’re alone.”

  Ky added in a soft voice, “If they do come in, what will they see? You naked for us?”

  Brianne blushed. She’d never been bare in front of anyone but her doctor, a middle-aged woman who saw the human body as a collection of biological components. Never in front of a man, or anyone who’d be interested in her in a sexual way. She didn’t know anyone interested in her in a sexual way.

  Ky took another step toward her. Brianne looked at his large hands and could almost hear the fabric of her robes tearing. She grasped the top clasp. “All right. I’m stripping.”

  She touched the catch that held her robes in place and the magnetic seals came apart. She wore no body monitors, having removed them and left them in her apartment. She’d left her pagers, too. She’d told her bodyguards that she would spend the rest of the afternoon and evening meditating and didn’t want to be disturbed.

  Everyone on her staff understood, thinking she needed to recover from her “ordeal”


  She’d come out here alone with no way for her bodyguards to find her.

  She had to be out of her mind.

  But they were Shareem. They could not harm her. Their programming made it so that they would do only what she wanted.

  In their own special way.

  The look on Ky’s face told her that he’d push the boundaries as far as possible, never technically violating his programming.


  Aiden and Ky

  Brianne’s heart beat swift and hard. She let her robes fall, catching them before they could touch the floor. Aiden took them from her, smoothing them over a seat. Beneath the robes Brianne wore a plain sleeveless tunic of costly fabric that skimmed her body.

  She sensed their pheromones rise as they looked at her. Ky had a definite bulge in the front of his leather leggings, and Aiden’s eyes were brilliant blue. Two Shareem males aroused.

  Because of her.

  It was exciting making men excited. Dranis had never been excited in his life.

  “Keep stripping,” Ky said.

  Brianne put her hand to the clasp at the back of her neck. “I am betrothed,” she said.

  Aiden smiled. “We know. We saw it on the digitals. You could have brought him along.”

  The idea of Dranis going anywhere near Shareem or having sexual thoughts at all made her snort with laughter. “That would never happen.”

  “He wouldn’t give you pleasure?” Aiden asked, sounding genuinely curious.

  “Not Dranis. I am not marrying for that.”

  “Why not?”

  “She’s highborn,” Ky said in disgust. “She’s the highest-born of all. They never marry because they like someone.”

  “I have to,” she flared. “I have to make this marriage. It’s expected of me.”

  “So you picked him out, why? Because he wouldn’t bother you too much?”

  “You know nothing about it.”

  “I know more than you think.”

  They stopped, Brianne breathing hard, Ky holding her gaze.

  “Leave her be, Ky,” Aiden said softly.

  To Brianne’s surprise, Ky shot Aiden a sideways look then nodded. Aiden caressed the bottle again and for some reason Brianne felt soothed, like he had stroked her skin.

  “Highborn women,” Ky said again though his voice was not as harsh. “You almost got Aiden terminated and you didn’t even know it.”

  “My bodyguards acted without my authority. They thought I was in danger.”

  “Good thing our friends found out,” Ky said. “Or you might have apologized to Aiden too late. I would have lost my best friend. Does that mean anything to you?”

  “Of course it does. I would have felt terrible. I already do feel terrible.”

  Ky shot Aiden an ironic look. “It would have upset her. Poor little thing.”

  “Ky,” Aiden said in a warning tone.

  Ky ignored him. “What are you going to do to make it up to us?”


  Allyson James

  “What do you want me to do? I am very wealthy as you keep pointing out. I can make a generous donation to anything you wish. I truly want to apologize.”

  “As if money could make up for it.”

  Aiden lifted his hand. “Hey, wait a minute. I like money.”

  Ky reached into a pocket and pulled out what looked like short strips of leather attached to a handle. Her eyes widened. “What is that?”

  “A flogger. Are you brave enough to take it?”

  She kept her gaze fixed on the leather. “To take what?”

  “Your punishment. You said you wanted to make it up to us.”

  “And that will clear things between us?”

  “It will be a start,” Ky said.

  The blue in Aiden’s eyes had widened again, and Brianne felt a strange lassitude come over her. They truly had suffered, and she should have been more observant about what her bodyguards were up to. It had been her responsibility. If it made them happy to have Ky spank her with the flogger, then…

  She swallowed. Spank. Flogger. Oh gods.

  Ky sent her a small smile. “Are you brave enough, little princess?”

  “I’m not a princess.”

  “You are in everything but name. Pampered, spoiled, highborn, hiding behind shielded walls. Can you take a Shareem?”

  “Of course I can.” Lassitude, excitement, worry and need rolled together to make her shake.

  “Can you? Show me.”

  He didn’t believe her. Ky expected her to cry off, to tell them to stop, to snatch up her robes and run to the back of the train where other passengers lingered. He had brought her here fully believing she’d never go through with it. His half-smile told her so.

  Enraged, she grabbed clasp at the back of her tunic and wrenched it open. The tunic unfastened automatically and she pulled it off along with her underwear. She did it quickly, nearly ripping the garments in the process. He thought she was afraid, did he?

  A weak highborn woman too timid to strip in front of a Shareem, too weak to take the attentions of a level three?

  She was completely naked before she realized what she’d done.

  Aiden roved his gaze up and down her body, his face still. “Now that is perfection.”

  Cool air touched her skin and her clit began to tingle. The sun had gone, the sky darkening, streaked with burning pink.

  She was naked in a train. In front of two Shareem.

  Ky didn’t waste time admiring her. “Turn around and put your hands on that pole.” He indicated a vertical pole attached to the end of a seat. “Above your head.”


  Aiden and Ky

  Brianne obeyed. She’d kept her shoes on, soft embroidered slippers made for an afternoon’s meditation. They made no noise as she walked over to the pole. Drawing a breath she grasped the cold metal, her arms reaching high.

  She felt them behind her even as her fingers closed around the hard pole. Ky in cool leather touched her on one side, Aiden in linen that smelled of male and scented oil touched her on the other.

  The strange relaxation she’d been feeling increased, making her limbs warm and loose, widening her mouth into a smile. Pheromones poured over her, making her nipples tighten and her quim wetter than she’d ever felt it.

bsp; Her smile turned to a gasp when Ky wrapped leather tethers around her wrists and secured them to the pole.

  She turned to him, eyes wide, but he did not look at her. His dark hair slid over his leather tunic, his eyes as intensely blue as Aiden’s.

  Aiden removed the stopper from his bottle, scenting the air with dark spice and flowers. “Do you like this one?” he asked. “I have others. This one seems to fit you.”

  The odor reminded her of the jasmine that flowered in her force-shielded garden as well as cinnamon and cardamom, expensive spices shipped in from off-planet.

  Cinnamon and cardamom were her favorites.

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  Aiden poured a stream of oil into his palm then eased the scented warmth onto her skin. A feeling of deep contentment mixed with excitement swirled through her.

  Aiden’s strong hands smoothed her shoulders and down her sides, then across her waist and upward to her breasts. His fingers slid over her nipples, teasing them into points.

  “You like this.” His breath touched her ear.

  Who wouldn’ t?

  “Oh yes.”

  “Enjoy it,” Ky said. He’d moved to her side again, leather brushing her skin. His eyes had filled with blue.

  He flicked his gaze to Aiden, and she thought she saw a brief spark of pain. He caught her focus on him and quickly masked his expression.

  “Why are you doing this?” she asked.

  “Because you had us arrested,” Ky answered at once.

  “And then you let us out,” Aiden said.

  “I couldn’t let you die,” Brianne babbled. “It wasn’t fair. You’re not animals.”

  “So many think we are.” Ky’s body brushed hers, his erection obvious.

  “I do not.”

  “She has a kind heart,” Aiden said. “I can feel it.” He pressed his hands under her breasts and laughed softly.


  Allyson James

  Ky slid a broad hand along her oiled belly and twined his fingers with Aiden’s. “It’s beating so fast.”

  “I can’t help it,” she breathed.

  “She likes when we both touch her, “Aiden said. “She likes two men.”

  Brianne gulped. “Two? I’ve never even been with one.”

  Their hands moved together over her breasts, Ky’s calloused and hard, Aiden’s strong but gentle. Heat pooled in her belly and between her legs, and she moved her hips, thrusting without knowing why.

  “I think she wants something,” Aiden said, chuckling.

  Without speaking, the two let their hands rove across the sensitive skin of her lower abdomen and brush the curls at her pussy. She pressed her hips forward, wanting to rub herself on their hands.

  “Lovely,” Aiden murmured.

  The scent of the oil and the touch of the Shareem made her lethargic. They were able to do that, she’d read, calm a woman with their touch. She certainly needed to be calmed. As the train swayed through the darkening desert, her heart beat rapidly and her body felt like fire.

  Their fingers tangled at the join of her legs, Ky’s touch rougher than Aiden’s. Touch me, touch me. Please don’ t stop touching me.

  “She’s going to come,” Ky’s voice held curiosity. “So soon.”

  “Do you want to come, Brianne?” Aiden whispered.

  “Yes.” She moved her hips. Last night, she’d climaxed for the first time since she’d made herself stop exploring herself under the bedclothes at the age of eighteen. Once again, she was at the breaking point, wanting, needing, to come.

  “Not until I allow it.” Ky’s mouth pressed her ear, his rough whiskers abrading her cheek. “You are not allowed to come until I give you permission.”

  She whimpered. She needed release. Her skin burned, her blood so hot.

  “Do you want to come?” Aiden asked again. His voice was soft, low, soothing.

  “Yes. Please.”

  “Not yet.” Ky’s voice was stern.

  “Oh gods.”

  She would die if they didn’t let her come. She moved her hips into their hands, rubbing hard. “Please, Ky. Please let me.”

  “You would disobey me?”

  Her heart gave a wild beat. Ky’s body was hard next to hers, his heat and scent spilling over her.

  “I have to come,” she whispered.

  “When you are with me, you obey me. If you don’t, I punish you.”


  Aiden and Ky


  “With a spanking,” Aiden said on her other side. They were so close their bodies touched, sandwiching her in. “Ky is very good at it.”

  “How do you know?” she asked, words slurring. “Has he spanked you?”

  Aiden stilled a moment, then he laughed. “No.”

  “Not yet,” Ky rumbled.

  Brianne looked up at him. His eyes were pure blue, skin flushed. He growled something, then pulled Aiden to him on the other side of the pole. Startled, Aiden nearly fell, then caught himself on the pole, biceps bulging.

  Ky kissed him. He kissed Aiden fiercely as Brianne watched, their hands still tight against her quim. Ky’s tongue thrust into Aiden’s mouth, firmly exploring.

  Brianne got lost in the pheromones rolling off the two Shareem. They swamped her senses and her knees began to buckle. Her quim swelled and tingled and she screamed with it. A dark wave swamped her as she came, bucking into their hands.

  Ky turned his head and transferred his kiss to her, his tongue prodding her lips open, invading her. Aiden joined him, his lips on Brianne’s mouth, his tongue tangling with Ky’s. The three-way kiss went on and on as though neither man could stop.

  She knew they could send chemicals into her body to induce excitement and lassitude. That could be the only explanation for why she licked and kissed them like she couldn’t get enough.

  When Aiden drew away, she tried to follow. “No.”

  Aiden chuckled. Ky broke the kiss and took a step back, taking away his delicious warmth.

  “You came,” he said, his breathing hard.

  Brianne’s own breath came in gasps and she stayed on her feet only because she was tied to the pole. “Yes. Thank you.”

  “Without my permission.”

  Her heart raced. “I didn’t mean to.”

  Aiden shot her a smile. “Why not? You mean I’m losing my touch?”

  “No. Your—touch—is wonderful.”

  Ky leaned into her, his hard body a sudden menace. “You were supposed to wait for my permission.”

  “I couldn’t.” She gave him a defiant look. “You knew I wouldn’t be able to wait.”

  He pressed against her, leather covering her bare skin. “You knew I’d punish you.”

  She held her breath. He wouldn’t really. She was a d’Aroth, of the ruling family, and he was—less than human according to the Ministry of Non-Human Life Forms and most people on Bor Narga.


  Allyson James

  But she knew that in this train, right now, Ky didn’t give a damn who she was or how far above him she was on the social ladder. He was the Dom and she’d agreed to play by his rules.

  I don’ t understand his rules.

  “You have a choice.” Ky drew the handle of his flogger across her lips. The leather tasted salty and smelled of him. “You can prove to me you can take your punishment, or I can walk away.” He dragged his tongue around the swirl of her ear. “Maybe you can get free before the train stops.”

  Brianne tested her bonds. Aiden had not tied them tight enough to cut into her wrists, but enough that she could not loosen them. He’d known exactly how to do it.

  The train would stop, and there would be Brianne d’Aroth, naked and bound to a pole. What a lovely story that would make on a digital.

  She swallowed. “I can take it.”

  Aiden touched her back, his fingers calming. “Are you sure?”

  He sounded slightly worried, which worried her. She nodded, biting her lip.

Ky stepped behind her. She felt the loose, cool strands of the leather on her backside. “Get ready,” his breath warmed her ear.

  “I am—”

  Her words cut off at the cut and sting of the leather. Once, twice, three times. And then Aiden’s hand soothing away the hurt.

  She closed her eyes and let out a half groan. She’d always wondered why on earth a woman would let a man do this to her, but she hadn’t understood the joy that would wrap her entire body, the pleasure of surrender.

  “Again,” she whispered.

  “Are you sure?” Ky’s voice held a note of surprise.

  “Very sure.” She dragged open her eyes and looked up at him. “Please.”

  His eyes flickered. Aiden’s hand on her backside smoothed and soothed and felt so good.

  Ky gave Aiden a curt nod, and Aiden took a step back. The flogger stung across her backside and hips, slap, sting, slap, sting. She could almost taste the Shareem chemicals in the air, pouring excitement and happiness over her until her knees started to buckle.

  Aiden held her up with one strong hand. The lash continued to flicker over her skin, stinging, but not too hard, wielded by Ky’s expert hand. Aiden caught some of the strokes on his thigh and arm, but he didn’t flinch. In fact, his flush deepened as he held her under her arms, fingertips stroking her flesh in calming circles.

  She had a sudden vision of Aiden stark naked and kneeling on a train seat while Ky spanked him with the flogger. His cock would stand out at a hard angle and he’d moan softly with pleasure.


  Aiden and Ky

  The vision triggered her release. Aiden, eyes filled with blue, thrust his large hand against her quim, rubbing and stroking as she came.

  As her last gasp died away, Ky stepped aside and folded up his flogger. Brianne rested her forehead against the pole, breathing hard, her body flooded with a joy she’d never felt before.

  Aiden stroked his hand through her hair, fingers soothing. He smelled warm and male, and she loved him standing so close. If Ky would close up on her other side like before, perhaps touching her as Aiden did, she’d be content.

  The train chose that moment to slow. Brianne made a sound of disappointment.

  “Almost there,” Ky said.

  He reached up and with a few twitches of his fingers, had her bonds undone. She gave him a look of surprise. The knots had been so tight and unmovable before.


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