Her Pleasure Warrior_A Military Romance

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Her Pleasure Warrior_A Military Romance Page 44

by Katerina Cole

  “Well, when do I get to meet him?” she asked suddenly. I felt nauseous.

  “You’ve met him before. Remember? He came home for winter break one year while we were dating,” I told her quickly.

  “Well, yes, but you were just dating then. Now you’re married. And a lot of time has passed since then. He’s your husband now. My son-in-law. I want to meet him. Have a proper family dinner, you know,” she suggested. Her worry was swiftly turning into excitement, which was an improvement, but still more than I cared to deal with at the moment. Then my phone beeped, informing me that I had another call coming in, this time from Beverly.

  “Look, can I call you back? Beverly is calling me,” I pleaded.

  “What? But we just started talking.”

  “I know, I know, but Beverly has called me a jillion times and I need to tell her what’s going on. She’s worried, too, I think,” I admitted. God, I felt like such a jerk.

  “Fine. Go answer her. But you have to call me back, Haley,” she sighed.

  “Okay. Got it. I will. Love you, Mom. Bye,” I told her hastily. I clicked the other line to answer the new call. “Beverly. Hi.”

  “What the hell, Haley?” she demanded.

  “I know.”

  “Do you? Do you know?” Beverly exclaimed. “You got married? To Chase freakin’ Hawthorne of all people, and you didn’t think it was necessary to call me and let me know?”

  “Look, I just got this same lecture from my mother,” I groaned, sitting down on the bed.

  “I’m sure you did. She’s been pestering me for more information but I didn’t know what to tell her. So, it’s true? You really did get married to Chase?” she asked.

  “Yeah. It’s true,” I confessed.

  Beverly whistled. “Wow. That is… insane. How did that even happen? Didn’t he, like, super break your heart in college?”

  “Yes. Yes, he did,” I confirmed. “I kind of wish people would stop bringing that up.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me, Haley? I could’ve been the best maid of honor ever.”

  I smiled. “I know. You would have. But it happened so quickly. We just couldn’t wait to have a normal wedding. We wanted to be together immediately,” I told her, hoping she wouldn’t press the issue.

  “I can’t decide if that’s crazy or romantic.”

  “How about both?” I suggested.

  She laughed. “Sure. Both. Well, I can’t say I’m not still a little pissed that I had to find out about my best friend’s wedding from the Internet, but congratulations. If you’re happy, I’m happy. You are happy, right?”

  “Yes. Very happy,” I agreed hastily.

  “Damn. The new Mrs. Chase Hawthorne. Who would’ve thought it?” she mused.

  “You’re telling me. It still hasn’t totally sunken in yet,” I told her honestly.

  “You’ll get there,” she assured me. I hoped she was right. “Anyway, I’m sure you have a honeymoon or something you’re supposed to be jetting off to right now, so I won’t hold you up too long.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I agreed. “I’ll talk to you later and give you more details, okay?”

  “You better!” she laughed. We hung up, and I sat on the bed, staring off into space.

  My heart sank even lower. It was hitting me just how abnormal this marriage was. Of course we didn’t have a honeymoon. This marriage was all about business. It was just a deal, nothing more. One year of pretending and it would be over. But everyone around me was ecstatic, making a huge deal out of it. I wondered how long the guilt would eat away at me. If it was going to feel like such a painful lie the whole time, then this was going to be one long year.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “I don’t care what the previous interior designer thought a modern presidential suite looked like, I’m bringing in someone I know,” I informed one of my contacts over the phone as I climbed into my private jet.

  I gave the pilot a quick nod and a tight smile. He rolled his eyes knowingly at my phone call. “Make the arrangements and have her email me before tomorrow morning. I’ll be back in Aspen before sundown.”

  Fresh coffee was waiting for me when I settled down in my seat, and I let out a long breath of relief.

  Honestly, as good as the marriage arrangement was, there was one other advantage to having Haley in charge of the Peppertree. I didn’t have to wrangle with complete strangers in trying to redesign the resort. The other eleven properties were a headache to deal with, but these were teeth that had to be pulled.

  At least I would be back with Haley in a few hours, and I’d get to negotiate renovations with someone I knew how to deal with.

  The thought made me smile. Another perk to working with Haley was that I knew more than one way to deal with her. I would be lying if I said I never mixed business and pleasure, but with Haley, it was something special.

  Hours later, after the plane had landed and my driver brought me to the Peppertree’s driveway, I looked up at the place and felt an odd cozy feeling. I was starting to understand why Haley could get attached to a place like this. From a business point of view, it was nothing special, and it was easy to point out why it was tanking, but the place had a certain charm about it that made you feel comfortable after visiting it a few times.

  The fact that my wife was here played into that, sure.

  Things were already starting to shape up, though. The moment my driver came to a stop, a bellhop was already on his way out the doors to greet me. It was the same young man who’d met me my first day, but his uniform looked a little crisper and his face a little brighter.

  They were the sure signs of having recently gotten a raise.

  “Afternoon, Mr. Hawthorne,” he greeted me cheerfully as he got my bags. “Hope the drive was easy on you.”

  “I’m starting to appreciate the view around here,” I admitted, “but it’ll be a lot nicer when I’m done with it.”

  “I can believe it,” he replied. I had a feeling he knew who he had to thank for his sudden pay raise.

  “Is the suite I used last time ready for me?”

  “Actually, sir, Ms. Sim—excuse me, Mrs. Hawthorne arranged for you to be staying in her suite as long as you’re here.”

  “Did she, now?” I mused, chuckling.

  He led me up to her room, and along the way, I could see the sudden injection of money was doing wonders already. The elevators were in working order, morale was up for the staff, and everything looked so clean that you could eat off the floors.

  “This will do fine,” I told the bellhop as we reached the doorway to Haley’s room. As he unstacked the bags, I held out a couple of $100s to him. I couldn’t help but smile at the way his hand was nearly shaking when he took it, thanked me profusely, and darted off.

  I raised my fist to knock on the door when I heard a voice from behind me that made my cock twitch in anticipation.

  “Mr. Hawthorne,” came Haley’s voice in a playful tone, “trying to break into my room?”

  I turned and cracked a smile at her. She was wearing the same outfit she wore when I first walked into the Peppertree, and she was carrying two steaming coffees. “I can have you thrown out for that, you know.”

  “I’d rather be the one throwing you around today, Mrs. Hawthorne,” I growled as she made her way over and handed me a coffee before she unlocked the door. “For now, though, I have some paperwork for you to go over.”

  She pushed the door open, and I set the bags just inside. “Oh? I’m guessing this is about the renovations.”

  “We’ll call it a first draft of the plans,” I teased, slipping my jacket off, “and we can hash out the details in private.”

  “Let’s take things to my office, then,” she invited me, nodding further into the suite. “Leave your jacket, though. Don’t you think it’s too warm for that inside?”

  I winked at her before she started making her way into the suite.

  Her office was attached to the suite, making the wh
ole place like a spacious apartment in the resort, and as soon as she got the door open, I moved in. There was a small table just to my right, and in a swift motion, I set my folder of papers down on it, grabbed our coffees and did the same, and seized Haley by the hips to spin her around and press her lips to mine.

  She moaned into the kiss as I shut the door behind us and started walking her backward to her desk.

  “Jesus, Chase,” she gasped as soon as the kiss broke, but I wasn’t holding back in any way. My hands felt up her ass and her thighs, pinching and squeezing for every minute I was away from her. “Have you been thinking about this as much as I have?”

  “You have no fucking idea,” I groaned.

  Her desk was not nearly the size appropriate for a resort owner of her prestige. It was old fashioned and cozy, some would call it, but it had a big desk at the back and center of the room, and that was all I needed.

  She shrunk a few inches as I walked her back to the desk, and I realized she had kicked her heels off without breaking her pace.

  My hands greedily groped her hips, thumbs roving over the fabric of her clothes, and with each step, I kept my crotch pressed against her stomach. Everything in me felt energized and ready to fuck her senseless. Everything about it felt right.

  I moved one of my hands up the curve of her back and pulled her in even tighter, sliding my other hand under her thigh and hoisting her up.

  She gasped mid-kiss as I carried her the rest of the way to the desk and sat her round ass down on it and thrust my hips into her even though we were both still clothed. I didn’t even need to see her naked, just the sight and touch of my wife was enough to drive me wild.

  With a clumsy hand, she reached behind her and started knocking things off her desk desperately. I made it harder for her my bringing my mouth to her neck and sucking on the sensitive skin, and she gasped, tossing her head back and squirming in my grasp.

  Flailing her arm wildly wasn’t getting her very far, so I finally did her the favor of reaching around her, and with one big sweep of my arm, I cleared the desk of papers and pencils and a keyboard before I came back up to her to unbutton her blouse.

  “I want to feel you,” she gasped after I stripped the fabric away and left her in nothing but a skirt and bra. “I want to feel everything I’ve been missing. I’ve been thinking about this all day, please let me have this.”

  “You don’t have to beg, honey,” I growled into her ear, “but God, I love it when you do.”

  I stripped off my shirt and watched her eyes devour my nearly bare torso, but the blush in her cheeks grew bright red when I took my undershirt off and left my chest naked.

  Her hips thrust up into mine in soft, pleading motions as she ran her hands down my front, testing the hardness of my chest, counting my abs, feeling up every ridge that my rippling muscles had to offer.

  “I’ve been working out more than ever,” my voice rumbled. “Ever since marrying you, I’ve got more reason than ever to be in peak shape. The better I am…” I took hold of her thighs and squeezed them, pushing her skirt up so I could feel more of her, “...the more I can fuck you until you’re full of me.”

  She was enthralled by my muscles. She brought her face to them and kissed them, and the feeling of her breath on me made my cock swell so large it strained my pants.

  I kicked my shoes off and unbuttoned my pants, letting my shaft spring forward, and at the same time as she looked down on it with pure hunger in her eyes, I pushed her skirt up enough to see her naked womanhood.

  “I said I wouldn’t give you a uniform after taking this place over,” I mused. “But the more I think about it, the less essential underwear sounds.”

  She gave me a challenging smile, and while I was busy getting lost in her eyes, I felt her warm touch on my cock.

  She ran her fingers from the thick base of my vein-ribbed shaft to the dark, bulging crown at the top. It was almost purple and swollen with need. Her soft thumb stroked the very tip and made it twitch while her other hand fondled my heavy balls.

  “You make me so fucking tense,” I told her, reaching up and stroking her hair as I watched her toy with my cock like it was the most precious thing in her world. “The second you cross my mind, all I want to do is pour myself into you.”

  This was all to get her pregnant, I tried to remind myself. The more ready she is, the more we want each other and want to fuck each other until we have nothing less in us, the faster we can get a child from this fake marriage.

  We should hate each other, but I knew that every word I said was dripping with sinful truth.

  “I don’t know what it is about you,” she confessed, looking up at me with a mixture of pure lust and shame at herself for feeling it. “Fuck, I should hate you for all this. For everything. But all that does is make me want you more.”

  “Then lean into it,” I growled, and without warning, I pushed her down onto the desk.

  I grabbed one of her ankles and propped it over my shoulder, twisting her to her left, holding her hips tight in my massive hands. I was so much taller than her that I could move her and twist her any way I wanted, and she loved every second of it. Her pussy was glistening and swollen, every bit as needy for me as she said.

  I entered her.

  She shuddered as if she’d just dipped herself into hot water, and she was so slick that I buried myself into her up to the hilt. The more we fucked, the more used to each other our bodies were.

  And that just made it better each time.

  I found her g-spot in no time. I started rocking back and forth into her, rewarding her slowly for every single little thing she did to get me hard and ready. I felt precum already beading up at the tip of my cock, and she scrambled to grab onto any edge she could to keep herself from losing all control of her bodies as I rutted into her.

  My cock was stiff as a rod and swelling even bigger inside her. We fit each other perfectly. Each time my bulging crown stroked her most sensitive places inside her, I heard her gasp, and the whole time, she fought to keep her eyes open and look up at me.

  She was drinking in the sight of my rippling abs, the way my bulging biceps and forearms controlled her legs and her hips so confidently and expertly. I knew exactly what I wanted, and I knew exactly how to tease it out of her smaller body.

  I must have looked like a moving statue to her. My cock was so hard inside her that it held her up with a strength of its own, and her hips were completely subject to my control. I felt her struggling to keep up pace, but I didn’t want to make her have to work. All she had to do was lay back and enjoy the ride.

  And within a few minutes of relentless bucking, the tightness I felt told me she was getting just that.

  I pounded into her harder and harder, feeling her get tense and shut her eyes as she neared the point of release.

  And at the last moment, I decided to be cruel.

  I pulled out of her, making her eyes spring open and look at me in desperate terror that I might not let her finish.

  “Wh—” she started, but I seized her and picked her up, silencing her with a kiss as I walked back to the nearest chair and sat us down in it.

  I faced her away from me, and with barely a few seconds delay, I lowered her onto my cock.

  The gasping shudder I felt from her was worth every bit of fear she had on her face a few moments ago. Her whole body convulsed as I stuffed my cock further into her, and I groped her breasts through her bra as I bucked my hips up into her, bouncing her on my cock.

  I unhooked her bra between bounces and threw it aside, and as soon as I could, I groped her breasts with both hands, both stroking the stiff nipples and using them to hold her closer to me as I bucked up into her.

  I felt another orgasm well up inside her within moments, and in the privacy of her suite, she let out her cries of bliss freely.

  Finally, with my cock sticking straight up into her, I let myself hurdle toward my own release. I lost count of her orgasms--my cock and my whole crotch was alr
eady soaking in her juices, and the smell of her musk was thick in the air. She was leaning back on me limply when I felt my whole body well up with desire for her all at once, pressure becoming too much to bear.

  I let myself go, shooting snowy-white seed into her and letting it mingle with her honey, shot after shot.

  It had only been a few days, but I had saved myself up for her, and I produced so much that it ran out of her already tight pussy.

  Finally, when we were both spent, our ragged breathing filled the room.

  I gave her stiff nipple a final flick, and she shuddered and giggled all at once, wiggling her ass into me while I was still stiff in her.

  “I think this has been a productive business meeting,” I murmured into her ear, and her purr electrified me.

  Chapter Twenty


  “This place has serious potential, Chase, I swear,” I was telling my new husband.

  He was standing at the window in his boxers and a downy robe brought from home. Apparently the Peppertree’s robes weren’t fancy enough. I wanted to hold that against him but I really couldn’t. It was a fact. Our robes were not of the same sublime quality as the ones at some of Chase’s other resorts and hotels. But that was just one more item on the long list of things I planned to change.

  “Oh, I believe you,” he replied. He turned back to smile at me, his arms crossed over his bare chest. “Or rather I believe in you. I won’t lie to you, the Peppertree needs some serious upgrades and repairs to bring it up to four or five-star level.”

  “No argument there,” I commented. Although it was true, it still hurt to hear anyone say something negative about my resort. It was my home, after all. But he was right.

  “However,” he added, walking over to the bed. “You are brilliant. And organized. I remember seeing your notes in college. Color-coded, subject-specific, perfectly-ordered.”

  I blushed at the memory. I had always been kind of a type-A woman, but in college I was a maniac of organization and planning. I scheduled my study days down to every excruciating detail, down to the minute, slotting out times for quick snack refueling and bathroom breaks. In fact, it had actually been Chase who helped me break me of more neurotic, less helpful habits. He taught me how to relax when I needed to, and sometimes I showed him how to better allot his time. Of course, he was so clever in his classes that he hardly needed the study time anyway.


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