Blackmailing Dom [Club Esoteria 17] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Blackmailing Dom [Club Esoteria 17] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 1

by Cooper McKenzie

  Club Esoteria 17

  Blackmailing Dom

  Gia Rogers agrees to spend an evening as a submissive to Silk Zaccaro’s brother, Dominic, in order to help convince him to buy Club Esoteria. Gia also hopes to sell back the unused portion of her membership to pay her bills for another month while she continues to look for work. Going to the club that fateful Friday night changes everything. But will her battered heart allow her to break her own rules?

  Businessman and restaurateur Dominic Zaccaro never planned to play at the local sex club until his sister, Silk, blackmails him into going. As soon as he meets Gia, he has a feeling they were meant to be together.

  With Club Esoteria’s future on the line, will Dominic buy the club? Will he keep it open and intact? Can Dominic give Gia what she wants, a night of being his queen instead of his submissive princessa?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary

  Length: 26,325 words


  Club Esoteria 17

  Cooper McKenzie


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2016 by Cooper McKenzie

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-997-1

  First E-book Publication: January 2016

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2016 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  About the Author


  Club Esoteria 17


  Copyright © 2016


  “So, we’re all agreed, we’ll discreetly put out feelers for a buyer?” Taurus Green looked around the table from Whitney, his beautiful wife/slave, to his cousin, Jenna Carter, and her two slave boys, Antony and Gentry.

  All four nodded their heads slowly up and down. The club had just closed for the evening after a busy Friday night, and this seemed to be the only time the five of them could all agree to meet. They were all relaxed from an evening of sexual play, but it was time to move on the hardest decision he and Jenna had faced since opening the club seven years earlier.

  They had been talking for months about either selling Club Esoteria to a single buyer, or finding the right person, one who lived the lifestyle, to take over as full-time manager while they moved on to other interests.

  “What if no one wants it?” Gentry Michaels, Jenna’s second slave, asked.

  “I doubt that will happen, but if we can’t find a buyer in six months, I suggest we meet again to decide whether or not to keep the club open, or close it and sell the property,” Taurus answered.

  “Sounds good,” Jenna said. “Either way, boys, we are going to buy a farm, expand Antony’s furniture business, and move forward with our plans.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” Antony and Gentry answered in unison.

  “I’ll put a discreet advertisement on FetLife and the Dom’s Network. There’s got to be someone out there interested in owning their own sex club,” Taurus said. “Come on, mouse, it’s time to get you home and to bed.”

  “Yes, Master,” Whitney sighed. She stood a bit stiffly and followed him out the back of the main club room. He had flogged all the stress out of her just before closing, and after sitting for the last hour while he closed the club, he could tell she was stiffening up again.

  Her soft voice, her words, and her sexy body covered only in his button-down Oxford shirt had his cock filling with renewed need. When they got home, he would warm her up again before fucking the stress out of both of them.

  Dropping one arm over her shoulders, he pulled her into his side. Kissing the top of her head, he dropped his voice. “I didn’t say sleep, I said to bed. You are just too sexy wearing my shirt, my sweet wife.”

  Whitney looked up at him and smiled. “Is that why you always tear my clothes off of me while we’re here? So I’m forced to wear your shirt home?”

  Taurus threw his head back and laughed as he slid his hand down her back, then up under the shirt to grab an ass cheek. “Hadn’t thought about it, but you might be right, sweetheart. Which is also why you don’t wear clothes at home. I like having easy access.”

  Whitney giggled as they stepped out of the building into the parking lot. “Yes, Master. I know.”

  Since her shoes were still in the front lobby, Taurus swept her up into his arms and carried her across the gravel parking lot to his truck. Once she was in the passenger’s seat and belted in, he walked around the truck. At the driver’s door, he stopped a moment to stare at the back of the building before releasing a long sigh.

Club Esoteria had been his home, his passion, his entire focus until Whitney had come into his life. Now that his investments had proved more lucrative than anyone expected, and her writing had taken off, they had decided to focus on traveling and making a baby. It was time to let go of the past and move forward. But one of the conditions of the sale would be that he and Jenna, and their subbies, would be granted lifetime memberships.

  He only hoped that when the time came, he was able to walk away without too many tears. A crying dominant was not a pretty sight.

  Chapter One

  Dominic “Dom” Zaccaro did not jump in surprise when he heard his sister screeching as soon as she stepped in the back door. He continued slicing the twenty-four-inch pizza for a party being held in the private room of the Zaccaro family restaurant. As chef for the night, it was his job to keep the customers happy, so whatever his sister was carrying on about would have to wait until he finished.

  Once it had been sliced into twenty-four, as requested by the hostess of the baby shower, he turned the platter over to Marianna, the server assigned to the party, to deliver. Stepping to the sink, he washed his hands thoroughly before drying them. Only then did he turn his attention to his sister.

  “You sound like the world is about to come to an end. What’s up?”

  Dom crossed his arms over his black chef’s coat and leaned one hip against the sink. The order-up bell sounded, but his sister looked like she was going to explode if he didn’t listen to her news.

  Silk Zaccaro bounced from foot to foot as if she had eaten a pound of Mexican jumping beans just before walking in the door. “You’ve got to buy it and I can run it for you,” Silk gushed as her bouncing grew even more bouncy.

  Since Silk was known for having inventive dreams, schemes, and million-dollar ideas, but no follow through when it came time for the work, Dom took a slow, deep breath. After holding it for a count of five, he released it just as slowly before saying, “No.”

  “No? No! How can you say no? You’ve never even been inside it. You don’t know how awesome it would be. You’re not even giving me a chance to show you how cool it could be.”

  Silk shifted her stance. She was no longer a bouncy Tigger-like woman, but a gunslinger with her feet planted shoulder-width apart, hands on her hips, and not a jiggle in sight. She narrowed her eyes as she stared him down.

  Dom lifted an eyebrow. Who was this person his sister had just morphed into? Not anyone he had ever met before, and he had seen Silk in every one of her moods. All three hundred and fifty-seven of them.

  The order bell rang. And then again. He needed to get back to work. He also needed three assistants, but due to a flu outbreak, everyone was sick. He would have closed for the night, except the baby shower had been on the schedule for three months. At least he had Silk.

  “You can either tell me what you’re talking about in twenty-five words or less, put together a formal presentation for the family meeting next week, or put on an apron and convince me while we work.”

  Silk looked down at her clothes, a pair of jeans and a silk shirt under an ankle-length wool coat, and sighed. “All right, I’ll work, but only for a little while. I have a date.”

  At least she was wearing clogs instead of the spike heels she normally wore. He wouldn’t have to worry about crushing her toes as they raced around each other. They had grown up in the kitchen and both knew the kitchen dance, but Silk was known to sometimes zig when she should have zagged, which ended up with missteps.

  “Of course you do. Who is it this time? Joey the sponge? Or Thomas the wuss?”

  Silk huffed as she pulled a clean apron over her head, smoothing it down her body before wrapping the ties around her waist and making a bow over her stomach. “If you must know, it’s with Gia Rogers. We’re going to celebrate her new job, I hope. Plus, I need to let her know the news.”

  “Okay, now tell me why you think I need to buy whatever it is you think I should buy,” Dom said as he began working the dough for a Stromboli order to go.

  Silk began putting together two antipasto salads for the next order. After looking around the kitchen to confirm they were really, truly alone, she leaned as close as she could. “Club Esoteria is up for sale,” she said softly.

  Dom stared at his sister for ten seconds though his hands continued moving in automatic motions to assemble the pizza. “And what makes you think I want to buy a club I’ve never been inside? A club I know nothing about?”

  Silk grinned, looking way too happy for someone who was asking for a favor. “Because if you buy Club Esoteria, you won’t have to drive to Raleigh once, twice, or three times a month for sex. You could play right here in town every weekend and sleep in your own bed every night.”

  Dom frowned. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he finally said after sliding the pizza into the oven.

  “Sure you do. It’s the same reason you had that oversized closet built in your suite with that fancy electronic lock on it. Mama may not understand what you are, but you can’t hide from me, Dominic,” she said, emphasizing the first syllable of his name before giggling. “If they only knew that you live up to your name.”

  Dom pulled in a breath, then studied his sister through narrowed eyes. “And what do you know about my trips to Raleigh? Or the locked closet?”

  “Because I live in the world of ropes and floggers, too,” Silk said casually. “Only instead of spending all that time driving to Raleigh, I play here in town. At Club Esoteria. And if you came on Friday night, you’d never want to go to Raleigh again.”

  “And you can get me in?”

  “You can come as my guest twice before you have to breakdown and join. And I even know a sweet submissive you might enjoy spending the evening with.”

  Dom tried not to sound too interested, though his cock stiffened just thinking about an evening of play without having to spend a night in a hotel room afterward. He hated hotels. “And you’d be willing to take your brother to the club where you play? Won’t that cramp your style if I do join?”

  Silk froze for a moment before shrugging. “Maybe we could make a pact to not go on the same nights, after this Friday. I need to be there Friday to introduce you to Taurus and Jenna. Then, once you decide to buy the club, you can hire me as the manager.”

  Dom chuckled. “Even if I bought the club, I would never put you in charge of it, sweetheart. You’re irresponsible and a powderpuff. A club like that needs an organized bulldog who has experience in club management.”

  “So you’ll come on Friday?”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” Silk said as she looked at the clock. “Oh, shoot, I have to go. I love you, big brother.”

  After kissing his cheek, she washed her hands, stripped off her apron, and was gone as quickly as she had come. Dom shook his head as the back door clanged closed behind her. As usual, his baby sister was about to get her way.

  Of course, he had known of the club, and its private membership. He had never visited because he also knew his sister was a member, though how he knew, he would never tell.

  The thing his sister didn’t know about him was that, despite his alpha male, type A, all business personality, he wasn’t merely a dominant with a masochistic streak. He was a switch, occasionally taking great pleasure in allowing a play partner to drive a scene, make the decisions, be in charge. While he didn’t do intense pain, he loved a woman to use a flogger and give him a soothing massage before using his cock as her own play toy.

  * * * *

  “How did the interview go?” Silk asked as soon as she slid into the booth at the back of the hole-in-the-wall restaurant that served breakfast all day, every day. It had been one of the few places Gia could afford, though after today, she was even going to have to cut these evenings out.

  Gia shrugged as she blinked to hold back her tears. “It went okay, until he decided I should give him a blowjob as part of the interview. He didn’t take it well when
I threw his glass of iced tea in his lap instead.”

  Silk’s eyes grew wide. “You didn’t.”

  “Yes, I did. I might be submissive when it comes to playing at the club, but when it comes to my job, I’m not such a pushover. Especially when the man is a hundred pounds overweight, ugly as shit, and has children older than me.”

  The two women laughed until the waitress came and took their order. Then Gia couldn’t help the tear that rolled down her cheek. “What am I going to do, Silk? I need a job, but it seems that no one wants to give me a chance without asking for more. And it’s just damn sleazy to sleep with the boss for a paycheck. Makes me no better than a hooker, except I don’t have to walk the streets at night.”

  Silk looked thoughtful for a moment. “I may have a solution. But you have to come to the club Friday night.”

  Gia sighed. “I was planning on it. If the rest of the week goes like the last few days, I’m going to need a good, hard session before I talk to Master Taurus about quitting and getting the balance of my membership fees refunded.”

  Silk looked like she was going to argue, but bit her lip instead when the waitress arrived with their food. Gia was not surprised to see Silk frown at the plate in front of her, containing two pieces of toast and an order of extra crispy bacon. Usually Gia got eggs and hash browns as well.

  After paying her bills for the month with her last unemployment check, there wasn’t money left over for more. She had enough money to make it through the rest of the month, then she would be living in her car. She had already downsized for the transition, selling her furniture, books, and everything else that brought in a few dollars. The only thing she refused to get rid of was Spike, the cat she had rescued from a parking lot one dark and stormy night a year ago.


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