The Nerd Turned Conqueror: A Fantasy Harem Adventure

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The Nerd Turned Conqueror: A Fantasy Harem Adventure Page 3

by Oscar Reeds

  “I really ought to fix that wardrobe soon,” I said aloud, making Norman raise an eyebrow.


  “Oh nothing, Norman. Just thinking out loud. I kind of want to eat something.”

  “Do you want to create food?”

  “Nah, there’s no fun in that.”

  I looked into my wallet. Sure enough, other than dust, a moth, and two places where it said ‘reserved for actual cash,’ I had nothing.

  “I want to make valid coins.”

  A surge. A nickel popped into existence when I snapped my fingers.

  “Now I want to make valid one-dollar bills.”

  A surge. Several one-dollar bills filled my wallet.

  “Now I want to make any kind of valid dollar bill.”

  A surge. My wallet was brimming with cash.

  “Now I want to make any kind of valid fiat currency.”

  A surge. My pockets had a few hundred Yen, a few dozen Euros, several rubles, and a Bulgarian lev.

  “Why didn’t you just ask your imaginary friend for more money from the get-go?” Janine asked. After I frowned, with a frightened tone of voice she added “sir?”

  “That’s how it works,” I said, counting the cash in my wallet. “I have to make a small, reasonable request, and then I can build up on it with subsequent larger requests of a similar nature.” I paused to buy some kebab. “Oh, I will enjoy removing you…”

  Norman, I could tell, was confused by me talking to the food. Janine, however, was confused by something else.

  “Why would a wish work like that?”

  “I dunno,” I was already teeth-deep into the kebab. “But it does.”

  “Do you get to keep all the powers you get?”

  I slapped her ass by waving my hand next to my kebab. She moaned. Then I froze a random bystander who looked like Zorro on gay night. “Nice comeback,” Janine muttered, rubbing her now reddened ass under her kimono.

  “Yeah, I keep them all.”

  “But how come you could hit me from far away, but couldn’t freeze me even when you could freeze your dad?”

  “Simple,” I replied, now demolishing the last of the kebab. Yes, I’m a fast eater. “It’s all in what I request. If I specifically ask about one person, it stays applicable to that one person. Until I ask for more, that is.”

  “I see.”

  Janine was thinking stuff over before asking her follow-up question.

  “So how come you don’t ask for, like, all the powers at once, or immortality, or—”

  “There are limits,” Norman replied, but he felt kind of silly after I gave him the ironic look. After all, only I could notice him.

  “There are limits,” I replied. “I can’t just ask for the most powerful stuff at once. I don’t even know how to gradually ask for immortality or indestructibility, or anything of the sort. So I limit myself to simpler stuff.”

  “So what you’re saying is, you can’t have it all even if you wanted to?”

  “No, I did not say that. I’m not sure I even want it all.”

  “So what you’re saying is, you don’t even know what you want?”

  “I know full well what I want, slut, but it doesn’t necessarily need to be immortality.”

  “So what you’re saying is—”

  “Hey, Cathy Newman! Can you can it with the questions already?”

  I shouldn’t have let myself get irritated by that. It’s safe to say I didn’t enjoy Janine’s giggle either. She, on the other hand, did not enjoy an aerial smack at her ass.

  “She’s found a chink in your armor, kid,” Norman said, and I wasn’t sure if he was enjoying that or not.

  “It’s nothing I cannot handle, Norman.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you can handle it.”

  “You don’t believe me?”

  “I’ve seen many things, kid. Many things you can’t even begin to know about.”

  “Of course. How dare I not know a thing about a thing that happened to you hundreds of years before I was even born? Silly me.”

  Janine got her smirk back at this. I hated her regaining some of her freedom back. It felt oddly defeating.

  “Still bickering with your invisible boyfriend?”

  “What’s it to you?”

  “Oh, not much, I’m just enjoying the show.”

  “You ought to stop, or I’ll—”

  “Or you’ll what, spank me again? Fondle me again? I know you can’t outright kill me or make me disappear. So go on then, I can take a swig!”

  I REALLY didn’t like that attitude.

  “You better apologize right now.”

  “Or what, nerd?”

  I air-spanked her right onto the road, after which I made her legs move sluggishly. The oncoming traffic was rather sizable. She was panicking.

  “Okay, pull me back, pull me back!”

  “Norman, I want to attract microscopic creatures towards me with my mind.”

  A surge. I made a group of bacteria form a massive bubble. The traffic was just barely grazing Janine, who was shrieking.

  “Help me!!”

  “Now I want to attract small animals.”

  Another surge. This time I made a flock of sparrows do the Riverdance. A truck was coming very close to a now crying Janine, with the entire street flocking to save her, but failing to move her.

  “And now I want to move large animals and humans.”

  Yet another surge. Everyone that was in the street, Janine included, was now hovering. There was a police siren, but I didn’t stick around. All of the people were now on the roof of a theater that was close by, except for Janine, whom I levitated in the air while walking. Everyone who could see me ran away in fear until the streets were practically empty.

  “Put me down!”

  And so I did. She hit the floor, but was still moving sluggishly.

  “Damn it, remove this from me!”

  I frowned.


  I smirked and extended my hand.

  “Thank y—”

  Now we both frowned. Of course.

  “Damn it…Norman, I want to be able to annul all of my powers.”

  He crossed his arms.

  “Ugh, fine! I want to be able to annul the power I currently have placed on her.”

  A surge. A snap of my fingers, and Janine could walk normally again. But I didn’t stop there.

  “Now give me the power to annul all similar powers to this one.”

  A surge. But I didn’t test it this time.

  “And now—”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  I was confused at this response by Norman, but still the surge came.

  “Good question,” he told me, though I never asked anything. “I gave you the ability to annul everything you ever did.”

  “But I never asked.”

  “See, sometimes I can bestow abilities based entirely on how you feel, what emotion you project. Or if what you want is painfully obvious.”

  “Does that mean I can get powers I do not want?”

  “No. I can never give you what you don’t want. That ain’t how it works.”

  I wasn’t sure I liked this new bit of info. Janine was still testing her legs, but I got her back down onto the road.

  “We’re going to our school now,” I said. “I have a bone to pick with a few people.”

  Naturally, everyone at school had heard of my exploits downtown. Every professor, every student, even all of the members of the cleaning staff – they all locked themselves in. I tried to punch the door in from afar – nothing. Kicking them didn’t do the trick either.

  “I want to dismantle the lock with a finger touch,” I told Norman, and a surge later, I was in the hallway. Naturally, I asked for the ability to open any lock like this, and Norman obliged.

  “So what now?” Janine asked, still a little defiant, which was now growing on me. “Want to C
olumbine the entire school? Was that your plan?”

  “You think I had a plan, do you?” I smirked.

  “Well, yeah.”

  I had no answer.

  “You’re right, I do have a plan. And it involves doing a whole lot of damage.”

  I clicked off one lock and entered my classroom, which was filled with three classes, one of them being mine. I approached Peter and Haggard first.

  “You know what comes next, do you?”

  They nodded, evidently too terrified. I slowly whirled my hands and numerous bacteria formed a cloud around Peter’s nose. He was coughing, and Haggard fell to his knees, unable to beg but desperately wanting to.

  “Oh, don’t worry, Haggard,” I told him, as menacingly as my shrill voice allowed it. “You I plan on breaking into several dozen pieces.”

  But someone grabbed my arm from behind. It was Melissa.

  “Please don’t. This isn’t you,” she pleaded. It made me angry.

  “This isn’t me? This isn’t ME?! How in the hell would YOU know what makes me me?”

  “I know you’re not a criminal, Conrad!”

  “And what am I?”


  “I am a reject, Melissa! Everyone hates me, you included!”

  She genuinely looked puzzled.

  “I never hated you.”

  “Stop lying!”

  “But I honestly never did.”

  Her unflinching nature caught me off guard.

  “You didn’t?” I asked, bemused.

  “You didn’t?” Janine asked, bemused.

  “You didn’t?” Haggard asked, bemused.

  “You didn’t?” One of the teachers asked, bemused.

  “You didn’t?” A random person standing out the window asked, bemused.

  “No. In fact, I always wanted to talk to you, to help you get in touch with everyone,” she added. I wasn’t having any of it.

  “Well, the time I gave you that pen, you were all disgusted!”

  “Well yeah, I mean, you did fart before giving it to me.”

  Students couldn’t help but giggle at this. The worst part was – she was right. I did fart when giving the pen to her.

  “But…but you disinfected it when returning it!”

  Now everyone burst into laughter, which I stopped by slapping them silly. All of them.

  “Look, I—” she paused, embarrassed.

  “Well, how do you explain that, Melissa?”

  “I…have a problem.”

  She sounded genuinely concerned, even a bit weepy. I was all ears. Everyone was.

  “Haggard and Janine know this…”

  And the two did, in fact, nod their heads, remembering something important and going ‘oooooooh’ while nodding. I was still in the dark.

  “Well, tell me.”

  “Your pen is…rather large.”

  And again, she was right. It was a novelty gag pen I took during one field trip. And it was massive, the size of a small branch.

  “And I have a compulsive need to…to masturbate.”

  Right then and there, I knew where this was going.

  “See, I was using your pen to pleasure myself, but I didn’t even realize it! It happened while I was studying, and my mind wandered off, and the next thing I know, I came all over your pen!”

  Everyone tried to contain their giggles. The irony wasn’t lost on me either. My pen got to have sex before I did.

  “So I had to disinfect it! It would have smelled otherwise.”

  “So…you really wanted me to…” I tried to steer the conversation back to our original points, but the picture of her masturbating with my pen stuck in my mind. She did help me out, though.

  “Yes, I wanted you to feel more welcome. In fact, I know at least five people in this school who wanted to help me, but couldn’t.”

  This came as a shock to me.

  “See, Haggard’s goons and some of Janine’s friends kind of run the crowds, and what they say goes. And making you feel like shit is their favorite pastime.”

  Indeed, I levitated the said individuals in the air. They didn’t much like it.

  “So even if people wanted to help you, they couldn’t. They would be ostracized like you.” She began to cry. “I was scared, Conrad. Everyone was! Hell, even the teachers torture you! They think…” she barely contained her tears. “They think you’re like your dad! Or your mom! They think you won’t fall far from that rotten tree. And by the looks of this, it’s true!”

  Good Lord was that ever a smack in the feels. I looked at the crying Melissa, then Janine on the floor, then the kids I had in the air, then the broken locks, then the frightened people that peeped into the classroom. What the hell was I doing?

  I dropped them all down and moved out. Melissa followed.

  “Where are you going, Conrad?” she asked.

  “I have to leave,” I said, disappointed, dragging Janine with me. “I just…I need time to think.”

  Chapter 4

  I left the school round the back exit and kept a low profile until I reached a part of the woods that, after about half a mile of walking, would have reached the little patch of woods behind Janine’s house. Naturally, I could hear the police sirens and the cops screaming about, looking for me, as well as Janine, but I was well beyond their reach now. Amusingly, so was Melissa.

  “Why did you follow me, Melissa?”

  “Because I want to repay you somehow.”

  “Repay me?”

  “For what I did to you.”

  This was somewhat confusing, but it oddly turned me on somehow, which Norman noticed. I could tell by his groan.

  “But I thought you said you wanted to help me?”

  “That’s not what I’m repaying, Conrad.” She was approaching me. “I’m repaying my debt of being complicit. Of not listening to my gut and going against the popular kids.”

  She was very close now. In fact, I could feel her hand undoing my zipper.

  “Look, Melissa, I…”

  A surge. A mighty one, at that. I hopped up and screamed like a little girl, which startled Melissa and mildly irritated Janine, whose leash was tied to a tree.

  “Damn it, Norman, what now?!” I shrieked. Melissa was confused.


  I didn’t bother to explain. Norman merely looked at me, both of his arms crossed and heavy on his chest.

  “Erm, is that what you call your penis, Conrad?” Melissa asked, genuinely curious.


  At this confusion, Janine laughed a little bit too loudly. I couldn’t hide my blushing face, which Melissa misread as an accurate guess on her side. She couldn’t help but giggle.

  “I mean, if your Norman has some issues, it’s okay…” she couldn’t stop giggling.

  “No, no, I—” and the awkwardness was back. I hadn’t felt it ever since I stopped conversing with kids in my school at all. Well, it was fun while it lasted…

  I looked at Norman, and the bastard was smirking.

  “What the hell did you do to me?!”

  Now Melissa was really confused. I was apparently yelling at no one in particular. Naturally, like Janine, or rather like everyone except me, she couldn’t see Norman.

  “I fulfilled your wish,” he said. “I doubled your pecker in length.”

  “The fuck?! I didn’t ask for that!”

  “Don’t worry, it wasn’t much of an effort.”

  And again, he was right. Even with this length, my dick was average-sized at best. But this did give me an idea.

  “Add one more third to it.”

  A surge. Now it was a decent size.

  “Now some more girth, please.”

  Another surge. Now that was a penis worth calling one’s own!

  “Melissa, I will explain everything to you, I promise,” I said, slowly grabbing her hair. “Now please, continue with what you wanted to do.”<
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  She didn’t hesitate. She unzipped my pants and stuck my newly-extended buddy deep into her mouth. She had done this before. And, judging by her moans and gasps, she loved it. I don’t need to stress how I felt. For the first time ever, a woman actually tasted my meat! Granted, I’ve never been properly kissed before, but this was something too. Not to mention that she was doing this willingly. I was wondering why she didn’t quit halfway after seeing me argue with the air, but I figured she already knew I was more than meets the eye by the simple act of me levitating people and picking locks with a finger.

  “Mmmmmm…” I mumbled, gently observing Janine. She pretended not to watch. I knew she was also aching for some, but I could also tell she wanted anyone else but me. After all, to her I was a mere plaything yesterday. Those feelings don’t exactly change because the plaything acquires god-like abilities. But none of that mattered now. I was smirking all the same. This was me telling her that I was capable of getting laid, of getting someone interested in me sexually, of beating her at her own little game…the game of being hormonally popular.

  And no, it didn’t feel fulfilling. While Melissa’s soft lips twisted around the shaft, I understood why every single one of the people who teased me acted the way they did. One of the most important, if not the most important social stature point was the ability to have sex either with as many people as possible, or with the best person out there. Everything else effectively paled in comparison, even having a lot of money. This was the end goal of everyone – jocks, nerds, virgins, chads, Goths, lolis…well, not lolis, but certainly Weeaboos, truckers, teachers, tailors, businessmen, seamstresses, nurses, pensioners, adolescents, cripples, athletes…everyone. This right here, this act of allowing yourself to be vulnerable before another human being, to allow yourself to expose a bit of your soul, right there in a minefield of emotion and potential harm…

  I didn’t dare force anything on Melissa. I even let go of her hair. She was still hungrily licking my cock, her hand now deep within her underwear, looking for her crevice to stroke. But she didn’t have to work very long. Five and a half minutes in and already I exploded in her mouth. Words cannot explain what type of a groan I let out in the end.

  “Bloody hell, kid…” Norman was somewhat disgusted. “Can’t you contain yourself?”


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