by H. M. Montes
I stood up from the couch, “Well,” I cleared my throat “it’sourhouseyourunclepaidforit” I said and quickly shut up.
“What?” she asked and turned her head to the side, “Did you just say, This is our house and my UNCLE paid for it?”
“Yep!” I popped the p at the end.
She blinked rapidly and stared at me, “Say something Chass.”
“Give me a second.” She held up her hand and walked into the kitchen. “This house…this HUGE frikin house, is ours?”
I nodded my head, and walked towards her. When I reached her she smiled at me, “I call bullshit.” She said.
I grabbed her hand and led her upstairs, from room to room we went and it started to sink in that it was OUR house. She even called John to ask him if it was true, “Yep sweetheart it is…did he ask..” I yanked the phone out of her hand and hit the end button before he could say anymore
“Well that was rude, why’d you hang up on him?” she asked and yanked her phone out of my hand.
I ran my hands down my face, “Fuckit” I said and knelt down on one knee. Chassis’ eyes got big then they filled with tears. “Chassis Brinn Heart, I should probably have something really sweet and romantic planned out but, I don’t. So you’re either going to say yes or no to being my wife. If you say no I’ll torture you into saying yes, that’ means no more sex, no more three o’clock in the morning nasty sandwiches and no more sappy romance movies allowed in my bedroom. Well technically since we’re moving in here the basement is mine, you won’t be allowed down there if you’re not my wife though.”
“Did you just threaten me?” she asked and smiled.
“It’s not a threat it’s a promise!” I nodded and pulled the ring box out. I opened the lid, “Will you be my wifey?”
She laughed, “Ugg I suppose!” she rolled her eyes then threw herself on me knocking me over backwards. The bag that was tucked under my shirt rustled, “Is there more?” she asked.
“Maybe, but I think you should have to suck me off to get the rest.” I told her and pushed my hardening cock against her.
“Seriously?!” She gasped.
“Seriously!” I nodded.
I quickly grabbed the bag and held it away from her, then grabbed the ring and put it back in the bag.
“Really Jet?”
“ Suck it!” I told her and pointed at my dick.
She licked her lips, and slid down my body, in one quick snap of her fingers my jeans were unbuttoned and she pulled the zipper down. When my cock sprung free she wasted no time torturing me, she would suck just the tip and firmly stroke the shaft. When she cupped my balls and started stroking with her other hand and sucking faster I tapped her cheek, “Chass move or swallow” I told her. She looked up at me and pushed my cock to the back of her throat as I shot spurt after spurt of cum down her throat. She swallowed and slowly pulled my cock out of her mouth.
“There went another set of twins.” I told her.
“If you say it again I’ll be puking the twins up that I just ingested.” She said and tucked my dick back in my pants.
I handed her the bag, she pulled the ring out and handed it to me, “Be a NICE fiancé and put it on please.” She smiled sweetly as I slid it on her finger.
“I’ve never seen this kind before it’s so beautiful!” she stared at the ring. “Oh, yeah there was more.” She pulled the long blue satin box out and opened it, “Oh Jet, this is so beautiful!” she touched the charms.
Well the tires could mean Wreckers and the flags mean Checkers.” I told her with a laugh.
“Perfect!” she pulled it out of the box then turned around to so I could clasp it around her neck.
“We are going to move in this weekend.” I said and kissed her neck after I had clasped the necklace.
She turned around and stared up at me, “Are you sure this is what we should do? Are we moving too fast?”
“Do you love me?”
“Yes!” she smiled at me.
“Do you want to be my wife?”
“Yes”, she laughed.
“Then I’m sure this is what we should do, this place is big enough our friends can come stay whenever they want. We’ll still go to school, when you have to stop because of the babies you’ll be able to stay caught up by doing your courses online. It was either this or move back to Kansas.”
“I don’t think I could live near his family.” She said and wrapped her arms around my neck.
“Everything in this house we get to keep.” I told her.
She stood on her tiptoes and kissed me, “Let’s go back and start packing.”
We moved into the house, got the race shop set up, everything was going great. The doctor had told us that Chassis was carrying fraternal twins, one boy and one girl. Jerod was almost more excited that Chassis. They constantly bantered back and forth about how he needed to find a good woman to settle down with. “Hell no, not yet, I’ll see how it works out for Jet first.” He told us.
Her family would come stay on weekends and helped us paint the babies rooms. Chassis had been talking to other women that had twins that told her to keep them in the same crib for as long as possible. As her stomach grew, she would cry when certain clothes didn’t fit her anymore, but Asher had found some “Not so pregnant looking” maternity clothes for her. Her hormones didn’t settle down one bit the further along she got, she was constantly waking me up in the middle of the night, “Just a quickie PLEAAASE!” she would whisper in a sexy voice then nibble on my ear.
My biggest fear was that I was going to hurt the babies, or cause something to happen. After a doctor’s appointment the doctor reassured me that the babies were safely tucked away and out of harm’s way. One night after we had both gotten home from school I was in the shower and Chassis decided to join me. Her baby bump was no longer a bump she was about five and half months pregnant but measured seven months to a normal pregnant woman.
When she got in the shower she started stroking my cock, “I miss shower sex.” She pouted.
“I’m sorry but I’m not going to risk dropping you.” I said as I massaged her breasts and tweaked her nipples.
“Does that mean you think I’m fat?”
“What? No, god you’re carrying two kids! If I would slip it would hurt three people. You’re by far the most beautiful, sexy, hottest, pregnant woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
“Please can we try?”
I pulled her closer to me, she laughed when her belly pressed against my now rock hard cock. “I said no, now we can finish our shower and I’ll fuck you on every surface in this house if you want me to. Or I’ll take you to bed and make sweet sweet love to you.” I ran my fingers between her pussy lips and pushed a finger inside of her. She gasped and squeezed my biceps.
“Or you can just keep doing that!” she whispered and rocked her hips against my hand.
“Now you’re just being selfish.” I told her and bent down to take a nipple in my mouth.
“Hmmm, I think I learned that from you.”
I looked up at her and stopped moving my fingers, I shut the water off and got out of the shower. I grabbed a towel and handed her one, she followed me into the bedroom and laid down on her side waiting for me to get in bed.
“Fine, you want selfish Chass?” She bit the inside of her cheek trying to hide a smile. I grabbed the lube out of the end table. Put some in the palm of my hand and started stroking my cock.
“Jet now you’re the mean one.”
I raised an eyebrow at her, “Slide that hand of your down to that pussy and start massaging your swollen clit.” I told her. She didn’t argue, when her hand reached between her legs she spread her knees open.
“Keep your eyes on this.” I said and stroked my cock harder. I moaned as I watched her fingers work her clit, she would dip one finger inside of her entrance and pull the wetness up to her clit.
“Jet, please m
ake love to me.” She said rubbed her clit faster and hard matching my strokes.
“In a bit.” I said
“But I’m about to cum!” she breathed out. Then her body twitched and convulsed as she found her release. She sat up on the bed and pulled me to her and started sucking my cock as I continued to stroke it. I moved my hand so she could stroke it, with one hand twisted in her hair I moved her head back and forth. Her full pink lips around my cock, her soft moans and the way her nipples grew tighter I felt the release so I tapped her cheek like always. She shook her head no and swallowed my cum.
“I was honest to god craving that!” she said after she released my dick.
“You crave my dick?” I asked her.
“Your cum, and your dick, and you.” She smiled up at me.
“Well that’s going to be one hell of an entry in the baby book under the ‘weird cravings’ section.”
She laughed, “I’ll leave that blank and it’ll be our little secret.”
“Oh, hell no, I’m telling my brother and Jerod, and they’ll tell Mitch!”
I couldn’t believe it when Jet pulled up to the massive log cabin two story house, he told me some friends lived there that he wanted me to meet. When nobody answered the door he let us in, the house was AMAZINGLY beautiful. I could tell it was mostly all handcrafted inside and was a very expensive home. Nobody was around and Jet was starting to act nervous, that after noon he dropped not one, not two, but three bombs on me. The first being the house belonged to us because my Uncle bought it for us, the second was when he proposed to me, and third we would be moving in that weekend.
With the help of our friends we had everything moved in to the house in one day, my mom and Uncle John would bring more of my stuff when they came the following weekend. My stomach was getting huge, I often found myself staring at myself in the mirror, “Nineteen years old, having twins, and getting married. I sure hope this is the way my life is supposed to be.” I would say as I rubbed my now basketball sized pregnant belly.
My sex drive didn’t lessen like most women had told me it would. I craved Jet’s touch, I craved having his skin against mine, I craved hearing him moan and breathe my name as we made love. I couldn’t get enough of him, he never complained though, except for when I wanted shower sex he wouldn’t do it. He was afraid he would slip and fall or drop me. He never once told me I was fat, he was always touching my stomach and talking to the babies. The babies…the babies were VERY active, I was pretty sure they were having a contest to see who could kick the hardest. Jet was fascinated when he felt them move for the first time, at campus he would always walk with me and make sure I got to each class without any problems. Jet tried to never miss a doctor’s appointment, the one the he did miss he was calling me to have me FaceTime him during the visit.
I got to know Mike, Kim, and Chase better, Kim was very excited to get to meet the twins and Chase was calling them his best friends. We had a baby shower for me at the house, all of my family came and so did Jet’s. I had never met his uncles and their wives, they were all very nice. His Uncle Brent and Nick were identical twins, and they were both absolutely hilarious. “What in the god’s name would you want to have sex with that nimrod for? You’re a beautiful girl you could have found somebody better looking.” Nick said and laughed when Jet flipped him off.
“Yeah somebody like Jerod, he’s a real ladies man!” Brent told me.
“You say that because he’s your son! He’s a total douche bag!” Jet told him as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against him.
“So do you have names picked out yet?” Brent’s wife Sarah asked.
“Holley Brinn for the girl and Accel James for the boy.” Jet stated proudly.
Nick shook his head, “Would normal names be so hard? Those both are race related. What happen to names like, April, Susan, Robyne, simple names like that? Or Samantha, Erica, Lori…”
Jet laughed, “Like we have normal names either so why stop now? Have you not heard what Jerod and Jason are calling them? Wreckers is the girl and Checkers is the boy, at least our names make sense.”
Everybody laughed when Jerod and Jason high fived each other. When Mike, Kim, and Chase showed up Jet’s uncles nearly fell over at the sight of Chase. Everybody got along great, the gifts from all of our family and friends helped out greatly since we hadn’t had time to do much shopping. Chase would come up and talk to the babies hoping to feel them kick, when Jet knelt down and talked to them he held Chase’s hand against my stomach. His eyes got big when he felt the first kick, “WOW! Mommy only had one baby!” he told me and pointed at his little sister that Asher was holding. We gave everybody a tour of the house, the guys all migrated to the race shop leaving the women inside. After about an hour Jet came inside, “You need to come outside RIGHT.FUCKING.NOW!” he said in my ear. I wasn’t sure what was wrong, I looked at Asher that just shrugged her should and tickled the cheek of Lilly. I slowly got out off of the couch and grabbed Jet’s hand as we started to walk out the front door, my mom following right behind us.
“What’s wrong? You sound mad.” I asked him.
“Oh you’ll see.” He said and continued to walk through the house in a hurry.
He stopped in front of me then turned to face me once we were standing on the porch. “Now…oh never mind.” He stepped out from in front of me, and there sat a black SUV.
I looked at it then at Jet, “Where’s my car?” I asked.
“I traded it in for that Escalade.”
“You did WHAT?” I asked and felt tears welling up in my eyes. I had bought that car because the Camaro was one of my dad’s favorite cars. The tears started falling down my face and I turned to go back inside.
“Jet Falcon that was mean!” my mom said and stopped me from going inside. I turned back around and glared at Jet.
“Okay, sorry that was. The Camaro is in the race shop, I bought you this so you could fit the kids in it.” He said and tugged on my hand to go down the steps. The Escalade was fully loaded, Jet even had the windows tinted. When I walked around the back his 1J Racing sticker was across the back window.
“I love it!” I said and wrapped my arms around his waist hugging him. I slid my hands down to his ass and squeezed.
“Don’t start woman.” He bent down and whispered. I bit my bottom lip and batted my eyes at him, “Chass…”
“What?” I said sweetly.
“DON’T.START!” He said and swatted my ass as he walked away.
I stood there staring at him, the way he walked with such long strides, his jeans hung low on his hips. Mom snapped her fingers in front of my face, “THAT’S what got you into this position!” she said and rubbed my belly then laughed.
I had my thirty six week check-up that following week, when the doctor checked me he told me I was already starting to dilate.
“What? No! I have four weeks left!” I told him.
“Multiples can come early, so I’m going to put you on strict bed rest. That means you get out of bed to use the bathroom and shower. You’ll need to have somebody stay with you if Jet isn’t going to be around. IF you go into labor the babies will be fine, they might have to spend some time in NICU but they’ll be just fine. NO sex either!”
I took a deep breath in and blew it out, “Okay, I’ll see if my mom can come stay with me. When do I have to start bed rest?”
He nodded his head and wrote something on a piece of paper, “Fax that to the school so that your absence from classes are excused. They should allow you to do you courses online.” He handed me the paper.
I called Jet when I left and told him that I was being put on bed rest, “I’ll let the school know, I’ll stay with you when I can and your mom can come stay.”
Mom was VERY strict about my bed rest, I wasn’t allowed to even get out of bed to go eat supper at the table. I wasn’t allow
ed to do laundry, she would let me shower and use the bathroom by myself and that was it. One afternoon I was lying in bed having a massive melt down, she came in the bedroom.
“Chassis, sweetie what’s wrong?” she asked as she rubbed my back.
I sniffled, “I’m scared, I’m tired of being in bed, I keep thinking about how happy dad would be, I ask myself non-stop if he would be upset with how this all happened.” I cried.
“Oh baby girl, your dad would be so proud to be a grandpa. I’m sure he would have reacted much different than me, your dad was always saying how everything happens for a reason.” She laid down behind me. “I can just picture him waiting for the babies to arrive, I’m sure he would have put the fear of God in Jet by now that if he doesn’t take care of you and these precious babies the way he would me and you.”
I laughed and wiped my face with the pillow case, “It’s okay to be scared right? What if after they are born it’s too much for Jet and he leaves me?”
“Chassis that boy is so in love with you, you’re never going to have to worry about him leaving. There will be times you’re going to scream at him to get out, he won’t he’ll stand right there and make you so mad you’ll want to throw things at him.” I could tell she was smiling.
When Jet got home that evening from helping Jason move more things out of their race shop, he came in the bedroom.
“Let’s shower.” He said and kissed the top of my head. I climbed out of bed and stripped my clothes off. Jet smiled at me then walked into the bathroom and started the shower. I stood there and stared at his body, the way his ab muscles flexed as he washed his body. I could stare at his tattoos all day, they covered both arms, his chest, and his back. I sighed. He looked at me as he rinsed the soap off his chest, the bubbles slowly rolled down his chest, down his abs, and parted as they reached his dick. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Nothing.” I shrugged a shoulder then looked at him.
He was trying not to laugh, “Not much longer and we can have sex.”
“Not much longer? Really? I have to go through pelvic rest after I have them Jet. That’s SIX WEEKS!”