The Nerd Turned Conqueror: A Fantasy Harem Adventure

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The Nerd Turned Conqueror: A Fantasy Harem Adventure Page 13

by Oscar Reeds

  Back to the escape. I of course used my ability of telekinesis to lift one of the guards that was rather far from us. Others ran to him, but not the guard before our cell. No, him I knocked out with an aerial punch and took his unlock card. The guards were dumbfounded – they wondered how a scrawny little guy like me managed to even escape this prison. But I didn’t hesitate – my telekinesis made them all my bitches. In no time flat, I led a rebellion with the locals who were imprisoned by the authorities. I was now Conrad Liberator to these select few, but that gave me quite the idea.

  Outside of prison, we ran for the desert. Most of my soldiers that were with me were dumbfounded by this decision, but I told them not to worry. I had a different plan, and it involved a little more walking and moving…or rather, teleporting.

  From talking with the prisoners, and some insight from the few Girodians that followed me here, I learned that Cotahan was divided into three main sections, i.e. three “countries.” The first country was called Eeba, and its ruler was a tyrant called Dravid. We were technically already there, but away from his palace. I learned that I had to attack him head on, so I devised a plan. The first part of it involved quick plant cultivation. The Girodian scientists that I had with me managed, in a time span of no less than an hour, to isolate some plant genes, restructure a few bits of atoms, and cultivate and grow plants whose main goal was to go after the native Cotahis. Sadly, one Cotahi prisoner died because of their experiment, but I managed to give the others immunity on time. Just in case, I sent out a squad to cultivate an entire field of these new plants at a specific location. Considering that it was Girodian science which made them, the plants would grow and fill up seven times those fields in a matter of hours.

  The second part of my plan was far worse. I outright challenged Dravid to a fight. But as tyrannical as he was, he still had an air of a ruler to him. He proposed one rule – if any of my non-Cotahi men were to reach his palace and have him beg for mercy, I would claim his throne. I acted as if that didn’t sit well, but that deal was actually music to my ears. Most of my men assumed I was going to use the teleportation devices to get the jump on them, but I had something entirely else in mind.

  The war began almost immediately. After we had decimated an entire regiment of his army – with an army consisting of mostly a few dozen Ehre, a few dozen Girodians, roughly several hundred former prisoners, and about a thousand or so artificially created Ehre, Dravid ordered for backup and for “a release.” The release was, as I figured it would be, an unleashing of thousands of angry, hungry plants, which wanted to devour us. My artificial Ehre, of course, suffered great losses, but Dravid’s generals were highly surprised when they saw that the plant bites did nothing to us. In fact, I downright frightened one to tears by grabbing a gnawing plant and chewing off a bit of it, spitting it out and grinning.

  We kept pushing them back, and Dravid, growing desperate, kept sending out more troops. Very soon, us immune non-Cotahi invaded his palace, and I was right there before him.

  But Dravid was no bitch. He drew a massive blade and charged at me. I deflected him with an aerial punch. He next picked up what I assumed to be a sort of mace. I deflected him with a kick. Pissed, he came at me with his bare hands. I deflected him with my telekinesis. Some fifteen minutes and several broken limbs later, Dravid admitted defeat, and we executed him in public. Eeba was ours.

  Most prisoners of Eeba joined our cause, which meant marching onto the next country, called Sweda. Sweda was a different beast, as it was ruled over by one Soiboeh Kuck. He was absolutely enamored with foreign visitors, and his own nation had a teaming population of refugees from wars waged on other planets. Kuck himself lived in a palace, as did his more liberal-minded counts and duchesses. However, the slums belonged to other races, and it was those other races which I used to my advantage. In an act of total cowardice, Kuck surrendered and willingly exiled himself to the desert.

  The last country, Ergonia, was important to me, as it was the one which contained the bits of collapsed stars. The ruler of this area, though, was a beast that barely spoke, Grunf. Grunf was not an ordinary Cotahi. He was a hybrid created specifically to enhance the military. Sadly, his intellect outgrew his original design, and he murdered his creators. He would later go on to conquer most of the slums, and later depose the acting ruler by way of breaking him in two. More importantly, Grunf was infamous for his silences. He very rarely spoke, and those would often be grunts, or even a simple “Yes” or “No.” He was literally created to be a warrior, and as such, he was going to be tough to beat.

  Or rather, he might have been tough to beat, had I not put everything in place that needed to be put. Prisoners in his country began openly rebelling, no longer fearing his mighty hand. They flocked to me, and just to be sure, I created a few million artificial Cotahi myself. Naturally, I made them immune to any plant, so that nothing would stand in my way. And indeed, at first it appeared as if nothing DID stand in my way. The traitors of Grunf opened several gates to their borders, and in roughly an hour I held dominion over two thirds of the country. But that’s when the actual army attacked, with weaponry made out of collapsed star bits. That shit was tough! Literally nothing could break it, and it bore through my troops like butter. Not to mention that they used it as projectiles as well. But I did not falter. Wearing Girodian armor paid off, for it was no mere armor – it was teleporter armor. Yes, everything that came my way got teleported somewhere else, probably a desert or an ocean. The Cotahi who were stupid enough to hit me would lose limbs like this. Grunf, though, noticed this, so he ordered them to stop flinging arrows and bolts at me with a single shake of his hand. He wanted hand-to-hand combat, and he wanted it now.

  And there we were, sizing each other up, yearning to harm the other badly. He was going to show his manliness, his willingness not to yield in battle. Even my own Cotahi troops feared him then. He was, after all, the man who never shrieked in pain, the man who was never, ever afraid. And he wanted me beaten fair and square.

  But as I’ve said, all is fair in love and war. On my command, several portals appeared in the sky, and the plants my Girodian scientists created leapt from the sky and began chewing on both Grunf and his troops. He bellowed like a bitch, mewling and begging with his eyes for me to end his misery. I ordered him to bestow his country AND his collapsed star material to me, for life, which he gladly did. Naturally, I took his life then and there, and assumed control of another planet. The surviving Cotahi swore undying loyalty to me. I was their Liberator, after all.


  I have to be honest with this one – this planet wasn’t really on top of my priorities’ list, because it didn’t provide anything THAT useful to me in terms of warfare. For example, the Dahrmites offered a home base, plus lots of warriors. The Ehre had warriors as well, so I had no shortage of ready-made soldiers and didn’t have to spend a ton of time creating them myself. Girodia and Cotahan, on the other hand, provided me with either a tactical advantage (teleportation) or raw materials (collapsed star fragments). But Cybornia had one thing I really, really wanted to have – it was an entire planet populated by hot, busty, shapely women with cat-ears and literally no men. In other words, it was paradise.

  Well, technically it did offer something I was to use later, but for now, the woman-heavy nature of the planet was what drew me in. Cybornia had five continents, all of them with lush greenery, and none of them with deserts, tundras, ice caps, swamps, or overly rocky terrain. It had both plants and animals, and best of all – none of the animals really had any bones! You could roast and eat a whole beast technically, though you’d still have to remove the fur, feathers, guts and dirty areas. Each continent had a weird name which I could not pronounce, so I shall just use numbers to talk about them. From the first to the fifth, neither of them had supremacy over the whole planet. Instead, the inhabitants, called Cybels, worked in perfect harmony with one another, and each held a different title. Continent 1 was ruled
by the duchess Arna. She was a black woman, possibly one of the first African-looking aliens I saw during my travels, and she was amazing. She wore something similar to a toga, but which somehow accentuated her breasts far more. Her scepter was made of solid lapis lazuli, which I later learned is a common precious stone in the known universe. Her entire continent was agriculture-based, and her Cybels were the ones providing food for everyone. Continent 2, a bit larger than 1, was ruled by a countess, Miona. She had beautiful hips, an inviting smile, and a mellifluous voice. I’ll spoil it now – she was the first woman I had sex with on that planet, and it felt damn good. But Miona was more than just a shapely woman. She was also the head historian of the planet, with her entire continent basing itself on preservation. They would do excavations daily and work hard to retrieve artifacts from the past, which meant that they were active all over the planet. Yet every job that wasn’t directly related to digging had its place here. Aside from archeological work, they would also write up papers and books on history, hold teachings about it, and even send emissaries to other planets to spread the good word. They also dabbled in the history of their planet’s language.

  Continent 3 was a bit different. Princess Therela ruled, but it was the closest this planet had to a tyranny. It wasn’t necessarily tyrannical, she was just unopposed and everyone treated her like a Grand Leader. It’s no great shock to learn that this continent produced soldiers. The women on it were trained to kill swiftly and with no discrimination, but they were strictly a defensive force. Therela herself decreed that they were not to attack first, whatever may be happening around them. Later I learned that this tradition of non-aggression decrees spanned at least a hundred rulers before her. It was indeed a sight to see – all of those sexy Cybels in skimpy, yet firm armor, with sharp weapons or powerful lasers, all with training scars, all willing to decapitate you if you so much as look at Cybornia wrong. I loved every second of it, and I made it a point to tell Therela that while I was there. She blushed, which I found unexpected. The sex that followed was spectacular, although I think that was when I screwed up my knee so badly that my healing ability wasn’t enough to fix it properly. It’s amazing how Continent 4 was nothing like 3, now that I think of it.

  Continent 4, ruled by queen Vegmya, was devoted to industry and the crafts. It was effectively making technology for everything the other continents did, as well as the continent making the everyday gadgets, devices, and paraphernalia for each Cybel consumer. They were effectively the China of Cybornia, but with a far more lax governing system. Vegmya was the only ruler on this planet that I didn’t have sex with, mainly because she had fashioned her vagina with a dangerous metallic structure which was there to help mediate one of her birth defects. She was working on fixing that, though, by way of technology which I will describe right after this. While I was on Continent 4, I had the chance to see massive factories, full of workers, i.e. hot women in overalls. These factories, however, did not pollute the environment. In fact, they actually employed some of the plant life INTO the building foundations, using their innate abilities to produce more stuff and regulate the air flow. It was actually kind of brilliant, now that I think about it.

  The last was Continent 5. Empress Aida ruled over this one, and it was by far the smallest, yet by the looks of it, the most important. It dealt with politics, the arts, literature, administration, as well as education in general. Every single university (or their equivalent of universities) was located here, and Cybels from all over the planet came here to study. Aida would be busy almost 24/7, attending openings of new places, declaring this and that here or there, or settling disputes. She was a firebrand, and her red hair kind of matched that. Naturally, she had the highest title, because her continent was arguably the most important, but she never acted as if she lorded over Cybornia. All five of them had a sisterly relationship, though I suspected Therela and Arna to be lesbians, or to have been lesbians at least at some point. The sisterly bond the ruling ladies had helped them maintain Cybornia as it was, and prosper onward. They were never really ones for unnecessary conflict.

  That was precisely the reason why I was actually allowed in and given the planet freely. Aida proposed that I take control of the planet, and the other four unanimously agreed. It was the easiest takeover I did, which is why I also stayed there for a while. But in order for me to fully enjoy this planet, I needed to stay awake – considering I took over three planets (Dahrmite planet not included) in a few days, I needed a good night’s sleep, but I also wanted to maintain as much waking moments on this planet as possible. So I turned to Norman, and of course, a mediocre surge followed. I was now able to be fully and completely rested after a 15-minute nap. This gave me even more time to dick around space and conquer planets without feeling any fatigue.

  Now, as I’ve said, sex with wonderful women wasn’t the only reason I came to Cybornia. Immediately after being declared their ruler, I went with Miona to her quarters, and I fucked her nice and gently. She didn’t object, and in fact even wanted to cuddle later. From her I learned of the reason why they don’t have males. As it stands, their species lost their males many centuries ago in a massive war, but the person who beat them, a female general herself, spared them, giving them the technology to multiply without really needing sex. She didn’t give up any more details, mainly because she wanted Aida’s input on whether or not she should share any of this with me. Aida, however, was far too busy. But Therela wasn’t. After our wild hour of humping, and my consequent knee surgery (which, thanks to the Girodians I had with me, lasted three minutes), she told me of an area specifically on the fifth continent which serves as a repository of all knowledge regarding breeding. She also let me know that her species can mate with almost anybody, and most of all – they could even produce hybrid offspring. I was intrigued by this. Sex with Arna, which came later, gave me more info, specifically regarding the purpose behind not keeping male children. They, in fact, send them to a different planet, where there are certain renegade Cybels that don’t really line up with the philosophy of the planet; these males and these females mate over there and build their own cities, but are unable to come over to Cybornia because of a ban implemented several centuries ago. It was a bit harsh, I told Arna while filling her ass with my dick slowly, but she was firm in her words – the renegades had no place on their paradise. Who was I to complain?

  Aida was the last to have sex with me, and as I suspected she would, she gave me access to her planet’s most treasured secret – the breeding grounds. I took a look at what I could only describe as a massive cloning facility, though it wasn’t that. Via a strange online system, which I imagined would be absolutely adored by the nerds back on Earth, members of other species would have “virtual-yet-physical” sex with the women of Cybornia, and they would be impregnated rather quickly afterwards. These systems were so efficient that a single male user could actually cum roughly 20 times, even past his original limit. After this was over, all pregnant Cybels would be placed in special pods, whereas the non-pregnant or even barren ones would go through some therapy, in case something could be fixed with their bodies. Pregnancies lasted for roughly five days, due to the advances of tech, and the babies would almost always be born fully healthy. Next, the babies would be branded. Males would be placed in a specific area underground, and when they reached some level of maturity, they would be shipped off to that renegade planet. Females would be sorted based on their innate abilities, or even parental lines, and then sent to any of the five continents. To me, it looked barbaric not to have the children within the care of their mothers, but I soon realized that this wasn’t necessary on this planet – mothers and daughters would keep their mental link active, and the mother could effectively educate her daughter from miles away. Sadly, these links were severed for boys, considering their trip to the other world. Renegade Cybels also lost these links.

  This whole thing gave me an idea. I had roughly 500 men of many races with me when I landed on Cybornia. I
had thus propositioned Aida to let me use her facilities and have them combined with the sciences of Girodians so I could get children in a faster rate. That’s right, I was about to breed an entire new race of people that would work for me and me alone. And again I must stress this – I didn’t have any need for this. My power, bestowed upon me by Norman back on earth and enhanced later on, literally allowed me to create any creature I chose to create. But this was more personal. I could literally have sex with hundreds of hot women, and wouldn’t have any burden of fatherhood to boot. Not to mention that I wanted my ethnic mish-mash of an army to multiply, so I could have an endless supply of troops even when I’m not around. In about two hours, the Girodians set up a special new range of incubators, ready to increase the rate of child development. Next came the virtual-non-virtual sex. That machine works WONDERS! It literally felt like I was sticking my dick in roughly fifty different women at the same time, all of them tight and moist in the best way possible. In less than a single hour, my first batch of offspring was birthed, and considering how many I had had, and the short amount of time I had them in, I was dubbed Conrad the Progenitor by Aida. And of course, I impregnated her and Miona as well, leaving one of my prematurely matured daughters, Connie, to rule in Aida’s stead while she recuperated.


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