Fated Bliss (The Bliss Series Book 2)

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Fated Bliss (The Bliss Series Book 2) Page 40

by Cassie Strickland

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Gwen silently stand. Tiptoeing, she backed away from Mr. Johnston and snuck towards the hall leading to Linc’s room.

  Mr. Johnston threw his head back and cackled. “Oh, that’s rich.” As he sobered, Mr. Johnston aimed the gun at Gwen, ordering, “Stay where you are.”

  Gwen stilled, whimpering, “Uri, please.”


  “At least someone knows who I am,” Mr. Johnston, or Uri, muttered humorously.

  I found no humor in any of this.

  Not only was a crazy man with a gun here, but Linc was in the other room too.

  Distract him.

  Okay, I could do that.

  Find a way to alert Linc.

  That would be tricky.

  I needed to stay calm and gain control of the situation, but he held a gun.

  Get the gun.

  I held in a hysterical snort. That man could easily overpower me – he had to have almost a hundred pounds on me.

  “What do you want?” I asked, surreptitiously glancing around to see if I could find a weapon. There was a set of knives behind me, but I couldn’t grab one and use it to defend myself while he was on the other side of the kitchen, watching my every move.

  My phone.

  My phone was on the counter. If I could put my hand next to it, act as if I was holding myself up, overwrought with fear, maybe I could grab it and dial 911 without him seeing. If I angled my body right, it could work. I needed to wait for the right moment, though.

  “What do I want?” Uri parroted sardonically. “What do I want?!” He laughed again, the sound full of scorn and hatred. “I want what’s mine!”

  Okay, this dude was off his rocker.

  “I don’t understand,” I told him, shaking my head.

  “Joel’s money,” Gwen whispered, the lights dawning in her eyes. “You’re after his money.”

  Uri sneered at her. “Not just the money, the company, too. It was supposed to be mine, all of it.”

  It still didn’t make sense.

  “What does that have to do with Gwen or me?” I questioned and turned a little, playing the scared and cowering damsel.

  As though my knees were weak, I stumbled slightly and placed my hand on the counter behind my back, right next to the phone, hiding my actions from him.

  “Everything,” he clipped, with menace woven through his voice. “It has everything to do with you. Ben cares. And if he cares, I can hurt him like he hurt me.”

  Ben hurt him?

  “That doesn’t add up,” I whispered. Ben would never intentionally hurt anyone.

  “Joel decided to sell off his entire empire to move to this shithole because of him,” Uri snarled, incensed. “It was supposed to be mine, and he sold it! I’ve worked for him for years!”

  His parents are moving here?!

  Ben was not going to like that, but I’d set that aside for another time – the crazy man in front of me took precedence.

  “I’m sure you two can work somethin’ out,” I whispered and slid my finger across the screen, hoping I was doing it right without looking at the phone.

  Uri snorted and shook his head, pointing the gun at me again.

  Every muscle turned to stone.

  We’re heading downhill fast.

  Try to talk to him.

  “Leave now,” I implored. “Leave, and I won’t tell a soul. No one has to know you were here. We can put all of this behind us. I’m sure I can speak to Joel for you.”

  Uri cackled again, but then it died and he advanced me, coming at me from around the island. I sucked in a deep breath and pushed myself closer to the counter. I had nowhere else to go.

  Within seconds, Uri was right in front of me, only an inch remaining between us. He pressed the barrel against my temple, ripping a whimper out of my throat.

  Head to toe, my body quaked with fear.

  Using the barrel, Uri caressed my skin from temple to cheek, up and down and up and down again. “I won’t leave until he knows how it feels,” Uri murmured. He dipped lower and put his lips next to my ear. “Ben needs to know what it feels like to lose everything.”

  He plans on killing us.

  The revelation struck me hard and fast.

  “You’re insane,” I breathed, revolted.

  Uri took a step back and slapped me. Agony blasted along my jaw. My face whipped around, and I fell against the counter onto my belly, barely catching myself before my face collided with the backsplash and the block of knives. At the same time, my phone flew across the counter and crashed to the ground, the glass screen shattering.

  I stayed down for a moment, breathing through the pain and panic. Placing my hands on the counter again, I pushed myself up and scowled at Uri from over my shoulder. “You won’t get away with this. Is your freedom or life worth a bit of revenge?”

  “Who said I’m going to get caught?” Uri retorted, smirking, and aimed the gun at me. “You two are coming with me.”

  “Sam,” Linc yelled from the hall.

  Gwen and I looked at the hallway, crippled with fear. I glanced at Uri again, and then everything happened in slow motion.

  Linc continued to speak, his voice growing nearer the entire time. “Did you drop another one of the glasses? I swear-” He stopped mid-sentence as he walked out of the hall and took in the scene in front of him, the blood draining from his face as he came to a dead stop.

  Uri’s aim started to move towards Linc.

  I grabbed one of the knives in front of me as he leveled his sights.

  Gwen pushed Linc out of the way, shrieking, “No!”

  The gun went off.

  As Linc fell against the counter, blood bloomed on Gwen’s chest and splattered the wall behind her. She crumbled to the ground.

  Simultaneously, I screamed and launched myself at Uri, intent on sinking the knife into Uri’s chest.

  Noticing the knife coming down at his chest, Uri turned suddenly, trying to point the gun at me.

  It went off, the bullet hitting the microwave.

  The knife pierced Uri’s shoulder, ripping a bellow from his lips.

  “Sam!” Linc yelled, running towards me.

  “No!” I shouted, pulling the blade out of Uri’s shoulder. “Run!”

  Uri backhanded me, sending me reeling into the counter. Pain exploded in my face and side.

  As Linc ran at Uri, his face enraged, Uri aimed at him once more.


  The bullet whizzed by Linc’s head, barely missing him, and went through the window.

  Linc kept coming, determined to save me.

  Uri didn’t have time to aim again, so he slammed the gun against the side of Linc’s face.

  Blistering and capricious, rage engulfed me. Rationality vanished, and all that remained was the instinct to protect Linc.

  I had to protect Linc.

  With a war cry, I lunged at Uri as Linc went down. Using all the strength I had, I attempted to thrust the knife into Uri’s chest again. He caught my wrist before I could sink it home, forcing it away.

  Linc rolled over and grabbed one of Uri’s legs, pulling it out from under him. Uri and I tumbled to the ground together, landing in a heap with me on top, the knife clattering across the hardwood.

  I grabbed Uri’s hand, the one holding the gun, and slammed it against the floor as hard as I could. “Run, Linc! Run!” I slammed it again. “Now!”

  “Sam!” Linc cried, getting to his feet. “Sam!”

  “No! Run! Get out of here!”

  I yelped as Uri bucked and rolled me onto my back, his body covering mine. I fought with him over the gun, screaming the entire time. “Run! Run, Linc!”

  Scratching, punching, slapping, I did everything I could, but I was too weak compared to Uri. He blocked most of my hits, the bleeding claw marks down his face not even affecting him, and sat up, trying to point the gun at Linc again.

  About to hit Uri over the head with the pan from the stove, Linc scrambled backward, ducking ou
t of the way, and dropped the pan.

  I latched onto Uri’s arm and wrenched it down, away from Linc’s direction.

  “Run!” I screeched as I wrestled against Uri.

  Linc spun around, finally listening, and disappeared down the hall.

  Uri bowled off of me, but I moved with him, refusing to allow him to follow Linc. When he climbed to his feet, I used mine to trip him. Landing on his face, he let out another infuriated shout.

  With my heart in my throat, I scrambled up, my need to escape now that Linc was out of danger overwhelming me. I ran around the island, heading for the front door, a voice inside my head yelling go, go, go!

  As I passed the bar, I was tackled from behind. Shouting, I tried to catch myself on the stools, but my hand flung out and sent two of them careening to the floor. The pain didn’t register as I hit the ground – adrenaline pumped through my system, numbing me.

  Suddenly, what felt like steel bands caged my midsection, trapping my arms at my sides. Uri struggled to his feet, taking me with him. I kicked and squirmed to break his hold, the sounds falling from my lips unrecognizable. I heard things break and crash, but I didn’t care what I hit as long as I got away from him.

  Uri carried me to the wall, attempting to press me into it to control my movements. I wedged my legs against the wall and pushed, sending us backward. Uri stumbled over the stool and toppled again, both of us skidding against the floor.

  Uri’s hold loosened, so I rolled onto my stomach, intent on running again, just as something came down on my head.

  Dazed, everything became hazy.

  I moaned and tried to push myself up, but I was too weak. I kept telling myself to fight, to move, to do something. My body wasn’t cooperating, though, and I could only lay there as Uri stood again.

  Uri rolled me onto my back with his boot and glared down at me. “You stupid bitch,” he growled, holding his injured shoulder.

  I stared up at him, scared beyond belief. I had no idea how to get out of this.

  Uri leaned forward and punched me in the jaw. I cried out, rolling into a protective ball, more dazed than before. A boot collided with my back. I wailed again, the agony incapacitating.

  A hand encircled my ankle. Uri dragged me to the kitchen and then dropped my leg. I moaned and turned onto my belly, my will to escape strong. However, I was drained, my energy depleted. Between fighting him off and the hits, I had nothing left.

  But I had to try.

  Tears began to fall as I pulled myself across the floor with my fingertips, heading for the sliding glass door. Slamming sounds came from behind me. I had no idea what Uri was doing, but I knew he’d kill me at any moment.

  I didn’t want to die.

  I wanted to live.

  I wanted to live and grow old with Ben.

  I wanted to get married, have children.

  I wanted to watch my children grow and have their own children.

  I wanted to witness the great things Linc and Bella would do with their lives.

  I didn’t deserve to die and miss all of that.

  When Uri trapped my wrists and wrenched them behind my back, I began to sob. Something wrapped around them, tying them together, and then my ankles were constrained next. Uri flipped me onto my back again. I opened my mouth to scream, but he stuffed something in it, a cloth of some sort, and slapped a piece of tape over my lips.

  I was powerless.

  Hoisting me in the air again, Uri threw me over his shoulder, grunting loudly.

  It hurt.

  Everything hurt.

  As he carried me across the house and out the front door, I wondered if it was the last time I’d ever be here. I wondered if I’d ever see Ben again. I should have held him longer, kissed him one last time this morning. I should have told him I loved him a million more times.

  The only solace I had was that Linc was okay.

  At least I saved him.

  Chapter 34


  “I wanted to help her, but she screamed at me to run. Run, Linc! She fought him, Dad, shouting it over and over again.”

  Lincoln’s weak, broken voice filtered through my mind. It’d been on repeat since he told me, taunting me, and I could do nothing but sit at the police station and wait.

  “He aimed the gun again. Sam wrestled his arm away, telling me to run again. I was so scared. I wanted to stay, but he was trying to point the gun at me – I couldn’t stay, Dad. I couldn’t. And I had to leave her. I had to leave Sam!”

  The next time I saw Samantha, I was going to paddle her ass for being so selfless. But after, I was going to kiss her and worship her for saving my son. Without her bravery, there was no doubt he’d be dead.

  “I ran to my room and then left through my patio door. I could hear stuff breaking as she screamed in the kitchen. I ducked behind a tree and waited for him to come. He didn’t, so I went back to help her. He’d tied her up, Dad, and threw her in the trunk of his car. When I ran out of the woods to stop him, he started shooting again. I couldn’t get to her.”

  Samantha was out there somewhere with that madman, scared and alone.

  I put my head in my hand and scrubbed my face, my worry and terror getting the best of me. Lincoln’s account was horrifying. The fear she must have felt…

  “It’ll be okay,” Dad murmured, gripping my shoulder. “We’ll find her, Ben. I’ve called a security company out of Dallas that I’ve used in the past. They’re already working with the Bliss PD, and they have a team on their way.”

  I’d never felt blessed by his presence before, but now that I was sitting at the police station, waiting as Lincoln gave his description of the man to the sketch artist, I was. I was thankful he was using all the money he gained by the business I’d repeatedly cursed to do something good.

  “Thanks,” I rasped, my throat dry.

  Mom approached us. “I spoke with the hospital.” Her face was clouded with worry. “Gwen’s in surgery. The bullet punctured her lung and exited her back.”

  “Fuck,” I whispered, closing my eyes. “How…how bad?”

  “She flat-lined twice on the way to the hospital. Gwen was gone too long the second time. They aren’t sure she’s going to make it. They are doing everything they can,” Mom replied, her voice somber. “There’s so much damage, Ben.”

  “Fuck.” For once, she did something selfless, and she paid dearly for it. “Fuck.”

  Lincoln was going to tear himself apart over it. I hated the woman, but at the moment, I wanted to kiss her feet.

  “I need to call Maggie,” I whispered, my heart crumbling to dust.

  “I called her and their parents after I talked to the hospital,” Mom replied, sitting on the other seat next to me. She took my hand in both of hers. “I’ve got it covered. They’ll be in the air shortly.”

  “But Madeline…”

  “I chartered a plane for Maggie and Paul. They’re bringing Lyric and the baby.”

  I couldn’t believe my father and mother were the ones holding me together. Never, and I mean never, had I pictured this. But I was hanging on by a string, and only their actions were keeping me sane.

  Glancing across the room, I found Emma and Brad. Emma sat in a chair, her head in her hands, while Brad paced in front of her, their terror palpable. Pops appeared older, staring daggers at Dad. Adam held Chelsea in his lap, his arms around her, finding comfort in one another. Teresa sat next to them with Bella peacefully asleep in her arms. How the baby slept was beyond me, but at least one of us was unaware of the horrors of today. They’d haunt all of us for a long time.

  “I need to do somethin’,” Brad growled, tugging at his beard. “I have to do somethin’.”

  I had the same need. It was as if a charge crackled under my skin, and I was jumpy and tense.

  “The cops are doin’ everythin’ they can,” Emma replied, sounding broken.

  Luckily, there was only one way up or down this mountain, a long and curvy stretch of highway. It opened up at the
bottom of the mountain, almost an hour away. The cops had set up a roadblock, searching for the car Lincoln described. Lincoln had told them about the scratches down the man’s face, so they’d stop anyone that fit that description until they received the sketch Lincoln and a woman were working on. Because they arrived on the scene shortly after Samantha was abducted, if he fled town, there was a good possibility that they’d stop him before he could disappear.

  It was the only solace I had.

  If he hadn’t fled, that meant he was in town somewhere. And if he was in town, what had he been doing to Samantha all this time?

  I couldn’t stomach that thought.

  Please, God, bring her back to me safely.

  Now that I’d found her, my world rotated around her. I’d be a ghost without her. Life would be colorless, less vivid without her light shining on it. I’d experienced it already, before she came into my life and shown me what love truly meant, and I couldn’t go back to that.

  Lincoln couldn’t go back to that.

  Stop thinking like that.

  Stay positive.

  I wanted to laugh maniacally at that. How was I supposed to stay positive when she was out there somewhere with a man that didn’t blink at shooting a woman and attempting to kill a teenaged boy?

  A door opened down the hall, gaining everyone’s attention. Lincoln and Wes headed our way, their faces grim.

  I shot to my feet and met Linc in the middle of the waiting room. I clutched the back of his neck, whispering, “You okay?”

  His gaze skidded sideways. “Yeah,” he muttered.

  Mom and Dad walked up behind us. Dad questioned, “Do you have the sketch of the man?”

  “The artist is finishing up some details. She’ll be out in a second,” Wes replied, patting Lincoln on the back. “You did well, kid.”

  “Yeah…thanks,” Lincoln muttered again, distressed. “I guess.”

  “Come on, Lincoln,” Mom murmured, holding her hand out for him. “Let’s get you something to snack on, maybe something to drink.”

  Lincoln curled his lip, repulsed by the idea. “I’m fine.”

  I thought the idea held merit. “Go on, Linc. Give yourself a break.”

  Lincoln sighed in defeat, then walked past Mom, ignoring her hand. Mom pressed her lips together, concerned, and followed behind him.


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