by H. M. Montes
He rolled so I was laying on top of him, “Chass, I’m not leaving here until you go with me. I love you, even though we could scratch each other’s eyes out from time to time. (He grinned) I love you and don’t want to be without you. You make my heart HAPPY!”
I couldn’t stop the laugh, “Aww you make my heart happy too Jet.” I placed my lips against his and the kiss quickly turned into both of us breathing heavy and grinding against each other.
“Quit dry humping me.” He said and started to push my shorts down.
“Jet we can’t do it here, I’m pretty sure we never know when one of the other guys will walk in.”
He pulled a blanket off the back of the couch and covered us up, “I said quit dry humping me and fuck my brains out woman.”
I raised myself up as he unzipped his jeans and freed his cock, “Get on.” He growled and grabbed my hips. I sank down on him and stopped when I felt the pain of him hitting my cervix. “Fuck…I love how fucking wet you get for me.”
With him deep inside of me and not moving the way his cock was throbbing and pulsating about made me orgasm right then. I raised my hips up and slowly lowered them back down, I grabbed his hands and pinned then down above his head as I rocked back and forth. When he raised his head and bit my nipple through my shirt I slammed down on his cock.
“Fuck yes fuck me harder Chass.” He punched his hips up harder. Then the front door opened and shut. We both stopped moving with Jet still buried deep inside of me.
“Where the fuck are you two?” Lawrence yelled as he walked through the house. Jet and I didn’t say anything because a few seconds later Lawrence walked into the room. “Hey you…oh for fucks sake are you two fucking?” He asked. Neither Jet or I said anything. “I’ll pull that blanket off, I can tell you’re fucking because Chass has that, I’m so close to cumming look on her face. By all means please continue don’t let me stop you from having a good time.” He said then sat down in a chair kicked his feet up onto the coffee table and started watching TV.
“Really? Get the fuck out!” Jet yelled.
Lawrence looked at him, then at me, then back at Jet, “Ah, performance anxiety I gotcha. I figured you were the type that could do it in front of people Jet, you’re no longer my hero.” He said and started watching TV.
“Fuck off.” Jet laughed and punched his hips up, then pulled me down so he could whisper in my ear. “I don’t care if he’s in here or not, I’m going to cum inside this tight fucking pussy.”
I was blushing and my senses were on overload because my orgasm was so close, Jet continued talking in my ear as he slowly moved my hips back and forth. “Fuck yes, cum for me again baby so I can cum with you.” He whispered. When my final orgasm hit I bit down on Jets shoulder as I felt him release his thick ribbons of cum inside of me. I set up enough to look at Jet that was smiling, “I didn’t want you to think I couldn’t perform in front of somebody even though you already knew that.”
I shook my head and giggled, “Obviously!” I told him.
He reached down and pulled my shorts up then tucked himself back into his jeans. Lawrence looked over at us, “About time, you’re still my hero and that was fucking hot just so you know.” Then turned back to the TV. I hurried off of Jet and ran to the bathroom to clean up, both Jet and Lawrence laughed at me when I walked back into the living room and started blushing.
After Carley, her step brother Russell, and Lawrence left later that afternoon, I told Chass that Jerod and I were going to go look over some things on his car. Mitch and Jason met us at the race shop so we could double check that both cars would be ready for the race in Chassis’ home town in one week.
We were all still in shock that Cameron had given me his car, there wasn’t anything that needed to be done to it besides pulling off the number decals and putting mine on. Instead of the reflective white vinyl decals I went with hot pink holographic, I knew Chass would love them.
As the week went by we were all so busy with tests and homework we were exhausted in the evenings and barely got to spend time together. I had stayed in touch with her uncle to make sure that he didn’t tell Chass what we had planned and to make sure her mom didn’t tell her either.
Thursday night we loaded both Jerod’s and my car in the hauler, him and Jason would leave Friday after class. Mitch and Asher were using the excuse that they had to go to a dinner with her parents at some country club, but they were all planning on coming to watch the race.
Friday Chassis told me she would meet me at her place so we could leave as soon as she got done with practice. As I was putting clothes in my duffle bag I discovered I hadn’t given her any of the birthday gifts I had bought for her. I was pissed at myself, “Way to make her think you don’t care dipshit.” I said to myself and grabbed another bag to put the two gift boxes in. I drove over to Chassis’ and waited for her in her room, while I was waiting I looked through the photo albums she had. All the pictures of her with her mom and dad at the race track, during birthday parties, her helping her dad on his race car. Some of the pictures were of her dad racing and my dad was in them. I wasn’t sure what Chassis was going to do when we showed up at the race track, she thought we would go to watch hopefully me racing the same track her dad died on wouldn’t bother her. I shut the photo album and put it back just before she walked into the dorm. After she had her duffle bag packed, she locked the dorm door then we walked outside. I started to walk towards my pickup and she started towards her car, I turned around. “We’ll take my pickup.” I told her.
“My car gets better gas mileage.” She said.
I raised an eyebrow at her, “I’m driving!”
“Oh, no, not my car!”
I cocked my head to the side, “Really?”
“Really.” She replied.
“Fine, get in the pickup.”
She shook her head no at me, neither of us moved. “Fine, I’ll tell you what, winner of rocks, scissors, paper, will get to take their vehicle.” I said.
Needless to say she won AND was very quick to point out she wasn’t going to let me drive, she popped the trunk and we both put our bags in. With a smile she shut it and skipped to the driver’s door and got in. I got in and quickly put my seat belt on. She looked over at me, “You’re going to be okay I’m a great driver.” She said with a smile.
“Right, just keep it between the lines woman.” I told her and pulled my hat down over my eyes and reclined my seat back.
“You’re going to sleep?” she asked as she backed out of the parking stall then pulled out of the parking lot.
“It’s the only way I’m going to survive four hours with you driving, I’m a good driver too you know.”
“Nobody has ever driven my car besides ME!”
“Yeah yeah, I’m driving on the way back.” I said but never looked at.
“Doubt it.”
I tried to sleep but Chass’ road rage on the freeway made it impossible. I have NEVER heard a woman cuss out so many other drivers in my life. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out how she had never had a speeding ticket because she certainly couldn’t keep it even remotely close to the speeds posted. We only stopped twice to use the restroom, she made sure she always beat me back to the car so she could keep driving. I learned the hard way not to mess with the radio in her car either, a man can only take being back handed in the chest so many times for trying to find a different radio station. I tried putting her ear buds in and listening to music on my phone but she yanked one out of my ear and told me I was being rude, that we couldn’t talk if I had them in. This went on for almost four fucking hours! When we finally pulled into her mom’s driveway I practically jumped out of the car. I knew Jason and Jerod were already at the race track because Jason had text me to let me know that the track owner was being a dick head towards him and Jerod. According to the track owner, “You out of stater’s come here to prove you can cheat, you have to cheat to win against these Kansas boys.
” I laughed at the text and deleted it so Chass couldn’t read it.
Her mom came running out of the house and almost knocked Chassis over when she hugged her. After she was done hugging Chass she rounded the car and enveloped me in a big hug. Her Uncle John and his wife and another guy came walking out and shook my hand then hugged Chassis. The other guy, Patrick, was Alice’s boyfriend he looked to be pretty nervous so he only shook Chass’ hand.
Once we got inside her mom told us that supper was ready so we all gathered at the table. Patrick had grilled two large slabs of ribs, there was a big salad, corn on the cob, and strawberry cheesecake.
“So what did you do for your birthday?” her mom asked Chassis.
“We had a party with friends, nothing too big.” She replied.
She told her mom about all the gifts that people had gotten her, when she didn’t say that I had given her anything her mom glared at me. “You didn’t get her anything?” she asked.
“I did but we were so busy that night and last week that honestly I totally forgot about it. They are in the car she can have them later.” I said and winked at her.
Her mom laughed, “Good, I was afraid I’d have a reason not to like you.”
The conversation carried on, I learned that Patrick is a doctor at the hospital where Alice works and that he’s been trying to get her to go on a date with her for a few years. He had previously been married but his wife left him for the CEO of some big company in New York that they met at a banquet. After supper we all moved into the living room, a few times it almost slipped that I would be racing the next night but her Uncle was quick to recover and would say something like, “You can’t handle the Kansas drivers.”
“Can I have my presents now?” Chass asked while she batted her eyes.
Before I could go out to the car and get my bag my brother called so I excused myself to the back patio so I could talk to him. Chassis opened the door and asked if she could get her gifts so I told her to grab the bag and bring it to me. Jason was talking about how rude the track owners were to not just him and Jerod but all the drivers that had showed up. About ten minutes later I finally got him to hang up and realized that Chassis was probably waiting inside to open her gifts. I went back in the house and walked down the short hallway to the living room. I heard Chassis’ mom gasp, “What in the hell?” Followed by her Uncle and Patrick’s booming laughs and her aunt telling them to both shut up. When I rounded the corner there sat Chass with the wrapping paper tore off one box, the pink frilly handcuffs, and one of the tie downs in her other hand. The look on her face was a look of shock, I wasn’t sure if she was going to laugh or cry. Her mom jumped off of the couch and started towards me, “Jet, what in the hell are you trying to do to my baby?” she said and looked like she was about ready to punch me in the face.
“Damn you Chass I told you to bring the bag to me!” I said and stepped past her mom. Patrick and John were now laughing so hard they were both in tears and doubled over. Her uncle said, “I can’t…oh shit…the look on your face Alice!”
Her mom whipped around, “SHUT UP! He’s going to HANDCUFF my daughter and are those tie downs? Oh god I think I’m going to be sick or faint I’m not sure.”
Patrick jumped up and ran over to her while still laughing, her aunt looked at Chassis and started to laugh as well. I sat down beside Chass and pulled the other gifts out, “Please open THIS one, so your mom calms down. I think she’s ready to kill me.”
Chass quickly put the other gifts back in the box and ripped the paper open to the gift that had the shirts and normal girly gifts in it. Her mom looked over her shoulder, “That’s better but you sure as hell are not keeping those other ones give them here.” She held her hand out for Chass to hand her the box.
“Alice are we going to use them? I have some black leather cuffs…” Patrick started to say when Alice turned to him.
“OH.MY…SHUT UP! Sick…ALL of you are sick this is NOT funny!”
“Calm down Alice it’s just a gag gift, right Jet?” John asked.
“Yes, it was supposed to be opened the other night, it’s a joke I promise!”
“Whatever! YOU are sleeping on the couch tonight and SHE is sleeping in her room. I swear to god if I catch you two sneaking through this house I’m beating you both with a wooden spoon!” She told us both then went into the kitchen.
I grabbed the box from Chassis and took it back out to her car and grabbed our overnight bags. As I was walking back up to the house her uncle met me outside the front door, “All I’m going to ask is that you please tell me you two are using protection. If you get her knocked up it’s really not going to be a laughing matter.”
I stared at him,”Uhm..”
His eyes got big, “I’ll fucking kill you if you get her knocked up, can I make it any more clear? I like you but don’t be an idiot.” He said then walked back into the house.
I followed him inside, walked back to Chassis bedroom and put our bags in there on her bed then I sat down. With my elbows resting on my knees and my head in my hands I was pretty sure this weekend couldn’t get any worse. Chassis came in and sat down beside me, “I take it he threatened to kill you?”
I snorted, “Yeah something like that.”
“I told him we are careful, but now I’m just scared it’s going to happen.” She said then flopped back on the bed.
I looked back at her, “Scared of what they would do if it did happen or scared of having a kid with me?” I asked her.
She pulled her arm away from her face, “I don’t want kids for a while Jet, I told you that. We’re both young and have school to finish, I’m not sure I could do college and be a mom. I didn’t say I NEVER want to have kids because I do, I just don’t want it to happen for a few more years.”
I nodded my head and stood up from her bed, I started pacing the room. She sat up and watched me walk back and forth, “What did I say that’s got you all pissy now?”
I stopped and looked at her, “Do you see it being me and you having kids in the future?”
She sat there blinking, “Umm, I don’t know.” She said cautiously.
“You don’t know?” I asked trying not to yell.
“Don’t do this Jet, this isn’t a conversation we need to even have right now.”
I nodded my head, “Okay, I’m sorry it just struck a nerve that’s all. I think it’s because of Chase. I love that little boy and I’ll never get to have the bond that Mike has with him.”
She sat up on the bed and held her hands out to me, “Jet, I can only hope that it’s you in my future. Most college guys freak out when it comes to kids, but for now can we just enjoy ourselves and what we have between us?” she said with a smile.
“For the record that gift isn’t a joke, I fully intend on using EVERYTHING in that box.” I told her and pulled her up so I could kiss her.
She pulled away from me, “I look forward to it, but we better get back out there before mom comes in here and starts yelling. I’m not going to sleep very good knowing you’re in the living room, trust me don’t try to come to my room mom will hear you.”
I kissed her again then we walked out of her room and back to the living room. Her mom glared at the two of us then went back to talking to Patrick, John and his wife. Before everybody went to bed her mom brought out a blanket and pillow, “Remember I WILL hear you if you two try to sneak out to each other.” She said then walked back to her bedroom.
Chassis came out of her room and sat down on the couch, “I can’t believe she’s telling us we can’t sleep in the same room when Patrick is staying with her. I will see you in the morning we can go for a run if that’s okay?”
“Definitely, I love you I’ll see you in the morning.” I told her and kissed her hard before she turned and went to her room and shut the door.
The following morning about eight, Chassis woke me up, she was already dressed in her running clothes and waited for me to change. When I came out of the bathroo
m her mom and Patrick were sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading the morning paper. Her mom looked over the top of the paper, “I’m sorry I reacted the way I did but there are just some things a mother doesn’t want to see OR know…ever.” She told me then went back to reading her paper.
I nodded my head at her then at Patrick before Chassis and I walked out the door. We ran down narrow side streets, until we reached her old high school track. We ran about eight laps then walked a few more. Chassis told me all about her high school ex-boyfriends and how she got her first kiss after they won a homecoming game. As we were leaving the track to go back to her mom’s house a guy yelled her name then ran over to us.
“Hey Chass!” he beamed and pulled her into a hug.
She lightly patted his back and pulled away from him, “Hey Kyle, how’s college going?”
“Good good, and I can see it’s treating you well! You look amazing!”
This mother fucker acted like I wasn’t even standing there.
“It’s going really good, this is my boyfriend Jet. Jet this is Kyle.” She introduced us. But neither of us shook hands we just nodded and said a brief ‘Hi’.
“So are you back for the race this weekend?”
“Yeah, I decided I should go and Jet wants to go too. He races but won’t be this weekend.”
Kyle looked me up and down, his jaw muscle ticked and his lip curled as he looked at all of my tattoos.
“Jet who?”
“Jet Crow.” I told him
“What class do you race?”
He grinned and nodded his head, “You’ll get to see how us Kansas boys do it then.”
Chassis shook her head, “I don’t think you intimidate him, he won Super Nationals this year.” She said and wrapped her arm around my waist so I put my arm over her shoulders.
“Ah so you’re a hot head? Just because you won that makes you think you can take on anybody huh?”
“I didn’t say that.” I told him with a smile.