A New Threat: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

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A New Threat: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic Page 7

by Andrew Wood

  They spoke for a long time, and Luca stifled a yawn as he realised just how late the hour was getting. He stood to go back to the house, before turning back to face Oliver. The young man, just a little older than himself, with short curly brown hair, and piercing green eyes, looked up at him. "Oliver, if I let you free of those chains, can I trust you to behave and not attempt escape or cause me trouble." The prisoner looked as if offended by the words, "Of course not Sir. I obey your command."

  Those words echoed in Luca's mind, and it suddenly dawned upon him. "Oliver, what colour are your eyes?" he asked. To anybody else that may seem a strange question, but the answer would tell Luca what he needed to know. "Brown Sir," was the reply Luca did not wish to hear. "What have I done?" Luca mumbled to himself. "Come on let me get those chains off you," he said crouching back down. Using a hammer and punch, he knocked the pin holding the shackles around Oliver's arms and legs. "Stand and follow me please," he asked, and as he expected the young man did so without question. As they ventured outside into the dark chill of night, Luca stopped and requested Oliver to do the same. He wanted to try one more experiment, just as a confirmation. "Oliver, jump up and down for me please," he asked, dreading the outcome. "Okay, okay that's enough," he said waving the man to stop, "I've done a bad thing."

  Hope shivered in the chilly night air. She was hungry, thirsty and cold. Her captors had not even bothered with her after ensuring she was suitably tethered. It was clear she was in way over her head. This woman called Dalia was under the misconception of her having powers. Was she waiting for her to try to escape and utilise this magic? Hope was not certain if that was the case; if it was, then she would be disappointed.

  She looked about, there were still guards keeping a watchful eye on her. She had tested the strength of her bonds and thought with a little work they could be released. Doing so however would have to be done over time, and discreetly. She could see shadows moving about but there was an eerie silence about the place. It appeared to her that the whole village had had the life sucked out of it. She was sure it was some kind of magic, and feared that perhaps the same fate awaited her.

  It was late and Luca did not expect anyone else to still be up out of bed. With Oliver walking contently behind him, he decided on the drawing room. To his surprise, Darak was still up, sat with a glass of brandy in his hand and staring vacantly into the fireplace. "Oh! You're still awake Darak; I thought you would be asleep by now." He looked up at Luca, then at the young man stood behind him, and jumped to his feet. "Why is he here? Get him chained back up. Healing him so we can get information is fine; He is not to be freed Luca, he is a dangerous man."

  Luca grimaced; he would have to tell Darak everything. After instructing Oliver to go and sit down, he started explaining exactly what he had found whilst healing. After that, he moved on to the subject of blood magic, and he could tell by the look on Darak's face he was not impressed. "I found some notes at the back of the book explaining how to remove the spell. Unfortunately I think I've replaced one with another." The two looked at the young man that they had captured, "So you think all this sudden change in loyalties is genuine then?" Darak asked, not taking his eyes off Oliver. Luca nodded and then explained what he had noticed with the colour of Oliver's eyes.

  "I believe he would slit his own throat if I told him to," Luca said. Darak scoffed, "Perhaps you should, and do us all a favour." Luca was shocked by the response. "Darak, that is not fair. Oliver did what he did because he was under a compulsion spell," he added jumping to the man's defence. "Whether he was or not, the fact of the matter is he and his friends have Hope. Now unless Oliver there," he pointed in anger, "Can make amends and bring her back home, I don't want him in my sight."

  Luca had never thought himself a confrontational person, the fact he had panicked when Hope was taken was testament to that. "Sorry Darak, but I think you are being unreasonable. Oliver will help us get Hope back, and more to the point I want him here." Darak sighed, "He is a Darekian. Remember who it was that destroyed your father." Luca snapped, "How can you blame Oliver for that. Yes, he is a Darekian, but not every one of them is a psychotic killer." The two stared at each other, "Fine, but if I so much as see him step out of line, I will personally cut his head from his shoulders," Darak finally said.

  Luca gestured for Oliver to follow, and led him up the staircase to the upper floor. "We will have to find you somewhere to sleep, and you will need some clothes as well," he said still not quite sure how he would accomplish either. Oliver was a little taller than Luca, and hence he was not sure whether any of his clothes would fit. As it was, he could not think of anything better, so he headed for his own room. "I'll put you some blankets on the floor. Sorry it's not ideal, but it's the best I can think of at such short notice."

  After a few minutes, he had a makeshift bed prepared for his new acquaintance. Finding something for him to wear proved a little more problematic. After a few tries Luca managed to find a shirt that fitted Oliver. The garment was still a little tight, but would suffice, "That should do for you tomorrow," he said watching his guest remove it. "You will have to wear the boots and trousers you've got until I can source something else." Oliver smiled, "Thank you Sir." Luca sighed, "Please don't call me Sir. That is usually used for men of higher military rank. I find being called Lord, bad enough; so if you must use a formal title that will do, though I would prefer you just called me Luca."

  Luca lay in bed reflecting on the terrible day that had just passed. His sister Hope had been kidnapped, but somehow he knew in his heart, that she was still alive. He felt torn inside as he recalled the panic he had felt during the attack. He had powers beyond any normal person and he had done nothing. He could not help the tears that trickled slowly down his face. "Are you okay Luca Sir," said a voice in the darkness. Luca had not made a noise, yet somehow Oliver had known he was upset. "I am fine thank you," he replied sniffing just a little.

  Chapter 8.

  Hope was awoken by the sound of movement about her. Sometime during the cold chilly night, she must have succumbed to her tiredness. Her stomach rumbled with hunger and her mouth felt dry. She opened her eyes to see a dark figure standing over her. Instinctively she shuffled back, before realising it was just one of the village women. A bowl of what she thought was porridge and a wooden cup with water was placed before her. "Thank you," she said. Looking up at the woman's face, she knew she would not get a reply. The gaunt features and dark eyes gave the impression to Hope of a woman close to death.

  She watched as the woman slowly shuffled away down the dusty street, before looking down at the meagre food set before. Despite the porridge resembling gruel, she ate quickly and washed it down with the water. It was only after she had finished that she realised how careless she had just been. That food or drink could have poisoned, or worse, and she made a promise to herself to check in future; though quite how she would do that she was not quite sure.

  Only a short time had passed, when Dalia with her pet Dawid and her Orlac appeared outside the house. She headed straight over to her prisoner. "I am disappointed you have not used your powers to try and escape. Of course, I have had a team of archers keeping a close watch on you overnight," she added pointing to two men on a roof. Hope had not even noticed they were there. "I see you have eaten," she said looking down at the empty bowl.

  Hope looked at her young captor, and then her eyes were drawn to the young boy at her side. Probably no older than about ten years old, she felt physically sick to see he was collared and leashed like one might a dog. The boys eyes were the blackest she had ever seen, and Hope realised he was probably under some kind of twisted spell. "I see you like my pet," the young woman standing over her said. "His name is Dawid; you may stroke him if you wish." Hope felt her stomach twist, "You are sick, you evil witch" she spat. "The minute I get free from here I am going..."Hope felt her cheek stinging as her captor backhanded her across it."No need for insults. I have kept you alive for now...Do not push me."

/>   Dalia looked up toward her Orlac, "Hold her arm steady please Silas, there is no time like the present." Hope went to pull away but a massive clawed hand grabbed her left arm. Despite its huge size, Hope was thankful the grip was not too painful. Pulling a dagger from a belt, Dalia smiled an evil looking grin. "Now I want some of your blood. I need to check its potential. You see, if as I predict, your blood is flowing with magical energy, then I have the spells to assimilate into my own. Of course, I won't have all your powers, but something a little extra to add to mine."

  Hope grimaced as the blade ran across her palm and a line of blood appeared. Dalia produced a small glass bottle, in which she caught the dripping blood. Once satisfied she had gathered enough, Dalia stepped back and held up the sample of blood to the sunlight. "I will send someone to wrap the wound. I do not want my source of blood to get infected," she said turning away and leaving Hope to watch the cut still dripping onto the dry earth.

  Dalia sent Dawid to his makeshift cot in the corner of the room, whilst she readied her implements on the table in the main room. She had given orders to start gathering up supplies. She had gotten everything she needed, and soon they would start their homeward journey back to Darekia. It had been a fruitful excursion for her. Not only did she have the staff, her prospective enemy under her control and a host of other trinkets, but also a new vibrant commander; though the feelings being transmitted through the bracelet were at times overwhelming.

  Pouring a little of her prisoners blood into a bowl, she mixed it with a few drops of her own. Placing a hand over the vessel, she chanted a few of the incomprehensible words of the underworld; or at least they were to normal folk. Once the words were said, she looked down at the blood within, before pouring it into a goblet of water. As the coloured liquid ran down her throat, she placed the goblet down on the table and waited for the new sensation to occur.

  She waited a few minutes but could feel nothing. Perhaps, she thought, that the words had been said incorrectly and so she found the parchment on which it was written. She mumbled the sounds over to herself as she read, and was certain that they had been as recited. Her puzzlement grew as to why the spell had not worked, and after re-tracing her steps could only reach one outcome. The blood from her prisoner did not contain the power she had hoped.

  With a new sense of purpose, she grabbed her staff and stormed outside. Stopping some fifteen paces short of her prisoner, she stopped. "I think I have discovered as to why you have not used your powers to escape. Perhaps it is because you do not have any," she added raising the staff and pointing it at the young lady sat on the ground and chained up. "Don't you think so?" came the reply. "No, I do not," Dalia shouted, thrusting the staff outwards. A burst of flame manifested and burst forth from the tip, straight at Hope. Dalia grinned as the fire engulfed around her prisoner, and expecting to see nothing but a charred corpse as the flames died down, she stood in horror. The ground around the young woman looked scorched, but she was sat there smiling back at her. "Still think I have no powers?" Dalia stepped backwards, How was this possible? There had been no sign of magic in the woman's blood, yet here she sat unscathed.

  Hope could feel her heart pounding like a drum, as the fire had burst forth from the staff. Fortunately, the ring she was still wearing, and being kept out of sight by her sleeve had worked as hoped. Now she had to make the choice of releasing the spell back at her attacker or biding her time and waiting for a better time. Should the woman attack again Hope would be burned to a crisp. Luca had taken great pleasure in pointing out that particular flaw with the ring. She looked at her captor and smiled back realising she looked in shock at what had happened. Hope kept an eye on the staff, waiting, to see if it was lifted and pointed her direction again. She had decided that if it was, she would have to quickly release the fire spell she had charged in the ring.

  Dalia stared at her prisoner for a long time, and could see her staring back. "You are a strange one. I will have to keep you alive to study you and your power further," she told her, before turning away back to the house. Already some of her soldiers were loading up carts with food and water, in preparation for the trip back. Once they had finished their work, she had thought they deserved a treat. Hence, that evening her men were to be given a little ale, and make use of the village women and girls as they saw fit. Although strict instructions had been given, that her prisoner was not to be touched.

  Hope was surprised to see another meal that evening. Once again, it was nothing special, a bread roll, some hard cheese and an apple, but she devoured as it were a banquet. Hope was aware she needed to be very careful, timing her move, should she decide to make one, very carefully. If needed, she now had a single fire blast at her disposal. Deciding when and how to use it would have to be a decision not lightly made.

  Hope realised her watcher for the night was not what she had hoped. Instead of a few men with bows and swords, stood just a few feet away from her was an eight-foot towering mass of muscle and fur. The Orlac looked her direction and she could have sworn it was smiling at her. Her time for escape would have to wait for a better opportunity.

  With the last light of day finally fading away, and the night chill filling the air, Dalia's soldiers started their evening's entertainment. Hope watched in horror, as two of the men grabbed a young woman, probably no more than seventeen or eighteen years old. The woman did not struggle, but lay there silently, almost motionless as one of the soldiers took her.

  Dalia stood in the main room of the house, getting evermore excited by the feelings she was getting. Her young commander was stood before her, and she ran her hand over his chest and down to his groin. As soon as she felt his arousal, she knew she could not resist any longer. Leaning forward she kissed him tenderly and he responded instantly.

  Dalia felt herself being carried into the bedroom. A strong pair of arms cradled her now naked body, and she felt alive. She looked over to see Dawid staring at her, "Go outside," she managed to say before being placed upon her bed. Her young pet did not argue and scurried out of the room. Dalia lay on her back and looked up in the flickering candlelight at the naked man on top of her. She lifted her hands up to his body, and groaned with delight as she felt him enter inside her.

  After what seemed like an age of pleasure, like none she had ever felt before, the man atop of her finished and rolled off her, as exhausted as she was. She lay there catching her breath and smiling. That was like nothing she had ever felt, and although she knew such intense feelings had only happened because of the link with the bracelet, she did not care. This was something she would like to enjoy more regularly, and was just thinking of a repeat performance when she heard a scream.

  At first it did not register, but then a second scream came with a feeling of terror, and she realised, "Dawid," she uttered sitting up. Quickly grabbing a gown and wrapping it around her naked body, she ran out of the bedroom. Without a second thought, she grabbed her staff and ran out into the cold damp night. Another scream drew her attention and she followed the noise as she could sense her pets fear and dread. She ignored one of her soldiers helping himself, to one of the younger girls in the village, and headed in the direction the scream had come from. She felt sick and horrified to see by a fire, one of the men with her pet. The young boy was wriggling and screaming as the tattooed face soldier, one of her father's men, held him down.

  Not wanting to risk injury to her pet, Dalia struck the man with her staff as hard as she could. She had caught him by surprise and the blow to the head stunned him, knocking him over. "Quick Dawid come to me," she cried, holding a hand out. Her pet quickly scurried over to her, his clothes all torn and dirty, and she felt rage like never before. The man she had hit stood up rubbing the back of head. Dalia thrust the staff forward and held it there. Flames flew out, engulfing the man instantly. There were a few cries, but they stopped after a few seconds. Dalia did not even look back at the charred mess she had left, but instead put a comforting arm around her beloved pet. Stroking his
head, "I am sorry Dawid," she said showing a softer side even she never thought she had.

  As she held Dawid's hand, they walked back to the house, and she made a decision. Never again would she allow her lustful needs to take priority. Her pet had nearly been defiled, and she was not going to let anybody do that. Once she got back indoors, she would remove the bracelet from her young commander. Yes, the experience was mind blowing, but it was clear she could not control the feelings being transferred. This trinket was clearly not, what she had first envisaged. Orders to and from her commander would have to be done the old-fashioned way in future.

  Still fuming with anger, as much with herself, as with the man who had attacked her poor little pet. She stroked the boy's hair, as he curled up on blanket upon the floor of her room. "I won't let bad things happen to you," she whispered softly as the boy slowly fell to sleep. Now she had Dawid calmed and settled she needed to deal with her commander. The man was still lying naked on her bed, and her lustful thoughts for his perfectly toned body were soon brushed aside. The bracelet needed to be removed, and her focus retained on her real goals. She reached down, and unclasped the item that had caused her the problem. The young man looked up at her longingly, but she ignored him and removed the link between them. The effect was immediate, and the lust she had once felt for him, regrettably vanished. Now he was just another man lying in her bed. Of course, it would seem a shame to waste such an opportunity. So after placing the removed item of jewellery on the table, she checked on Dawid before slipping back onto the bed.

  Hope closed her eyes and covered her ears the best she could, in an attempt to block out the atrocities. What was taking place in the small village was something she did not want to be witness too. The Darekian soldiers took turns on the women and girls, not even caring that they were doing so in sight of others. The Orlac stood just a few feet away from her, did not seem perturbed by what was taking place. In fact, Hope was certain the creature was actually enjoying watching the innocent people suffer.


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