Lilly's Torment [Beyond the Veil 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Lilly's Torment [Beyond the Veil 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 25

by Honor James

  “Hot tub, I think, and then we can go and lay in the sauna for a little while.” Pulling her up against him, he lifted her so she could wrap her legs around his waist. “If that works for you, of course,” he said with a grin.

  “You know damn good and well that works for me. I happen to really, really love it when I’m able to have you inside of me in the hot tub.” Her legs were locked around his waist, and her hands splayed over his shoulders. Leaning in, she brushed her nose to his and sighed. “I love being in your arms. I didn’t think that I would. Weird, right?”

  “Why would that be weird?” he asked. Stopping at the hot tub, he tugged at her legs and set her into the water. “Well?” he said as he stripped out of his sweaty clothing and climbed in with her. Settling onto the bench seat, he looked up at her and cocked a brow. He’d asked a question, or so she thought he had.

  “It’s not. Well, not really. What I feel for you isn’t weird. What I need from you isn’t weird. It just is strange, because I never dreamed that I would come to this place and meet not just one man of my dreams, but two. It’s kinda surreal to me that I could fall so hard and so fast and know just how right it is.”

  “We’re nothing if not shocking.” He smiled. Taking her hand, he pulled her toward him and then helped her settle, straddling his lap. Tipping his chin up, he stared into her eyes and brushed a finger over her cheek. “Would you really have had it any other way, Lilly? Would you prefer it if you’d never met us?” he asked quietly. His gaze was curious, and yet she was quite sure she spotted a little vulnerability in his eyes.

  “Oh god, no. I am so very happy to have met you,” she said and moved closer to him. Wrapping her arms around him, she hugged him tightly. “I don’t think that I would know what to do without the two of you. The two of you make me happy. The two of you make life worth living.”

  “Then that is all that matters,” he said, hugging her back. Tension eased from his body, a tension she hadn’t even noticed before it slipped from his form.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Something was tickling her nose and wouldn’t stop. Brushing at it didn’t help, rubbing didn’t help, and even smacking around her pillow didn’t help. Whatever it was, was very persistent. When she peeled an eye open, she saw Gavriel practically nose–to-nose with her and smiling. “About time you woke up. Artaxias said you barely grunted when he got up and waved him off when he kissed you good-bye, but I thought he was pulling my leg. Apparently not.”

  Lifting an arm, she wrapped it around Gav’s neck and pulled him closer with a grin. “Well, what can I say? I went to bed late and was worn out.” She grinned teasingly. “How about you let me get up, get showered and teeth brushed, and then I will let you continue teasing me?” she asked hopefully. Her hand moved to his cheek. “How are you doing? You okay?”

  Nodding, he leaned closer so his forehead was resting against hers. His eyes slid shut and Gav released a soft sigh of air. “Better now that I’m here with you,” he said quietly. He moved in closer and wrapped her in his arms, one hand rubbing over her back. “Go and shower,” he told her, his eyes popping open again. “I’m going to get out of all this gear and wait for you here. If I’m asleep, poke me back awake, please. I have plans for you.”

  That had her grinning and she licked her lips. “I’m glad that you will be there waiting for me.” She put her cheek to his and rubbed it to his. “I will see you soon, babe,” she whispered against his ear. “I’m going to get clean and then I’m going to come and attack you, baby.”

  He chuckled deeply, a grin curling his lips up. “Promises, promises,” he murmured. Pressing a kiss to her cheek, he hugged her close before opening his arms. “Go and clean up, darling. I will be here waiting for your return.”

  She did just that. After a time, she finally returned, crawling into bed with him and wrapping her arm around his chest. “I love you,” she told him quietly and rubbed her cheek on his chest. Looking up at him, she grinned, “Now then, I’m all nice and clean, shaven, and horny. What’cha gonna do about it?”

  He lifted a brow as he looked at her from under his lashes. “Well, I don’t really know. Would you happen to have any suggestions?” He smiled ever so slightly, the look in total giving him a very naughty appearance.

  “Oh I have a few suggestions,” she said with a grin. “You see, I was thinking.” She let her lips trail down his chest and hovered just over his throbbing hard cock and smiled. “I was thinking that perhaps I should first lick you.” Her tongue darted out, and she very, very lightly allowed it to rub over the top of his cock. “And then I think that, after that, you should fuck me. Thoughts?”

  He let out a groan and nodded, one hand thrusting into her hair. “Excellent plan,” he said, his voice a little choked sounding. “I fully approve of your plan, go for it,” he told her. With a little push to her head, he lifted his hips to bump his cock to her lips.

  She could only grin. He knew how much she got off on him fisting his hands in her hair and making her take all of him into her mouth. She moved slightly and shivered as she began to truly move on his cock. She licked and sucked him greedily. She needed more. She had to have more. Moaning as she took him deeper and deeper, she shuddered. Pulling off of him, she licked her lips and said, “I need, Gav. I need you.”

  Apparently, that was all he needed her to say. She found herself being yanked up, and then his weight was pressing her into the bed. His face was pressed to her neck, his mouth on her skin, and one hand was cupping her pussy. With his legs, he spread her wide open, his fingers delving in to stroke her and push ever deeper into her, stroking her higher and higher.

  Lilly loved this part, how wild Gavriel could get at times. She loved the look that he would get in his eyes, the way that he would move with her and send her body ready to run and melt. “Gav. Fuck me.” It was all that she could say as she lay under him, panting in desperation.

  He gave a low growl, his thumb rubbing over her clit, and he sucked at her nipple. Pulling the bud into his mouth, he flicked it with his tongue, rolling it around, and drew harder. Just when she was ready to scream, he drew his fingers away and moved between her legs to thrust into her deep.

  She was going to kill him. It was her brief thought before he finally filled her body. Then Lilly stopped thinking and simply began to feel. She moved with him, her body with his, and shuddered over and again. A low moan came from the back of her throat and she shuddered. “Yes,” she moaned low and loudly.

  Hooking his arms under her legs, Gav practically folded her in half as he levered up and over her, driving his cock into her deeper. Faster and harder, he drove in deep and hit her just where she needed him to. His mouth moved to her other breast and latched onto the nipple, sucking hard.

  Lilly’s hands went to his head and she held him there to her breast. She shivered and moved with him. “Gav.” She moaned his name, her toes curling and whole body trembling. “Oh gods, yes, right there.” She whimpered in desperation.

  Another low growl sounded and his mouth was on hers again. “So, fucking, good,” he groaned out, flexing his hips to drive into her deeper. “So, fucking, tight,” he moaned and thrust his tongue into her mouth, the movements matching his cock into her pussy.

  Lilly bit his lower lip, the small hint of blood lapped up with her tongue, and shuddered. “So fucking perfect.” At this angle, she felt as if he was splitting her in half. She felt as if he were drilling into her and she would never be right again, but she knew she would. “More. Harder.” She growled out her demand in a low and guttural voice.

  He growled again, this time deeper in his chest, the sound rolling through her. The violet of his eyes started to overtake the white in an odd way, growing, darkening. Pushing up on his arms, he tilted his hips and slammed into her, giving her just what she wanted, hitting her so deep she could feel the pressure at the opening of her womb.

  Lilly’s thin thread of control snapped. She opened herself to Gav and allowed him to do with her as he w
anted, needed. She shifted slightly and then sobbed out in pleasure. “There.” He was hitting her just right, the rocking of his hips going deeper and deeper until she could practically feel him in her womb. “Yes!” she screamed, darkness clouding her vision with the intensity of her pleasure. Her nails dug deeply into his back, drawing blood but not even noticing.

  He shouted out with her, his back arching as he drove inside and spilled his seed. His whole body quaked from the release before drooping over her. Her legs were released from the awkward position and he braced some of his weight on his arms. Fighting for air, they both shivered when she tightened her inner muscles and he let out another shot of semen.

  Lilly couldn’t speak. Hell, she wasn’t certain she was breathing until she finally gasped and then grinned. “Amazing,” she whispered very, very softly. And it had been. Sharing this with him had been primal, it had been necessary. It had been perfect.

  “I think I pulled something,” he said on a small whimper. “And damn if I don’t want to do that again.” He chuckled. A small wince as he withdrew and rolled to his back, pulling her with him as he went. “Later, definitely later.”

  She laughed at that and moved with him. “Totally,” she whispered. “Because that was so very, very good.” She moved so that she could curl into him, pulling the blanket up and around her so that she didn’t get too cold too fast.

  His agreement was a deep rumble in his chest as he grinned a little. Then he ruined the effect by yawning widely, and shook his head. “Crap,” he muttered. “Sorry, Lil, but I’m absolutely exhausted. Let me catch a couple of hours and then I’ll see if I can top that performance.”

  “Sleep is good.” She rubbed her cheek to his chest and smiled. “If you top it, you might just kill me and then Ax will be all pissy with you,” she teased him. “But I still say we try.” Lilly let out a yawn, exhaustion riding her hard. “Love you,” she whispered softly before dropping off and into sleep.

  His chuckle followed her into her slumber.

  * * * *

  “Here, try this.” He held up the fruit to her lips. “Can’t remember what the hell it’s called, but it comes from the Luhpyne realm and is amazing. Zhubin brings it through by the crate for Lacey all the time and usually can smuggle a few out from under her watchful eye for me.”

  Lilly took a bite and sighed happily. “Oh that’s very good.” She licked her lips and nodded. “And he would do anything for her because she’s pregnant. That woman is seriously scary if she doesn’t get the food she’s craving.” Lacey had nearly run down one of her mates when she saw him with a plate of some kind of weird meat. “It won’t be like that for us if we chose to get pregnant, right? I mean, I won’t turn into some weirdo, right?”

  Gavriel sort of froze, a piece of cheese dangling from his fingers in front of his open mouth, his eyes wide open. Snapping his mouth shut, he lowered his hand and hummed. “I honestly have no way of answering that in a manner that doesn’t get me either kicked in the nuts or never getting sex again so I’m not going to answer. Ever. Ask Artaxias,” he advised, and stuffed the cheese into his mouth fast.

  That had her giggling. Her Gav seemed to think that saying “ask Ax” was a way to deter her, but it wasn’t. It felt more like a challenge. “I think I will. Perhaps I should also ask him to ensure that you are both ready for a child when we do make that choice to try, and make you go through parenting classes?”

  “I think Ax is already prepared,” he said with a chuckle. “He practically raised me, poor bastard.” He snorted out a laugh. “Gods, some of the shit I used to get into. Honestly, I’m truly amazed he hasn’t killed me yet. If he can survive me and all the crap I did or trouble I got into, you definitely don’t need to send him to classes. I, on the other hand, will likely require twenty-four-hour-a-day, seven-days-a-week supervision and instruction for at least a month to prepare. I seem to have an attention issue when a classroom is involved.”

  Lilly shook her head and grinned. “You do seem to be a bit attention deficit in a great deal of things. But seriously, the question does remain. I won’t hurt you, and you damn sure know that I won’t withhold sex, so, out with it. If we become pregnant, will I become a raving crazed woman like Lacey?”

  “Honestly”—he frowned and then gave a single shoulder shrug—“I don’t know. Every woman is different and no two pregnancies are the same. Something you should realize, love. Each pregnancy brings its own changes and challenges to it. We won’t know for sure until you are pregnant. But you do need to remember that no matter what occurs during your pregnancy, we will always be here for you. Sometimes under cover and hiding, but here all the same.” He chuckled softly.

  That had her laughing, but she did nod, finally. “Good point. I know sometimes I see Lacey coming and I will duck under my desk. No lie. I love her like a sister, but seriously, that woman is terrifying in her pregnancy.”

  “She nearly made Artaxias cry,” he said quietly, a little too much glee in his voice. “At least I think that was the emotion going on. Sometimes it’s damned hard to know for sure with him. He’s way too good at masking his feelings.”

  “Yes he is, except with me. For the most part, I’m pretty good at reading him and knowing what he wants and needs, most times.” However, there were times that she seriously still needed to figure out what the ever-loving hell the man was thinking or doing.

  “Really? Fuck, and I’ve known him longer. That annoys me on some level.” He didn’t look annoyed though, he was looking at her with a hint of laughter in his eyes. “I’m glad you can read him on whatever level you can. He needs someone that can poke holes in some of those walls he throws up. Not all, mind you. I like having my throat where it belongs. But some most definitely require the look of Swiss cheese.”

  “Well, of course you wouldn’t be able to do it because you aren’t sleeping with him. And even though he loves you like a brother or sibling or whatever, I’m the one that he is able to be completely and fully himself with. It’s different, and you know it.” It was more than sex. It was a connection on an emotional level, as well.

  “I know,” he said softly, stroking his fingers over her cheek. “I think he sees me as the annoying kid that keeps repeating the same one-word question over and over again just to test his patience.” Gavriel blinked and then snorted out a laugh. “Actually, I’m pretty sure I did do that to him for about two weeks straight. Only respite he got was when I passed out from sheer exhaustion. But every morning I’d start up again and keep it going as long as I was close enough to him. Fuck me, the fact I’m still alive is a bloody miracle.”

  “Holy hell, no kidding.” Lilly shook her head and laughed. “And I swear to you that if we have a child and they do that, you are the one that is taking care of them. I mean it, mister man. So you had better hope and pray that, if that day ever comes, the child doesn’t ask why on a constant basis.”

  Laughing, he batted his lashes at her. “Why?” he teased. Rolling away from her as she growled, he popped up to his feet and stretched. “I’m starving. Want to come and get something to eat before I take you again a few more times?”

  “Yes, I want food.” She moved to the side of the bed and grinned. “Turn around. I want to have a piggyback ride down to the kitchen. I’m all weak-kneed at the moment.” Well, not really but it sounded good and anything to get her legs wrapped around him, she was totally there.

  Snorting, he rolled his eyes, but he did turn around. As she jumped on her back, he caught her behind the knees to hold her up on his back. “Weak-kneed huh?” he asked as he strode through the hall and down the stairs. “You seemed perfectly fine earlier when you were sashaying around.”

  With her arms around his shoulders, she held onto him and grinned. “Yeah, but you see, if I wasn’t able to ride your back I wouldn’t be able to do this.” She demonstrated what it was by nibbling at his ear and then the side of his neck, the spot that made him almost instantly hard. “To remind you of just how much you need me and
I need you.”

  With a groan, he squeezed her legs slightly. “Babe, I know how much I need you. My cock is throbbing again already and has been for a while. And I know how much you need me, I can feel the heat and wetness of your pussy on my back. I love how wet you get when you get dirty, dirty thoughts roaming through that too-smart brain of yours.”

  “Oh, I do so love getting nice and wet. Even more when you are nice and hard as well.” She loved every single aspect of being mated to this man. “I will love it even more if you sit me down on the counter and while our food is cooking in the microwave or oven, lick my pussy until I scream your name. Or I can suck your cock until you scream mine,” she teased.

  “Well, I am feeling slightly peckish, maybe a little snack before we eat is a good idea. I like the idea of licking your sweet cream up as you beg for mercy and more. I’m thinking I should reheat some of the leftovers in the oven. That will give us a lot of time to mess up the kitchen and drive Ax insane with trying to figure out what we did in there. It’s a two-for-one deal I like.”

  Lilly had to grin. Leave it to Gav to find a way to drive Ax insane. “I’m thinking that we should as well, but you know he will know just what we did. He will scent me and my cream, and he will know that we fucked on his counters, or table, or floor, or wherever it is when you finally give in to my demands and take me.”

  “Oh, I’m thinking just about anywhere and everywhere. If I throw the leftovers into the oven to warm nice and slowly, that gives us a good half hour or more to get up to some serious shit in here. I’m already picturing you laid out on the table as I fuck you, your ass in the air as you hang onto the counter while I take you from behind, and of course, laying you out to lick you until you shriek on the counters, the floor, and maybe up against the cabinets. Have you ride me while I sit in a chair. Just for starters, of course.”


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