Man Swappers

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Man Swappers Page 16

by Cairo

  His smile widens, revealing one dimple in his left cheek. I find myself even more turned on. He thanks her for the compliments.

  I laugh. “You know me so well. But you do have a beautiful voice.”

  She playfully rolls her eyes up in her head. “Whatever. Tell me anything. Annnnyway...Faraad, right?”

  He laughs. “Nah, Faruq.”

  “Oh, Farooook, okay. My bad. Soooo, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. Who you here with? Are you straight, gay, bi or one of them down-low niggas?”

  He laughs at her bluntness. “I see you go in real hard.”

  I shake my head, placing a hand over my face. “Ohmygod, I don’t believe you.”

  She shrugs. “What? I’m only asking. Well, are you?”

  He continues laughing. “Nah, it’s all good. Do you, ma. But to answer your questions, I’m here solo. That’s how I like to move. And I’m all hetero-man, baby. The only thing swinging low on me is my...” My mouth starts to water as he stops himself. Oh noooooooooooooo, don’t stop now! Say it, damn it! Saaaay it! Let me hear how low ya dick swings. “...Let me stop,” he continues, chuckling. “Tonight, I’m being a gentleman.”

  “Oh, don’t stop on my account,” she teases, twirling a lock of hair. Oh, this messy hooker is really gonna try ’n make a move on him right in my damn face, knowing he was sitting here talking to me, first. I decide to bow out gracefully, guzzling down the rest of my drink, then getting up from my seat. Okay, so I’m a little annoyed at her ass. I’ll get over it.

  “I’ll be back. I’m going to the ladies room.” He gets up and watches me walk off, then sits back down. As soon as I get into the bathroom, I pull out my phone and check my messages. I have two voice messages, and six text messages. I check my voice messages first, then respond to my text messages. My mother wants to know if I want to drive out to the outlets with her one day next week. Emerson calls. He wants to know if I can squeeze him in to do his taxes. I smile. Yeah, right. Taxes, my ass, I think, saving the message. He wants some more pussy. Five minutes later, I return to the table and Faruq is nowhere in sight. A part of me is disappointed. “Please don’t tell me you chased that fine-ass man away.” I am standing with my hands on my hips, squinting at her.

  “Oh, relax,” she says, waving me on. “He went to the bathroom. I thought you fell in, you were gone so damn long.” Of course she’s being sarcastic. I let it go over my head, asking her if she was able to weave her web around Faruq. “Girl, I was trying. Trust me. But he flat out told me he was interested in you. The whole time you were gone, he kept drilling me about you.”

  I’m surprised. Well, not really. I mean, why wouldn’t he be? But I’m shocked that he told her that. Angel doesn’t always do well with rejection. “Oh, and what did you have to say to him?” She tells me she told him she hoped he was enough man for me because I was a whole lot of woman. She gets up from her seat, gathering her bag. “Where are you off to?”

  “Girl, I’m ready to blow this joint. It’s getting late, and I have to get up early in the morning.” I laugh. “What’s so funny?”

  I shake my head, deciding to keep my comments to myself. But the truth of the matter is, since she couldn’t sink her claws into him, now she’s ready to go. If the shoe were on the other foot, she’d be trying to shut the place down. “Oh, nothing.”

  “Are you coming?” she asks as Faruq returns to the table. He stands next to me. Tall and sturdy, towering over me. “Never mind. I already know the answer.” I laugh as we hug. I tell her to travel safe and to text me the minute she walks through the door so that I know she made it home. “Don’t worry. I will.” She looks up at Faruq, extending her hand and smiling. “It was nice meeting you.”

  “Likewise,” he says.

  “Now let me see your driver’s license,” she snaps, eyeing him up and down. “In case you turn out to be a nut-case and try any slick shit on my girl, I need to know who I need to hunt down.” He laughs. She raises her brow with one hand on her hip, holding her other hand out. “I’m serious.” I shake my head, smiling. He pulls out his wallet and shows her his license. She makes a mental note of his full name and address, then hands it back to him. “Now, y’all have a good night. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” She tosses a wink my way, then flounces toward the door. Her ass bounces in her skirt with each step.

  Faruq turns his attention back to me. “Your girl is a real piece of work.”

  I smile. “That she is.”

  “I hope you’re not leaving, too.” I tell him I had planned to but was willing to stay a little longer. “Cool, ’cause I’d like to get you know you better.”

  And I’d like to fuck you. I smile wider, staring him up and down. Damn, he’s tall. “Well, I’ll stay under two conditions.”

  He seductively eyes me. “What’s that?”

  “You buy me another drink. And you dump the gentleman act. I’m not interested in being treated like a lady tonight.”

  “Oh, is that right?” he questions, sounding caught off-guard. “Well, tell me how you wanna be treated, baby. And you got it.”

  “I like the sound of that. Let’s sit, order drinks and I’ll tell you exactly how I want to be treated tonight.” He waits for me to sit, then he takes the seat next to me. I lean into him, whisper in his ear. “I’m into role-play. And tonight I want you to treat me like your pretty little slut. You think you can handle that, big daddy?”

  He grins. “Let’s do this then.”

  “How tall are you?” He tells me he’s six-five, two-hundred-and-twenty-five pounds and I begin to drool, soaking in every inch of him. I wonder how big his dick is. He reads my thoughts.

  This time he leans into me and whispers, “And I have a nine-inch cut dick that loves to nut.”

  And I have a fat, wet pussy that loves to get fucked. I smile, eyeing him lustfully. “I like the sound of that. You’re definitely my kind of man.”

  He grins, rubbing his chin. “Is that right?”

  I allow my eyes to roam over his thick neck and broad shoulders down to his muscled triceps and biceps. Talking to this nigga is making my pussy wetter by the minute. Inhaling his cologne, a bolt of electricity seemingly shoots through my clit. My sign, my cue: I need to get fucked. No explanation needed. FUCK me; that’s it. I drop my eyes down to his crotch, then discreetly slip my hand into his lap. I let my gaze and hand linger long enough to let him know what I’m most interested in.

  He doesn’t stop me. His erection begins to stir in his pants. “You like what you feel?” he asks, grinning.

  “I sure do. And I wanna feel it, too; every inch of it deep in my slutty pussy.” His cock is now rock hard. I whisper in his ear again. “You don’t know me. And I don’t know you. But I wanna fuck. Will you take me somewhere and fuck me good?”

  He nods. “Baby, as fine as you are, I’ll take you wherever you wanna go and fuck you with this hard-ass dick.” I massage the head of his dick. “Oh, shit, damn...“

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  “I thought you wanted another drink.”

  “Fuck a drink,” I say, squeezing him over his pants. “I want dick. I’ll drink you instead.”

  He laughs. “A woman who knows what she wants. I like. And there’s a lot of me to drink, baby. Believe that. But, uh...I can’t get up just yet.” He looks down in his lap. “You’ve awakened The Beast. And he’s hungry.” I laugh, removing my hand. “Give me a minute to put him back to sleep.”

  “You go on and put him back to sleep. But, be clear. Tonight he’s gonna get fed like he’s never been fed before.” I get up and toss a fifty down on the table. “Meet me outside when you get him calmed down.”



  Oooh, I’ma about to get me some Egyptian ding-a-ling. And I’ma fuck him straight back to the Motherland. I laugh to myself, thinking about Angel’s summation of the types of men there are. I wonder which type he is, then decide it doesn’t really matter. If he’s a lazy dick nigg
a, it’s fine by me. I have no problem getting on top and doing all the work. After all, I propositioned him. Then again, I think, glancing up at the sky. I stretch out my arms up over my head. Please let this man be a good fuck.

  Persia and Paris would have a field day with this fine-ass man, I muse, watching as he struts out of the restaurant walking toward me. But, tonight, he’s mine—all six-feet-five inches of him. I don’t care where we go. I just want to fuck. I glance at my watch, taking in his in his stride—cool and confident. For some reason, Emerson pops into my head. I blink the image away, bringing this Egyptian prince into view.

  “Take me somewhere cheesy and fuck me good,” I tell him as he walks up on me. I’m parked on the street, but he’s parked over in the parking lot not too far from here. I pull him into me. He leans down and offers me his lips. We kiss. His tongue slips into my mouth, my tongue twirls around his, and I feel my juices slowly seeping out of me. After several more tongue-probing seconds, I push back from him. Tell him sluts don’t kiss.

  He grins. “Oh, right-right. So, tell me. What does a slut do?”

  I look up and down the street, taking him by the hand and pulling him to the side of the building. “They suck dick outside,” I tell him as I drop down, reaching for his zipper. I unzip his pants, then fish out The Beast. It has already begun to thicken. I kiss the tip, then swirl my tongue around and over it before placing it into the warmth of my mouth. I lather it with spit, then suck it to its full capacity. Suck him until he’s teetering on the edge of an orgasm. I look up at him. Tell him to talk dirty to me.

  “Oh, shit...damn...” He takes his big hands, holds the sides of my head like a basketball, then thrusts his cock in and out of my mouth. “Yeah, swallow that dick; slutty bitch...oh, fuck...” The harder he pushes, the deeper I swallow. Sucking his dick outside in pitch darkness on the side of a building has my insides overheating. Loud gurgling sounds emit from the back of my throat. Saliva splashes from out of my mouth, drips down to my chin where it clings, then drops to the ground. “Motherfuck...mmmmph...oh, shit...ya slutty throat is so fucking good. Damn, a good dick-sucking bitch...” I respond with a moan, gulping him in. “Aaaah shit...I’m gettin’ ready to cum...”

  In my head, I’m thinking, well, damn. I just started sucking ya shit five minutes ago and you already bucking ’n shouting about you nutting. “Yeah, that’s it baby. Make that big dick skeet...give me that sweet cream, boo.”

  It doesn’t take long—four minutes, to be exact—for him to announce that he’s ready to nut. I grab his balls and gently tug at them, causing him to jerk. “Ohhhhhhh, fuuuuuuck...aaaah... aaaah...shiiiiiiit...”

  I stand up, licking my lips as I dig inside my purse for my wipes. I hope nutting like that isn’t this nigga’s M.O. I hand him a packet, then open one for myself. “I hope you don’t think this party’s over,” I say, grabbing him by his sticky dick. I gently yank it.

  He smiles. “I damn sure hope not. I’m just getting started.”

  “Good. ’Cause I have two more holes to be filled.” I strut off, heading back to my car with him following behind me.

  Fifteen minutes later, we are holed up in a cheap, smutty, rundown motel in downtown Paterson. The room is small. It’s scent stale. The smell of smoke and sweaty fucking lingers in the air, clings to the walls. Perfect for a night of hot, slutty fucking!

  As soon as we’re in the room, we’re clawing at one another, practically ripping each other’s clothes off. By the time he kicks off his shoes, I’ve already taken his cock into my mouth, sucking him for the second time. I work my way up and down on it. Bob my head back and forth, fingering my pussy in sync to sucking him. I pull his dick out of my mouth, spitting all over it, then jerking it while sucking on his balls before taking him back into my throat. His hands are running through my hair. Without even knowing him, I know enough to know he is about to cum again. Oooh, this nigga nuts quick, I think, gazing up at him with my big brown eyes. All of this dick and the nigga can’t hold his nut. I work his shaft with my hands as I bob my head back and forth. Slurp, gulp, slurp...slurp, gulp, slurp...All I know is if this motherfucker can’t get it up again I’ma be hot!

  He lets out a moan. “Ohhh shit, ohhh shit...hol’up, hol’up... you about to make me nut, baby...I don’t wanna cum, yet...” He takes hold of my hair and gently pulls me off of him. “You have me so motherfuckin’ horny...I wanna eat that fat ass...”

  “Oooooh, I want your tongue all in it. Then I want you to eat my sweet, black slutty pussy. You wanna eat my wet pussy?”

  “Yeah, baby...”

  “You want me to be your slutty whore tonight?”

  “Yeah, baby,” he says, bending me over, then dropping down on his knees. “I wanna taste all of you. Ya ass, ya pussy...” He pulls open my ass and buries his face in it, gliding his tongue along my crack, then over my hole.

  “Mmmm...aaah, like how that slutty ass tastes?”

  He moans, nodding his head as his tongue caresses its opening, then wiggles its way inside. I moan. Tell him to spit in my ass. He does. And this only makes me hornier. I tell him to bite it. Slap it. He does. I crane my neck, look at him. “Ooooh, yessssss, you wanna fuck me deep in my slutty ass?”

  He tells me he does. Tells me he wants to fuck me all night. Nigga, please. Not if you’re gonna be nutting all quick and shit. I tell him to put on a condom. Tell him my ass is aching for his cock.

  “I don’t have any on me,” he says, grinding himself into my ass. The furnace in my pussy goes down by ten degrees. Oh no the hell this nigga doesn’t think he’s about to go in me raw, I think, shifting my ass away from his cock. I tell him where he can find one inside my bag. Now what if I really was a slut? I shake the looming notion that he’d still fuck me out of my head, concentrating on feeling his wrapped dick in me.

  I’m so wet and slick and ready when he finally finds the condom and rolls it on. He positions himself behind me, pulling open my ass. “I want you to fuck my pussy, first,” I tell him, arching my back and reaching up underneath me. I take his dick in my hand and guide him to my slippery opening. The head of his dick enters me and I lift my hips up to greet him. “Oh, yes...slam that big cock in me.”

  He smashes into me, hips frantically banging up against my ass, causing me to jerk forward. “Where the fuck you going? Don’t run from this dick, slut...” He slaps me on the ass. “Nasty ’lil bitch...”

  “Oh, yesssssssss...fuck me, that nasty shit...”

  “Uhhh, shit...slutty pussy feels so motherfuckin’ good...”

  Faruq slows his pace, begins to fuck me in slow, deep strokes. With each thrust, my pussy grabs at his dick; his pulsing cock beating against the mounting surge inside me. I writher and wiggle beneath him, moan loud and wild. “You all up in this slutty pussy, motherfucker...ohhhh, yes...fuck want me to be your little slut?”

  His hands coil through my hair. Yanking my head back, he pulls my locks like reins on a horse and rides my ass rapidly. “Uhhhh, you got some good-ass ready for this dick in that ass?”

  Giddy up, motherfucker, I think, moaning. “Yeah, nigga...fuck my pussy...stretch it open, uuhhhh, ’bout to make my pussy nut...” He tells me to roll over on my back, then hoists my legs up over his shoulders, then slips himself back into me and pounds me; his balls slapping up against my asshole. “Uhh... choke me motherfucker...” His hand finds its way to my throat. He presses. “Harder...uhhh, yesssss...ooooohhh...aaah, yeah... choke me...mmmm, mmm...fuck me...aaaah...aaaah...yeah, yeah...choke me harder, motherfucker...” He tightens his grip, practically shutting off my airway. I feel myself getting lightheaded. This only intensifies my orgasm. He rapidly bangs in and out of me until my walls shake and I explode all over his cock.

  He leans in, breathes warmly on my ear, then tickles my earlobe with his wet tongue. “Daaaaamn, baby...this pussy...aaaah, wet...”

  I coo in his ear. “You ready to fuck my fat, juicy
, slutty ass? It’s real tight for you, too, baby. It’s nice and hot, and hungry for some dick. You wanna fuck me deep in it?”

  Within minutes, my legs are bent at the knees and pushed up over my head. His tongue finds my hole, puckering in anticipation. He swirls his tongue around it, causing me to grip the sheets as he works my asshole and slides two fingers into my slippery slit. He uses his thumb to tease my clit while he licks his way up and down my crack. He pushes his tongue into my ass. I moan. Urge him to put his dick in; to fuck me—now!

  “You have any lube?” he asks, rubbing my entrance with the head of his cock.

  “No,” I say, reaching down and splaying open my pussy so he can see its pink flesh. “Sluts don’t use lube. Use your spit.” He spits into his hand, smears it around my hole, then presses the tip of his dick at my opening. He slowly works himself in. I whimper as the head pops into my ass. “Oh, that dick in...”


  I moan breathlessly. “You like how this slutty ass feels wrapped around your cock?”

  “Ohhhhh, fuck...yeah, baby...”

  “You wanna bust your big dick all up in my guts?” He moans loudly, fucking me full-throttle, like a conductor on a runaway train. “That’s right, nigga...fuck me in my ass...fuck my slutty hole open...” The bed is rocking back and forth, its headboard smacking up against the wall. He stretches my ass in long, deep, rapid strokes. He grunts, rolls his eyes up in his head, then shudders.

  I turn my head and glance over at the clock. I blink, blink again. Eight minutes?! That’s it! All this sweating and grunting for eight motherfucking minutes? My pussy was just starting to heat up good. I inhale, then slowly exhale. “Did you cum?” I ask the obvious, hoping not. He nods, tells me that talking dirty to him; telling him to fuck me deep in my ass got him overly excited. That it was so hot and tight. That he’s never fucked a woman in her ass before; that the feeling took him over the edge. I breathe in, breathe out. Take inventory of the situation before deciding whether or not I should put on my clothes and storm up out of here—pissed the fuck off, and still horny. Okay. He’s fine, check. Nice body, check. Nice, juicy lips, check. Thick dick, check. Feels good in the pussy, check. Ass eater, check. Has personality, check. Willing to role-play, check. Has potential to be good in bed, check.


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