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Surprise Page 7

by Tinder James

  “Have I not given you that impression, darlin’?” Leslie teased, planting hot kisses down Dina’s neck. Then chuckling she clarified, “They seem to think post-op trans woman somehow equals gay man. I don’t get it, but that’s the consensus.”

  Leslie stopped kissing her neck. Bolting upright, she gazed across her property. “When I presented as a guy I liked girls,” she replied a little forlornly. “When I presented as a guy girls liked me. It’s rare now, fans like you. And you only came chasing after me because you didn’t know who I was before.”

  “You were Leslie Goosemoon.”

  Leslie nodded.

  “And you’re still Leslie Goosemoon.”

  Leslie nodded.

  “Why would that be a problem?”

  Leslie shrugged. “Most folks have some or other issue with me. Like it’s not bad enough to switch from man to woman, I’m a dyke on top of it—and an Indian on top of that. That’s three strikes against me far as these fine individuals are concerned.”

  “Hey, you’re a cowboy and an Indian?”

  “Cowgirl, I’d say, but yep. That was always the joke at home, we’re Indians but we do all the cowboy stuff, too. The Stoney are cowboys and Indians.”

  “Is that how you learned to ride?”

  “Learned from my granddad, yep. When I look back on life, on being in the wrong body and all, it makes sense now.”

  “Hindsight’s twenty-twenty, right?”

  “Sure is. See, my granddad didn’t teach my sisters to ride. That’s how he was—thought women had their place and they should sit there huskin’ corn and having babies. He was a mean old son of a bitch, my granddad, but I learned to ride ‘cause he looked at me and he saw a boy. In fact, he was hardest on me ‘cause I was a sissy according to everyone on the Rez. He wanted to toughen me up, and he did.”

  “Sounds like a hard life.”

  “Sure, but if I hadn’t lived it I wouldn’t have made it to the Calgary Stampede and earned a shit load of money. And without that money I could never have afforded my surgery, and I’d probably have killed myself by now.”

  Dina wasn’t sure if she should chuckle at that. It didn’t sound like a joke. “Must have been tough in competition.”

  Leslie shrugged. “Life was hard. Competition was escape. When I’m riding, I’m in my body in the moment. It’s life or death out there, you get distracted, and pow! You’ve got three broken ribs—if you’re lucky. When I’m at the rodeo I’m not thinking about who I am, I’m just concentrating on not getting killed.”

  “There’s one thing I kind of don’t get,” Dina began. She wouldn’t normally have asked, except that her affinity with Leslie was so powerful and so immediate. “You’re a rough-and-tumble girl. I mean, you’re tough and you do guy stuff so…I don’t know how to phrase this…if you’re just going to do guy stuff and dress all masculine anyway, why didn’t you just stay a guy?”

  Releasing an agitated puff of air through her nose, Leslie leaned back and pulled her cowboy hat down over her face. “Go to hell.”

  But Dina wouldn’t be dissuaded. “What? It’s a fair question.” Grabbing Leslie’s hat, Dina perched it on her own head. For a split-second a vicious glare shot from Leslie’s eyes and Dina didn’t dare move a muscle. When that passed she continued, “I’m not judging you, I’m just wondering.”

  Snatching her hat back, Leslie said, “Answer your own question.”

  Dina reflected and said, “Being a woman is fundamental to your being. That’s who you are. It doesn’t mean you have to act in a certain way, like a stereotype of femininity.”

  “I don’t have to prove anything to anyone,” Leslie replied with a resolute nod. “And for the record, I do look good in satin and silk, but you don’t wear your little black dress to the rodeo.”

  “Yeah, mud and silk don’t mix,” Dina chuckled. “You know, it’s kind of weird that you didn’t change your name.”

  “No, Leslie’s more a woman’s name than a man’s anyway.”

  “But to start your new life as a woman, I mean, didn’t you want a new name?”

  Leslie shook her head. “I’ve been a woman all my life, it just took time and money to get me the right parts for the job.”

  With a chuckle Dina replied, “You’re cute.”

  With half a grin, Leslie cast her gaze down at her cowboy boots. “Now that I don’t hear too often.”

  “Cute, but dirty,” Dina replied, brushing tawny dust from Leslie’s thighs.

  “You callin’ me a dirty girl?”

  “If the boot fits.” Squeezing that dusty denim thigh, Dina pressed her lips against Leslie’s. She kissed her hard and fast, sweeping them up like a tornado.

  “Want me clean?”

  “Clean or dirty, I’ll take you either way,” Dina panted, lingering close to Leslie’s lips.

  Rising to her feet, the rodeo star marched straight to the far end of the porch before turning around. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

  Dina wasn’t aware she was supposed to follow. “Where are we going?” she asked, hopping like a puppy along the wrap-around porch and down the stairs behind the house.

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m taking a shower,” Leslie replied.

  Warmth like a sunburst exploded in Dina’s core. She felt giddy. “I wouldn’t say no to a shower.”

  Behind the cabin sat a huge tank with a solar panel. Leslie turned the knob and water surged from the tank through a garden hose that snaked its way across the lawn and climbed into the branches of a great oak. A showerhead big enough to bathe an elephant hung down from the canopy. Kicking off her cowboy boots, Leslie stripped off her bottoms in one smooth move. Dina’s gaze shot straight for the patch of black hair barely concealed by the plaid top, which was next to come off.

  “This is your shower?”

  “Sometimes backward-thinking is forward-thinking,” Leslie said, stepping under the flow.

  “Not always,” Dina replied as the sour face of that nose-picker at the library flashed across her mind.

  “Don’t argue, just take your goddamned clothes off and get over here.”

  Leslie was a war goddess, her fit body purging the tawny stains of dirt and blood. Elbows concealed small tits as she cupped water in her hands, splashing it against her face. When she reached up to release her long black hair from its ponytail her nipples went hard, crying out to be sucked.

  Tripping over her feet, Dina pulled her jeans down before her shoes were off. She heard Leslie cackle as she landed on her knees in the grass, struggling to get out of her clothing. Naked at last, Dina crawled into the sun-warmed shower as Leslie picked a bar of white soap out of a plastic container in the tree’s hollow. The suds ran all down her sun kissed flesh as Leslie soaped her body. “Do me next,” Dina pleaded, rising to her feet.

  “Do you?”

  “Soap me up.”

  Grinning ear to ear, Leslie instructed her to turn around. Soapy hands massaged her back with ruthless vigour, sliding down against the slopes of her ass. Dina giggled as friendly fingers parted her cheeks for a thorough clean. Erect nipples brushed her back and her knees went weak. When the rodeo champ pressed her perky little breasts against Dina’s back she just about collapsed. That tuft of soft hair between Leslie’s thighs mingled with suds as she rubbed her pussy against slippery ass cheek. The bar of soap crossed Dina’s chest, hands moulding her big breasts and grasping slick but hard nipples. “Oh god, yes!”

  “Like that, do ya darlin’?” Leslie hissed, taking a bite out of her shoulder.

  “Yes, yes do it again.”

  Rolling a nipple between callous fingers, Leslie laid a trail of kisses along her neck, surprising her here and there with a good hard bite. Those hands travelled down her sensitive belly until a rough and ready finger slid into her wet slit, rubbing like crazy at her clit. Leslie Goosemoon did everything full out it seemed. God, if it weren’t for that strong body holding hers upright, she’d have fallen on all fours by now. The so
il underfoot was getting spongy under the barrage of water flowing downhill toward the garden patch.

  Dina’s feet were starting to sink a little when Leslie whipped her body around and warned, “I’m gonna kiss you.”

  “Then kiss me, already.”

  And she did, like a banshee, wrapping the melting Dina in her powerful body. No way she could collapse in the tight grasp of Leslie’s arms. As the rodeo star rubbed her pussy against Dina’s slick-with-soap thigh, her body trembled. Dina mimicked Leslie’s motion, writhing against her solid flesh. God, it felt so good to press her wet pussy into that girl’s thigh and feel the rodeo star’s engorged clit trace a hard path along her soapy flesh. She rode Leslie’s leg until she cried out in ecstasy, words of praise muffled by her kisses.

  Leslie didn’t cry out the same way Dina did. She didn’t call to the heavens, “Oh my god! Yes, yes, yes!” She only grasped Dina’s slippery body in a stronghold as her form gyrated rhythmically against it. Whimpering, she pressed her tits against Dina’s slick chest. Their tongues mingled, tangled in hot mouths, battling vicious teeth out of the way. Leslie stopped kissing her. She held her tight, tight, tight, stroking her pussy in circles against Dina’s thigh. Yelping with delight, she released the dazed Dina and headed straight for the cabin to turn off the water.

  “My back’s still soapy,” Dina called out, trying to rinse the suds in the drips from the showerhead.

  Shrugging, Leslie replied, “I want to lie out before sunset.”

  “So it’s all about you, is it?” Dina muttered, following the rodeo champ down the hill to lie in the green grass. The summer breeze kissed her damp skin as she stretched the orgasmic muscles in her legs and arms. With her eyes closed, Leslie looked like a dead warrior woman.

  “That was two firsts for me,” Dina stated.

  “What was?”

  “One: I’ve never has sex under a tree. Two: I’ve never had a shower outdoors.”

  Next to Leslie, Dina lay on her back, head in hands, and closed her eyes. It could have been seconds or hours later that Leslie asked, “Which of the town’s upstanding citizens told you about me, anyway?”

  “What? Oh, I looked you up online. I’m not great at reading stats, but I know enough to realize you were high profile on the men’s rodeo circuit.”

  “Yeah,” Leslie sighed.

  “Don’t you miss that?”

  “I was never in it for the glory, I just like to ride. I took a lot of time off in transition. I wasn’t welcome in men’s competition anymore. Women’s rodeo didn’t want me either, even though I had more estrogen in my system than half those rodeo girls.”

  “Cute,” Dina chuckled.

  “Yeah, I’m the cutest,” Leslie replied, rolling her eyes. “But there was no way I’d give up my livelihood. I put pressure on the women’s rodeo organizers and they eventually agreed to let me into competition after my surgery. Of course it was years before I got to that stage, and straight from gender reassignment surgery, riding a horse isn’t the first thing you want to be doing. I was in enough pain without pounding my pussy against a saddle. So here I am, keeping a low profile but back in competition. I’m ancient next to these girls, but I’ve had a good run.”

  “A good run? You’re the best.”

  “In nobody’s eyes but yours. They all see me as the guy crashing the girls’ slumber party. I have an unfair advantage, they want me out.” She shrugged. “Maybe my time has passed. Maybe it’s time for me to mosey off into the sunset.”

  “Don’t you dare!” Dina protested. “Who gives a shit what those assholes think? If you love rodeo, stick with it until your dying day. Do what you love, Leslie Goosemoon.”

  A self-satisfied smile bled across her lips as she trapped Dina’s nipples between her fingertips and pulled her in for a kiss. “I think I just did darlin’.”

  Rush Hour Squirm


  “We all just want to get home,” I said, as I pushed myself into the groaning, crowded bus. I tried to create my own space with squirms.

  Standing in front of me was a ruggedly handsome man with great eyes reading the same Chuck Palahniuk book as me. We stared at each other and smiled, then a new person coming on the bus pushed me into him.

  We were suddenly face-to-face, groan-to-groan. I tried to squirm away to make it less intimate. He moaned. I apologized. He whispered softly in my ear “It is really okay.” I squirmed back toward him.

  flash fiction

  Temptation Like a Muthafucka

  Alicia C. McGhee

  As the rain pours, my loins burn for an attractive stature who belongs to another. T-Bird is fine as wine with the sexiest bedroom eyes that would turn any set of panties moist at a wink. His skin color is like butter and his lips send my mind wandering as I fantasize on what I want him to do with them on my second pair of lips. Overflowing with passion, I catch myself zoning out into a sexual scene as my hands travel down south.

  I imagine T-Bird fucking the shit out of me while the rain smacks against my window. I feel his hands ravishing my flesh while his rock hard piece of steel pleases every nerve in my body. Licking my lips seductively, I imagine that his lips are kissing mine as this sexual illusion feels so real. Leaking like a pipe, I rub my wetness around my clit as I palm up my breast, pretending that my touch is T-Bird’s. Feeling like I’m going to explode, I quietly whisper out his name as my wrist rocks back & forth causing me to have an eruption.

  As I climax I open up my eyes, staring up into the dark bedroom with my fingertips engulfed in my sweetest juices as my body screams for more. So tempted to dial T-Bird’s digits to come put out my fire, my conscience reminds me that T-Bird belongs to another, just as I belong to someone. That someone who I belong to is no other than T-Bird’s younger brother James, who I met through my home girl Kayla, who just so happens to be with the man that I masturbate to every night, the man who gets my pussy the wettest, the man in who I want to give this pussy to. Yep that’s right, my girl’s man is the very hot & tempting T-Bird.

  See, my lust for T-Bird came into play one summer day when Kayla took me over to his house for a cookout and to introduce me to his younger brother James (who was fine by the way) but after our introduction, bullshit convo & his weak ass game, I knew that the chemistry Kayla vowed for us to have was not chemically balanced. As a friend, I continued to talk to James, hoping that we would connect, but T-Bird as he was reaching into the cooler for a beer with his bare chest just begging for me to lick, I couldn’t shake his sexual image out of my head. T-Bird’s eyes caught me gawking as he cracked me a smile with his right brow raised high while taking down his beer.

  Trying to play it off like I wasn’t staring, I returned my attention to James as he grabbed me by the hand, taking me into his direction. “There’s someone I’d like for you to meet,” James announced as we stood face-to-face with the nigga whose chiseled chest & tight abs made my knees weak at first sight. “T, this is Kelly, and Kelly this is my older brother T-Bird,” James introduced as T-Bird’s hand shook mine. “Nice to meet you Kelly,” T-Bird’s suave, deep tone responded as his eyes quickly watched and he licked both of his lips slowly, making them wet & juicy as my pussy thumped in excitement.

  Before he let go of my hand, he gently brushed the top of my hand with his thumb while allowing his vision to absorb all of my thickness that I had concealed in my short shorts. Trying to shake the image of lust off of my face, I whisked past T-Bird behind James as we entered the patio door making our way into the kitchen for some drinks. Before turning the corner, I watched Kayla wrap her arms around T-Bird’s neck as he palmed her ass up like a basketball. Their lips touched and as Kayla’s tongue began its journey down T-Bird’s neck, T-Bird turned his attention over to me with a sly smile and a wink of an eye, as the pit of my stomach burned with jealousy.

  After that summer cookout, James & I started dating and I made it my point to be at James’ house everyday just so I could see T-Bird. But every time I’d see T-Bird, K
ayla’s ass was right by his side like they were conjoined at the hip or something. I mean Kayla was my girl and all, but she was truly beginning to get on my nerves with all of her cock-blocking antics. I remember when James asked me to spend the night, I jumped at the chance at being under the same roof of the man I truly desired. James came to pick me up and I made sure that I was my sexiest. The way that James looked at me, he probably thought that the skin tight jeans that hugged my ass and the very low cut tank top with a titty peek-a-boo were for him. But in actuality, I made sure to dress my best in hopes of enticing ol’ fine-ass T-Bird. When we got to the house T-Bird was outside washing down his ’79 restored Cutlass Supreme in nothing but some basketball shorts & a pair of O-dogs with the sun reflecting off of his golden brown skin.

  I made sure to add an extra switch in my hips as I exited the vehicle, allowing my tits to bounce for his attention. I stared him down through my Gucci shades as James grabbed my hand and we walked up on T-Bird. “Sup my nigga!” James said while showing his brother some love. While they chopped it up, I stood behind James gawking at the sexy walking temptation as I watched him hose down the car with his flexed biceps. I pulled out a cigarette while James took my overnight bag from me and went inside the house. I stood there taking in my first puff when T-Bird came around the car with the hose in his hand & hard dick in his shorts.

  His eyes scaled up & down my appeasing frame as I watched him watching me through my shades. T-Bird opened the passenger door, sliding into the seat with a stack of CDs, letting the bass carry on through the cul-de-sac road. After taking my last drag of the Newport, I bent down, scraping the cigarette butt across the pavement, when I heard T-Bird grunting from behind. I flicked the cigarette butt and turned his way as I caught him looking at my ass with my peripheral vision. Knowing that I’ve got T-Bird enticed, I gave a light chuckle before stepping into the house. As I walked in Kayla walked out, passing me with smiles. I watched her slide her ass in his lap from the screen door.


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