School's Out

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School's Out Page 20

by Scott Andrews

  Norton was incandescent.

  "What the fuck was that, Lee?" he yelled. "Why the fuck did you shoot them up? That was the most insane thing I've ever seen you do."

  I grasped the gun tightly, my finger itching at the trigger.

  Calm down. Things to do.

  "Look at where we are," I said patiently.

  Norton glanced down the road.

  "So?" he said, confused.

  "The school is about a mile down the road. We'd have been there in two minutes. They were taking us to the school."

  "Oh." He realised what I was getting at. "Oh shit."

  I turned to address the other boys, who were sitting in the road, catching their breath. "Listen everyone. Wylie was taking orders from the Blood Hunters. His job was to lure me away from the school and then deliver me to them. But they were taking us back to the school."

  "So?" said Rowles. "They were going to let us go?"

  "Don't you see? While we've been gone the Blood Hunters have attacked St Mark's."


  I gave a machine gun to the Woodhams party, so they had some means of defence on their journey home, and they carried away the dead girl. One of them, a young man, had to be restrained from attacking me. He was still shouting after me as he was pulled away: "Murderer! Psychopath!" I couldn't blame him. I'd caused the crash that killed her. But what choice did I have? I could have shot above the officers' heads and told them to pull over, but in moments we'd have been within earshot of the school. If I'd had to fire again then the Blood Hunters would probably have heard the shots and come running. Assuming I was right, and they were at St Mark's.

  It was one more death on my conscience, but I could worry about it later. Things to do.

  I walked around to the front of the crashed truck and peered into the shattered cab. I could see that there were three bodies inside, but I didn't look too closely. They weren't moving, so I was satisfied they were dead. (When had I started taking satisfaction in killing?)

  I was starting to appreciate Mac's point of view; perhaps I wasn't ruthless enough to be a leader. My decision to let the officers go had led directly to four deaths. Wouldn't executing them have been better?

  Three months ago I was unable to contemplate such a thing, but now I found that I could. Perhaps it was because of what we'd achieved in the last three months. When I was planning to topple Mac and take control it was in the hope of building something good, but my aims had been intangible and distant. Now it was a reality. We'd achieved so much, built something so valuable. I felt as if I was willing to go to any lengths to protect it.

  I dispatched Haycox and Rowles back down the road to collect the guns from the bodies of the dead Blood Hunters. When they returned we had five machine guns and six machetes, and enough ammunition to pick a fight. Green, Norton, Haycox and Rowles each took a gun; we shared the big knives out amongst the remaining members of Green's troupe.

  "We have to assume they've taken control of the school," I said. "And they probably have lookouts and sentries posted. We need to know what's going on inside, and we can't approach mob-handed. So Norton you're with me. We'll cut across country and come at the school from the river. Haycox and Green, I want you to get behind these hedgerows and follow the road, out of sight, until you can see the school gates. Only approach if you're absolutely certain there's nothing wrong. This is just a recce, right? We don't get involved, we don't show our faces. Rowles, take the rest of the boys to Hildenborough and wait for us. We'll rendezvous back there when we're done. Everyone clear?"

  Nods all round.

  "Good luck everyone."

  It took thirty minutes to reach the edge of the school grounds, but the sight that greeted us was not what we expected at all. We crawled through the undergrowth until we could just make out the first pillbox. We could see the muzzle of the GPMG poking out, but it was trained towards the school. I couldn't work out why that would be. We needed a closer look.

  Leaving Norton to cover the pillbox, I crawled back out of sight and stripped to my boxers. I discarded my gun but kept the machete, then I ran to the river's edge and slipped into the water. I let the current take me slowly downstream, along the edge of the school grounds. As I drifted past the first pillbox I could see the body of a boy lying against one wall. He'd had his throat slit. I was right, the Blood Hunters had attacked, and they'd taken this pillbox. But why train the gun on the school... unless they hadn't succeeded in capturing it!

  I drifted further. I couldn't see anything at the second pillbox, but two Blood Hunters were sitting outside the third, looking towards the school, smoking. There was no sign of a corpse anywhere, but their hair shone slick with fresh blood. I grabbed the bank of the river and hung there for a moment, considering my options: sneaky or direct? I could return to Norton, head to Hildenborough with what I'd learned; or I could choose to kill without mercy. Three months ago I wouldn't even have had to think about it. But I thought again about where my reluctance to kill had brought us and my resolve hardened. There was no longer any point pretending that I wasn't a stone cold killer.

  Time to start acting like one.

  I climbed out of the water as quietly as I could, and crept towards them, knife in hand. The secret to stealth in woodland is to tread straight down, not to roll your feet with each step as you do normally. That way you avoid snapping any twigs you stand on. Barefoot, I stalked my prey.

  As I approached I could hear them gossiping. They were trying to decide whether a girl called Carol fancied the one on the left. He thought she didn't, but his mate was sure she did, and was urging him to 'get in there'. Murderous religious fanatics, coated in human blood, wittering about dating. They were so engrossed in their debate that they didn't become aware of me until I pressed my cold wet blade against the throat of the one on the right.

  "Hi," I whispered in his ear, as he stiffened in fear.

  His mate exclaimed loudly and jumped up. He brought his gun to bear on both of us.

  "Now, now," I said conversationally. "Don't be hasty. Pull that trigger and your friend dies." Plus, every Blood Hunter in the area comes running. "So put it down, eh?"

  He hesitated, unsure what to do. I pressed the knife harder into the throat of the man in front of me, and he moaned. His mate cocked his gun, chambering a round. "So?" he said, trying to sound more confident than he was. "He gets his eternal reward a little early. He'll thank me when I see him again."

  "Um, Rob," said the man in front of me. "He's gonna slit my throat, man."

  "He's right, you know," I said. "I am. So if you don't want to break poor Carol's heart, best drop the weapon."

  Rob stared at me, trying to maintain his cool. But eventually he bent down and placed the gun on the ground.

  "Thanks," I said, and smiled at him. "Now kick it away." He did so.

  A minute later I had them both on the ground, face down, hands behind their heads. It didn't take much to persuade them to talk, but it took me a lot longer to believe what they were telling me. When I'd learned all I could, I had a choice to make. I'd been quite prepared to kill one of them to make the other one tell me what I needed to know, but to kill them now would be murder, plain and simple.

  Nonetheless, the best course of action was clear. Kill them, bleed them, cover myself in their blood, dump the bodies in the river, then saunter up to the next pillbox and kill the occupants before they realise I'm not really a Blood Hunter. Repeat for all remaining pillboxes. Even the odds while I had the chance. It was the safest thing to do.

  I tightened my grip on the knife, gritted my teeth and prepared to strike, but I had a sudden flash of the confusion and fear in Wolf-Barry's eyes as I'd plunged my knife into his chest. I choked. I couldn't do it. Even now, after everything I'd done, I couldn't conceive of embarking on that kind of killing spree, no matter how necessary it was.

  I felt like I'd failed some kind of test.

  I made them undress, cut their clothes into strips, and bound them tight.
Then I swam upstream and rejoined Norton.

  I had a lot to tell him.

  I couldn't sleep at all that night. In the pub at Hildenborough we'd talked ourselves hoarse trying to come up with a plan of action that didn't leave us all hanging upside down with our throats slit. By the time we finally agreed on a plan of attack it was dark and everyone was exhausted. Norton accepted his role without complaint and walked out into the night to do his part. Bob had prepared beds for us in the big house where three months ago I'd fought for my life. Strange to be sleeping there as a guest of honour.

  But of course I couldn't sleep. I ran the day over and over again in my mind. Killing Wolf-Barry, shooting the others, the head of the dead woman hanging limp as she was carried away, the stench of the Blood Hunters, the sense that I should have killed them there and then, the nagging feeling that I still wasn't as ruthless as I needed to be. The knowledge that, had Mac been in charge of us, things would have been a lot simpler. Not to mention my anxieties about the coming day, the probability of battle, the anticipation of more killing, the possibility of my own imminent death and those of my friends. I was afraid of the nightmares sleep would bring.

  Plus, it felt wrong to be sleeping safe and sound while Norton was risking his life out there in the darkness.

  So I lay there, listening to the owls and the foxes, wishing that my father were here to take charge on my behalf. I wished I could go back to being a boy again, that I could retreat to a world where my only worries were acne, BO and whether that girl from the high school would laugh at me if I asked her to meet me at lunchtime for a bag of chips at the bus stop. That was what my life should be like. I was fifteen, for God's sake. Whoever heard of a fifteen year-old general? Well, Alexander the Great, perhaps. Whatever happened, things would be settled once and for all by the end of the day. Either I'd be dead and the school would be destroyed, or the Blood Hunters would be wiped from the face of the earth like the plague they were. When dawn finally broke I greeted it with a kind of relief; waiting to fight is far worse than actually fighting.

  Breakfast was a sombre affair. Green hadn't spoken a word since we'd rescued him, and he sat at the end of the table, picking at his bacon and eggs. Haycox was in shock, coming to terms with the fact that yesterday his life had changed from horse grooming to disembowelling and decapitation. I hardly knew any of the boys who made up Green's theatre troupe, but they were artsy types, uncomfortable in a fight, reeling from the deaths of their friends Russell and Jones. Bob was subdued because he'd had a very hard time convincing some of the men in Hildenborough to provide support for our plans; after all, they'd lost friends in an attack on the school once before. But the opportunity to revenge themselves on the Blood Hunters was enough to sway them in the end.

  The only person who ate well was Rowles. He cleaned his plate, and then went back for more. He didn't seem worried at all. But if you looked closely you could see that he was dead behind the eyes. I worried about that boy.

  When we were finished we washed up and got dressed. Rowles, Haycox and I had our combats, the others had to make do with green and brown clothes that Bob had begged and borrowed the day before. We met the new Hildenborough militia on the forecourt of the house and went over the plan once again. Weapons were distributed and goodbyes said. Then we walked down the drive towards the rising sun.

  We were going to pick a fight.

  There's something mediaeval about pitching a tent outside a fortified castle and laying siege to it. But since the Blood Hunters had to do without smart bombs, air strikes or fuel, it seemed logical to re-adopt the neglected arts of war.

  The marquee sat to one side of the school's main gate, outside the walls, on the grass between the road and the school wall. The gate itself lay on the ground in pieces, run down by a truck. The truck in question lay on its side about twenty metres inside the gates. There was a corpse hanging out of the driver's side window. The sandbagged machine gun emplacement at the main gate had been scattered by the impact, I had no idea of the fate of the boys who'd been manning it. The Blood Hunters had collected the sandbags and rebuilt it, remounting the GPMG and pointing it down the drive at the school.

  With the drive covered, and the pillboxes manned at the rear, all approaches to the school were pinned down. But the long driveway in front, the playing fields at the back, and the paddocks and gardens on either side provided no cover for attackers who made it over the wall, which meant that a straightforward attack would be suicide. Stalemate.

  The Blood Hunters were going to have to starve the school into submission. And I wasn't going to allow them that much time.

  I turned my binoculars towards Castle and was relieved to see a Union Jack flag dangling from a window. That was the signal; Norton had made it past the guards and was inside. There was nothing left to do now. Time to begin.

  I broke cover about half a mile down the road and strolled as nonchalantly as I could towards the school. I tried whistling but my mouth was too dry. It took them a minute to spot me. Three of the biggest guys I've ever seen ran towards me, weapons raised for firing.

  I grinned at them. I was going for confidence but I probably looked unhinged.

  "Take me to your leader," I said. So they did.

  There was a crowd milling around outside the entrance to the marquee as we approached. A whole tribe of people in jeans and t-shirts, wearing flip flops and trainers, carrying machetes and guns, their faces, arms and hair soaked in human blood. The meeting of mundane and surreal was hard to accept. So was the smell.

  I've never been religious. It just never made any sense to me. But I sang the hymns and intoned the prayers at school assemblies and the compulsory Sunday morning service in the chapel. The kind of religion I was exposed to always seemed harmless enough. Either the vicars were pompous bores or young men who tried to be cool by playing guitar or something embarrassing like that. One of the boys in my dorm had attended a thing called the Alpha Course one summer holiday, and the subsequent term he'd stopped smoking and joined the school's Christian Fellowship. But that was about as sinister as it got. And I sort of got it. It was about feeling part of a community, taking comfort in a belief that there was some point to everything. I didn't feel the need of it myself, but I kind of understood why some people did.

  But this... I couldn't begin to wrap my head around this. How fucked in the head did you have to be to think that human sacrifice was going to save your immortal soul? How desperate for certainty did you need to be to imagine that smearing yourself in human blood was a good idea? I wondered whether the Blood Hunters were just a collection of weak, scared people in thrall to a charismatic nutter, or were they some expression of something deeper, more fundamental? The Aztec part of us, if you like.

  I might as well have been walking through a crowd of Martians. I couldn't comprehend these people on any level. And suddenly I realised I'd made a terrible mistake strolling in here. Because how can you talk to someone when you don't even know their language?

  The tent flap was held open for me and I walked into the marquee. The air inside was fetid and humid, and smelt of grass, sweat and blood. Blankets lay on the floor, surrounded by bags and collections of random objects and piles of clothes; lots of little Blood Hunter nests. Running down the middle of the tent was a long red carpet, and at the far end, raised on a wooden dais, was a throne. I say throne, but it was really just a big wooden chair with a gold lame blanket tossed over it and a red velvet cushion. Sat on this throne was David, wearing his immaculate pinstripe suit and bowler hat. His umbrella rested on one of the arms. Two armed guards stood either side of the throne.

  I was shoved onto the red carpet and marched down it to meet the Blood Hunters' leader. I had no idea what to expect. I certainly didn't expect him to get up, walk down to meet me, shake my hand and offer me a cup of tea and a slice of cake.

  But that's what he did.

  "We've spoken before, haven't we?" he asked as he poured Earl Grey into a china cup.

bsp; "Yes, we have." He handed me the cup and saucer and I thanked him. "At Ightham."

  "I thought so. You were one of the boys who attacked us."

  I took a sip. "Yeah."

  We sat on canvas chairs facing each other across a wrought iron table. There was a plate on the table with lemon drizzle cake on it. I didn't ask where they'd managed to find lemons, I just helped myself. It was delicious.

  Imagine a clown performing for children, his face covered in make-up. Then try to imagine what he looks like when all the slap's taken away. Is he old or young? Ugly or attractive? It's impossible to say. All you can see is the clown face. It was the same with David. I found it very hard to get a sense of what he looked like, because all I could see was the cracked and crumbling patina of blood that caked his face. It made him difficult to read.

  Obviously I was taking tea with a madman. But was he personally dangerous? Was he likely to kill me himself, with no warning, on a whim or because of something I might say? Or did his threat lie solely in his power over others? I could find no clue at all in his expression or his cold grey eyes.

  "So what can I do for you this fine sunny day, young man?" he said. "Do you wish to join us, perhaps? We always have room for penitent souls." He smiled insincerely.

  "I've come to ask you to leave." Even though I'd been rehearsing this in my head all night I still couldn't believe I'd just said that.

  "I'm sorry?"

  "I want you to leave St Mark's alone. Just leave. Please."

  He put down his tea carefully, then he placed his elbows on the table and rested his face in his hands.

  "Why would I want to do that? There are young, innocent souls in there, in need of salvation. I can provide them with that. I'm only here to help."

  "And if they don't want your salvation?"


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