A New Threat: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

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A New Threat: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic Page 16

by Andrew Wood

  Fabian reluctantly pushed himself harder than he had ever done before. When eventually the word was sent down the lines for them to rest, he immediately pulled free from the two helping him. After casting Jamal another look of sheer hatred, Fabian sat where he had stopped. Others moved about around him, with many taking on board a much-needed drink. Jamal was one who did just that, and savoured every moment as he poured the cool refreshing water down his throat. After drinking deeply he gathered a second canteen and walked over to where the crest-fallen son of Prince Issac was slumped.

  Jamal crouched down, so to speak to his younger counterpart at eye level. "Here Fabian, take a drink, we will not get chance again for another few hours," he said proffering the canteen forward. It was snatched from his hand without thanks, and he watched as the troubled youngster drank. Fabian dropped his head so as not to look at Jamal, "I hate my father for making me do this," he uttered. Jamal placed a friendly hand upon him, "I am sure your father loves you. He only wishes for you to understand that life is not all luxury and pampering. One day you will likely hold a high position in society just like him, and he needs you too..." Fabian lifted his head and spat in Jamal's face, "What do you know gutter boy? I hate you even more."

  Jamal stood up, wiping his face, uncertain as what to do about this little incident. If he was indeed supposed to be a squad leader, he needed to show some sort of authority. Such an act would normally have seen the offender seriously reprimanded. This however was not a normal situation, and he was beginning to regret ever taking this task on. Prince Issac had been so impressed by him, he had been somehow under the impression he could influence Fabian. Being barely a year older than the prince's son was not the problem. The main obstacle was that Jamal did not really know how to lead. He after all, had been a cadet himself no more than a few months ago. Now he was to command eight of the prince's Royal guard and an obstinate teenage boy, who appeared to hate the world.

  Crouching back down, he grasped the front of Fabian's shirt. He could feel the softness of the material between his fingers, and leaned forward so as his face was no more than a few inches away from Fabians. "Don't do that again Fabian," he said in a low whispered voice, "Next time you will be punished." The two stared at each other, and Jamal was going to make sure it was not he, who backed down first. Fabian held his gaze for a few seconds before submitting and letting his head drop. There was no apology forthcoming, but Jamal was happy to have least won a moral victory.

  In Darekia, Hope had awoken to a ready-made breakfast and hot drink. Arran had cooked the few sausages they had taken with them, and used a little of the bread. He had boiled some of the coffee beans, and although Hope liked the drink, she would have preferred it with a little cream. Her travelling companion had also revitalised the fire into something warm and inviting. Hope had at least managed a few hours sleep, after she had found a little warmth lying close to Arran. "Here sleepy head," he said passing her breakfast over on a small metal plate. She smiled a thank you, and groaned as she moved. What she would not do for a nice warm soft bed to sleep in once more.

  Whilst she ate, she twisted and turned trying to get her stiff muscles to work without causing pain. "You're certainly not used to sleeping out are you?" Arran chuckled as he watched. She shook her head, "Is it really that obvious?" she replied with more than a hint of sarcasm. He nodded, ignoring her grumpy mood, chuckling to himself as he sipped his own coffee.

  Hope was just finishing the last of her drink when she heard a noise. She looked up to see Arran notching an arrow on his bowstring. Panic set in as he aimed it her direction. "Do not move," he said slowly in a loud whisper. Hope was just beginning to wonder what on earth had changed. Why would Arran suddenly decide to kill her now? Then she heard a second noise behind her. She very slowly turned her head, "I said do not move," Arran snapped, this time speaking more quickly. Hope froze, and it was then she could hear the rustling noise from just above her seated position.

  The low snarling growl could only come from one creature that she knew. A silvery grey wolf slowly edged forward. Arran pulled his bowstring back a little further. Hope was left sitting there, becoming increasingly anxious. Behind her was a beast wanting to kill her. In front was the man who could save her, or if the arrow strayed just a little, accomplish the same result. She heard another rustle behind, and watched as Arran released the bowstring. She felt a stinging sensation as something nicked at her ear, and then a loud whine as the large wolf slumped down just beside her. She looked at Arran, and then slowly turned her head to see the creature. Its body was still twitching and its cries actually made her feel sorry for it. "Can't you stop it?" she pleaded to Arran. He nodded pulling his dagger from his belt, before he stepped over to the wolf. With a swift movement, he plunged the blade deep into the beast's heart and its movement and sounds ceased immediately.

  Hope had always been a lover of animals, seeing one in such pain, even one that had wanted her for breakfast, disturbed her. Arran however, had no such qualms. He removed his arrow from the flank of the wolf, and wiped it clean before returning it into his quiver. He then picked up the corpse and slung into the undergrowth. Hope watched him, and realised how very different they actually were. Perhaps Arran was not the person she had thought him to be. Yes, he had just saved her and he was very good looking, but she had now seen a ruthless side to him, she had not envisaged. He returned to their small camp and sat down beside her. "Are you okay Hope," he said lifting a white handkerchief up to her ear. It was only then that she realised a warm trickle down the side of her neck. "I think I just caught you...sorry," he said with genuine concern and regret, once more showing his tender side, that to which she was more familiar with.

  Hope dabbed away the blood, and realised it was nothing but a small cut. Although another inch or two to the right, and the arrow would have killed her and not the wolf. She watched as Arran started to break camp. How efficiently he carried out the tasks. The fire was put out, and the blankets perfectly rolled so they would tie onto their packs. In just ten minutes after the wolf attack Arran was stood ready to continue. He held out a hand, and Hope reached up with a smile to take the offer.

  The first few minutes were silent as Arran led the way, through some trees and back out into a field. "Thank you," Hope said walking a little quicker so she could be at his side when she spoke. He turned his head to look at her, and she in turn did the same. Those piercing blue eyes of his, and the way his cheeks moved when he smiled gave her a strange feeling she had never felt before. It was a something inside, a longing, a yearning, but she was not sure what it was.

  After just an hour or so walking, they slowly moved up the side of a steep hill. Arran had to help her manoeuvre up the incline. Hope could feel her body just wanting to collapse in a heap, but her companion urged her forward. As they reached the top, Arran stood waiting for her to join him. She looked up and could see he was waiting to tell her something. "Come on," he said with a hint of excitement in his voice. The last yard consisted of her being dragged by her arms up to the top. "Look," he said pointing off into the distance. Hope did as was asked, and could not help but be amazed. "The Ulga Mountains," she said, just checking with Arran, she was correct. He nodded, "Yes, although it will be at least another day or two before we reach the passes." That fact did not dampen her mood, for she knew that the other side of that mountain pass was Corlan. "Come on then," she said taking lead for the first time, "I believe it's this way." Arran looked at her smiling, before taking a few quick steps to catch her up.

  Chapter 18.

  Luca felt a chill as he stood out on deck, Oliver at his side as usual. In sight were the first of the landmasses that made up the Islands of Norandia, of which the Isle of Kelan was one. The seawaters were calm, and there was barely enough breeze to move them forward. He had offered to assist in that department, but not only had his offered been politely refused by the Captain, but he had also had to endure lectures from both Darak and Taylor. Both had told him he should
be resting, and although he felt fine, it had been something Taylor had said that had gotten him thinking.

  "You may need every ounce of your power if we bump into this Dalia character," he said. Those words were already playing on his mind. He had already panicked and froze, and unable to prevent his sister from being kidnapped. Although the thought of actually burning somebody alive with his magic, was something he had always known he may have to one-day do, actually doing it was something else entirely. He had never killed another human being before, and he was not sure he could. Sensing his troubles, Oliver stood so close to him, their bodies touched. The Darekian then placed an arm around his shoulder. "Please do not worry Luca Sir," he said. "I will be with you and help when I am able." Although Luca knew anybody watching them would think it unusual for two men to be so close, he felt a comfort in Oliver being there. He had a lot on his mind at present, and he needed someone to reassure him.

  As it happened, it was his stepfather, Darak, who was indeed watching them from across the other side of the ship. Taylor was stood aside him, "Leave them be. I think Luca needs Oliver right now. For whatever reason I keep feeling that young Darekian man, has a bigger part to play in this." Darak looked at Taylor, "I just do not like them being so close. I'm sorry it's just not normal," he replied, his voice sounding more like a growl. "Luca is not a normal person Darak. We do not understand the link between them."

  A short silence fell, and Taylor realised it was time for Darak to be reminded once more of a few home truths. "Darak, you seem more concerned with Luca being close to Oliver than what is actually going on." Darak turned quickly to stare at him, but Taylor continued none the less. "We should be worrying about finding Hope foremost. Not to mention the small matter of another war looking increasingly likely. Yet you seem to be beating yourself up over Luca's choice of friends." Taylor loved and respected Darak as any son would a father, even though of course he technically was not. Now however he was finding himself feeling so angry with the man. He was being so narrow-minded and stubborn. Taylor had thought they had sorted this matter out in their earlier talk. It was clear nothing had changed. "I've told you already Darak. Continue in this way and you will push Luca away. Now leave him be...please", he added in an almost pleading tone.

  Darak just walked off, and disappeared back through one of the doors into his cabin. Taylor decided to check his younger brother was feeling all right, and joined him and Oliver still looking at the islands, off in the distance. The three stood beside each other in silence. It was Oliver, that unusually for him, spoke first. "Luca Sir," he said removing his arm from about Luca's shoulder and pointed out in the far distance. "Is that another ship?" Both Luca and Taylor strained to see what the young Darekian had seen.

  After Taylor had called the Captain over to look, the man had shouted one of his men to fetch something from his cabin. One of the crew hurriedly handed over a long brass tube, which the captain put to one eye. "Hmm looks like one of ours," the man said handing the looking device over to Taylor. "Looks like it has lost its sails," he said, "Here Luca have a look." Luca did so, closing one eye, and placing the brass tube up to the other, as he had just seen the others do. Suddenly the small obscure looking object appeared too bound nearer. He could now make out the ship, anchored off in the far distance just off one of the smaller islands. He also could not see any sails furled up on the masts. He then realised he could only see one mast instead of the three normally positioned on such a large ship. This he pointed out to the others, as he passed the looking tube back to the captain.

  After a brief discussion, the ship's captain bellowed out new orders, and the ship changed direction slightly. They had decided to investigate the other ship. Taylor was convinced, as was the captain, that it was indeed another Corlanian vessel. Luca asked Oliver to stay with Taylor for just a moment. The young Darekian nodded, though Taylor noticed he looked for assurances Luca would return soon.

  Luca had decided to go talk to Darak, and let him know what they had thought they had spotted. What he did not know and Taylor had neglected to mention, was just how bad a mood his stepfather was in. After knocking and letting himself in, He found Darak sitting on his bed, with a glass of brandy in hand. Luca explained about the other ship off in the distance, and how that they thought it was from Corlan. He noticed Darak almost looking beyond him, as if expecting another to come through the door. "Where is your shadow?" he asked sardonically. Luca knew straight away what he meant, but was not about to stoop to his stepfather's level of snidely remarks. "I assume you mean Oliver. He is talking to Taylor back up on deck. Do you wish to speak to him?" Darak stared at him a while as if to say why would he want to do such a thing, before shaking his head.

  Luca returned to find Oliver looking out for him, and could see as well as sense, the Darekian's unease. That was until Oliver noticed him returning his direction. The bond between the two was appearing to be getting stronger, the longer they were together. Luca would have to try to find a way of removing the compulsion spell from Oliver's mind. Perhaps Darak was right; the two were becoming unnaturally close.

  They remained out on deck, as their ship neared the one anchored near one of the islands. It was then that a gull landed on the rails before them. Oliver looked at Luca, "Perhaps Luca Sir, you could try what we discussed last night." Luca nodded, realising he had all but forgotten about trying his magical ability with animals. Taylor watched as Oliver took Luca's hand, "Dalia does this Sir," he said lifting it towards the gull. "But do not speak your commands as if they were to another person, try picturing what you want the bird to do."

  Luca nodded, and let his hand hover near the gull. He was not certain quite how a bird or any animal thought, but decided that perhaps Oliver's suggested method may be the best to try. He looked directly at the gull, and it appeared the bird was doing likewise back at him. The others around him remained hushed as he pictured the bird walking along the rail. To his complete surprise, the gull seemed to nod, and walked off, waddling along the top of the rail as he had thought.

  After another few attempts, he soon had the bird flying to the top of the mast and back down again. Now Oliver explained how Dalia used to be able to receive images that her black crows had seen. He went on to tell them that is how she had discovered Hope using magic. Unfortunately, because Oliver had only been an onlooker when she had done this, he did not know exactly how she had achieved it. Luca though was already on the case. He had worked out how to coerce the bird into doing what he wanted; now he needed to move it on another level.

  He thought for a few moments about what Oliver had said he had seen Dalia doing. He sent an image to the bird for it fly back down from the mast to land back on the rail before him. The large gull did as he wished. Luca then gently touched the birds head with his fingertip, trying to sense what the bird was thinking. He already knew that there had been occasions when he and Oliver could almost sense what the other was feeling. He just needed to try to do something similar with the gull. At first, nothing happened, and he was concerned the bird might get frightened and fly off. That however did not happen, and he kept his fingertip on the birds head. He could start to feel something, calmness, or what he presumed was the case. It was clear the bird did not fear him, and was quite content to allow the contact.

  If he could sense that, then he must be able to sense what the bird could see. An image or anything that resembled one would suffice. "Try closing your eyes," he heard Taylor suggest from the right of him. That made sense he thought. Currently his mind was filled with the images his own eyes gave him, closing them would blank them out. He did just that and still touching the gull his mind was soon filled with images. These pictures were not the same as if he had seen them. Probably he thought because a bird must see things differently.

  He afforded himself a smile, as several scenes of the shoreline flickered into view. These he thought must have been the bird's earlier visions from before it had landed on the ship. The final image he saw was of his own
face looking back at him. "I've got it", he said looking firstly at Oliver and then Taylor. It was only then that he noticed Darak stood behind him. He went to explain what he had achieved, but did not bother when he realised his stepfather had swapped the glass of brandy for a bottle.

  As they neared the other ship, it was becoming clear that it was severely damaged. Many of the ships timbers were blackened from fire. Taylor knew that would probably explain the lack of masts and the missing sails. The captain steered his ship as close as possible, and the crew placed several planks across to the other vessel. A small boarding party, including Luca, Oliver and Taylor gingerly stepped across them and onto the charred ship.

  The first thing they noticed was the lack of any signs of life. The smell of the fire still lingered in the air, and they were told to tread carefully in case any of the decking had been weakened. That was apparent in the centre of the vessel where there was a large hole. It was Oliver who noticed the absence of the smaller boats, normally tied to the sides of a ship of this size. One of the sailors who had joined them on the boarding party, called the others over. He had made quite a gruesome discovery. It was initially unclear as to what they were at first glance, but both Luca and Taylor realised. In a pile off to one side, lay a heap of twisted, blackened corpses. They were so badly burned it was difficult to see where one body ended and the next began. Luca felt his breakfast making a return journey up from his stomach and quickly darted to the side. He felt a reassuring hand on his back, and without looking, knew it would belong to Oliver.

  Once satisfied there was nothing left for him to spew up, Luca decided he had seen enough. Oliver followed without being asked, back across the planks and on to their own ship. Oliver quickly darted off, and came rushing back with some water for Luca to drink and swill his mouth with. "Thank you Oliver," he said glad of the drink. "I don't ever wish to see such a sight again", he added, still shocked by what he had seen.


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