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Fated Bliss (The Bliss Series Book 2)

Page 19

by Cassie Strickland

  No one argued as they shuffled out of the room, leaving us alone. Mom was quiet, which was a bad sign, as she helped me out of my shorts and blouse. Where my shoes were was beyond me, but she had enough foresight to bring another pair of flip flops.

  Finally, after changing, I moved off the gurney and sat on the exam table, my breathing labored. It hurt like hell to move my arm.

  “Here,” Mom murmured as she walked towards me with a sling. “Lily brought it for you. Ben said you needed to wear it until your arm heals.”

  “Great,” I grumbled, knowing I’d be wearing it for a long while.

  How was I supposed to work with one arm?

  Mom helped me slip the sling over my shoulder and gently placed my arm in it, saying, “Clara has already said she’ll help at the B&B. I’m more than willin’ to do my part, too. You only need to worry about getting better.” She knew exactly where my mind was going.

  “I just got back, Mom. Today was my first day back at work,” I complained, aggravated.

  “Yeah, well…it wasn’t like you asked to get hurt,” she retorted frankly. “Accidents happen, Sam.”

  I had no rebuttal.

  She pushed my hair behind my ears and studied me. “We’re gonna have to do somethin’ about your hair. You’ve got blood and dirt all in it.”

  “Wonderful,” I muttered.

  “Ben said that you need to keep your movements to a minimum until your arms better. I’ll take care of it.”

  I wanted to say something snarky, but I didn’t have the energy. “Okay, Mom,” I replied instead.

  “Wow. You must’ve hit your head a lot harder than I thought. You’re not fightin’ me on this,” Mom teased.

  “Just wait ’til I feel more myself. I won’t stop bitchin’.”

  Mom sighed and shook her head mournfully. “And…she’s back.”

  That dragged a smile from me.

  “What were Grey and Adam talkin’ about earlier?” she wondered, eyeing me keenly.

  And…the smile crashed and burned.

  “I have no idea what you’re talkin’ about?” I feigned innocence, breaking eye contact.

  Before she could interrogate me, a knock sounded at the door, saving me.

  “Come in,” I hollered, praising God for His divine intervention.

  Then Ben walked in.

  Why me?!

  I wanted to throw my hands in the air and cry out at the injustice of the situation.

  I was mad at him. Okay…beyond mad – infuriated. Nevertheless, my body was fully aware of his, betraying me. Like before, my mouth was dry, my heart hammered in my chest, and my skin tingled. Even my nipples were pebbled, rubbing against my bra annoyingly, and ached.

  “Samantha,” he murmured quietly, letting his eyes drag down my body. Every time the man looked at me it was as if he was touching me. Grrr. “You look better. How are you feeling?”

  “Like I got into a fight with a rake, and the rake won,” I snarled, glowering at him.

  “Samantha!” Mom cried, horrified. “What’s gotten into you?”

  Humor lit Ben’s expression, but he blanked it quickly. “Do you mind leaving us for a moment, Emma? I need to speak with Samantha.”

  My eyes bugged out, and I glanced at Mom, silently pleading with her not to leave.

  She was oblivious.

  “Sure,” she offered and grabbed her purse, heading straight for the door. “I’ll be in the waitin’ room while you two finish.”

  She left without a backward glance at me.

  I’m in hell.

  “Samantha…” he whispered, moving so that he stood right in front of me. I stared at my lap, unable to meet his eyes. I’d turn into a pile of mush if I did. “Everything came back fine. No fractures. You’re lucky.”

  “Yeah…thanks. Great. Can I go now?”

  Instead of agreeing, he stated softly, “I came with a peace offering.”

  That snagged my curiosity. “A peace offerin’?” I repeated, feeling a mix of disbelief and affection, and finally met his gaze.

  He smiled and handed me his cell phone. “Yes. Here.”

  My brows hit my hairline. “Your phone?”

  “Actually, it’s the person on the phone,” he explained. There was a cute twinkle in his gorgeous eyes. “Go ahead…take it.”

  Intrigued, I took his phone from him and placed it against my ear. “Hello?”

  “Good for you,” I heard. “Don’t let him off the hook easily.”

  A full smile curved my lips. “Lyric?”

  There was laughter in her voice. “Yes, ma’am. How are you feeling, Carolina? Ben said you took a nasty spill.”

  “That’s one way of puttin’ it.” Belatedly, it hit me that I was mad at her, too. “You’ve got some explainin’ to do.”

  “You’re not letting me off the hook either, I see.”

  “I believe there were plenty of moments durin’ the night you could’ve told me that Ben was livin’ in Bliss, the same town where I told you I lived. Oh, and nice job with the whole Dr. Melbourne charade. Great uncle, my ass.”

  I noticed Ben’s forehead scrunch in surprise.

  Guess he didn’t know about that.

  I’d think on that later.

  “And where would the fun be in all that?” Lyric teased, giggling.

  “You did it on purpose?” I couldn’t believe my ears.

  “Obviously. I’ve been waiting on pins and needles for the sparks to fly since Ben got into town.”

  “Lyric…” I growled.

  “He didn’t know either, Sam,” she informed me, her voice lowering with urgency. “I didn’t tell him. Once you disappeared, I figured you two would run into each other eventually, so I didn’t say anything. He’s already chewed my ass out for it.”

  “I disappeared?” I questioned slowly, trying to keep up.

  “Yep. I looked all over for you. So did Ben.”

  I glanced up at Ben, shocked, and found him staring at me, watching my every facial expression raptly. “Is that right?” I asked her.

  “Yes,” she replied instantly – there was no hesitation whatsoever. “I know you probably have a few questions-”

  “A few?”

  “Just give him a chance to explain. You probably don’t want to hear this, but he didn’t have a choice. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place.”

  “I don’t c-”

  “Don’t give me that bullshit, Carolina. I saw the two of you together – fireworks exploded between you guys. You have an ungodly amount of chemistry. He hasn’t been able to stop thinking or looking for you.”

  I swallowed thickly. “I don’t know what to say to any of that.”

  “Just give him a chance.”

  There was too much info to sort through right now. I had enough surprises for one day, so I only replied, “I’ll think about it.”

  “Guess that’s good enough,” she backed down. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I wasn’t trying to set you up or anything.” She hesitated. “Okay, maybe I was, but it was in fun. How could I have known that Ben would have to up and leave the country like that?”

  Leave the country?

  What on earth happened to him?

  “And how would I have known that you would have checked out of your room and escaped, destination unknown?” she continued, unaware of my curiosity. “I thought you two would figure it out while you were together or something. It was like my personal soap opera playing out in real life. You two almost spoiled the fun. Still, this is way better.”

  I groaned. “You’re crazy.”

  “Well, yeah… I’m surprised you’re just figuring that out.”

  I huffed, but it turned into a laugh. She was too much.

  “Good job on the smack to the face. He deserved that for leaving without waking you,” Lyric went on, and I felt my face flame again. “Mags and I told him he’d have some ass kissing to do, the idiot.”

  “That’s one way to put it.”

  Her t
one turned serious again. “Sam, I know you don’t want to hear this right now. I’m sure you’re angry with him…and rightfully so. But Ben had a good reason for what happened. As one of his best friends, I will tell you that he’s an amazing man. The best. He’s had nothing but shit piled on him for years. I saw more contentment in him while he was with you, and later, when he talked about you, than I ever have before. I’m not trying to meddle – I’m just stating the truth.”

  “Lyric…” I drawled, unsure. My feelings for the man were already too complicated. Everything about this situation was complicated.

  “Just go easy on him a little. And please, don’t hurt him. He’s had enough hurt to last a lifetime.”

  My heart ached. How could it not after hearing that? The man that I’d come to know that night, the lover that was gentle and fierce, passionate and so sweet, was far from the person she described. However, it brought up my earlier assessment of him – there was a hint of sadness behind his guarded, blank expressions that he didn’t let anyone see.


  I didn’t need this right now. Self-preservation said I needed to think this out before I took a leap.

  “Okay, Lyric,” I allowed for now. “I’ll take that under advisement.”

  “Damn,” she joked. “I totally thought you’d fly into his arms after that.”

  “Wishful thinkin’, you mean.”

  She laughed quietly. “Yeah, that too.”

  My regrets came flooding back. “I’m glad to hear your voice. It wasn’t until later that I realized I didn’t get your number.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I understood. I knew we’d have this conversation eventually.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No prob. Listen, I have to get to work. Get my number from Ben and text me. We’ll touch base after the weekend.”

  “I’d love that.”

  “Me too. Talk to you soon, Carolina.”


  She hung up without another word. I handed the phone to Ben and stared at my lap again, my emotions all over the place. However, my pain was catching up with me, and I was exhausted from the combination.

  “You okay?” Ben whispered, cupping my jaw and tilting my face upward.

  I suppressed a full body quiver and said, “Tired.”

  He searched my eyes, and whatever he saw in them caused his eyes to flare. I gulped and licked my lips nervously. His eyes darkened further.

  “I…uh…” I stammered, not sure what I meant to say. I wanted him to move back, but, at the same time, I wanted to close the gap between us.

  “Soon,” he murmured, confusing me, and kissed my temple. “You need some rest and a chance to heal before we talk. I don’t want you to overdo it.”

  Touched by his concern, I melted and swayed closer to him. He glanced back and forth between my eyes and lips, indecision waging a war on his face. His head started to descend, his mind made, when the door to the room opened. We froze and then slowly turned our heads to find Dad and Grey standing in the doorway, staring at us. Dad seemed delighted and slightly floored at the same time. Grey was plain infuriated.


  Ben stepped back awkwardly and slipped some paper out of his pocket. He unfolded it and handed it to me, switching back into doctor mode. “Here’s your prescriptions. Make sure you take the antibiotics twice daily until they are all gone.”

  “Got it,” I mumbled, glancing between Ben, Dad, and Grey, highly uncomfortable.

  Attempting to act natural, Ben went on, “Take the pain meds every four hours or as needed. Next week, I’ll need to see you to remove the stitches.”

  “Yes…of course.”

  “You can check the stitches when you come over for dinner on Sunday,” Dad commented.

  My eyes snapped to his. “Dinner?”

  “Yeah. Your mom invited them over. Grey said he mentioned it to you.”

  Why did Dad seem pleased with this?

  “He did. I just didn’t realize…” I glanced at Ben again and frowned, and then it hit me.

  Oh, no!

  Mom and Dad were playing matchmaker. Mom had been going on and on about wanting grandbabies for years, and I bet she took one look at Ben and started scheming. There was no other explanation.

  Yep, I’m in hell.

  “Ben’s mother used to be good friends with your mom back in the day,” Dad enlightened me. “Ben and Grey used to play as kids. Your mom wants to catch up.”

  Say what?!

  I didn’t see that coming. I expected to hear the Twilight Zone theme song at any moment.

  I must have had a funny look on my face because Dad and Ben started cracking up. Grey hung his head, shaking it back and forth, and grumbled something unintelligible.

  “Come on,” Ben stated and held out a hand for me. “Let me help you down.”

  I gave him a fake smile and put my hand in his. The damn chemistry between us zipped up my arm again and then zoomed down to my hoo-ha, but I kept my reaction to him to myself. Gently, I slipped off the table and then let him go immediately.


  I needed distance.

  “Thanks, Dr. Rhodes,” I called over my shoulder, rushing to the door. “See you around.”

  The damn man chuckled. “See you soon, Samantha.”

  “Let’s go,” I urged Dad and Grey, squeezing past them.

  “Very subtle, Sam,” Grey teased, keeping his tone low so that Ben didn’t hear. It wasn’t discreet enough that Dad didn’t, though. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you run from anythin’. Is there somethin’ we should know?”

  I flipped him the bird and continued down the hall, ignoring my protesting body. It told me to slow down, but that wasn’t happening. I needed out of this place before I did something I’d later regret…like murder my brother in cold blood or throw myself at a hot doctor.

  Chapter 19


  “So,” Clara began, swirling her wine in her wineglass. “Wanna tell me about Ben yet?”

  “Not really,” I mumbled, wishing she’d drop it.

  We were sitting at Mom and Dad’s patio table, awaiting Ben and Linc’s arrival. They were supposed to be here in an hour, and I needed the liquid courage if I was going to face Ben, hence my suggestion to Clara about sitting outside in the refreshing mountain air and popping open a bottle of wine. The last thing I wanted to do was answer questions regarding him.

  Clara hadn’t been the only one asking questions. Grey had been a hound dog, hoping to sniff out the story. Someone had said something – I wasn’t sure what just yet and was too chicken to ask – to Mom and Dad because now they were in on the questioning. Not only that, when I went to the grocery store earlier today with Mom, Becky Holt stopped me and asked if I was dating the new doctor. The rumor mill around town was in a tizzy now.

  Like I’d predicted, my life was hell.

  “Come on, Sam. You’ve gotta give me something,” Clara pleaded, pinning me beseeching eyes.

  “Ugh!” I grumbled. “No one will leave this alone, will they?”

  “You told Adam, Sam! Adam!” she cried, appalled. “You two hate each other, and he knew before me! How could you do that?!”

  “First, I don’t hate Adam,” I corrected her, but now that she put it that way, I felt like an ass. If the roles were reversed, I’d be all over her, trying to pump her for every scrap of information. “We just argue a lot. I bicker with Grey and Mom all the time – it’s no different. That’s how I show my love. And I love Adam.”

  She frowned, stunned by my confession, and then her eyes widened. “You’re stalling!”

  Damn…she figured me out.

  “Fine,” I caved. I grabbed my wine glass from the table and took a big gulp.

  She clapped her hands together. “Yay! Finally!”

  “You’re such a child,” I teased.

  “Right.” She leveled me with a pointed stare. “I’ve known you how long, and it wasn’t until yesterday that you
told me about your asshole of an ex. I thought I’d have to wait another year before you told me about Ben. Excuse me for being excited.”

  I blew out a breath from the side of my mouth, really wanting to argue, but she had me cornered. “Okay, okay…I’m a bitch. Happy now?”

  “A little,” she allowed, narrowing her eyes at me playfully. “But I won’t be completely happy until you tell me what happened between you and that delicious doctor.”

  “Did you, the same Clara that came to town all scared and timid, really just call him delicious?” I breathed, acting stunned.

  “Oh, hush.” She waved in a shooing motion. “I might be engaged, but I’m not blind. That man is beautiful. Seriously, what is it about Bliss that attracts gorgeous men? I’ve seen more here than my entire life in Chicago.”

  I cracked a smile. “Wait ’til I tell Grey that. He’d hate Ben.”

  She smacked my uninjured arm, laughing. “I don’t think you want your brother to hate your new boyfriend any more than he does.”

  I sputtered around a sip of wine. “Whoa! Slow your roll there, missy. Who said anythin’ about a boyfriend?” I wiped my mouth and glanced at her in exasperation. “I think you’re movin’ a little fast, don’t you?”

  “If what Grey said is true, not really. I think he said you mentioned something about monkey sex and so many orgasms it blew your mind. I thought he was going to have a coronary when he told me. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard.”

  Annoyed, I complained, “Glad you find this funny. I’m never gonna live that down. Adam keeps sendin’ me texts about it. He’s havin’ too much fun at my expense.”

  “You’ve got yourself to blame.”

  “How?! I was injected with a shit-ton of morphine! It wasn’t my fault,” I cried, stupefied. “If I had known I would run into Ben, I would have gone about it in a completely different way. Showing up at his clinic unconscious wasn’t exactly ideal.”

  “True,” she murmured, bobbing her head up and down. “Are you done procrastinating now?”

  “Ugh!” I couldn’t win for losing.

  “Come on, Sam. Tell me,” she pleaded. Clara grabbed the wine bottle and topped off my glass. “Here. This should help.”


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