Blackmailing Dom [Club Esoteria 17] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Blackmailing Dom [Club Esoteria 17] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 7

by Cooper McKenzie

  Chapter Eight

  “Oh,” was all Gia could think to say after that touching sentiment.

  She was still riding an emotional high that she knew wouldn’t last much longer. Before it petered out and died away, she was going to push for what she really wanted, which was Dom naked and restrained so she could explore every inch of his well-toned body.

  Stepping forward she looked deep into his eyes as she began pushing his sweatshirt up his chest. “I’ll let you take care of me, but you have to get naked and in the tub, too.”

  She saw the hunger in their black depths just before his lips turned up in a sexy smile. But instead of stripping the shirt off, he stepped back and pushed it down, covering all the beautiful muscles she had just uncovered. “I don’t think so, princessa. You need comfort and care, not wild animal sex.”

  “I need you,” she argued softly, sliding her fingers under the waistband of his jeans and around to his back as she moved closer. “I need to suck you, and then have you fuck me until we’re both flying amongst the highest clouds. Then I need you to hold me while we sleep. Then, when we wake up, I need you to do it all over again.”

  As she spoke, she pushed her hands a little deeper into the back of his jeans, until she could cup and squeeze his ass cheeks. Before he could react, she shifted slightly to her left while sliding her right hand around his side, over his hipbone, then down to take gentle hold of his erection.

  He stiffened and sucked a breath but remained silent as she stroked it twice before releasing it again. “Don’t you want to fuck me over and over again?”

  Instead of throwing her down, Dom eased her right hand away from his cock before pulling her left hand from where it was stroking circles over his ass. “Oh, princessa, if you only knew how much. But you’re injured and not thinking straight because of all the craziness from earlier. Now be a good girl and get in the tub.”

  Gia pouted, earning herself a chuckle from the big man, along with a single fingertip tracing over her lower lip. “No pouting or I won’t let you top me Friday night.”

  “That’s blackmail,” she pointed out as she turned and stepped into tub. She settled in the water with a sigh. The temperature was perfect, just hot enough to penetrate all her muscles, causing the knots she hadn’t felt earlier to quickly loosen, but not so hot it burned.

  “Maybe so, maybe not. In any case, you’re to stay in there until I get back. Then I’ll help you get up. Where’s your nightgown?”

  Gia couldn’t help herself, crossing her arms, she relaxed into the side of the tub. “Bully. My sleep-shirt is hanging on a hook in the closet.”

  Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, and laid her head back, allowing the hot water to works it’s magic. Though she had taken numerous martial arts classes over the years, this was the first time she had ever had to use the knowledge, and as each teacher had predicted, the muscles she used were growing sore.

  Taking deep breaths, she worked to disconnect mind from body, allowing herself to drift away. Even though she heard Dom moving around the apartment, humming something very Italian as he did, she found herself unable to be bothered by either his presence, or what he was doing. She just wanted to stay here, in his warm, fluid cocoon and let the world go on without her for a while.

  She lost track of time as she drifted until Dom said, “All right, cara mia, time to go to bed.”

  Though she had no idea how long she had been in the tub, she didn’t want to move. If she left the tub, then Dom would leave because he seemed determined not to have sex with her tonight.

  “Don’t wanna,” she muttered. She opened her eyes and frowned up at him. “Go away since you don’t want to join me.”

  He smiled down at her, looking almost fatherly. “I’ll leave as soon as I tuck you into bed.” With that, he leaned across the tub and a moment later the water began to drain out.

  “You know,” she said as he helped her to her feet then out of the tub, “I will remember this Friday and you will pay.”

  “Uh-uh,” he said as he gently but thoroughly dried her off before he pulled the oversized T-shirt she slept in over her head. “There will be no paybacks, no retribution. When we walk into the club, and especially a scene area, the slate between us is clean or what we could build between us will never work.”

  Gia thought about that as he set a hand on each shoulder and guided her into the bedroom ahead of him. “That makes sense, I think. Are you going to get naked now?”

  Stopping her by the bed, he pulled back the covers before pointing to the mattress. With a disgruntled sigh, Gia climbed onto the high bed and worked her way to the center, hoping he would strip and join her. Instead, he pulled the covers up, tucked her in and leaned over her until they were nose to nose.

  “Go to sleep, Gia mia. I will see you downstairs, at the bar, Friday evening at nine o’clock.” After brushing a kiss over her lips, he straightened and turned to walk away.

  “You’re no fun,” she grumped as he walked away.

  “I will be this weekend,” he promised with a chuckle just before flipping off the lights and walking away.

  A moment later, light streaming in from the living room went out then she heard the door to the foyer click closed. He was gone. The man had left her relaxed and horny and walked away like there was nothing between them.

  Gia rolled to her side and pulled a pillow to her chest to cuddle with. Heaving a sigh, she ruefully acknowledged that maybe her body wasn’t really up to what her libido wanted. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to drift off once more while making plans and mental lists of what she would need for Friday night.

  She was going to make it an evening Dom would not soon forget.

  Chapter Nine

  In the foyer, Dom tested the lock to make sure his Gia was safe as regret flashed through him. Turning away, he leaned against the wall. Closing his eyes, he pictured Gia in the bed as he questioned his sanity. He had had a warm, willing woman in bed, and he had walked away.

  “I’m an idiot,” he muttered.

  “Yes, you are. But you’re also honorable and strong and the fates will repay you fully for doing the right thing tonight,” Jenna’s voice said softly.

  Opening his eyes, Dom looked at the woman who was standing in the open doorway to her own apartment. “She was nearly asleep, but now I’m thinking I should have stayed, just in case.”

  Jenna stared at him, her expression the same blank that he used with out of line submissives. “To keep her safe and console her if she has bad dreams? Or to fuck her because her defenses are down?”

  Though her questions were the same ones he had just been asking himself, when they came from the Domme, they offended his sense of honor and the feelings that were growing for the woman sleeping behind him. He could tell by her expression that she knew exactly what she was doing.

  And though he would love to stay and keep Gia safe from the world, she was stronger than he yet knew. He could only hope that she would call him if she needed him.

  “I’ll be going now,” he said as he crossed to the elevator doors and pushed the call button.

  Jenna followed him into the elevator and walked him to the back door. Once he was in the parking lot, she pulled the door closed behind him. Climbing into his SUV, he drove away, wishing Friday wasn’t still days away.

  * * * *

  After a successful shopping trip for toys she planned to use on Dom, her credit card was squealing in pain, but Gia felt ready to top Dominic. She had planned the scene out, and only hoped Dominic was up for the challenges she planned to set before him. Knowing he wasn’t into pain, she decided to take things in a different direction. And though his rule about no paybacks was a good one, she planned on torturing him just a little for leaving her alone and horny. It would all work out in the end as her plan was to have them both boneless and well satisfied by the time she released him from his bonds.

  But first, she had a club to open up and members to meet as the new club manager

  “Well, well, don’t you just look all badass Domme,” Silk said from across the room as soon as Gia entered the main room of the club from the back entrance.

  Looking down at herself, she had to agree. The black corset with shiny silver hooks down the front and silver lace trimming the edges went well with the black leggings that showed off every one of her curves. They were tucked into a pair of over-the-knee black boots that had a small, broad heel. Not too sexy on their own, but very functional when needing to run around the club all night.

  She had dressed, then called Jenna over to make sure what she was wearing wasn’t too over the top. Jenna and her men had all approved, though Gia still wanted to change into something less body-hugging tight. In the end, Jenna had to put on her Mistress voice and order Gia out of the apartment, otherwise she would still be up there, afraid of being laughed at for her Domme outfit.

  Now, seeing the accepting and approving expressions of the volunteers who would be working during the evening, she took a deep breath and had to agree. She looked good. She had braided her hair so it wouldn’t get in the way later when she was playing with Dom. After giving the toy bag she and Jenna had put together to Jackson to keep behind the bar, she joined Taurus, Jenna and the others in the open space between the bar and the doorway to the lobby.

  Since she was, in her mind at least, still in training, she allowed Taurus to run the meeting. He introduced her as the new manager before giving a quick rundown of the procedures and policies for the evening. And just like that, her first evening as the manager of Club Esoteria began. She just hoped it went as smoothly as everyone assured her it would.

  * * * *

  Dom stepped from the lobby into the club feeling underdressed. He had worn his usual club wear, but when he reached the lobby Silk, who was working the desk, stopped him as he took his coat off and hung it up on one of the hooks reserved for the dominants.

  “Aren’t you letting Gia top you tonight?” she asked with a smirk.

  “Yes,” Dom answered on a sigh. This was why he preferred to go to a club where his sister wasn’t a member.

  Silk came around the desk and pulled his coat down. “Then you need to put your coat in this basket, along with your shoes, belt, and anything you have in your pockets,” she said, pulling a basket from the top shelf and handing it to him.

  Dom looked from the basket to the curtain that separated him from Gia. “You’re going to be a stickler about this, aren’t you?”

  Silk nodded with a cheeky grin. “Just be glad we don’t have a submissive dress code for the evening, otherwise you’d be changing into something a lot more revealing than those jeans.”

  Dom didn’t answer. He slipped off his shoes and put them in the basket along with his keys and belt. He had left his phone and wallet in the glovebox of the SUV. Once he returned the basket to its place on the shelf, he turned to look at Silk. “Do I pass inspection now?”

  His sister took way too long looking him up and down. “If I weren’t your sister, Gia would have a fight on her hands. Oh, I don’t suppose you’d like to tell me whether or not the sub’s grapevine is right or not?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Word has it that you’re buying the club. I was hoping to confirm the rumor before it reaches Gia.” Silk leaned on the tall counter and rested her chin in her hand.

  Dom shrugged. “Haven’t decided yet, but should have a decision by Monday morning. But that’s not grist for the rumor mill. Understand?”

  Silk giggled. “You’re much better as a dominant than a submissive. Go on, Gia’s waiting for you.”

  Dom laughed as he headed to the curtains that led into the club. “I’m coming to realize that more and more.”

  Stepping through the curtain, he found the club bustling. There was a crowd around the bar, and most of the scene areas were filled. He looked over the crowd for a certain brown-haired beauty, but couldn’t see her. No doubt she was off doing some managerly duty or other.

  Without his watch, he wasn’t sure how close to nine o’clock it was, but figured it had to be close. Crossing the room at a leisurely pace, he checked out the various scenes on the left hand wall as he went.

  One Dom was flogging a tiny slip of a girl chained to what looked like three telephone poles roped together. A Domme in red leather had her boy strapped to a table and was covering his chest with wax from a blue candle. Though he hissed as each drop landed on his skin, his cock was hard and leaking on his belly.

  “Dominic.” His name was spoken in a soft voice, but his head immediately whipped around to see Gia standing only a few feet to his right.

  His cock swelled at the sight of her dressed as a dominant. Though her clothes screamed dominant, there was a softer edge to her outfit than most Dommes he had played with in the past.

  “My queen,” he said as he turned and walked toward her, stopping a respectful three feet away. As his mind shifted gears, he slid his hands behind his back and took up a standing slave position. He did not drop his gaze as he needed to see her, to assure her in any way possible that she was beautiful and he was hers to play with.

  After looking at her watch, she gave him a smile. “Right on time. I have a few more things to attend to before we can go upstairs. Dare I allow you to roam free? Or would you rather I put a play collar on you for the evening?”

  Though the questions sounded rhetorical, he smiled. “I know who I belong to, my queen. I think I’ll be all right without the collar.”

  “All right then. Get yourself a glass of juice or a soda, and look around. When you’re finished, that area is the submissive’s area.” She nodded to an area on the right side of the room where several couches and chairs were gathered.

  “Thank you, my queen,” he said as her name was called from the back of the room.

  He wandered the room, admiring the equipment that Jenna had told him at their meeting that her slave, Gentry made. He recognized most of the pieces, but there were a couple that he had never seen before and marveled at Gentry’s ingenuity when he watched a dominant string his slave to the inverted U made with smooth telephone poles with eyehooks every few inches on the inside curve.

  After circling the room, he went to the bar and waited as Jackson worked his way around the bar. Ordering a glass of clear soda, he took a sip.

  “Weren’t you a dominant last week?” The hard-looking man sitting on the bar stool next to where he stood asked.

  “Yes, sir,” Dom answered politely.

  “And yet tonight you’re dressed as a sub? You exploring both sides of the fence before deciding where you belong? I’ll be happy to show you a few things.” The man grabbed his wrist as he slid off his stool. “My whips would mark all that skin so pretty.”

  Before Dom could respond politely, Gia stepped in front of him. “Sorry, sir, but this boy is mine.”

  Though her voice was low and confident, Dom could feel anxiety radiating off of her. Especially when the cruel-looking man glared at her.

  “What the fuck are you dressed up as, girlie? You ain’t no dominant.”

  “Wiley, are you giving the club’s new manager a hard time? You just don’t know when to quit, do you?” Taurus arrived at that moment. Before anything further was said.

  Dom sucked a breath when Gia slid a cold hand down the front of his jeans before fisting the material and pulling. “Come along, boy, we’ve got a private room waiting for us.”

  Chapter Ten

  Though she was nervous, Gia’s pussy was growing damp as she pulled Dom along as she crossed to the bar. “Jackson, I need my bag, please,” she said.

  When the bartender passed it over the bar, she handed it to Dom who took it with a smile. She then headed to the stairs that led to the second floor where the private theme rooms were located. When she reached them she stopped and turned to face the man who followed her.

  “I’d like to play with you in a private room upstairs. Are you okay with that, or would you rather play do
wn here?”

  Dom looked thoughtful for a minute before he said, “Whatever you prefer, my queen.”

  Gia stepped closer and cupped her hand over the bulge of his erection. “What I would prefer would be to take you upstairs and tie you to my bed for the next week.”

  “But the private room is so much more convenient.”

  “Yes, it is.” Without undoing the button at his waistband, she pulled the down the zipper of his jeans then reached in and worked his erection through the hole. “Next time we play like this, I would prefer you in a pair of red silk boxers that show off your ass.”

  Wrapping her hand around his cock to use it as a leash, she began up the stairs. She smiled as he stayed close and began to breathe heavier.

  “Yes, my queen,” Dom answered, sounding a little breathless, when they were halfway up the stairs.

  Neither spoke again as she led him halfway down the balcony to the closed door with a “reserved” sign hanging on the doorknob. After entering the room, Gia closed and locked the door before hanging the sign on the interior knob. Then she took back her toy bag.

  “Strip and hanging your jeans up then kneel in that corner facing the wall,” she said, pointing across the room.

  “Yes, my queen.”

  As he followed her orders, she opened the bag and placed the contents on a small rolling tray normally used for surgical instruments. Taking a towel from the cupboard, she covered the tray. The medical room might not be the most romantic of the theme rooms, but it was perfect for what she planned.

  She rolled the tray over next to the exam table. A few adjustments to the back and stirrups and it was ready. Going to her bag once more, she pulled out the wrist and ankle cuffs Jenna had loaned her for the evening.


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