Her Pleasure Warrior_A Military Romance

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Her Pleasure Warrior_A Military Romance Page 16

by Katerina Cole

  I knew it was illogical of me, but I didn’t care. Emma was my little girl, and I was going to do everything in my power to get her what she needed as soon as I could.

  An hour later, I walked into Emma’s hospital room. She had been admitted immediately and given an IV. After a round medication on the nebulizer, she already was breathing with more ease.

  I watched Emma’s angelic face as she dozed in her hospital bed. I came to sit by Julie who was leaning forward to hold Emma’s hand in her own.

  I rubbed my hand up and down her back trying to ease her worry.

  “I should have been home last night,” Julie said softly.

  She slowly let go of Emma’s hand and leaned back in her chair next to me.

  “If I had been home last night, maybe I could have done something.”

  “Hey,” I said leaning her into my arms. I kissed her softly on the head. “I promise you; you did nothing wrong. Even if you were home last night, I doubt you would have caught it any sooner. We got her here while it was all still very new in her system. She is going to bounce back quickly.”

  “I just can’t leave her anymore,” Julie said looking up at me.

  “And you don’t have to. Okay?” I assured her.

  She nodded and leaned into me.

  “Once she gets a good amount of fluids in her, she’ll be able to leave by the end of the day. I can take you both home.”

  “And stay with us,” Julie said with her head pressed against my shoulder.

  She looked up at me then. I searched her eyes for her meaning.

  “As long as you want me to,” I answered.

  I slipped down to the hospital cafeteria to get us both something to eat. Julie was still a little anxious and didn’t feel comfortable leaving Emma, even if she was still asleep.

  I scanned the line of the usual hospital food. It didn’t matter if it was in the middle east or hear in my hometown, hospital food sucked.

  My eyes fell on a case full of sweet treats, and I couldn’t help myself. I grabbed one to give to Emma when she woke up.

  I came back upstairs and to Emma’s room to find both girls awake and sitting in the hospital bed.

  Emma already looked better. Her nap, as well as the added liquids, brought color back to her face. I couldn’t help but match the smile she gave me when I walked into the room.

  “You look like you are feeling better,” I said as I strolled into the room. “You're in luck too, because I found the perfect treat for you. Don’t tell your mom," I added in a whisper with a wink.

  I pulled out of the bag a chocolate cupcake with pink frosting and a bright red cherry on top.

  “Just in case your wondering, it’s called a cherry coke cupcake. That means not only is it a cake, but a cake filled with soda.”

  I looked over at Julie who had a brow raised at me and one arm already on her hip and ready to scold.

  “I don’t think sweets is a very good idea right now,” Julie said. “It can't be good for you when you are sick.”

  “Are you kidding me. It’s the best thing for you,” I said more to Emma. “Trust me, I know. I’m a doctor,” I added with a wink.

  I ignored Julie's scoff.

  I placed the cupcake on the small table and wheeled it in front of Emma. She hesitated a moment and looked at me. She looked at her mom, and I saw some unspoken words pass between them.

  Turning back to me she said, “Mommy says you're my Daddy. Is that true?”

  I looked over at Julie surprised by the words. Julie gave me a nod of encouragement.

  I looked down at Emma. I struggled to keep my emotions in check.

  “I am your Daddy. I know I haven’t been around up until now. I was hoping that could change. Would you be okay with that?”

  She took the cherry off the cupcake and popped it into her mouth. She chewed and swallowed as she seemed to think this over.

  “Does that mean you will bring more cupcakes and doughnuts with you?”

  I leaned down to my little girl and nudged her forehead with mine.

  “You bet.”

  I heard Julie tisk on the other side.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I turned to the sound of Emma sneezing.

  “You okay over there?” I said as I made my way over to her.

  She was holding a large bouquet of flowers in her hands.

  “I don’t like these,” she said rubbing her little nose.

  I laughed and took the floors out of her hand and set them on the table. I bent down in front of her an helped tie the back bow of her pretty white and pink dress.

  “Well I was going to put one of these in your hair,” I said holding the small bunch of rose peach colored sweet peas in my hand. “I better not though. I would want you sneezing the whole way down the aisle.”

  “Do you think you could help me though?” I asked handing Emma my white vail.

  She had loved playing with it all morning long as I slipped into my white dress. I bent down so that she could place the clear comb into my hair.

  “Do I look okay?” I asked as I stood before Emma.

  “You look like a princess, Mommy," Emma encouraged with an angelic smile.

  “So do you,” I said taking her hand.

  I don’t think I ever felt as much joy as the moment I walked down the aisle. Emma was in front of me delicately dropping one rose petal at a time. Just beyond her stood the man of my dreams; the man that would be mine for the rest of our lives.

  Hawk looked so dashing in his tailored suit with his close-cut beard and slicked back black hair. It nearly took my breath away.

  “Hi, Daddy," Emma called much to the amusement of the small crowd.

  "Hi, honey,” he said giving his little girl a wink.

  Emma dropped her last petal and went to stand next to Savannah, my maid of honor.

  It was like a dream as I came to stand before Hawk. I couldn’t seem to tare my gaze away from the joy that seemed to glow out of his green eyes.

  We each spoke the vows we had written, and before I knew it, he was kissing me for the first time as his wife. Amid the cheers, he reached down and picked up Emma. Holding Emma with one arm and taking my hand with the other, we walked down the aisle and into our new life as a whole family.

  Her Dirty Doctor

  Copyright © 2018 by Katerina Cole

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Chapter One


  “I am so over this,” Emma said throwing her textbook across the small door room. “Let’s go get some air.”

  I looked over at my best friend and college roommate for the last four years. She had already gotten up from her bed scattered with calculous notes and was slipping on some shoes.

  “You just sat down,” I said with a laugh.

  Unlike Emma, I had been seated on my own bed for the last four hours while I looked over my own notes on criminal courts and judicial systems. It was by far the hardest course I had taken to date in preparation for law school.

  “I may have just started, but you have been here forever. You need a break. What kind of a friend would I be if I didn’t take one with you,” Emma replied.

  “Come on, we can go try out Shakers.”

  Shakers was a new club not too far from the college campus. I had heard about it from a few others. It was supposed to be one of the hottest new scenes for hookups. Meaning, it was pretty much the opposite of the kind of place I preferred to hang out.

  I hesitated, “Yeah, I don’t know. I still have a lot of studying.”

  “No, you don’t. Plus I am sure there is some study saying that too much studying before an exam actually makes you forget.”

  I raised an eyebrow at Emma. That was the stupidest reason she had come up with t
o date. Apparently she thought it was a good one, because she was already trading her tank top for a sequined number that barely covered her huge chest.

  “Lil, no excuses. Hurry up and get ready,” she said as if the matter was already closed.

  I had to admit a break didn’t sound half bad. I was stressing like crazy over these final exams. In fact I was generally burnt out from the prospects of being a lawyer and I was only pre-law at the moment.

  I figured a small break wouldn’t hurt. Maybe it would help me clear my head and start fresh. I reluctantly rolled off my own bed and searched for my shoes.

  “You’re not going like that, are you?” Emma asked eyeing me up and down.

  “What's wrong with how I look?” I asked as I pulled on a baggy sweater.

  “Well, let's start with the fact that you look like you just came from the gym. Or that I would guess under that sweater you're wearing a sports bra. But my biggest concern is the hot mess on top of your head,” she motioned to my thick bun of blonde hair.

  “Ugh, now you want me to get all done up? Too much work. Let’s just watch a movie instead.”

  “No, we are going out. I need to release some exam stress,” She stated firmly adding some eyeliner and lip gloss to her finished look.

  “Just say you want to go out and meet a guy for some random sex, we both know that's what you mean,” I retorted.

  “It’s true,” Emma agreed with a shrug of her shoulders. “And it’s not going to happen if I’m standing next to someone that looks like a bag lady.”

  Thirty minutes later we were walking out the dorm room and to my car. My hair was curled, my ass squeezed into a mini and my face was caked with makeup, thanks to Emma’s handy work.

  It was only May but the days were already starting to feel humid. Luckily the windy city of Chicago always had a nice breeze to move the air. In the winter, with subzero temperatures, it was hell, but with spring in full swing it was a relief to feel the air moving around my bare legs.

  “I’m driving,” I said before Emma could say otherwise. “I don’t want to be left at the club again.”

  “I hate your car,” Emma sniffed. She also knew there was a good chance she would be going home with someone tonight leaving me to fend for myself, so she didn’t put much of a fight up about it.

  “Nobody hates Jeeps,” I shot back.

  “They do when they are all old and falling apart.”

  “Be kind. Bertha may have some years on her but she still runs fine.”

  Emma rolled her eyes before sliding into the well worn passenger seat. I got Bertha from my parents on my sixteenth birthday. It was old and well used then. Five years later, I was pretty sure she was on her last leg. That didn’t stop me from loving her, though.

  We got to the club just after dark. It was still a little early for the main crowd but already the place seemed busy enough.

  When we slipped inside I had to admit it looked pretty nice. Everything was new and modern. Bodies were already pressed on the dance floor while the first DJ of the night kept the energy up.

  Emma and I made our way over to the bar first to get some drinks. I was nursing my beer when Emma insisted we start the night out with something a little harder. Three shots of vodka later I was pretty sure I didn’t give two fucks about how I did on my final exams.

  “Maybe if I get you drunk enough, you’ll finally give up that v-card,” Emma said over the roar of the music.

  “I’m not that drunk,” I retorted though I did feel a good buzz already.

  I noticed that Emma was sipping a drink through a little red straw that had appeared out of nowhere. One was passed in front of me from the bartender.

  “From the guys over there,” he said nudging his head toward two guys down the bar.

  “They’re cute,” Em said as she smiled shyly back at them.

  “Eh,” I responded.

  “Oh come on, Lilly, there are two of them, that’s perfect for us. I’d even let you have the cuter one who looks like his shirt is about to rip under all those muscles. I bet he would love to pop your cherry.”

  “Yeah, no thanks. But you have at it,” I told her.

  “Are you sure?” Emma said before adding, “Your loss,” and made her way over to the two guys.

  I rolled my eyes and rotated back around in my seat to nurse my own drink. The club was hot enough with all the bodies pressing together, but I was still feeling chilled in my little skirt and low cut backless shirt.

  I cut a few glances Emma’s way. She was shamelessly flirting with both guys. I wondered if maybe that was the kind of steam I needed to let off.

  It was true I was still a virgin. It wasn’t for any religious reasons, I just had never found the one I felt was worthy of giving myself to. But now I was 21 and it was probably becoming more of a shame than a badge of honor.

  Em always said a little casual sex was the best way to relax and relieve some stress. I certainly could use some stress relief right now in my life.

  I spun around in my seat and scanned the crowd. I had no interest in Mr. Muscles that Em was currently feeling up. If there was someone there, though, that did catch my eye, I might actual go for it tonight.

  Chapter Two


  I was feeling pretty shitty as I sat alone at the table my buddies and I had procured. They were all on the dance floor with a bunch of girls from the nearby party school. They couldn’t have been more than nineteen.

  I preferred quality over quantity, however. I could have used a release, though, so I scanned the room for a better candidate.

  I wasn’t sure what I was dreading more my finals or the fact that end of school meant seeing my parents again. Granted it wouldn’t be for long, but still miserable. They would prefer to spend the summer in Europe, where as I would prefer to be as far away as possible from them.

  Dad has scoffed when I told him I had signed up to be apart of the Red Cross medical team in Greece helping the refugees pouring in. In his mind, how profitable was an experience doing charity work when I could do my residency with him. All he ever saw in me was another multimillion dollar plastic surgeon like him, and his father before him.

  I had no plans to go down that road. If he thought I would spend the rest of my life catering to the winning of the rich and famous of New York, he had another thing coming. It was something I was actually going to have to bring up to him, unfortunately.

  With next year being the start of my doctorate, it would be the prime time to let him know that I wouldn’t be following in his footsteps. I bristled at the thought of that conversation. It wouldn’t take a brain surgeon to know it wasn’t going to go well.

  I had just about finished scanning the room, and was about to head home, when she caught my eye. I was surprised to see her sitting all alone at the bar. Usually girls came in hoards to these places.

  I licked my lips as I looked over her frame. She had gorgeous golden hair that was just begging to be pulled and bronzed legs that seemed to go on for miles. My fingers were already itching to slip between her thighs.

  I stayed in my seat, however, and waited a few beats. I wanted to make sure that she wasn’t actually with someone before I walked over. Finally when I couldn't take watching her any longer, I got up and made my way over.

  Leaning on the bar next to her I motioned for the bartender. I didn’t need another drink, but it was something to do. I looked down at her from the side of my eyes.

  I could already tell she noticed my presence and was doing her best not to check me out in return. It was a good sign.

  I leaned in close so she could hear me over the music, “Hey, you wanna dance?”

  She looked at me full on for the first time as if she was sizing me up. I wasn’t one to beat around the bush and it wouldn’t be long before I either gave up on her or took her outside.

  “Sorry,” she finally said. I could tell she liked what she saw. “I don’t really do that.”

  “Dance?” I said, wi
th a hint of flirtation.

  “No, what you mean by dancing,” she shot back just as confident as ever.

  I slid into the seat next to her.

  “So you don’t really meet new people at a club? Because that was all I was hoping for,” I said giving a charming smile.

  She narrowed her honey colored eyes at me then. I knew she could see right through my words and I wanted her too.

  “I guess I’m not really the clubbing type at all,” she said by way of explanation.

  “But you are here now?” I encouraged.

  “Yeah, my friend,” she nudged to another girl a few feet away flirting with two guys, “insisted I come with her. Just to get a break from all the finals shit,” she responded.

  “I hear you,” I said with all honesty. “U of C?” I asked.

  “No, Northwestern.”

  I nodded in understanding. There were more four year schools in Chicago and surrounding areas then I cared to count. It wasn’t uncommon to find a mixing of the different universities in the same area.

  “You know,” I said flashing that smile back at her, “A little exam relief might not be a bad idea. From a medical standpoint. It would probably improve your test scores in the end,” I teased.

  She gave me a hard stare.

  “I’m pre-med. It’s practically my job to know these things.”

  “Really?” She said turning to face me. “And how would a doctor suggest getting exam relief?”

  “Come with me and I show you,” I added, holding out my hand.

  The more I sat with her the more I wanted her. The plunging neckline of her barely there shirt and that tight little mini was making me want to fuck her right here and now.

  She hesitated for a moment, however, and I figured we were probably done. I wasn’t going to waste my time on a wilting wallflower, and maybe she wasn’t the type to take a ride with me.

  “Okay,” she finally said setting her drink down and taking my hand. “Fuck it. Let’s go.”


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