Brutal Retribution

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Brutal Retribution Page 24

by Clive Barry

  Paul, Jockie and Timber walked around to the front of the building with their ski masks and gloves on, weapons and everything else were contained in the holdall.

  They entered the unlocked downstairs door and stopped at the bottom of the stairs, listening for any sounds coming from anywhere in the building.

  They slowly ascended the first flight to the next level, again pausing and listening for any sounds. Paul had removed his hand gun from the holster on the back of his waist band, while Jockie and Timber had armed themselves with the Uzi’s from the holdall the Timber carried.

  Paul signalled for the others to wait, then he slowly climbed up to the next floor. After stopping and listening, he signalled for the others to follow whilst waiting and listening for any noises. A television or radio could be heard behind one of the doors on this level but otherwise everything else was in order.

  The final flight of stairs reached to the attic rooms. There were two of them one at the front and one at the back of the building. Jacko’s informant had said the light came on at the front, so that was the one they were going for. Fingers crossed, otherwise big apologies all round.

  Paul waited as quietly Jockie and Timber climbed the last flight and took up positions on either side of the door. Paul took a small step back and with all his force, raised a booted right foot and brought it heavily to bear near the handle of the door.

  The cheap door almost disintegrated with the force used and it swung wide open on its broken lock and now very loose hinges. The body that had been laid on the bed, sprung up reaching for what appeared to be an automatic sub machine gun by his side, but for whatever reason his reactions were far too slow and a swift punch to the side of his head by Paul lay him crumpled on the floor, bleeding from his mouth.

  This didn’t stop him reaching behind and finding the flick knife he carried in his back pocket. He lifted himself quickly off the floor and went into a crouched fighting position, he was obviously going to go down taking someone with him.

  It was Timber that grabbed the wrist holding the knife and raised the arm high above his own head while Jockie went in double fisted with several fierce rabbit punches to the exposed ribs and kidneys.

  Bashkim Hamiti could do no more, he hung by his only good arm, totally limp as Timber still had him raised off the ground like a punch bag. The big squaddie slowly lowered him while Jockie grabbed a couple of plastic ties from the bag and secured Hamiti’s hands tight behind his back.

  Paul walked over and quietly shut the door, sitting on the side of the bed, looking down at Bashkim Hamiti laid on the dirty rug with the corner turned back. Paul out of curiosity, lifted the rug back and saw the loose floorboards, raising them easily out. There he found the metal box hidden below.

  After replacing the boards and the rug, Paul tipped the contents of the box onto the bed and whistled a low sound from between pursed lips.

  ‘Jackpot lads, here’s our fuckin’ bonus for clearing this scum from the face of the fuckin’ earth.’

  Then Paul removed his mask and raised Hamiti’s chin so he could look him directly in the eyes.

  ‘Fuckin’ remember me yeh Albanian twat? Ya I’m the daft fucker who’s nose yeh bust and who’s mam and dad died as a result of your fuckin’ actions. Yeh shoulda just fuckin’ walked away mate and none of this woulda happened.’

  ‘So, now what? You take me to the police station for a reward? I’ll be out within a couple of hours, Mr Demaci and his solicitors will see to that.’

  ‘I don’t somehow fuckin’ think so mate, not this fuckin’ time anyway.’

  Jockie walked in front carrying the bag containing the guns, money and equipment with Paul and the Timber walking behind with Hamiti in between them, being dragged painfully down the three flights of stairs.

  The three marines had replaced their ski masks, if nothing else it made them all look incredibly sinister to any passing busy bodies and they would be far less likely to be confronted by anyone whilst wearing them.

  They all walked out the front door and around the back where Mike was sat in the driver’s seat of the van, occasionally giving it a few extra revs to keep it warmed up.

  They opened the back door and pushed Hamiti in to lay alongside his former employer on the floor of the van.

  ‘Give ‘im a dose of morphine will yeh Timber mate, it’s not for the pain, couldn’t give fuck how much he hurts, just want ‘im to be fuckin’ quiet. Right everyone in the van, I won’t be long, just need to make a quick phone call.’

  Paul walked to the other side of the alley way and phoned Sally.

  ‘Hya Sal, how yeh doin sweetheart?’

  ‘Hya our Paul, ya I’m good tah. Dave’s back up from the operating theatre. The surgeon says he should make a full recovery, but he’s got all these tubes in ‘im to drain his lung and everything. He’s still out cold but I’m gonna stay here tonight I think. His mam and sister ‘ave gone home now and I phoned Jenny and explained what’s ‘appened and she’s gonna keep the kids for another night, she said it was no bother.’

  ‘Well that’s all good news then Sal, I just wanted to check in and make sure everything was okay that’s all. I’ll tell the lads, they’ll all be pleased. You try and get some rest as well sweetheart and I’ll speak to yeh in the morning, right bye for now.’

  Paul hung up, went over to the van and let them all know Dave was going to be alright. Then he told Mike to drive to the boatyard it was nearly midnight and it should all be quiet there.


  They pulled up in front of the big main gates, with Paul jumping out to unlock them, allowing Mike to drive through, then locking them again from the inside. Mike parked the van in front of the Bonny Doris and waited for Paul.

  ‘Right lads, this is the deal. I need all the guns we’ve taken, puttin’ in the boat. Mike, you take the money and put it together with all the other stuff we got back at the house and in the car and after we give the twenty grand to DCI Turner we should have around a hundred and ten grand a piece, split four ways. Does that sound about right to everyone?’

  ‘Hang on Vicker,’ said the Timber, ‘we didn’t come here for the money, we came here to help a friend and that’s all we came for.’

  ‘Aye I know that Timber mate and my whole family and I will always be greatly indebted to you and Jockie here. There’s no way possible we could ever repay yeh both for what yeh did, the money just came along. I never expected it so it’s like a bonus. It hasn’t cost us owt so it’s only right that you two take a fair share as well mate.’

  ‘Well okay if you’re sure, but then I think it needs to be split five ways to make it fair if that’s the case.’

  ‘How so mate?’

  ‘Well Vicker, there’s you, Mike, Dave and Sally, Jockie and myself.’

  ‘Aye Timber mate, but I don’t know that Dave will accept it ‘cos he’s a bobby.’

  ‘Yes, but I’m sure Sally will, and she doesn’t need to tell him just yet does she? Looks to me as though she’s going to want a big wedding and they don’t come cheap. Besides Jockie and I want an invite and you know how much that little fucker eats.’

  The lads all shook their heads and laughed.

  ‘Right,’ said Mike, ‘what do we do with these two fuckers bro?’

  ‘We need to get them both into the boat kid. Then you need to launch me and take these two bonny lads back to our place for a couple of beers and a kip. I’ll give yeh a call in the mornin’ and yeh can come back out and give us a tow into the compound.’

  ‘Hang on our Paul. If your gonna do what I think your gonna do, then yeh’ll need my help.’

  ‘Not gonna happen Mikey. If for any reason I get caught, I need to know you and our Sal are gonna be okay. We already lost Mam and Dad and Sal doesn’t need to lose you and me as well. So please don’t argue and for once in yeh fuckin’ life do as I ask yeh best mate. Go on get the fuckin’ tractor and get me fuckin’ hitched up.’

  Mike looked at Paul and shook his
head, then he looked at Jockie and the Timber and they nodded their agreement with Paul.

  Mike walked over to where the tractor was parked and started it up.

  ‘Timber mate, is there any chance you can give us a fuckin’ lift with these two into the boat?’

  ‘No probs Vicker.’

  They put the ladder up against the side of the boat and Timber threw the unconscious Demaci over his shoulder like lifting a bag of coal, climbed the ladder and threw him in a big heap over the gunwale. He then came down and did the same with Hamiti, all finished within five minutes.

  Paul then climbed up carrying the holdall with the guns and medical supplies together with lengths of rope. The other bag was still in the van and he asked Timber if he wouldn’t mind passing that one up as well. Timber lifted it but was quite surprised by the weight.

  Mike backed the tractor up to the trailer of the Bonny Doris and hitched them together connecting lights and brakes, then both Jockie and Timber ran across the compound, unlocking and swinging the big gates wide open, allowing Mike to drive across the Esplanade down the ramp and onto the beach.

  The tide was well out tonight, but that was no problem, the weather was good with only a very light south westerly breeze blowing. At least the wind would be behind Paul all the way out, he should make good time.

  Mike swung round on the beach and backed the Bonny Doris into the water, Paul started the engine and put her in dead slow aft while Mike disconnected the boat from the trailer.

  Within a few short minutes the boat was free. Paul swung her about, giving his younger brother a wave and putting her into full ahead, with a course set for outside of the deep water anchorage area.


  Paul sat on the tall stool they used in the standing shelter when the weather was calm. It wasn’t possible to sit when the boat was rolling too much, but tonight was a good night and Paul found the slight gentle roll together with the steady throb from the big diesel engine quite soothing.

  He was still heading for the deep water anchorage when Demaci started to come around, the gag from his mouth having slipped down to around his chin.

  ‘Please sir I don’t know who you are, but may I please have a small sip of water?’

  ‘Not a chance pal.’

  ‘Where are we? Where are you taking me? Have I offended you in some way? I don’t even know who you are.’

  ‘Well, that’s what happens when yeh get daft twats to do all yeh dirty work for yeh fuck face. Yeh lose control of what’s goin’ on and in this case yeh seem to have lost total fuckin’ control wouldn’t yeh say?’

  Paul left the wheel while he went over and checked the bindings on Demaci and Hamiti, finding them both well secured.

  ‘What is it you want? I’m a wealthy man, I can make you wealthy too, name your price.’

  ‘Okay, I will and if you can match my price I promise yeh I’ll turn this boat ‘round and set you free, a deal?’

  ‘Yes of course, anything.’

  ‘I want me Mam and Dad back, there yeh go, fuckin’ deliver that pal.’

  ‘But I don’t know who they are or where they are, I don’t understand.’

  ‘No, I bet you fuckin’ don’t pal. me Mam was Doris Vickers and my Dad was George Vickers and last week they both died in a fire set by someone from your organisation and because I don’t know who it was, then you’ll have to pay the consequences for their lives. You should have taken better fuckin’ control of your personnel mate.’

  ‘But that was Hamiti, you must speak to him about that.’

  ‘Well Mr Demaci, if yeh look over your poorly fuckin’ shoulder yeh’ll see a big lump layin’ near to yeh and that is Hamiti. So, if yeh wanna blame anyone, blame him. Personally, I blame the fuckin’ lot of yeh and that’s why me and me mates made a point of fuckin’ with yeh.’

  ‘It was you who destroyed the heroin drop this morning?’

  ‘Partly yes and partly fuckin’ no. We are the nasty twats that hurt your fuckin’ drops last week. However, we received information about the heroin and passed it on to the police and they were the nasty fuckers that were waiting for yeh this morning. It was me little sister that was married to the fat fuck that started all of this. You may recall, his name was Charlie.’

  ‘But he has gone and no one seems to know where.’

  ‘Ah, but that’s where your fuckin’ wrong again fuck face, cos I know exactly where he is.’

  ‘And that is?’

  ‘And that is, twenty five fuckin’ metres below us in a fuckin’ lobster trap. Or to be more precise, in several fuckin’ lobster traps.’

  By this time, the Bonny Doris had passed through the anchorage area and was heading out past the steep shelf to the deep black outer waters.

  Hamiti had started to come around and was also asking for a drink which Paul nonchalantly refused.

  ‘So, you killed this Charlie?’

  ‘More or less. He was a worthless piece of shit anyway. At least it was me that got rid of him and do yeh know what, you two are also worthless pieces of shit as well.’

  ‘So, you have become the white knight cleaning up the town. You know that when we’re gone, someone else will take our place?’

  ‘Probably, but that’s not my problem pal. Only you two were my problem and I’m dealin’ with it.’

  ‘But then you become as bad as you say we are.’

  ‘If you wanna believe that, then that’s okay with me, but I think I know different. I know the police’s hands are tied by the law. I know what they would like to do with people like you. They say that justice is blind, she’s only fuckin’ blind when it suits the bitch. The police know when to turn a blind eye and tonight’s one of those fuckin’ nights.’

  Paul looked around, there was no sign anymore of the lights along the Esplanade, they were way too far out. Even the big tankers with their deck lights were tiny little models in a big playing field, they were well passed the twelve mile port limits and into the international main shipping lanes.

  The Bonny Doris was rolling steadily as Paul put the engine into stop and they started drifting. The depth in this area was deep and black, anything between fifty to a hundred metres.

  Only really advanced professional divers came this far out and to be honest it wasn’t worth their while. Even on a good day it was far too dark and the water too murky in this area to see much of anything down below.

  Paul went straight to the big bag that Timber had lifted on board complaining of the weight inside, with good reason. Paul had stolen the weights from Mikes bedroom that he used every now and again to work out with. That together with several lengths of small diameter chain and some new combination locks that had all been bought at the boat chandlers earlier in the week when Mike and Paul had gone on their shopping expedition.

  Paul went to Hamiti first. He was still semi incoherent and his hands were still tied behind his back by the strong plastic cable ties. He realised what Paul was about to do and started to kick out. That did him no good whatsoever. Paul drew his hand gun and shot him through both knee caps. Hamiti screamed with the pain and while he was busy screaming, Paul locked two twenty five kilo weights to a chain and fastened it securely around Hamiti’s ankles. Paul then cut the ties securing Hamiti’s hands behind his back and dropped the weights over the side of the boat. Hamiti by now was screaming like a banshee and if Paul could have understood Albanian he might have been quite offended, but he couldn’t, so he wasn’t.

  He did however assist Hamiti over the side and watched as he quite rapidly sank below the surface, his white face slowly disappearing into the dark depths far below. After a short while the bubbles stopped and Paul restarted the engine and they moved farther offshore.

  Demaci was now curled up and whimpering in the bottom of the boat. Realising that this large bearded young man in green fatigues didn’t give a fuck as to how Demaci felt about anything and Demaci didn’t mean a thing to him.

  Demaci then made one last attem
pt to save his now fragile skin.

  ‘I’ll make you very rich my friend, take me back ashore and I can offer you millions.’

  ‘Yes, you possibly could mate, but you know what, some of us really don’t give a fuck about that kind of money, power and all that other useless shit that goes with it. I wanna get laid occasionally with a consenting pretty lass. I wanna pint or two with me mates. I wanna play with me niece and nephew and when the time is right, I might wanna marry someone who loves me for who I am, not for what she can get from me. Now if you were to give me loads of fuckin’ money how would I ever know I’d found the right girl eh? Let me ask you Demaci, how happy are you feelin’ right at this very minute about bein’ fuckin’ rich, eh?’

  Paul stopped the engine again and as the boat started drifting, Demaci commenced screaming like a young child that couldn’t have its own way.

  Paul opened the bags and threw the Uzi’s overboard and anything else that had been a part of the Albanian organization. He wasn’t worried about the noise, there was nobody for miles that could hear anything.

  ‘Right mate, do yeh want the hard route? Or would yeh prefer the really hard route? It makes absolutely no fuckin’ difference to me, you’re a dead man either way and yeh know what? No one’s gonna fuckin’ miss yeh. For all yeh were a big roughy toughy hard bastard, nobody now gives a monkey’s fuck.’

  Paul got the remaining chain and weights from out of the holdall and fastened them around Demaci’s ankles and not once did he move or try to fight, he just lay in the bottom of the Bonny Doris and cried.

  Paul threw the weights overboard and with one arm still strapped to his chest and the other still tied to his belt, Paul lifted Demaci over the side of the boat saying.

  ‘Yeh wanted fuckin’ Charlie and now yeh found fuckin’ Charlie. I hope yeh both find lots to talk about.’

  Paul then threw his side arm overboard and anything else that could incriminate either him or his family, swung the Bonny Doris around and headed back to shore.


  Mike was laid awake in bed, staring up at the ceiling when his mobile next to him rang. He grabbed it almost immediately.


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