Her Pleasure Warrior_A Military Romance

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Her Pleasure Warrior_A Military Romance Page 24

by Katerina Cole

  “This is getting intense,” Aria said from the back seat.

  “Not a good time to kid your mom, honey,” Barrett called back to her.

  Finally we got to the hospital. I was barely in the gown and place in a bed when Barrett said it was time to push.

  Twelve minutes later I heard the glorious cry of our new child. Barrett was there and ready to tell me the gender, something I had wanted to keep a surprise.

  “It’s a girl,” he said cutting the cord and placing the baby close to me. “We have another beautiful daughter.”

  He kissed me gently as I cried and as I held her. I looked up at Barrett who was looking at the sweet little angel still crying on my chest. I was so grateful that this time he was here to see her born.

  “Destiny,” Barrett said softly.

  I looked at him confused by his words.

  “It means fate. I thought it might be an appropriate name. What do you think?”

  I smiled softly and tilted my head encouraging a kiss. He leaned down and kissed me tenderly on the lips.

  “I think it’s perfect.”

  Good Girl’s Bad Boss

  Good Girl’s Bad Boss

  A Bad Boy Office Romance

  By Katerina Cole


  Virgin’s Dirty Boss

  Copyright © 2018 Katerina Cole

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places or events are entirely the work of the author. Any resemblance to actual persons, events, or places is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Please purchase only authorized editions and do not participate in piracy of copyrighted materials.

  Chapter One


  “We have to win the bid for this building, you got this?” I said in annoyance to the underling on the other side of the phone line.

  I was going down the stairs of the said building in a hurry, talking over the phone with the real estate division of my company. I’d come here today to see it again, and now I was even more convinced in its high potential.

  I was one of three partners in my development firm LQT, and I dealt with the purchasing of old buildings to renovate. The building I was currently interested in was another run-down building. It was historic and held a great value.

  In its old glory days, this was a hotel—the luxurious Art Deco styled rooms attracted many customers—but the owner went bankrupt and his hotel went out of business. He moved away, leaving the building as it was and neglecting it completely over the next years. It was sad really, not for him, but for the building itself.

  For many years, various companies had been trying to get this building as its district became wealthier and attracted more contractors. Thankfully, its owner had finally decided to put it for sale. Obviously, the news of this auction spread like a wildfire, and it reached media too. That was why I wasn’t the only one who was interested in this building. Currently, there were several other bidders interested and I knew I had to grab it before someone else got it.

  I was on my phone for several minutes already, making sure we secured the bid. I just had to make sure nothing went wrong, but I was fucking nervous and desperate to get this building. I wanted to restore it to a boutique hotel for high-end clients, and I was sure this would bring our firm huge profits. The guys would love it and maybe it would be my turn to take a vacation.

  “Yes, Mr. Talon. We are working on it,” the real estate agent assured me. “We will definitely offer the best bid.”

  “Good. I don’t want to screw this up.”

  I exhaled, which was something I did a lot when I was frustrated. I moved my hand through my short hair as my annoyance increased.

  Shit. Why were there so many people who saw what I saw in this old building? Why couldn’t they move their asses to something else?

  I exhaled again, still going down in a rush as my quick footsteps echoed through the empty building. This time the competition was high, and we had to take a risk so we could secure the bid. The amount of money was extremely high, much higher than the real value of this place, but in my opinion, it was totally worth it.

  Many people couldn’t understand this, but there was just some pure beauty in transforming something old into new. Rebuilding was my passion, and searching for those kinds of buildings was like a treasure hunt for me.

  Each one of these buildings had a much higher potential that many might realize, and this was their actual value—they had so much more to offer than it was expected. They were like hidden gems, providing money to only those who were smart enough to seize the opportunity when it came up.

  Since I was a man of distinctive tastes and had a great talent, I was attracted to this line of business since the beginning of LQT. My other partners, Grant Lawson and Colten Quinn, never quite understood what was so special about these old, rusty places, but that didn’t matter. They believed in my instincts and decisions, because they had brought us millions so far.

  Grant, Colten, and I met in the Army and became family. We were stationed overseas together and had a lot of time to talk. We soon realized we had the passion for the same line of business, but most importantly, we had the initial capital to start our own company. LQT grew a lot lately, and we were getting busier year by year.

  Each time I started a new project I would get excited, but at the same time so easily irritated. There were lots of sharks in this line of business, just waiting to attack when it was least expected, and I always had to be alert. But with my military background, I could handle anything. Let those fuckers come.

  “We will keep you updated, sir,” he said.

  “Great. I’ll be waiting. Call me when you hear something new.” I ended the call.

  This building wasn’t that spacious, but it had a lot of floors. Just as I put the phone into my pocket I finally reached the first floor, cursing the elevator that was obviously out of order.

  I looked around the old lobby, already imagining the space after it was renovated and furnished luxuriously, hell yes this was going to be good. We had to buy this building, and I just wanted that bidding to be done and over with.

  We would need to invest a lot of money into its restoration and hire the best interior designer to redecorate this place. We would have a lot of work to do, but it would be pointless to think about it now if we wouldn’t secure the bid.

  No. We would secure that bid. I shouldn’t stress about it. I’d never lost a building before. I had a sense for purchasing, but I also got anxious easily, thinking about all kinds of negative scenarios.

  I strode across the lobby, reminding myself about all the tasks I had to finish today, and I wasn’t actually paying attention to my surroundings anymore. As I rushed to the front doors, deep in thought, I ran into someone, our bodies colliding harshly. The impact did nothing to my strong body, and I remained in my place, but I couldn’t say the same for the beautiful woman in front of me.

  “Uff,” she grunted as she struggled to stabilize herself, and my hand rushed to grab her around her upper arm and keep her on her feet. “I’m sorry,” she muttered.

  For a few moments I wasn’t even able to move, just observing this gorgeous brunette in front of me. Her green eyes immediately caught my attention. They reminded me of emerald, glimmering intensely and sucking me in, and I couldn’t look away from them for a moment. Shit.

  Her heart-shaped face was framed with a bob that fitted her beautifully.

  She was tall and thin, but she had slightly bigger breasts and curvy hips, and man, I just loved curvy hips. There was nothing more feminine than seeing those sexy curves on a woman you wanted to fuck.

  Did I want t
o fuck her? As my eyes continued downward, sliding over her tight skirt and long legs, I realized that the answer was yes—I did want to take her to my bed. Her black suit was too serious for my taste, but it did nothing to hide her sexy body, and I wanted to rip it off her and reveal what was beneath it.

  She shifted on her legs and snatched her arm away from my grasp. I hadn’t even been aware I was still holding her.

  I finally noticed she was carrying a briefcase in her hand, and my senses switched into high alert. She had her business briefcase and attire, and she just came here. There was only one possible conclusion as to who she was.

  She was definitely my competition for the bidding. Fuck.

  Yes. She came here to inspect the building just like I did, so she was my rival.

  Damn it. It was too bad, but she was unavailable. No matter how smoking hot she was, she was one of those damn bidders who wanted to take my building, and I wouldn’t let her do that. I’d actually wanted to say something charming to her and sweep her off her feet, but I couldn’t do that now that I knew that she was a bidder.

  I brought my gaze back to her eyes, raising my eyebrows when I noticed she’d been checking me out too. Now that I looked at her face more carefully, I saw that her lips were drawn into a thin, disapproving line and her jaw was clenched tight. She looked serious and unapproachable, and I frowned in response.

  “You should be,” I snapped at her, not accepting her apology.

  Her eyes widened in shock and her lips parted, and I got to see just how sexy they were when they weren’t drawn into a stern line. I wanted those lips around my cock.

  Damn. This wasn’t the time to think about that.

  “Excuse me?” she exclaimed, furrowing her eyebrows angrily when the initial surprise passed.

  “You heard me. Are you deaf? You didn’t even pay attention and you ran right into me!”

  I saw her whole body tense. She was clearly embarrassed, but she tried to hide it with anger. “I didn’t pay attention? You are the one who wasn’t even looking where he was going!”

  “Right,” I answered, my voice dipping in sarcasm, and continued dryly, “Well, that was expected.” I glared at her, clenching my fists in tension.

  Her cheeks flushed a bit, and she shifted her weight again. “What was expected?”

  “That such a beautiful woman like you would lie. All beautiful women are such good liars.” Shit. Now where did this come from? All beautiful women were such good liars? Sexist much, man.

  “What?” she hissed. “I can’t believe you! Not only you are rude and accusing me of something I didn’t do, but you are also insulting women! Asshole!”

  Well, I did deserve that one, but it didn’t sting any less. “You have no idea what you are talking about so shut your mouth. After all, it’s good for only one thing.” I smirked to increase the humiliating effect. “For a blowjob.”

  Instantly, she became red as a beet, her pretty green eyes darkening in fury. Her hand twitched, and for a second I thought she was going to slap me. I took a step back, just in case.

  “You.” She actually began to tremble, her face changing colors quickly. “I have met a lot of rude people in this business so far, but no one was as rude as you are.”

  “I’m glad to be the best.” I winked and moved aside to walk around her.

  I reached the front doors and she was still standing in the same spot, her back turned to me. My eyes momentarily zeroed in on her ass, and I almost groaned. My cock twitched, but I had to suppress any sexual urge. Man, her ass was a piece of art.

  “Try not to get lost,” I said and got out of the building before she had the opportunity to react.

  When I reached the noisy street, I noticed how hot I felt, fuck. This back and forth sparing left me even more frustrated.

  It was a shame. I didn’t remember when was the last time I so attracted to some woman, but she had to be my competition and I couldn’t do anything to her. The irony.

  And now I realized we’d never exchanged names.

  I opened the door of my car and sat down, telling myself to stop thinking about her. She wasn’t important. I would make sure to get that building, and I would never see her again.

  Chapter Two


  I stood in the middle of the old lobby after I spent some time going through this whole place, taking mental notes. This building was historic and it was beautiful—it would be just amazing if I could get the job. I could envision all the changes that needed to be made and I was more than eager to start with the work as soon as possible.

  Interior design had been my dream since I was a child. I could remember moving my mother’s furniture around in the living room to give it a more welcoming feel. But I was way beyond my mother’s living room now and currently I was hoping to add this building to my portfolio. After I finished my college several years ago—always being a straight-A student—I worked on various projects, but none of them were as important to me as this one.

  Since I was little I wanted a career for myself, dreaming of becoming successful and independent. I’d been really driven from the start. So I studied a lot and dedicated my life to becoming the best.

  I got interested in architecture and art in my early teen years. I’d been attracted to various architectural styles and the way they combined into one perfect whole. My parents liked to travel a lot, so by the time I finished high school, I’d visited so many countries around the world that I’d lost count. Traveling enabled me to see all those famous buildings in person and get the inspiration I needed for my own portfolio.

  I had a really good sense of space and combining different colors and materials together. I could create the perfect interior in my mind after just one look, and I already envisioned what this place was going to be like. I couldn’t wait to get started.

  I knew this building was for sale and I wanted to be the designer who was hired by the new owner to redecorate the interior. The reason why I was really interested in this project was because I had some special memories of this building. This place was once a beautiful hotel and I used to come here for brunch when I was a child. My parents and I always had a great time here, and the food was just delicious.

  The hotel’s interior had been breathtaking and expensively furnished. I remembered spending a lot of time just staring at the walls, ceilings, and paintings, and creating my own design in head. I was really attached to it. Now it was almost painful to see the damped walls, broken windows, and unkempt furniture.

  I thought it would be amazing if this place was restored to its original beauty. I was sad when I discovered that the hotel went bankrupt and no one offered to buy it from the owner. Many years had passed, and the building was deteriorating gradually. That was why I was beyond happy when I heard that it was for sale, and I knew I had to compete to work on this project. I would give my best to be selected by the new owner as their designer.

  I just prayed that no one tore it down. That would be terrible.

  I wrote down several things in my notebook—mostly about the materials that would be needed for this place. Even though I was excited about the project, I also felt stressed. Unfortunately, my stress followed me my whole life. Whether I was focusing on studying or my business projects, my anxiety was always there. I was serious, and I had a hard time relaxing and letting go of stress. I was always so tense and thinking about tasks, deadlines, and work, that I didn’t have time or energy to commit myself to anything that wasn’t related to my career.

  That was why I didn’t have many friends. I didn’t go out much, but that was okay, because I knew I couldn’t have a successful career and a good social life at the same time.

  At the moment, I felt even more stressed than usual, because I couldn’t get over the asshole that had run into me here.

  I couldn’t believe him! If anyone had told me someone would insult me in that way for no reason, I would tell them they were crazy!

  It was clearly his fault that we bum
ped into each other. I expected him to look up and step aside, but he didn’t. He continued walking, keeping his eyes downcast, and didn’t even bother to pay attention to his surroundings.

  He was so rude! He was definitely the most inconsiderate person I’d ever met. How dare he treat me that way? What was worse was the fact that he didn’t just insult me—he insulted all beautiful women with his stupid comment. Not that I’d ever given a blow job before anyway. These lips had never touched a dick, barely any part of me had.

  But he told me I was beautiful.

  I could feel my body getting warmer and I hated its reaction to just one simple word.

  So what if he thought I was beautiful? That shouldn’t matter at all. No, that didn’t matter at all. He was an asshole, and I certainly hoped never to see him again.

  Although, I had to admit that he was gorgeous. He was tall and he had broad shoulders. He had some dark, mysterious aura around him, and he definitely looked like one of those dominant men who crushed the hearts of the innocent girls just like that.

  His short hair was dark and his eyes were even darker. His chiseled jaw was covered with a five o’clock shadow and he looked kind of broody with that frown that twisted his face into a really serious expression.

  I hated to admit he was my type. I liked men with dark eyes and hair, and this guy could have easily been an actor—he was that striking and beautiful. He was wearing an expensive, black business suit and even more expensive shoes. Seriously, his dark leather shoes were so polished that they shone even more than my lip gloss.

  It was too bad that he proved that being beautiful on the outside didn’t mean person was beautiful on the inside. He was a jerk.

  All of that actually annoyed me—his rudeness, his attractiveness, and my reaction to him.


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