The Nerd Turned Conqueror: A Fantasy Harem Adventure

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The Nerd Turned Conqueror: A Fantasy Harem Adventure Page 9

by Oscar Reeds

“So, we are among the higher beings, then?”

  “Yes, but at the very bottom. If you had wings and a yellow, circular ray of light around your head, you’d have ascended to the next step.” I’ll be honest; I was dumbfounded by this blatant declaration. “As you are now, you’re just someone who can think a bit beyond their head.”

  “Is that right?”

  “That’s right, little human.” He sounded almost insulted. I could tell he was about to go on a small tirade, willing to sanctimoniously serve me a cup of history, biology, genetics, and politics that I sorely needed to drink up. “You see, we are conquerors because we’re better than you.”

  I was humming and looking at the walls.

  “We know how to conquer massive swathes of the universe! You lot are barely capable of keeping your planet intact!”

  “Mmmhmm…” I was sizing up the walls of the pit.

  “The best inventions you have are meant to kill your fellow kinsmen!”

  “Yyyyup.” I looked up and calculated something.

  “And if you were given a problem, you’d cry or blame someone else instead of doing something useful!” Penna almost screamed here.


  After muttering this, I used my telekinesis to lift the five or so guards above and toss them right onto the see-through alloy, which injured them to the point of rage.

  “Human!” one of them snarled, a Farakhian, with a long tail and seven arms. “You shall die!”

  “Go right ahead.”

  As they were opening the seal, Penna was getting ready to fight with his bare appendages. I looked at Norman.



  “That power of mine to craft any kind of single human?”


  A nod from me, and a surge from Norman. The moment the pit seal opened, I waved my hands, and several dozens of Greysticks appeared, attacking the guards ferociously. I kept producing them to the point where Penna and I could climb out of the pit.

  Outside of it, we were in an even bigger pickle. The guards opened up all cells, and they offered immediate freedom to anyone who captured me. I telekinetically flung a weapon or two to Penna and gave him the ability to use them. He smirked, whatever that smirk looks like for his race, and we began our fight.

  Every time I couldn’t use my telekinesis or a punch from a distance, I threw hundreds upon hundreds of Greysticks onto the enemies. They were dying by the dozen, yet pushed everyone away successfully. It was proper warfare, and one, moreover, which I enjoyed. I began to get used to carnage, which wasn’t good, and which I honestly hated later in life. Just seeing so many thugs drop to their knees and failing to get me was so exhilarating that I forgot what my goal was, i.e. getting off this planet.

  I could see that Penna was also enjoying his fights. He murdered prisoners and guards alike by the tens, if not hundreds. It was a massive establishment, which I later found out had at least nine hundred lower levels, and at least seventeen air-floors. All for one single facility on a planet with millions of them. All of them containing hundreds of thousands, if not millions of prisoners. And all of them were now…wait, wait, I ought to be honest – not all of them, but a LOT of them were now after my hide. And I had an army to spare.

  But it appeared as if an army wasn’t that necessary. The moment we thinned out their numbers significantly, a massive man with huge wings and a powerful wave of telekinetic blasts stopped everyone, literally EVERYONE from fighting. A few waves of his hand were enough for tens of thousands of creatures to kneel and not move. Me and Penna included. Not Norman, though.

  “You’re the human and the Dahrmite who are causing this mess?” he asked, but his tone was…soothing. Rather peaceful, and creepily so. “You two?”

  “Yes,” I replied. “Just the two of us. Him and I.”

  Being an odd humanoid himself, he smiled, and it wasn’t a pleasant smile. The worst part was that he MEANT to be pleasant, which just made it more horrid. I have to admit, I stepped back a tad from feeling overwhelmed.

  “Human, or Conrad, as you’re called,” he said, then turned to my Dahrmite collaborator. “Colonel Penna, I just got the report of your acolytes whom you stationed near your cloaked ship.” He approached us. “I am Flask Orthen, and I am the third man of this prison.” He took a few more steps and looked down at us. “Queen Endolande would like an audience with both of you.”

  I looked at Penna, but then shot a notable, yet to anyone present hardly noticeable look at Norman. He understood what I needed, and soon enough I felt a surge.


  Flask Orthen’s ship was a massive craft. I quickly realized that he wasn’t just transporting us to the queen. In fact, he was transporting a whole bunch of people…erm, aliens, to the Dahrmite planet. I still cannot remember the name of the damn thing (the planet, not the ship). I surmised it would take us about an hour and thirty-ish minutes in total. And based on some of the people around me, I figured out that they weren’t exactly thrilled to see the lady monarch. Who knows, maybe she would kill us all? Or maybe she would do something worse, which I couldn’t even imagine. Ah well. I could probably still survive, but others…?

  I looked at Penna. He was enraged, or so it seemed. In fact, it even seemed like he wanted to maintain that anger, to fuel it as much as possible, even artificially. After all, Endolande was his queen, the woman he was serving until very, very recently. And now he was about to kill her for using him as a broken toy. He wasn’t having any of it, and it was then that I noticed his clenching fingers. They were those of a man wanting to get something over with, fast. Those of a man whose entire personal history depended on this one moment, that was actually roughly half an hour away from then, but was just as daunting and even haunting as if it were to happen in less than a second. Naturally, he shared none of this. I figured that being an army man of his caliber meant that there weren’t all that many chances for him to share his plight with anyone. Was his race even capable of sharing plight? I’d assume they were, considering their vast and impressive history.

  We were finally there. I remember the surface of the planet, coupled with a very heavy atmosphere. It was orange, but the dirty kind, the kind you see on old bootleg products after they fade in the sun or end up dunked in the mud one too many times. The more we descended the more orange it was getting. Mountains, hills, deserts, soil, and even rivers – all of it that same, sickly, ugly orange. No wonder these people wanted to expand by means of war. The place was a colossal dump. But it wasn’t just the buildings – the people looked downtrodden as well. Nothing about them said “hey, we’re living a decent life and we enjoy it to the fullest!” I remember once watching a documentary on what it’s like to be captured in a gulag. This was literally the same thing. It was Dahrmites clawing for any semblance of decent living.

  The only Dahrmites I noticed which lived in any way better, with at least some emotion other than apathy showing, were the military personnel. I saw a few people dressed in the same getup as Penna, so I assumed they were colonels as well. It was then that I also noticed just how many different ranks the Dahrmite army actually has. If I had to give a rough estimate, I’d say at least 900. It was a populated planet with a vast army; despite being a desolate place literally nobody ought to visit ever. I saw plenty of memorabilia which pointed to the military might of this old, powerful race. There were statues, holograms, images, and buildings dedicated to emperors past. Which is when it struck me.

  “Penna?” I asked him.

  “What is it, Conrad?”

  “How come you have an empire, and yet you don’t have an empress, but a queen?”

  He pulled up a bit of his armor.

  “Our queen will become empress when the Crowning Week comes.”

  “What is Crowning Week?”

  “Well, when an old emperor dies or is ready to abdicate the throne, he must do so at a certain time of the month,” he uttered this las
t bit as if it were the most matter-of-fact thing in the universe. “Every month has this week, and it is only during this week when a successor can be crowned. Until then, they hold a title slightly below that of emperor.”

  “So, when did the old emperor die, and why didn’t the queen become empress yet?”

  “Well, he died roughly half a year ago,” he said, “and Endolande couldn’t get crowned due to constant attacks from outside. She will go through the ceremony in about four days, after they’ve dispatched you.”

  I didn’t like that response.

  “Right, so we are the condition she must fulfill before she becomes empress?”


  I looked at Norman. He didn’t move one bit. He merely stared.

  “Norman, what will we do now?”

  “Oh you do whatever you want, kid,” he said, unflinching. “I can wait for the next host.”

  I liked this response even less than that of Penna. Though it didn’t matter, because we were now sat before the queen.

  “Approach!” one of her guards said. I was dumbfounded – queen Endolande was clearly human! How was that even possible?

  “Are other races allowed to rule the Dahrmites?” I asked Penna.

  “Only if they prove to be loyal to the race and powerful to beat the local pretenders to the throne,” he muttered, clearly wanting to keep his cool before the queen.

  Endolande looked stunning. She was a dark-haired woman in a very scant outfit which clearly revealed her ample breasts. They were so firm and well-shaped that I instantly got hard. Her hips held her skirt, and her ass filled that skirt up nicely. But it was her look of utter contempt which drew me to her.

  “You must be the one that has beaten my fleet sent to Earth,” she said, and each sway of her cleavage made me want her more. “How?”

  “By being me, your majesty,” I said. She had none of it.

  “Are you the man who attacked us and ruined our empire lo those many years ago?”

  “Dear queen, I just got these powers this week. I couldn’t have done anything of the sort.”

  She was sweating, but it wasn’t a nervous sweat, or an angry sweat. I would dare to claim that it was, in fact, horny sweat.

  “You speak as if you’ve already beaten me, warrior,” she said.

  “Conrad, my queen,” I said right back, slightly bowing. “I am Conrad, and your colonel here is my serf.”

  She took a good, long look at Penna, who did not dare move.

  “Is that true, Penna?”

  He didn’t reply to her.

  “Young Conrad, how did you come to have Penna under your command?”

  “I’ve beaten your general called Vatge, dear Endolande.” I could tell she didn’t like me using her real name. “As well as his entire fleet.”

  “Then you must be the one who did that to my people many years ago,” she muttered, getting up from her throne and swaying her breasts some more with mere movement. Goddamn, did I want her! “There cannot be any other explanation to your power and your skill.”

  “I suppose that’s what you’d think, my queen,” I said, not really caring if I offended her or not. “But I am who I am, and I’ve never left Earth prior to today. Or rather, whatever day ‘today’ is.”

  Penna was fidgeting.

  “Oh, and majesty,” I said, kneeling. “I’d be careful around Penna. He swore vengeance upon you for how you treated him.”

  “How I…treated him?”

  “To you, your troops are expendable, queen Endolande. You only care about results, and thus do not see the plight of your people.” I have to admit, bullshitting like this made me cringe internally – I had no idea what her people thought of her, nor did I particularly care to check. Maybe it was a mistake, as I was soon to find out.

  The queen grinned. “Oh, you poor soul.” She rubbed her little, soft belly which had an odd belly button ring attached to a chain that was part of her skirt. “Do you really think Dahrmites are capable of disobeying their supreme ruler?”

  A laser shot past my ear. The last thing I heard was Penna’s muffled laughter, and his words “Conrad, you foul being. Did you think I was really going to go along with your little scheme after you’ve decimated most of my army? Did you really think a colonel of my stature was going to betray the woman whom he is sworn to protect to his death?”

  I didn’t really think that, of course. He was somewhat surprised to learn this when I got back up from faking that I had died, holding his laser shot mid-air, frozen. Endolande herself was amazed.

  “Yeah, I knew you’d do this, Penna,” I said, but then stretched before correcting myself. “Or rather, I had a feeling you would. You see, I have recently acquired an ability to sense any plot or scheme that reeks of betrayal of subterfuge, and to prevent it before it happened.” He was puzzled. “Oh, don’t strain your head, good colonel, you won’t be able to figure out how I did it. Nor would I share.”

  “How? My plan was foolproof!”

  He got the same laser shot through his mid-section, where his weak point was. He was now properly dead. Nobody in the vast crowd of guards much liked it, least of all his acolytes. They were all concentrating on me, and I barely held them off with my telekinesis. Endolande was shouting orders, and officers of various ranks went after me. They were unpleasantly surprised when I began launching literally thousands of similar soldiers, all of them wearing a different uniform, one with my face on it. These men began to dispatch everyone close by, and in less than fifteen minutes the entire military core that was stationed at Endolande’s palace was dead. All that remained was my massive army, her people subdued, and the queen herself on her knees.

  “You’ve bested our age-old empire, Conrad,” she said, stripping her skirt and tearing off her navel-ring chain. “I am yours to command.”

  I loved this!

  “Say that again, Endolande?”

  “I, Endolande, last queen and uncrowned empress of the Dahrmites, hereby give you my body and soul.”

  My boner actually ached from this statement.

  “And I am to do with you whatever I damn well please?”

  “Whatever pleases you, my lord.”

  “Then I know just the thing.”


  I entered her quarters, which were now guarded by the same acolytes which attacked me. They were now under my direct command. I was apparently the first outside emperor of the Dahrmites in many millennia, and I was about to enjoy my first benefit as a ruler.

  The queen obediently lifted her arms in the air, which one of the acolytes bound to the upper wooden frame of her bed. Yes, they evidently had both wood and beds made out of it. I was beginning to think that most humans tend to use resources the same way across the galaxies, but that was literally the last thing on my mind at that moment. She was now bound, and by my order, a seer-shaman approached and did a weird thing with his eyes. Now the entire planet was looking at the room from a distance, as if they were looking at the screen in a cinema. Yes, I was about to penetrate their queen and sexually subdue her, and everyone was about to watch.

  I started with her big breasts. Each hand did its fair share, and her nipples in particular were very sensitive. So much so that she moaned after the first tug. I moved my hands slowly, rubbing her little belly. Then I grabbed her hips. She was a bit defiant, which I liked, as I drew her to me and kissed her. She felt my lower lip wrestling hers, and the moaning began anew. I drew her hips more to me, and began to grind into her. She was slowly giving in.

  I unzipped my pants, uncovering that same enhanced dick that I earned several days ago from Norman. Naturally, he was there too, but he wasn’t looking at us. Not because he was disgusted or jealous or anything. He merely didn’t care. I would imagine that ghosts had long lost their sexual drives, but you’d think he’d at least appreciate the effort. All in all, he was of less importance, even though he was smiling satisfactorily. It kind of looked lik
e he had accomplished something on his own, which earned him that smirk.

  I didn’t care. I had Endolande’s shapely ass in my hands. I spanked her, and not softly either. I went for the hard spanks right off the bat. Several more moans, and her defiant little face became that of a woman begging to be ravished.

  Pulling her hair and undoing her hand bonds, I got her on her knees, where she willingly put my cock in her mouth. For at least ten minutes, I watched her suck on it and gag every now and again. Goddamn, was she good at this! All of those years of command, and here she was, subdued by a stranger and a kid. A fat kid, at that, with no likable characteristics whatsoever. It was a dream come true for me, an equivalent to fucking a prom queen from every bad teenage movie ever. As much as I liked Melissa, I had to admit to myself that THAT was the best blowjob I was given, ever. Including the ones that came after it. My dick felt like it was going to melt in her mouth. But I wasn’t nearly close to cumming yet. I pulled her back up and threw her on the bed, spreading her legs. I was about to eat her up. Yes, eating pussy for the first time ever! And it tasted like a dream! Her moans confirmed that my tongue wasn’t the only thing enjoying the endeavor. Every time I dived in there willing to nibble on her clit, she would flinch, contract, and get goose bumps. I was literally making queen Endolande beg for more with her body alone.

  And she was about to get what was coming to her. I didn’t waste time, and my cock went right in there. She was by no means tight, as her pussy showed some experience, but she nevertheless moved like a proper concubine should. As I was filling her up, making sure to scrape my cock against the walls of her insides, she was looking at me and moaning, panting and sweating from tiredness but still going strong. Her look, her semi-open mouth, her resting bitch face coupled with flushed cheeks and messy hair made her look…well, it’s hard to explain. She was equally defiant, defeated, and dead-on horny. She wanted me to have her with each thrust, to humiliate her, to make her my underling and command over her for eternity. I was now in charge, and she knew it. She was slowly losing her queenly self, and slowly earning that personality of an obedient whore. And my God, did that suit me! I wanted her more than anything, and I wanted the whole world to know that she was now my whorish little property, my pet, my slave.


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