Secret Baby (The House of Morgan, #2)

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Secret Baby (The House of Morgan, #2) Page 14

by Victoria Pinder

  His delicious lips met hers and he kissed her.

  Her arms circled his shoulders, and she tried to close any gap between them. His arms that held her in his embrace sent sweet tremors through her. His lips stopped pressing against her, and he opened his eyes. His gaze seemed tortured, as he grumbled, "Vicki, tell me to stop."

  Absolutely not. This was where she belonged. She'd follow wherever he desired, and she'd be happy on this farm. Coming home meant Colt. Without a word, she stood, took his hand, and tugged him to stand up. He looked confused, until she stepped toward his bedroom door. His eyes widened. She pressed her body in his and wrapped her arms around him. "Colt Collins, I want you right now."

  For one second, he didn't move.

  Her heartbeat grew loud, and she feared he'd say no. Then his large, calloused hands slipped under the top of her dress and pressed against her naked back. He took a hard, deep breath, then kissed her.

  Bursts of energy coursed through her as he led her.

  Nothing fazed her until she heard the door click open. Her lips pressed against his again as she realized they were in his bedroom. She traced his sexy, muscular backside with her fingers and delighted.

  His skin was hot.

  With her arms around his waist, she ran her hand under his shirt to touch his firm, rock-hard abdomen and trace his spine.

  As a result, he deepened their kiss and groaned when both his arms pulled her closer.

  Something firm hit her leg, and she broke the kiss and peeked over her shoulder. She laughed—it was the dresser—then took in her surroundings. The bed was behind him.

  Then she tugged on his pants to push him toward the bed. Her clothes became uncomfortable. She unbuckled his belt, then unzipped her dress as she guided his hand to lift it off her.

  He didn't need much convincing.

  He kept his arms around her and led her toward the bed. As she kissed the orange-soaked skin of his neck, he closed his eyes and smelled her hair.

  She almost said something, but then his rough skin brushed against her face. He leaned down to kiss her again and whispered, "Vicki, you drive me crazy. You do know that."

  "Don't stop, Colt. I want you." She unbuttoned his shirt and kissed the exposed skin. A fire grew inside of her, and she had to have him. It had been too long. "I'm turned on and excited for you."

  His muscular arms surrounded her, and she sighed. His tortured face held so much patience, but she remembered no one had ever made her feel like he had. Once she'd had fun and had reckless abandon.

  The taste of him in her mouth brought with it a sense of freedom and hope.

  She slid onto his bed, as he kept his arms around her waist.

  With a huge smile that she couldn't control, she unbuttoned his jeans. As she stared at a body meant for a movie god, a blaze grew inside her. Yes, she wanted this.

  In a flash, he slid his pants and underwear off his body.

  She reached and helped him take his shirt off.

  Finally, she sat and gazed upon his nakedness. Colt was perfect. He had the build of an ancient gladiator or medieval knight, and his calloused hands sent arousal through her body.

  Her heart stirred as she gazed at his eyes. The expressions on his face were still the same boy she remembered. She winked and told him, "Even your manhood has grown."

  "It grew when I was with you."

  Impossible, but her heart let the compliment shine inside her. He leaned over her and kissed her hard. His skin on her soft skin melted any thoughts. His rough hands ran against her smooth skin as he rolled to her side, and electricity inside her cells awakened every part of her. A moan escaped her, and she wrapped her arms around him to have him on top of her.

  This was the time.

  His erection grew next to her fiery body, and something primal inside her broke too.

  "Colt..." She kissed his neck. He kissed her shoulders, and she urged him, "Hurry."

  A wolfish grin flashed on his face, and then he ran his fingers into her center. Her legs opened with their own mind, and she arched to kiss the hollow of his neck.

  As he played with her body, a sigh escaped her lips. She kissed his shoulder and became more primal.

  His five o'clock shadow tickled her body as he pressed himself against her, and every cell in her body lit up like a firecracker. "I need you now, Colt."

  Another grin appeared as he kissed the tender nipple, which sent delightful shock waves through her. All she could do as the sensation rolled through was wrap her arms around him to hold tight.

  She was unable to think; her legs curled around his hard body to surround him, and his penis pressed against her nether lips.

  He gripped her hips with his hands, and she kissed the nape of his neck.

  Finally, he slid inside her.

  Everything inside her ached for him, and she urged him with her gyrations until she could no longer do anything but beg him. With a sudden brush of his body, something inside her released and she shattered.


  Colt smelled her strawberry-and-peaches hair first. The few times she'd been in his truck or in those hotel rooms of Paris, her hair smelled similar.

  Then rocks formed in his stomach and he couldn't breathe. His mind raced. He hadn't meant for anything to happen last night. The last person he'd hurt was Vicki. First, he had ended things with Belle, dropped her at the airport. Last night, Vicki smelled like strawberries and so deliciously like home.

  He ran his hair through his head and sat.

  She lay on her side beside him in his bed, and her blonde hair was tossed all over the pillow. This had been a huge mistake. He knew better, and now he seemed as shallow as all the people he'd never respected.

  He stared outside his window, and saw the moon that shone through the night sky.

  His muscles tensed. The strawberry smell wafted up to his nose, and he turned to stare at Vicki one more time.

  She used to be the fantasy. She was sweet and had starred in his dreams since they day he'd met her, but that was long before Belle.

  The Marines had been part of his life for years. His face heated, and he swallowed as he turned away from Vicki. He had no idea what to say to her now. He wasn't ready for another relationship, and she deserved respect. They'd planned a life where they shared Clara. He couldn't deny that to her either.

  A metal fence with barbed wire grew around his heart.

  He shifted in the sheets, and she stirred. He stopped and tried to still himself. The last thing he needed was for her to ask questions.

  Moments later, her soft sigh as she settled meant he could breathe. He lowered the sheet and went slowly. Perhaps one day, if he was honest with himself, he hoped she'd belong to him, but not as a rebound. He stared at her and hoped she stayed asleep for a few more minutes.

  He shifted his legs to get up, but then her arm brushed against his thigh. He turned and saw her big blue eyes staring at him. His heartbeat grew as he stared at the same eyes that had haunted him for years. He ran his hand through his hair and tried to smile.

  "Morning," she whispered, and scooted closer to him. "You getting up to check the farm?"

  The farm. Yes, that was a good excuse. Outside meant he could breathe. He nodded. "There is a lot of work to do. Life here will always be chores."

  She sat, though kept the covers from revealing her nakedness. "And we've worked as a team since I arrived, haven't we?"

  He didn't want to scare her away or offer more promises he couldn't keep. He didn't know what he wanted. He stayed still, and she stretched her arms. "I'll get a morning cup of coffee ready for you."

  "You don't have to. I can get it myself."

  "I want to help you, Colt."

  His skin was electrified. He shook his head. "I told Belle I wasn't in love with her and that marriage was a mistake. Last night with shouldn't have happened, Vicki. I'm not a good fit for anyone."

  Her head tilted as she stared at him. "Colt, last night was fun. I'm glad
this happened. Don't stress about anything."

  Fun wasn't what he wanted with her. They weren't young, and this wasn't cheap. His blood ran cold as tension wrapped around his muscles. "I can't make you more promises, Vicki."

  "Stay calm, Colt." She leaned on the headboard of the bed, "We're both consenting adults and we had fun."

  The word fun scraped against his skin like razor blades. She should tell him that she cared about him. He shook his head, as that last thought wasn't true either. "Belle told me I was being stupid and listening to my doubts because you were here, and reliving my childhood wouldn't make me happy. Then I dropped her off and came home to you. It's a jerk move, and I'd not want a man to do that to my daughter."

  "Our daughter." She reached out and took his hand in hers. Her small hands were soft and like silk. "And don't let whatever happened with Belle poison our family. Today is supposed to be about Clara."

  "Why did you say that?" He scratched his head. How did Clara fit into this conversation? His brain screamed that she might want to take her from him.

  "We tell her I'm her mother," she reminded him as she crossed her legs.

  Yes, he hadn't forgotten, but it wasn't enough. They didn't make sense. He crossed his arms. "Vicki."

  "Colt, you're not going anywhere now." She gathered the sheet to cover her nakedness. "You promised. Today is the big day."

  At least this big day didn't come with him at the altar declaring his eternal love. Vicki waiting for him to slip the ring on her finger was another fantasy. His cheeks must be red, as he hadn't felt this hot in years. He'd not go anywhere. He was being an idiot. "Let me go and handle my chores first. I'll keep my word."

  They stood and he grabbed his pants. She unfolded her bra and slipped it on. "I'll have breakfast ready, including that coffee."

  Burned everything would taste fine to him. He closed his eyes, and the heaviness on his shoulders doubled. "I'll be home soon. Don't worry about me."

  She threw her dress over her shoulders and tugged it over her body. Then she dropped the sheet on the floor.

  His skin itched that he needed to move. In the military, he'd look for something physical so someone would hit him. Here, at least he had work. He had to run. He lowered his gaze and found his t-shirt.

  Victoria Morgan was an angel in his life, but she deserved far better than him.

  Vicki deserved to have it all, and he wasn't able to be that guy for her.


  Vicki showered in the bathroom in her room, and stretched. Visions of how Colt had kissed her replayed over and over. Her lips tingled and her body was warm from last night, but she refused to rush Colt.

  The way his gaze flickered and how his shoulders stayed tense were all the evidence she needed. She'd not add more layers right now. She sighed and told herself they were adults, and could be adventurous and carefree. Her stomach growled, and she held together, reminding herself of her promise. She opened the door and found a note from Colt tacked on. She squinted and then tore the paper down to read it in her hand.


  I will work fast today. Wait for me to tell Clara as a family, but it might be at dinner.


  Her heart thumped a little and she folded the note in her jeans pocket. At least he was still the stand-up guy she remembered. She straightened her plain tee shirt. Clara could not know what happened last night. Vicki slipped out of her bedroom and walked out to find her daughter.

  In the kitchen, Clara sat on a chair, calm and collected. Their eyes instantly met. Then Clara asked, "Did Daddy have a nightmare last night?"


  Clara stared, and her eyes watered a little. "I heard noises and thought you were taking care of him."

  "I did go check on him." A blush must have been on Vicki's face with the heat that emanated through her. She explained, "He's perfectly fine, so don't worry. He's strong and good."

  "Okay." Clara smiled and bobbed her head. "I'm hungry, Vicki."

  "Let's go to the kitchen, then, and figure out what you want to eat."

  Clara bounced off the chair and half ran into the kitchen. Vicki followed behind, and immediately opened the cabinet. Clara pointed to a cereal brand, and Vicki handed her the box like this was always their routine. Then she found two bowls and set them on the counter.

  When she was halfway done with pouring, her phone rang. She put the box down for a moment then ran to pick it up. "Hello?"

  "Do I have to call my brother to get his permission for you to take me to my doctor's appointment today?"

  "Alice. I forgot." Vicki's mind went completely blank as she ran through what she knew. Colt had said dinner in his note. She'd leave him a note on the refrigerator so he'd know where they went. "Don't worry at all. Clara and I will leave now, so we can take you to the doctor."

  "Okay, perfect." Alice sighed. "It sucks that my doctor put me on bed rest. I'll wait for you rather than face John's wrath if I drive myself. Your brother is being overprotective, but it's cute."

  "It's a one-day conference. You'll see him tonight." Vicki wiped her hand and picked up a pen to leave a note for Colt. "You called early. We'll be on time."

  Alice then gushed, "I guessed you'd be in heaven this morning because Mom told me that Colt dumped Belle."

  Last night's activities replayed in her head, and Vicki's cheeks heated. She finished jotting her note, and then returned to the cereal and finished Clara's bowl. "How did you know?"

  Alice laughed. "Mom messaged me and quizzed me on what you must have done to break up the wedding."

  Vicki froze. "Ohh."

  "Don't worry about it," Alice assured her, "Mom will be fine. She's a lady, and not like your dad. She was always kind to everyone and will give you a fair chance."

  Vicki crossed her arms. "She has to hate me and think I'm a horrible person."

  "She also remembers you as my friend, and she never yelled at us. So hurry up and get over here. We'll talk in person."

  His mother had saved Clara too, so Vicki needed to make friends with her. "Deal. Bye."

  She swallowed hard and then told Clara, "Your Aunt Alice has a doctor's appointment and your dad is out with his chores. After breakfast, we have to change fast and head over to drive her. Is that okay with you?"

  "Let's go." Clara nodded then finished her breakfast.

  Vicki cleaned up, ate a fast breakfast, and then hung the note on the refrigerator with a napkin. She scanned what she'd written a minute ago to ensure that she didn't use a word that indicated feelings.


  Had to take Alice to the doctor's. Packed up Clara and took her with me. We'll be back early this afternoon. Can't wait for tonight.

  See you soon.


  She had almost written "Love, Vicki," and had to check that she hadn't. She turned to get ready to leave. He needed time and she needed to stay focused on Clara and her new family life. Today was the day. Victoria Morgan's life was about to be domesticated, and she had a few loose ends of her own to tie up.

  Clara bounded into her room and Vicki smiled at her. "Give me one minute to pack a bag with snacks, sweetheart."

  "Okay," Clara said, and Vicki was on the run and headed back to the kitchen.

  She packed a few juice boxes and healthy snacks. Clara waited impatiently at the door, and bounded outside the second Vicki opened the door.

  A few minutes later, they were secure in the car and on the road, and Vicki held in her excitement.

  One day at a time was her motto from now on. She stared back at her baby girl. Tonight, they told her, and it couldn't be here fast enough. Where she lived after that had to be close to Clara. Vicki refused to lose her family ever again.


  Colt brushed his shoes on the front porch rug then went inside. Nothing stirred. His ears perked for any signs of noise, but the house was eerily quiet. His gut had firecrackers that went off as a warning, like they had in the service when he was about to be att
acked. He closed the door behind him.

  Earlier Vicki was too excited to tell Clara today, and made him feel like he'd kept them apart too long already. He ignored the sirens in his head telling him he'd walked into a mistake. Instead he straightened his spine and said, "Hello?"

  No one answered.

  His daughter and Vicki weren't quiet people, and no noise wasn't good. Had they gone somewhere? He fished his phone out of his back pocket and checked, but no texts or voicemail messages waited for him.

  Strange. Every cell in his body told him the house was empty. He almost dialed Vicki, but then told himself this might be his PTSD. They'd probably gone to the store and everyone was fine. He placed his keys on the counter and headed toward his room. He needed a fast shower.

  A few minutes later, the water hadn't helped much. His body was still cold as his heart raced. If they were here, he'd feel better. As the water washed his skin, he told himself that if they went to the store, it wasn't a huge deal. He had never worried about errands in the past. With a huff, he reasoned they'd gone to buy dinner or something. Vicki never could cook, and he hadn't spotted her car in the front of the house.

  The taste of the food he imagined helped his mind and body ease. He turned off the water and changed. As he took in a few deep breaths, he remembered how Vicki wanted tonight to be special for Clara. With their daughter in the room, they'd not talk about whatever happened. Tonight he made sure he didn't repeat his mistakes.

  He stared in the mirror and decided to shave his five o'clock shadow. His body still had a sweet satisfaction that he'd not experienced since Vicki. All his years with Belle, she was sweet and kind and good, but she didn't leave his body in a sweaty bundle of nerves that made him ache.

  He knocked himself as he shaved. Belle deserved better than that last thought.

  Done, he washed his face and dressed.

  As he walked into the living room, someone knocked at the door. His skin went cold, and he knew it wasn't Vicki. Adrenaline rushed as he called out, "One second."


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