All I Want For Christmas

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All I Want For Christmas Page 18

by Ann Roth

  In a little while she’d share her feelings, and she’d never been so anxious, not even when she’d lost her father and didn’t know what would happen to her.

  Avoiding G. G.’ s and Kate’s questions hadn’t been easy, either. Since this morning, when she’d called to let them know about tonight, they’d pushed and prodded for information. Tina had put them off. Even so, Kate guessed about the engagement, and G. G. had hinted that she knew, too.

  But neither had a clue about the rest of it.

  “You didn’t eat your gingerbread boy,” Maggie said. She was overjoyed to see Tina, and had shadowed her constantly while she helped Ryan ready his house for tonight. “Don’t you like it?”

  What to say? That at the moment she couldn’t eat, not even if her life depended on it? She forced a smile. “I love it, sweetie. But I’m saving it for later. There’s Sam. Why don’t you see if she wants one?”

  Maggie scampered off.

  From across the room, Ryan was involved in an earnest discussion with Jack Burrows, Kate’s husband, and Harry Featherstone. He glanced up and caught Tina staring at him. His face softened and lit up with love, and her fears abated.

  He arched his eyebrows. Are you ready?

  Suddenly, she was. She nodded. Ryan excused himself and joined her.

  He caught her cold hand in his warm grip, and they made their way to the Christmas tree in the corner, stopping to bring Maggie along.

  The room quieted in a rush of expectation and excitement, with furtive smiles everywhere.

  “Tina and I have an announcement to make,” Ryan said.

  They waited while everyone crowded closer, G. G. and Kate already beaming.

  Ryan winked at Maggie. “You’re getting an early Christmas present, Sunshine.”

  “I am?” Maggie clapped and jumped up and down. Standing with Kate, Sam did the same.

  Tina took the little girl’s hand. “That’s right. Your daddy and I are getting married. I’m going to be your mommy.”

  Whistles, applause and cheers broke out. Over the noise, Maggie squealed. “Yippee!” Then her face crumpled and she started to cry.

  “Sweetie.” Tina crouched down in front of her. “What’s the matter?”

  “I’m so happy,” Maggie wailed.

  Everyone laughed. Tina hugged her close. “I love you,” she said. “And from now on, if you want, you can call me Mommy.”

  “There’s more,” Ryan said.

  Maggie sniffled and pulled away, and Tina straightened.

  It was time. Holding Ryan’s hand, her throat tight with emotion, she spoke from the heart. “Ryan, Maggie and I are going to live here, in this house.” She paused, looking G. G. and everyone else in the eye. “I’m sorry to let you all down, but I plan to give my notice Monday morning.”

  “Let us down? Are you kidding?” G. G. dismissed her announcement with an airy wave. “You’ve found the man of your dreams and he’s found you. We don’t care about that job.”

  “That’s right,” Rose said. “Jobs come and go, but when love comes your way, you’d better grab it.” She smiled at Sidney, who turned beet-red.

  Then he nodded, and so did Jefferson and everyone else in the room.

  Stunned, Tina gaped at the entire group. “But, I thought…You keep saying that you expect me to run the company someday, and that when I do, your investment in my education will pay off.”

  G. G. sniffed. “We only wanted that because you did. What we care about is that you’re happy.”

  “Really?” Overcome with feeling, Tina covered her mouth with her hand. “I can’t believe I was so afraid to tell you.” Tears welled in her eyes.

  “This is no time for tears,” Sidney said. “Buck up, girl.”

  “Hush, Sidney.” Rose elbowed him.

  He glared at her, then broke into a wide smile. “Congratulations, both of you. I hope that someday you’re able to bicker and enjoy each other’s company as much as Rose and I do.”

  Rose tittered like a teenage girl.

  “If this hadn’t happened, I’d be in trouble,” Kate said, winking. “Now I won’t have to eat my apron. This is the best news I’ve heard in months.”

  For the first time in ages, Tina felt lighthearted and carefree. “You were right, Ryan,” she said. “Thank you for pushing me to talk to them.”

  “I’m happy for you.” He squeezed her hand.

  Ready to relax and enjoy herself, Tina started toward Kate.

  “However…” Jefferson said in a stern voice.

  Tina froze.

  “It’s all over town that you gave notice on Monday, Ryan.”

  “Yes, and now I wish I’d listened to you and left my money in that other bank.” Rose gave her head a sorrowful shake. “Without you, Halo Island Bank will be a dismal place, indeed.”

  “Raising a child is expensive,” Sidney said. “Without that job…”

  “That’s what I’m saying.” Jefferson nodded. “I want to know what you two jobless people intend to do with yourselves.”

  “Now do you see now why I was so nervous about this?” Tina muttered to Ryan.

  “Ryan has plenty of money,” G. G. said, without a trace of concern. “He and Tina will be fine.”

  “Money or not, they’re way too young to laze around all day,” Jefferson said.

  “Excuse me,” Tina said. “We’re right here. And we know that.”

  “I’m glad for your concerns, everyone, and if you wait one second, I may have an answer for you.” Ryan hunkered down to Maggie’s level. “Halo Island Bank is for sale,” he said. “I want to buy it and turn it into a successful bank. Thing is, if I do, I’ll be bringing work home at night, and I might work part of every weekend. How do you feel about that?”

  “That’s okay, Daddy, ’cause while you work I can play with Sam and Gina and my other friends.”

  “Awesome!” Sam pumped her fist into the air, causing smiles everywhere.

  “You’re positive?” Ryan said.

  Maggie nodded. “When I’m tired of playing with my friends, I can be with my mommy, right?”

  Mommy. A name that signified warmth, joy, love and security. Feeling like the luckiest woman in the world, Tina smiled at the child she loved as her own. “Absolutely.”

  “Tina?” Ryan asked, standing. “Are you sure about this?”

  “If this is what you want, go for it,” she said, taking his hand.

  “Then I’ll be putting in an offer to buy the Halo Island Bank.”

  “Hallelujah,” Rose said.

  Sidney whistled, and everyone else called out good wishes.

  Still holding Tina’s hand, Ryan turned to her. “If the bank deal goes through, and I own the bank, will you handle the advertising and promotion?”

  She didn’t have to think long about that. “I’d love to. I guess that means neither one of us will be unemployed, after all.”

  Everyone crowded around for hugs and congratulations. And more questions.

  “Exactly when are you two getting married?” Norma Featherstone asked, cupping her pregnant belly. “Because I’m due in four months and I don’t want to miss the wedding.”

  “Way before you deliver, right, babe?” Ryan asked.

  Eager to marry him, Tina nodded. “The sooner, the better.”

  “Jack and I would like to make your cake,” Kate offered. “Just tell us when and where, and what kind you want.”

  “There’s not enough time to plan a Christmas wedding,” G. G. said. “But if we start now, we could we could pull something together by New Year’s Eve. We’ll have it at my house.”

  “Perfect,” Ryan and Tina said in unison.

  And it was.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-0872-2


  Copyright © 2007 by Ann Schuessler.

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