Her Pleasure Warrior_A Military Romance

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Her Pleasure Warrior_A Military Romance Page 14

by Katerina Cole

  “Dude, you look hot.”

  “I look like a hooker,” I responded.

  “I feel like that is what we are going for. How else am I going to ensure you get laid tonight. Let me guess, it's been about six years since the last time?”

  “Noooo,” I retorted. “Maybe,” I finished with when Savannah raised one of her blonde brows at me.

  “You just remember this the next time you have a date. I’m going to make you wear a loincloth and blue eyeshadow.”

  A knock on the door stopped our banter. I wrung my hands nervously.

  “I don’t think I can do this,” I finally said.

  Savannah came up to me and put both hands on either shoulder. I could tell I was in for a pep talk.

  “Hey, you can do this. You are an amazing lady. Hawk would be so lucky if he finds a way into your panties. That being said, I will plan to stay here for the night,” she added with a wink.

  “Now go and open that door before I do it for you.”

  I took a steadying breath, attempted to adjust the girls from popping out of place one last time and then left my bedroom to answer the door.

  “Holy Fuck,” Hawk said looking me up and down when I answered the door.

  “Mommy looks pretty, huh?” Emma said as Hawk walked in.

  “Yes she does,” Hawk said as his eyes walked the line of my body again.

  He didn’t look that bad himself in his tight button up shirt and jeans. He was, however, looking a lot more casual then I was.

  “It’s too much,” I said fiddling with a curl of my hair.

  “Hell, no. It’s perfect.”

  “Language,” I warned with a smile and a nod of my head to Em.

  “Oh, sorry. I might have to work on that.”

  “Ready,” he added holding out an arm to me.

  I forgot how chivalrous he could be. I blushed a little before turning to kiss Em. Turning back around, I took a deep breath and held his arm as we left the apartment.

  The drive was pretty quiet. It didn’t escape my attention that Hawk kept looking my way. It was like electricity flowing between us. I couldn’t help myself; I hiked up my skirt just a little more and let my legs fall slightly apart as I sat in his leather BMW.

  I watched his eyes trail my movement and then land back on me. I gave a shy smile and bit my lip. I was already getting aroused just from his hungry green eyes looking back at me.

  He licked his lips and reached out for my hand. I happily gave it over. The euphoric tension it was creating as we rolled our hands in the others made me feel like a teenager all over again.

  We pulled into the parking lot of a fancy little Italian restaurant that used to be our favorite. I smiled at all the memories we had there.

  We sat down at a small table in the corner.

  “Doesn’t look like it’s changed at all,” Hawk said looking around the place.

  “You’ve changed though,” I said setting my eyes on him.

  “I have?” He asked genuinely surprised.

  “You look a lot tanner, and well you know stronger.”

  “Yeah, SEALs make you beef up,” he responded shaking it off.

  “And a lot more hair,” I said with a little laugh. “I don’t think I ever saw you with a beard before.”

  He rubbed his chin as he thought about this.

  “I could shave it if you don’t like it,” he finally said. “Though you might want to wait and try it out first.”

  “What do you mean try it out. I’ve already kissed you. It kinda tickles.”

  “I know. I figured you might enjoy the sensation,” Hawk added looking down the line of my body till the table cut it off.

  I blushed and looked away.

  “I’m not the only one that looks different either,” he retorted.

  “Savannah was the one that got me all like this. I don’t normally do this,” I explained as I tried to smooth down my hair.

  “I know that, but I wasn’t talking about your hair or make-up.”

  His eyes fell on my breast.

  “I know I’m kind of bursting. It was a pre-pregnancy dress.”

  “Trust me, I’m not complaining,” he gave me a wicked grin.

  We spent the rest of the meal talking about old times. It was nice to forget all that happened in the six years between and just enjoy being in each others company.

  Two glasses of wine and the seafood Alfredo later and the night was winding down. We were both hesitatings at the table not wanting the night to end but both unsure about asking it to continue.

  “I don’t know if you have to head back home anytime soon, but I thought maybe we could go back to my place for drinks,” he said as he passed back the paid bill to the waiter.

  I bit my lip. I didn’t know why I was feeling so nervous. I had been with Hawk a million times. Granted that was years ago, but it’s not like it was an all-new person.

  “Actually,” I said putting a lock of hair behind my ear. “Savannah planned to stay the night so…”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to push you,” he responded trying his best to hid his pleasure at my response.

  I gave a weak smile in return.

  “That is unless you have other plans,” I kidded.

  “Oh hell no,” he responded taking my arm and walking me back to the car.

  I was full of nerves now as we drove on to his house. I kept my thoughts to myself as we pulled into the driveway of his small but newer townhouse. I just took in the rooms as he walked us in and went to the bar to pour some drinks.

  The place was a little bigger than my own, but looked like it was still a show model. Nothing was done to it to make it personalized. He didn’t even have a couch, just a simple chair that faced a blank wall.

  “Love what you’ve done with the place,” I said sarcastically as he handed over a tumbler with a golden liquid.

  He looked the room over like he just realized for the first time it might not be up to par.

  “I thought you said you’ve been home for a few weeks. It looks like you just got here.”

  He shrugged.

  “I guess it could use a little bit of sprucing up. Nothing that a little girl and her mommy couldn’t handle.”

  I went a little pale and took a steadying sip of the liquid. It was warming whiskey, and it gave me some courage.

  “Hey,” he said brushing his hand on my arm, “when your ready, of course.”

  I smiled at him, relieved that he was willing to take things slow for me.

  “Come on,” he said motioning for me to follow him to the kitchen.

  I had to hold back a laugh; the small dining room connected to the kitchen was completely void of even a table. All there was, were two bar stools.

  He slid into one and patted the other for me to join him. I did happy to have some more time just to sit and talk.

  Chapter Eleven

  “So Syria, huh?” Julie said after a few more sips of her whiskey.

  It was a subject we hadn’t broached yet. We had talked about the good old times all through dinner and even what she had been up to in the last six years, but neither one of us had brought up my time away.

  “Yeah,” I said taking the last of mine in one swig.

  “The whole time?” she encouraged.

  I gave her a soft smile. It was only fair that I shared with her after she had been so open with me.

  “No, not the whole time. First, it was boot camp. Even though I was always going to be a doctor, they make me go with the rest of the SEALs. I’ll just say it was a lot more intense than normal officer boot camp.”

  “Then what?”

  “Just some more training. I didn’t deploy for the first time until three years in. I had to finish my doctorate anyway. The deal was, they do the schooling for me, and I have to give them three years after that.”

  “So what did you do the last three years?”

  “Uh, first it was Iraq. After that, I was in Lebanon, but I wasn’t really there

  “What does that mean?” Julie interrupted truly interested.

  “Well the base we were stationed to was in Lebanon but when the team went out on a mission if there was a temp hospital or clinic there, I would go with them. Otherwise, I did stay at the hospital on the base in Lebanon. That didn’t happen a lot though.”

  “And then Syria?”

  “Yep. We were there about eight months before I had to be flown out.”

  “Are you allowed to tell me what happened?”

  I pulled the bottle over from the side of the bar we were sitting at. The question was inevitable, and I wanted to tell her. It wasn’t something I had ever really said out loud. The only people I talked to about the bombing were the guys there with me; I didn’t have to tell them what happened.

  I poured myself another dram and drank it in one gulp before pouring another.

  “That bad huh?” Julie said as she watched me drain my cup. "I don’t remember you drinking so much before.”

  “Yeah, the one thing the navy is really good at is building your alcohol stamina.”

  I looked over at her through slitted eyes. I really didn’t drink much while I was active duty and even less now that I wasn’t. I would need the liquid courage to tell this story, however.

  I realized at that moment, for the first time that night I noticed the ringing in the back of my ears. It was probably the first time since the incident that I had forgotten about it.

  “I was in the temp hospital. I was there with the team, but there were also some marines and regular army station to our small base as well. A private came back with some shrapnel in his leg. He couldn’t be airlifted till the artery was clamped.”

  I looked over at her again. I could feel the cold sweat on the back of my neck as the memories came flooding back. She instinctively reached over and took my hand in hers. I gave her a weak smile.

  “No one knows how they got their hands on such long-range missiles. Where we were, the insurgents weren’t that organized. Well, I guess that was our mistake in thinking that. The first one hit right outside the tent.”

  “Blew it all to shit. I woke up with all the equipment on top of me. When it threw me back, it skewered my leg on some equipment. Burst my eardrums too.”

  “And the private?" Julie asked softly.

  “I tried my best. He was still open when the blast hit. I tried to cover him when the second missile struck, but it did no good. He died from blood loss.”

  She took my hand and laid it against her cheek kissing it softly. I pulled her close and kissed her forehead. I never thought I would survive telling that memory, but with Julie here it was a whole lot easier then I expected.

  “And your leg?”

  “Oh, I’m fine. Some scars and stuff but nothing terrible. My eardrums were permanently damaged so I wasn’t able to stay with the team. I had the option of being stationed at a regular naval hospital. My three years owed were up and Dad was going downhill, so I figured I should bow out gracefully.”

  “What does that mean, permanently damaged?” Julie asked looking from one ear to the other.

  I knew on the outside they looked perfectly fine.

  "Just some hearing loss,” I waved off. “And a constant ringing,” I added quickly.

  “Hawk that must be terrible.”

  “Funny thing actually,” I gave a little laugh and scooted her chair closer to mine. “Usually I can always hear it, it's just this annoying thing in the back of my head. With you and Em though, sometimes I forget its even there.”

  I watched as she looked me over, brushing a long hair away from my face. We were so close now that I could smell her sweet perfume and feel the touch of her smooth thighs rubbing against my own.

  “It was hard for me, when I first came back,” I said twirling a lock of Julie’s hair.

  I felt like we were discovering each other for the first time.

  “First couple of weeks I was here, I didn’t know how to function. It was a nightmare. I had no purpose, no drive. Now…”

  I let my voice trail off as I let go of her lock.

  “Now Emma is my driving force. I know I have to keep going on for her. For you too, if you’ll let me,” I added looking her in the eyes.

  I could see a tear glistening in her honey eyes. I worried it was because she was about to tell me that it wasn’t ever going to happen.

  “Okay,” she finally said just above a whisper.

  “Okay?” I asked a little surprised but also relieved.

  “Yeah,” she nodded.

  I kissed her then softly. I wanted to savor every taste every sensation of her. She leaned into my touch, and I felt the weight of her breast brush against me.

  “Come upstairs with me?” I asked pulling away from our kiss. It came out heavier then I had planned.

  Julie gave a shy smile and nodded. I stood and took her hand before she could change her mind.

  Quietly I led her up the narrow stairway and to the master bedroom. I waited for her to slip out of her shoes before pulling her into my arms.

  I let my fingers run along her open back and tease along her low hemline.

  “It’s been a long time, Hawk.”

  I could hear the nerves in her voice.

  “Me too,” I said reassuring her.

  I was full of need however, and I had a feeling I wasn’t going to savor this as much as I should. I took her mouth hungrily and pulled her hard against me.

  I was pleasantly surprised to feel her meet my ravenous need. I scooped her up into my arms and turned to lay her on the bed.

  I pulled at her till her ass was almost to the edge. Kneeling between her legs, I reached up the short distance under her skirt and pulled off her lace panties.

  “Are you ready to see how you feel about this beard?” I asked.

  I didn’t wait for an answer, however, instead, I tugged her skirt up the last remaining inches and plunged between her thighs.

  “Oh, fuck!” She called from somewhere above me.

  She was so sweet, and already a little wet. I used my hands to spread her thighs even farther apart as I plunged my tongue into her. Julie moaned in satisfaction as I pumped my tongue in and out of her wet center.

  I felt her hands tangle in my hair and I wrapped her legs around my shoulders. I gripped her hips as I helped her rock against my mouth. I could feel her thighs tightening, and I knew she was close.

  I began to move my head up and down as I plunged into her so that my coarse whiskers rubbed up against her tender bean. She gave a sharp gasp then and stilled as she spilled her juices into my mouth.

  I lapped her up happily and waited for her to come down from her orgasm. When her breathing steadied, I stood over her. I let her watch as I removed my shirt and pants.

  She sat up then and chose to remove my boxer briefs on her own. I sprang out right at her eye level. I knew it was something she had seen plenty of times before, but I was still satisfied to hear her hungry moan as she took me with both her hands.

  She stroked me up and down a few times as I watched her. Looking up at me, she bent her head and licked just my tip. I wound my hands in her hair now. I wanted her mouth on me, but at the same time, I wanted to cum inside her pussy.

  I reached behind her neck and found the clasp that held her top on. With a swift movement, I unsnapped it waiting for her breast to burst free.

  Much to my disappointment they didn’t.

  “Sorry, we used a lot of adhesives to keep the girls in,” she said with a little laugh.

  I knelt down in front of her again, completely nude. Slowly and delicate I peeled away the tape and reviled her breast to me one at a time. She laid back when I was done, and let me slip the dress the rest of the way off of her.

  Scooting back on the bed, she laid before me a naked goddess.

  I hadn’t turned the light on when we came in. The blinds were open, and the light of a full moon came in as slits across the milky white of her body. Her hair was
splayed around her in dark waves reaching to just above her perked nipples.

  I had a sudden urge to take her and stay frozen admiring her all at the same time. My need took over, however, and I came to sit between her legs.

  Resting on my arms, I came down over her taking her mouth with mine. She arched up in satisfaction, and I could feel the tips of her nipples brush my flesh.

  Reaching under her I positioned myself, and in a swift motion, I plunged deep into her all the way to my hilt. She gasped at the shock of it.

  I should have pulled back, or slowed down, but I didn’t. My body took over, and I dove deep into her again and again. Her shock was replaced with soft sounds of satisfaction.

  I could feel her digging hard with her nails into my back with every thrust of my dick. I didn’t care if she made me bleed, I would spill my seed deep inside her.

  I lifted her up so that she was sitting on my lap with her legs wrapped around my waist.

  “Take it, baby. Take it from me,” I encouraged.

  She rocked her body on top of me. I squeeze her ass pulling her deeper inside me with each of her thrusting motions. She arched her back and moaned.

  I took the opportunity to take her hard nipple into my mouth. She reached her hands into my hair and encouraged me to take in more of her hard nipple. I rolled it between my teeth, and she tightened around me.

  I heard her scream my name as her body clinched. I grabbed her hips and kept up the rocking motion. I was swelling thick, and her tighten climax sent me over my own edge. Gripping tight to her hips, I thrust hard into her one last time as I spilled my own juice deep inside her.

  Chapter Twelve

  I stretched my sore muscles half in a dream, half awake. I was keenly aware of a sweet rawness between my thighs that I hadn’t felt for sometimes. Barely opening my lashes, I saw it was still dark out.

  I realized that what had woken me was the feel of Hawks arms coming around from behind me and cupping my breast. I felt his warm kisses on my back as well as his already recovered erection between my ass.

  It didn’t feel like I had been asleep that long. Already Hawk was hungry for more, and I was more than willing to give it.


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