Lilly's Torment [Beyond the Veil 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Lilly's Torment [Beyond the Veil 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 27

by Honor James

  “Well that’s going to change. I mean it. I know he wouldn’t hurt himself, but now I feel like such a turd for asking him to always eat with me. I should just wait and if he wants to, or needs to eat, then let him eat.” She was grumbling now, she couldn’t help it. She knew that Ax would never willingly harm himself, but she was frustrated that he hadn’t talked to her about it.

  “He did tell you that he only eats three times a week, otherwise he can become sick,” he pointed out softly. Bumping his shoulder to hers lightly, Gavriel pressed a kiss to her shoulder before drawing back. “He only adjusted his schedule to keep you happy, love. And he’s not doing any harm if he’s eating only small amounts.”

  “I still don’t like it,” she whispered. “That he did that only for me. I don’t understand it.” Mostly because she never had anyone really go out of their way to do something so significant for her. “God, I love that man,” she said with a soft sigh. “When should he be home, anyway?”

  Rolling his eyes, he looked to the wall. “He should be here in about three hours, give or take. And he did it because he loves you and cares about you, Lilly. He wants to make you happy and it was something he could do to make you feel more a part of our lives. So don’t give him any grief about it, will you please?”

  “I know that, but it doesn’t make me feel any less of an ass because I didn’t listen to him.” And that was the crux of the issue. She was having issues because of her own stupidity and nothing that Ax did. It was all on her head.

  “Hey, don’t put yourself down like that. I won’t let you get away with it and neither will Artaxias. Give yourself a break, too, Lil. You’ve been going through a hell of a lot of late and really, the fact you can still smile and get out of bed is a fucking miracle. You screwed up, deal with it and move on. He’s figured out a fix and it’s working for everyone. Let it go.”

  She sighed and shook her head. “Yeah I did. I screwed up. He’s always fixing things, isn’t he?” she asked sadly. “He’s fixing things so that he can eat with me, and when you were growing up, he fixed things for you then, too, right? I wish for once I could do something for him.”

  “How can you say you’re not doing something for him? Lilly, until you came into our lives, he never smiled, he never relaxed and hell, I don’t think he ever goofed off once. You are helping him to become something more than just a bodyguard or an assassin or whatever his other jobs may have been. You are helping him to actually live, that is better than I could have ever done,” he said softly.

  That fast, she began to cry. She hadn’t thought of those things, they just seemed so natural to Artaxias that she hadn’t thought that she was the one who was helping bring that out in him. “Well hell. Now I’m crying,” she muttered and sniffed. “I think that I’m all done eating. How about we go up and sleep?” she asked hopefully. Dammit, she just wanted to be held now, her emotions all over the place because she didn’t have both men with her.

  Nodding, he caught her chin and kissed her gently. “Here, soak up some of those tears,” he suggested, passing her a napkin. Rolling off the table, he cleaned up before coming back to scoop her into his arms as she continued to blubber.

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” She felt as if she were a failure for her guys, and her heart was breaking because of it. She didn’t like this feeling, at all. “I will feel better after a shower and nap, I’m sure.” She was just an emotional rollercoaster and it was something she didn’t like, at all, let alone poor Gavriel.

  He made a noncommittal sound in his throat as he climbed the stairs. But he took her straight to the bathroom once they’d reached their bedroom and even set her on her feet inside the shower stall. Catching her chin in a gentle hand, he bent to look her in the eye. “You do know you can talk to us about anything, right? Doesn’t matter if we huff and puff, we will always listen and always be there for you, Lilly. Right?”

  “I know. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I’m an absolute emotional mess. I’m totally blaming it on what’s happening down at the station, because that’s the only thing that’s really changed in my life. Someone trying to control me with whatever it is that they are using.” She moved and wrapped her arms around his middle and sighed, the heat of him chasing fears and insecurities away. “I do love you, Gavriel. Thank you for being here for me and with me.”

  “Absolutely,” he said, hugging her in return. And he didn’t let her go, just held her in a tight, yet comfortable hold. “I will be here for you for many, many years to come, so try not to worry so much. And you know that Artaxias will kill anything we need to have killed. He’s wonderfully vicious like that.” He chuckled softly.

  “That’s a very good thing.” Lilly laughed and closed her eyes after kissing his chest once more. “He is wonderfully vicious like that but then again, so, too, are you. I love you, but we both know that if it all came down to it, you would kill without even a second thought.”

  “Me? I’m a pussycat.” He smiled down at her. Backing her up a little, he adjusted the shower head up and turned on the water. Playing with the controls, he finally adjusted the shower head down once more so the water hit them.

  She laughed then. “Yeah, sure you are.” Her hands moved down his chest, a grin on her lips when she moved in closer to him. “I think we should get clean and get into bed. I’m full and exhausted. Later I will figure out what the hell is wrong with me. Right now, I’m happy just being here with you. Period.”

  Nodding, he pressed a kiss to her lips and handed her the soap. While she did that, he washed his hair and rinsed before they swapped items and positions in the shower. Grinning, he smacked her bottom lightly during the switch and hummed happily when she shot him a dirty look.

  “Hey now.” She was grinning that saucy grin that got her into so much trouble with him. “If I didn’t know better, I would swear that you were trying to get me all riled up and not getting me the sleep I need.” She was teasing. She was tired yes, but they both knew that if he wanted her again she was always up for one more round.

  “I would never do that.” He grinned. The look on his face, though, said she wouldn’t be getting any more sleep soon.


  “Just what the hell are you two up to, and why did I not get an invite?”

  “Ax!” Gavriel grinned toward the door. “We were just killing time, waiting on you to arrive back home. She dared me to put my leg over my head, not realizing I am the pretzel man champion. Unfortunately, I fell over and this position is not conducive to getting my leg back to where it belongs.”

  Lilly giggled and shook her head. “I didn’t think that he would actually do it.” She got up from the couch and moved to Ax. Wrapping her arms around his middle, she gave him a hug. “Please tell me that your guys’ schedules are now in synch so that I no longer have to be without one or the other of you during the day or night time?”

  “Should be, he’s off for the next two days and I’m off for three. After that, we’re both back on days until further notice.” Hugging her, he dropped a kiss to her lips and then looked to Gav. “We should just leave him there,” he muttered.

  “Hey! I heard that and no, just no, damn it.”

  That had Lilly laughing and she looked up at Ax. “What did you have in mind, if we are to leave him here by his lonesome?” She batted her lashes, actually batted them at Artaxias as if that would help her at all. “But we should at least bring him with us, because I have this need, this urge.” She leaned in and brushed her lips to the underside of Ax’s jawline. “For my guys to take me and make us all one, once more.”

  He gave a low growl and tipped his head to let her have more room to play. “I was thinking of throwing you on the bed and fucking you blind. Six or seven rounds at the very least. But if we bring him with us—” He let out a sigh. “Well, I’m sure we can come up with something. Should we leave him as is when we bring him, or do I need to get him back to his semi-normal self?”

  “Oh I’m su
re with the proper persuasion”—Lilly stripped out of the light sundress she was wearing, allowing it to pool at her feet so that they could both see she was fully naked under it—“he could get himself untangled. If he wants to join in, that is.” She nipped at Ax again, right before shooting a look at Gavriel. “Well, you going to join us?” she asked, with a smile on her lips filled with invitation.

  “Ugh!” he groaned and then whimpered. “I’m stuck,” he whined as he wiggled around. And then his eyes went wide as he slid off the sofa. “Help!”

  Groaning, Artaxias cupped her ass and hauled her in closer to him. “I say we leave him, he’s obviously in no condition to join us,” he murmured softly. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he sucked her lower one in and nibbled gently.

  Lilly laughed against Ax’s lips. “As much as I want to agree…” She let her hands move down Ax’s chest and undid the buttons of his shirt as she did so. “I really also want to feel you filling me to the brim and beyond, both of you. I want to have the both of you inside of me. Fucking me. Filling me. So, perhaps we should help him because of that?”

  “We could just get you a dildo, be in better condition than stumpy over there right now,” he pointed out. But he’d caved to her request, she knew it, could see it in his eyes and the slight expression of resignation on his face. “Don’t talk him into doing shit anymore. He has a need to prove himself that usually ends badly. Case in point.” He waved a hand to where Gavriel was stuck on his back with his leg behind his head.

  “Right, good point. Promise, no more asking him to prove himself,” she said with a smile. “Okay, let’s get pretzel man unwound and then let’s make a break for the bedroom. When he’s worked all his kinks out and thinks he can join us, he can then join us, but not a moment before. Deal?”

  “Since he won’t be able to move, I don’t see that last part as any sort of issue.” Sighing, he pressed a kiss to her lips before pulling back and releasing her. “You have a ten-second head start, darling, use it wisely.” Smiling at her, he went over to Gavriel and grabbed his ankle behind his head. “Ten, nine.” He threw her a warning look as he unraveled Gav, who gave a very unmanly shriek.

  Lilly grinned and took off toward their bedroom. She raced along happily and then jumped naked onto the center of their massive bed. When she heard Ax say “One,” she grinned. “Well, hurry!” she shouted, waiting with them with her hand on her own pussy and one on her nipples.

  He just appeared before her in the room and tackled her to the bed. “What do you think you are doing with my pussy?” he asked, his voice rough even as he grinned at her. Catching her hand, he lifted it to his mouth and sucked on her fingers as he wrestled her other hand up and over her head. “Grip the headboard and do not let go. Not for any reason unless I say so.”

  Doing as he demanded, Lilly watched Ax, her eyes glittering in joy and happiness and that little edge of desperation, too. “If it’s your pussy, then I suggest that you get my cocks working to please me.” She teased him right back, her eyes on his and grinning when she watched his turn that deep shade of black that they turned right before he either fucked her like mad, or was pissed. And since she knew he would never be pissed off at her, not really anyway, it meant she was so getting fucked. In the best ways possible.

  “You are a mouthy wench,” he commented with amusement. Then he pulled back! Climbing off the bed, he stood at the end and tugged his shirt off over his head, tossing it aside. Next, she heard the thud of his boots before he dipped out of view and his jeans went flying a different direction from his shirt. Fully naked and fully aroused, he climbed back up on the bed. “Spread your legs, I have the need to taste my pussy.”

  “Hey now.” She rose so that she could watch him and then grinned. Leaning back once more, she braced her feet on the bed and spread her legs for him, “That’s a very damn good thing, because I have a need for you to do the same thing,” she uttered only a moment before his hot mouth landed on her pussy and he began to lap at her with the intensity of a dying man.

  There was a loud thud followed by a string of curses that had them both looking to the door. Shaking his head, Artaxias shot her a look. “He may be a little longer yet, hands on the headboard,” he ordered with a glower. Then he had his mouth back on her pussy, sucking and licking and driving her absolutely around the bend.

  She laughed, which died out quickly when his mouth returned to her pussy. She moaned and lifted up to meet him with her hips. “Gods, yes,” she breathed softly. “Please.” She begged him now. “More.” It was a plea, a demand.

  His deep chuckle against her flesh sent little tremors through her. But he did as she asked, sucking and licking. Pushing two fingers into her pussy, Artaxias stroked her hard and fast, using his teeth to lightly scrape at her clit.

  Lilly couldn’t believe just how good it felt to have him doing to her what he was. She moved with him, her body on fire and a grin on her face. “I really, really think that if Gav is going to join us, he should hurry, because right now all that I can think of us having you inside of me and to hell with everything else.”

  “I’m here. Bruised, but here, damn it,” Gavriel grumbled as he entered the room. He was limping a little and had a seriously put-out expression. Stopping, he took in the action and his eyebrows went way up. “Holy hell, you two really don’t waste any time, do you?” He chuckled.

  “No.” Lilly reached out her hand to him and smiled. “How about you come and join us? I have a deep and desperate need. I need you both, a great deal. I want and I need you both a great deal. I want you both to be inside of me, now.”

  Taking her hand, he gave it a squeeze as he stepped closer. “Let me get naked first, darling, and then we’ll see about satisfying your wishes.” Leaning in, he kissed her fingers and gave a light nip to her thumb before drawing back and letting go.

  Lilly grinned and watched everything that was happening. She watched as Gav hopped and jumped out of his clothes, moved so that she could grin down at Ax, and licked her lips. “I think that he’s finally decided that he wants to be a part of this play. Should we let him?” She was teasing and both men knew she was.

  Chuckling he shrugged and shot Gavriel a look. “I dunno. He was rather tardy in joining the party. I think that you need to punish him for that tardiness, love.” Something flashed over his face before he smirked. “Up on your knees, Lilly. I think you need to suck him right to the point of coming and then, well, the rest will be up to you if you wish to truly punish him or not.”

  That had Lilly grinning. She was more than willing to do just that. She got up on her knees and looked up at Gavriel. “So tell me, what is it that I will want for you to not be punished? What should you do in order to pay me back for being so bad in being so late?”

  “What?” he asked, blinking in confusion. “Oh, right, uh. Hell, I’m totally all good with you punishing me as long as you do what Ax said. Punish me, darling, punish me hard.” He climbed up on the bed and knelt before her.

  Moving behind her, Ax smoothed his hands over her ass and spread her cheeks wide. “While you decide, Lilly, I’ll entertain myself.” Pressing his cock to her pussy he rubbed through the gathering moisture and then pushed into her anus, settling himself in deep.

  With her mouth covering Gav’s cock, she tightened her lips, sucking a bit harder when Ax pushed into her ass. Her moan was low, intense, and extreme. She shuddered. She’d had them taking her before so this wasn’t a first but each time they came together felt like the first time to her.

  Gavriel slid a hand into her hair and clenched it, tugging lightly on the strands. “Oh Gods,” he groaned, his head thrown back she noted when she peeked up at him.

  Artaxias smacked her ass, right side, and then the left as he thrust into her. Massaging her ass cheeks, he growled her name softly when she clenched around his cock. “That’s it, darling,” he growled out softly.

  Lilly sucked Gavriel harder and faster. She moved on him and widened her legs to allow Ax more room t
o her ass. “Yes,” she whispered. “That feels so very good,” she whimpered. “Please, Ax, don’t stop,” she said and then began to work on Gav’s cock once more.

  She got another couple of smacks to her ass, one on each side that had her clenching her inner muscles again. Gav’s hold tightened in her hair and he was starting to pump his hips, driving his cock into her mouth a little deeper.

  Lilly loved this, being completely and totally owned the way that they were doing to her. She pulled back and licked her lips. “Where do you want to come, mouth or pussy?” she asked Gavriel with another sob of need as Artaxias pushed into her harder and faster.

  “Don’t care. Need to come. Choose,” he whimpered out, his hold tightening in her hair a little more.

  Artaxias made the choice for them both by tugging her up, Gav’s fingers sliding from her hair. Spreading his legs, he bared her pussy to Gavriel who, smart lad that he was, took it for the invitation it clearly was.

  Moving closer, Gav got into place and slammed his cock into her pussy hard, nearly lifting her off of Ax’s cock.

  Lilly sobbed. This was what she needed. She smiled at Gavriel and licked her lips. “God, yes, this feels so very good. Harder,” she begged. “That feels so good.” She was repeating herself, more than once, but she couldn’t seem to help herself at all. “That feels amazing.”

  They both gave her exactly what she wanted, fucking her hard and deep. Pushing her body to the absolute limits as they gave her everything in return. Just as they all began to come, Artaxias pushed her over by biting into her neck and growling.


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