Fated Bliss (The Bliss Series Book 2)

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Fated Bliss (The Bliss Series Book 2) Page 14

by Cassie Strickland

  “I’m telling you this so that your mother doesn’t have the power to hurt you like she does. Hearing her say those things to you…” My jaw clenched. “It breaks my heart that you have to go through that.”

  “She’s… Mom’s just-”

  “No. Don’t defend her, son.”

  “Okay, Dad,” he agreed, his voice barely audible.

  “Have you ever wondered how your mother and I got together?”

  “No, she told me,” he disclosed, his face shutting down.

  It was my turn to be unsure. “What did she say?”

  “Mom told me about how in love you two were.” He sneered at me. “She said that before she got pregnant with me, everything was perfect.”

  My eyes fluttered closed. I didn’t know what to do first, hug my son and comfort him for believing he was the cause of Gwen and my discontent, or find Gwen and murder her.

  How could she do that to our son?

  “No, Linc. That’s far from the truth,” I whispered gruffly. I squeezed his leg, hoping to ease him somehow. “You’ve seen how close your Aunt Mags and I are, right?”

  Lincoln’s brows furrowed. “Yeah. It pissed Mom off all the time.”

  “That’s because Maggie was my girlfriend in high school, Linc, not your mom.”

  His brows furrowed deeper. “You cheated on Aunt Mags with Mom? Dad…that’s…”

  “Not exactly true,” I explained, holding up a hand. I didn’t want him to think that of me. “Mags and I were in love. We had our whole lives already planned out for us. I would’ve never done that to her intentionally.”

  “That doesn’t make sense. How did I come along?” he asked, bewildered.

  I exhaled roughly. “There’s no easy way to say this to you, Linc. I never told you because it would paint your mom out to be the bad guy. I never wanted you to choose between us, but she’s not giving me a choice in the matter.”

  There was a look in his eyes that I didn’t like – it appeared lifeless and lost. “Just tell me,” he mumbled, sitting up.

  “I’ll start from the beginning so you fully understand.” I cleared my voice. “I first met Gwen and Maggie when they moved next door. We were ten. We started out as friends, the three of us. Gwen was more headstrong and spoiled while Mags was quiet and sweet. Both were beautiful. I was enamored, totally smitten at first.”

  I could still remember peering out my window the day they moved in, my tongue practically hanging out of my head when I caught my first glimpse of the red-haired girls. At ten, they were the prettiest things I’d ever seen.

  “Because they were new to school, I showed them around. Mags had a harder time at fitting in because she was shy, but Gwen ruled the school within weeks. They were polar opposites even then.

  “I took Mags under my wing right away, wanting to protect her from the meaner kids. We became closer because of it. Fast-forward a few years, and it was still the same – Mags and I were joined at the hip. However, Mags and I started becoming closer in a different way, developing feelings that were far more than friendship.

  “Everything was great between us for a while. We were devoted to one another…in love. As time moved on, Gwen became bitter over our relationship, believing Maggie had something she didn’t. She taunted us daily about it and made Mags’ life hell.”

  Shit, I was nervous and rambling.

  I needed to get this over with, like a Band-Aid.

  Inhaling deeply, I revealed, “The night you were conceived, I was tricked.” I met Lincoln’s eyes, hoping to relay my sincerity. “I don’t care if I was tricked or not, Linc – you were the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’d go through it again if I had to.”

  Tears rimmed Lincoln’s eyes. “Mom tricked you?”

  “They’re identical. I could usually tell Gwen and Maggie apart since I knew them so well. There were times, though, when Gwen would act like Maggie. She was good at it, too – a real actress.”

  “I can see that,” he confessed, though it pained him.

  “A friend of mine was throwing me a birthday party. You know…the kind your parents aren’t supposed to know about. Anyway, I thought it was Maggie that night. I didn’t know it was Gwen that I slept with. I was too drunk.” I broke our stare and looked down at my lap, the memory still as painful as ever.

  “No,” Lincoln whispered and stood, starting to pace. “That’s messed up!” He fisted his hair and gave me pleading eyes, wanting me to tell him it wasn’t true. “Who does that?!”

  I kept silent, letting him work through his anger. It wasn’t an easy story to hear, especially since that was how he was conceived.

  “What happened? How did you figure it out?” he questioned after a minute.

  “When I saw Maggie the next day, she apologized for not being able to make it to the party. She came down with food poisoning and was throwing up all night.”

  There was a tinge of skepticism in his gaze. “And you told her what happened?”

  My voice turned gruff. “I confessed everything. I was destroyed, Linc.”

  “What did Aunt Mags do?”

  “Well, she felt the same as me – she was completely devastated. It was horrible.” The image of her face when I told her was seared in my mind forever. “We broke up for a while. Your mom made her think that I knew all along.”

  “But you got back together,” he concluded, puzzled again. “If you did, how did you wind up married to Mom? I don’t understand.”

  “We got back together after one of Gwen’s friends let the truth slip to one of mine. The story unraveled after that. Your mother planned it all. We already knew about you by that point, but it started rumors that you weren’t mine, that she was trying to trap me.”

  “Am I?” he asked, doubtful. “If she could do that…”

  “Look in the mirror, Linc.” I grinned wryly, tilting my head towards his bathroom, my stomach in knots. “You are most definitely my son.”

  Linc gave me a small smile, not able to deny it.

  “So…” he prompted after a moment, wanting the rest.

  “By that point, I figured Mags and I were good. Even if you were mine – at the time, I wasn’t sure – we decided that it didn’t matter. We were going to be together no matter what happened.”

  “How is that possible?” Lincoln asked, his voice breaking, and collapsed onto the bed next to me. “Why doesn’t she hate me?”

  “Even though Mags and I were upset with the circumstances, you were an innocent, Linc. You were never to blame.” I turned my head so he couldn’t see that my emotions were getting the better of me. It never failed when I thought back on this. “Even though I was young, I was determined to be a good dad. And I honestly thought I could have you and Maggie at the same time. We wouldn’t have been a traditional family, but we’d be one. Mags and I loved you.”

  Hesitantly, he searched, “What changed?”

  “Our parents,” I stated simply. “They made me marry your mom.”


  “They held you and my dream of becoming a doctor over my head,” I explained, wanting to keep the dirtier details to myself.

  “That’s so unfair.” Lincoln bit his lip, his face pinched. “Who would do that to their kids?”

  “I don’t know, Linc. If you were me in that situation, I’d never do that to you.”

  “So you married Mom?”

  “Maggie and I talked about it and didn’t see a way around it. To protect you, we had to break up. Gwen and I married as soon as our parents could plan a wedding.”

  “Why wait this long? Why didn’t you divorce her a long time ago? Dad, you’ve been miserable with Mom.” He stood and pointed an accusing finger at me, snarling, “You wouldn’t have had all those affairs if you weren’t!”

  “Affairs?” I questioned softly, my chest seizing. No, she couldn’t have done that. “What are you talking about?”

  “Mom told me all about them,” he elaborated, his voice rising. “The reason wh
y you weren’t around the last few years…you were with those women!”

  “That conniving…” I locked my jaw before I could finish the sentence and rubbed my temples. “No, Linc. That’s not what happened at all. I wasn’t around because I was doing my residency. I thought you knew that.”

  He threw his hands in the air in aggravation. “Yeah, but you were with the women too!”

  “No, son.” I had to work hard at keeping my tone even. “My residency took up all my time. I worked my ass off for years. I was either at the hospital or home with you. I was never unfaithful to your mother.”

  I left out the fact that we had an ironclad prenup. If there were ever proof that I had an affair, she’d milk me for every penny I had for the rest of my life and I would have lost all rights to my son.

  “So everything Mom said was a lie,” Lincoln concluded, infuriated.

  Gently, I said, “I can’t say everything, but if what you’re saying is true, a lot of it was.”

  “I wish you would have told me this before.” Lincoln wiped his eyes, trying to hide his tears. “Why didn’t you tell me?!”

  “You were too young,” I murmured, my heart in shreds for him. “I didn’t want you to get hurt.”

  His laugh was cutting and jagged. “Well, good job, Dad. Look how that’s panned out for you.”


  “Enough. I’m tired. I want to go to bed.”


  He climbed into bed again, whispering, “Get out.”

  I recognized his tone. There would be no getting through to him tonight.

  “Okay, son,” I granted. “We’ll discuss this more when you’re ready. Just…I’m here for you, okay?”

  “Fine. Whatever,” he grumbled and rolled over, giving me his back.

  I stood and trudged to the door. I stopped at the last second, saying, “I love you, Linc. No matter what happens, don’t doubt that again.”

  The last image I had of him before I left his room was him lying in bed, his shoulders shaking as he cried.

  Chapter 13


  “Ben,” Samantha whispered in my ear. “God, Ben!”

  I plunged into her again, sucking on her nipple. She tasted like heaven. Hell, she felt like heaven, all warm, supple and wet surrounding my cock.

  “Fuck me hard,” she whimpered, her nails scraping down my back.

  I hiked her legs over my shoulders and pumped deeper, faster.

  She writhed, her head turning from side to side in pleasure. “Yes!”

  “Is that it, baby girl?” I growled against her skin, biting down like she loved. “Is that what you want?”

  She threw her head back, her back arching, and mewled, growing tighter around me.

  “So damn beautiful,” I whispered.

  A sassy spark lit her eyes, and she pushed my shoulders, making her intentions clear. I rolled onto my back, hauling her with me while keeping our bodies connected.

  Samantha rested her hands on my chest and circled her hips, ripping a groan from my lips. With her head tipped back and slightly to the side, she watched me. She was wild, untamed…and I wanted to do everything in my power to possess her.

  Her pace grew forceful as she bobbed up and down on my cock. Those lovely tits of hers shook with every thrust. The sight alone almost leveled me.

  “Get there, Samantha,” I demanded and thumbed her clit, pressing in and rolling.

  “Ahhh,” she screamed, throwing her head back. Her pussy was like a vise, squeezing me exquisitely.

  The first tremors of her orgasm began. “Ben!” she cried. “Oh, God, Ben!”




  Samantha’s image started to fade.

  “No,” I growled, thrusting upward, trying to hold on. “No!”




  My eyes flew open.




  I was face down in bed, my cock like granite against the mattress.




  “Damn it,” I grumbled and rolled over. I hit the clock next to the bed, shutting off the alarm, and stared at the ceiling, frustrated in more ways than one. “Damn it,” I repeated and slammed a fist into the mattress.

  It was the dream again, the same dream that has woken me every morning since I’d left Samantha. I thought I couldn’t get her out of my mind before, but now that I knew what she felt like, how she tasted, she was imprinted in my head, our time together constantly on repeat.

  I had to find her.

  Enough, Ben.

  I couldn’t do anything about it now. I had things to take care of this morning.

  I rolled out of bed, my cock still standing at attention. I ignored it and wandered through the closet and into the bathroom. I started the shower and brushed my teeth, but my cock still wouldn’t go down…just like every other morning since Samantha.

  “Motherfucker,” I growled to myself and stepped into the steamy shower.

  The hot water cascaded down my head and back, soaking me as I wrapped my hand around my dick and stroked. I placed one hand on the wall and let my head hang, envisioning Samantha riding me. I remembered her on all fours, her delectable ass up in the air as she taunted me, and the pretty red handprint my hand left behind. I shot my load against the tiles not even a minute later.

  The woman had screwed up my head. Not only was I dreaming about her, but I was growing hard every time I thought of her too. If I wasn’t a doctor, I would think something was wrong with me. Well, something was wrong – I had partially fallen for a woman I couldn’t track down.

  “I’m in hell,” I told myself as I washed my hair. There was no doubt about it.

  I finished my shower quickly and dressed in a pair of scrubs. I walked to the other side of the house and banged on Lincoln’s door. “Linc, it’s time to get up. We’ve got forty-five minutes to get to the Raiden’s.” I heard some muttering on the other side of the door but not a full response. “Linc, I better not have to fight you on this. Get out of bed and get dressed. Wear some boots. I don’t want you injuring yourself.”

  “Fine. I’m up…I’m up,” he holler, his words laced with fatigue.

  “If you’re not out in ten, I’m coming in there,” I warned. “I’ll make us some breakfast for the road.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”

  Guess that’s as good as it’s going to get.

  As soon as I was in the kitchen, I toasted bagels and filled two travel mugs, one with coffee and the other with orange juice. I was slathering a heaping amount of cream cheese on the bagels when Lincoln joined me. His hair was disheveled, his eyes bloodshot, a clear sign that he had a rough night.


  I waited until we were in my Bronco before I said anything. “So…” I drawled. “Are you okay?”

  Lincoln took a big bite of his bagel instead of answering.

  “Look, Linc.” I sighed, rubbing a hand down my face, not sure what to say or do at this point. “You found out some awful truths, and I’m sorry about that – I really am – but I need to know if you’re okay. If you don’t talk to me, I don’t know how to help you through this.”

  Lincoln remained quiet.

  I gave up getting a response from him and continued to drive while we ate in silence.

  We were almost to Pops’ house when he asked, “Do you remember what you said to me in London that first day?”

  I thought back and repeated, “I want my son back. I want us to have the relationship we used to have.”

  He shot me an amused smirk. “I sometimes forget you have a memory like an elephant’s.”

  “A useful talent to have in med school,” I joked. “It was the only way I passed.”

  His laugh was genuine and full of mirth. “Right…” He sobered and pointed his gaze out the window. “I want that. I
want to start over. Now that Mom’s out of the picture, I think we might finally have a shot.”

  If I were a crying man, I would have broken down in tears. I’d dreamt of words like that coming from him.

  “I’d like that,” I whispered hoarsely.

  Lincoln’s voice was just as husky. “Me too.”

  “Good.” I wiped my mouth and forced my emotions to the back burner. “Good,” I repeated.

  “I need to admit something to you,” he murmured, flashing a careful look.

  My brows rose in surprise. “Admit what?”

  “The reason why I left when Grandpa called….the reason why I got on the plane,” he started, tripping over his words. “It wasn’t because I thought you agreed to let me live with Grandma and Grandpa.”

  “It wasn’t?” I asked, puzzled.

  “No. I knew you wouldn’t have said yes – your tone that night told me that. I was mad at you. That’s the reason I did it.”


  “I heard Uncle Paul and Aunt Mags talking the morning I left. I overheard them saying you went home the night before with some woman.”

  Talk about a punch to the gut.

  He knows about Samantha.


  “Let me finish before you say anything,” he pleaded, giving me soulful eyes. “It reminded me of all the times Mom said you were out with a woman instead of home with us. She made it sound like you didn’t love us because you were with them…that we weren’t enough for you.” He swallowed hard. “Even though I knew Mom and you were through, you were supposed to be there with me. It was our time. I was a jerk to you when you got to London – I was a complete ass – but I still thought it was for us.”

  “Oh, Linc…” I whispered, cursing myself for not realizing this.

  “I was stupid, and I’m sorry. Now that I know about Mom, that was unfair to you. Since I was born, your life was all about me, and for once, you did something for you. I’m sorry, Dad.”

  I wanted to shrivel up and die.

  How did I respond to that?

  “Linc…” I chewed on my cheek, trying to figure it out. “I…I don’t know what to say.”

  “There’s nothing to say, Dad. I was a selfish prick.”

  I chuckled softly. “No, you were unaware. When you think about it, I probably should’ve been home that night. I should have understood what that call from Grandma did to you.”


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