The Anzu: Alec

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The Anzu: Alec Page 8

by Mary S. Sheppard

  “Someone took a shuttle down to the planet. We have had to delay our departure,” said Chief.

  Of course Chief knew who it was, thought Alec.

  “As you can imagine, this is in violation of the captain’s orders. The emergency does not affect us directly, so we let you complete your task and that is why Cate is completing hers.”

  “Yes,” mumbled Alec, “otherwise we will have another type of emergency.”

  “Exactly,” said Chief. “The delay puts more pressure on our food supply and getting the life liquid clean is paramount.”

  That should teach him to swim happily, thought Alec.

  Chief told him to finish dressing and he could leave for the day. As he walked by Chief’s office he just had to ask, “Chief, who took the shuttle?”

  “Rhoda. We were hoping she would reconsider and return quickly, but it doesn’t seem that is going to happen.”

  “Oh. Rhoda was down on Alumina 2 with me.”

  “I know. She is intent on finding out more about the rocks down there and she even abducted a couple of the crew to help her.”

  “That could be dangerous. Denab was lucky he was not hurt badly.”

  “We are aware of that. There is a team down there right now, trying to negotiate with her.”

  “Sir? I thought Thesbes were normally very logical,” said Alec.

  “Usually they are. They are reserved, analytical and logical, similar to us,” said Chief. “The doctors think it may be a mental condition that has been seen on occasion. They don’t know what causes it.”

  Maybe it wasn’t so mental, thought Alec. Rhoda had seemed too calm when ordered to return to the ship and that had been inconsistent with her obsession to find a life form. Maybe this was all part of her plan. Well there was nothing he could do about that.

  “Sir, I am going to move my stuff back to my quarters,” said Alec.

  “Go ahead. It is a good time to do so,” said Chief.

  He had just arrived back at his cabin carrying his stuff when Denab saw him.

  “I was just looking for you,” he said. “The captain needs to talk with you.”

  “Right now?”


  “Okay,” said Alec. He dropped his stuff on the bed in his cabin and followed Denab out.

  “You heard about Rhoda?” asked Denab.

  “Yes, Chief told me.”

  “Well, Rhoda wants you down there.”

  “Me? Why?”

  “She said the crystalline form is linked to you.”

  “It took a few of my water molecules. I don’t think we have a link.”

  “You may be wrong,” said Denab stopping in front of the captain’s door. He announced himself and the door opened. The captain was sitting at his desk and next to him was his Artificial Intelligence assistant.

  Alec had never had the chance to study an AI assistant. This one did not look humanoid, or like any other species on board. It had two very round lights in the place where eyes normally went, and in the case of this assistant, they were yellow and green. Alec had heard they could look at the world using different sensors, like gamma ray, x-ray ultra violet or infrared. It probably could detect lies as well, he thought as he tried not to stare.

  “Come in Alec, sit down,” said the captain.

  “Yes sir.” Alec was surprised he knew his name, but then he had asked for him.

  Denab sat down next to him.

  “A23, tell Alec what is happening with Rhoda,” said the captain.

  A23, the AI assistant, repeated the story Alec had heard from Chief. It spoke in clear English and had a female British accent.

  “So,” said the captain when she finished. “Rhoda will not return until you go down.”

  “Why me, sir?” He had to ask again. The thing down there just could not be linked to him.

  “The crystal grew and moved when you touch it.”

  “You mean when a human touches it, sir?”

  “No. Unfortunately, Rhoda took a human and a Lola down to the planet thinking that one of them would affect the crystalline structure, but there was no change.”

  “I don’t know why it would be different with me, sir.”

  “I don’t know either, but right now we need you to go down there and convince her to return. If she doesn’t, we will be forced to leave her and the other two. I cannot risk the welfare of the entire ship for a few.”

  “I will try, sir.” He had to; he knew they would not survive long if they were left on the planet.

  Chapter 14 – Alumina 2

  Denab and four Lolas accompanied him down. They landed and as the ramp deployed Rhoda contacted them.

  “Denabulus, do you have Alec?”

  “Yes we do,” said Denab.

  “Let me talk to him.”

  Denab passed the ship’s comm to him.

  “Hello Rhoda?”

  “Alec, good. Look I only want you to come down the ramp.”

  “Only me?”

  “Yes. The others can wait on the shuttle.”

  Alec looked at Denab. “All right, I will let them know.” He didn’t have to, since they all had heard.

  Alec headed out the door alone. The planet’s colors were as amazing as before, and he almost paused to take in the view, but then he saw Rhoda. She was at orange rock outcropping and there was a Lola and a human on the ground next to her. She was waving a weapon carelessly in their direction.

  She saw him. “Alec, get over here,” she shouted.

  As he got closer Alec recognized the human, it was Evan. He couldn’t identify the Lola, but he didn’t know too many Lolas by name.

  Evan turned to him and his eyes were wide with fright.

  “Are you all right Evan?” asked Alec.

  Evan nodded slightly.

  “Don’t worry about him, he is fine, but I’m sorry to say TT got a bit hurt. By the way, I have determined that the black rocks are not alive. They provide a sort of protection for the crystals and I do not know how to turn it off.”

  Alec saw that the Lola was holding his side and something was oozing through his five fingers. “What happened?”

  “When Evan touched the crystal, the rocks were glowing but nothing happened, so I had TT try. Apparently those two black rocks didn’t like that and hit him with an electric charge. This didn’t happen to you, Alec. You are the only one that makes this work and I want to know why.”

  “I will help you Rhoda, but you have to let Evan and TT go.”

  She thought about it for a second.

  “Come on Rhoda, there’s nothing they can do and I promise to help you.”

  “All right, both of you can go, but Alec, I want you close to me, right here.”

  Evan stood up quickly and helped TT up. They shuffled towards Alec.

  “Get to the shuttle, and don’t stop,” said Alec as they passed him. He was afraid that Rhoda or the black rocks might change their mind.

  “What are you trying to prove, Rhoda?” he asked as he approached her. “You saw the crystals move already and you can take the credit for finding a new life form.”

  “How little you know. It’s not that easy.” Rhoda started to explain how she needed to measure the growth and determine if the structure was replicating itself or if the growth was uniquely different from the rest…

  Alec stopped listening; he could see the black rocks on the hill were glowing faintly. That is how they had looked before the bolt hit Denab and he had been lucky to be hit so lightly. Now TT had been hit from a distance and the result had been that big gash. Maybe Tania was right about the system remembering.

  “Rhoda, we should go,” he said.

  “Of course, as soon you make the crystal grow. Haven’t you been listening?”

  “No. I think we have to go now, look at the rocks.”

  “No Alec,” she barely glanced at them. “We are not going anywhere, I know the rocks won’t hurt you. Go on touch it, right now,” she was waving her weapon dangerou
sly towards his face.

  He had to choose, the crystal or a deranged scientist.

  “Now Alec.”

  Previously he had waited for a feeling, almost a permission to touch the crystal, but now he couldn’t wait. The rocks were glowing more intensely. He took off his glove and touched the crystal.

  Rhoda stared for a second. “Damn it. Nothing is happening,” she shouted.

  She was wrong. The black rocks released a bolt and Alec felt the air tingle around him. He dropped down, but he wasn’t fast enough and the bolt hit him in his shoulder.

  He fell to the ground holding onto the shoulder. The pain seared down his arm, but he didn’t have time to think. Almost immediately another bolt was released and this one hit Rhoda squarely in her back. She crumpled down on top of him.

  He could feel she was breathing, but she appeared to be unconscious. He tried to move her off him gently, but it was difficult. Suddenly two hands helped.

  “Alec, can you get to the shuttle?” said Denab.

  “Yeah. I think so.”

  “We’ll take care of her.”

  Two of the Lolas were pointing their weapons toward the rocks while the other two were setting up the maglev stretcher.

  Alec didn’t wait and hurried back to the shuttle holding onto his injured arm.

  The pilot was waiting for him. He helped him out of his suit and then cut off his t-shirt to study the wound. Alec took a glance; it felt worse than it looked.

  “Don’t worry, it will heal well,” said the pilot as he poured a liquid on the wound. He then covered it with a blue bandage.

  “Do you want to sleep?” asked the pilot holding something that looked like a pen.

  “No. No, I’m okay.”

  “All right, go sit,” said the pilot.

  Alec already felt some relief. He sat down next to TT and noticed he looked better as well, although his green bandage was much larger. It covered most of his side.

  “Thanks for saving us,” said Evan.

  “I didn’t do anything,” said Alec.

  “You did and thanks.”

  A few minutes later, the four Lolas came in with Rhoda and Denab. She was left on the floating stretcher for the trip back and as soon as they docked, the medical team came on board the shuttle. Two nurses came for him and the Lola.

  “How are you feeling?” asked his nurse.

  She was blonde, petite and human. He tried to remember her name, it was Betsy or Bettina and she was one of the few humans who did not frequent the bar much.

  “Betty, take care of my friend,” said Evan.

  “Of course Evan, that is my job,” said Betty. “Can you walk?”

  “Sure,” said Alec. He stood up and followed her out.

  He had never been in the Medical Center. It was clean, shiny and sparse, but the walls seemed to be covered with little doors.

  Nurse Betty pointed to a cot. A stiff looking curtain surrounded the cot on three sides. “You can wait there. The doctors are with Rhoda, but they will be here soon.”

  “How is she?”

  “It is too early to tell,” said Betty as she walked away.

  He didn’t lie down. He sat down and tried to look at his wound. The bandage was firmly attached and he wondered if it was a good idea to pry it off just for curiosity sake.

  Then he noticed the curtain move slightly and got up to see what was behind it. TT was lying on a cot with two of his three eyes closed. The other eye focused on him.

  “TT, how are you?”

  “I feel all right.”

  Alec could see that he still had the bandage. It was hard to tell how bad his injury was.

  “These are pretty cool bandages, aren’t they?” said Alec.

  TT didn’t say anything.

  Alec returned to his cot.

  “You’re a lucky guy,” said TT from the other side.

  “Why is that?”

  “That pretty Thesbes likes you.”


  “No,” TT sounded incredulous. “Tania.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I was sitting right next to you and Jamez at the bar.”

  Alec felt badly. He hadn’t even noticed TT; he was just another blue guy at the bar.

  “Actually, it seemed Jamez likes you as well.”

  “Yeah,” said Alec remembering the handholding. “We’re all just friends. We were talking about different human customs that is all.”

  “Still, most Thesbes hate to come to the bar, so she must like you somewhat,” said TT. “Thesbes are not like you or me.”

  “Oh,” said Alec thinking about that for a bit. “Hey, if the doctor doesn’t come soon, I was thinking of leaving. I’m not feeling bad and I hate it when the doctors poke and probe you, want to join me?”

  TT started to laugh and stopped abruptly. “Ow, I think I better stay, my side is starting to hurt.”

  Just then Nurse Betty and two Lolas came walking in. One of the Lolas went to the other side of the curtain and one came with Betty.

  “This is Doctor K,” said Betty.

  “How are you feeling?” asked Dr. K.

  “I’m fine. I don’t want to waste your time. Maybe I can go?”

  “Nurse, take the bandage off.”

  Alec gritted his teeth waiting for Betty to yank the thing off. Instead, she shinned a beam of light and the bandage slid off.

  Dr. K stepped closer. “The pilot did a good job. See how the skin is pink? It is not bright red and there is no pus or slime.”

  “Yes doctor,” said Betty.

  Alec craned his neck to see, there shouldn’t be slime.

  “This bandage was developed specifically for humans,” continued Dr. K, “and it does a good job healing when the wound is not large. I’m glad to see that it is working.”

  “So, I’m the guinea pig,” said Alec.

  Nurse Betty smiled, but Dr. K looked serious.

  I guess it was better to be the guinea pig now rather than when the wound was worse, he thought. “Does this blue bandage work on a burn only?”

  The doctor stopped what she was doing; seemingly surprised the patient would talk, but then answered. “It works on burns, bites and inflammation. The white ones are for minor bleeding wounds.”

  “And the greens bandages are for Lolas?”

  “Yes, as well as the black ones. Nurse Betty, please put on a new bandage, but I would like him to stay here for a few hours. When one experiences a trauma sometimes it takes some time for it to surface.”

  “Yes, doctor.” She started to place a fresh blue bandage on his injury.

  “What about the Zandus? What color of bandage do they use?” asked Alec.

  The doctor had started to leave and she stopped in mid-step. “You are a very curious human aren’t you?”

  “I guess.”

  “The Zandus do not need bandages. Alec, stay until the nurse says you can go, I want you back in two days and you should leave the bandage on.” Dr. K went to the other side of the curtain.

  You might as well rest Alec,” said Betty as she fluffed up the pillow.

  She was right, thought Alec, feeling tired.

  “Nurse Betty, please come” called Dr. K from the other side.

  Betty hurried over.

  After a few minutes of not hearing anything, he wanted to ask how TT was doing, but he didn’t want to disturb.


  He knew the voice and turned to find Tania.

  “I heard you were hurt. Are you all right?” she asked.

  He briefly thought about exaggerating his condition to get more pity, but then he saw she was worried. “It’s nothing Tania. They just want me here for a couple of hours.” He sat up.

  “Oh,” she said coming closer. She looked at his bandage but there wasn’t much to see.

  Then they heard TT complaining.

  “TT got it worse and Rhoda is the worst of all,” said Alec.

  Tania looked down. “I don’t think
she will make it.”

  “They are still working on her, so don’t think that way.”

  “We can sense when one of us is injured badly,” she sighed. “I don’t know why she acted the way she did.”

  “Chief said that impulsive behavior sometimes surfaces in Thesbes and Zandus.”

  “He is right,” she looked at him sadly, “otherwise we are very logical, as you know.”

  “Hey, looks like you already have a guest,” said Jamez as he walked into the medical bay. “Hello Tania.”

  “Jamez, come on in,” said Alec.

  “I came to tell you the good news. Chief says that the life liquid is recovering nicely.”

  “That is good news,” said Alec.

  “Wow, it’s a crowd,” said a new voice.

  It was Cate.

  “Might as well squeeze in here,” said Alec waving her over.

  “Glad to see you are doing all right. I guess Jamez gave you the news?”

  “He just did.”

  “We’ll wake up everyone when we are sure to have enough life liquid, but things are looking up,” said Cate.

  “They sure are,” said Jamez looking at Cate.

  “Excuse me everyone,” interrupted Nurse Betty. “The reason Alec is here is to rest and with all of you here, that is impossible.”

  “All right, Nurse Betty is correct,” said Jamez.

  They all started to leave.

  “Hey Alec, we’re going to get a drink later, want to join us after you’re released?” asked Jamez.

  “Sure, that would be great,” said Alec looking forward to that. This small group was becoming his good friends. Things were definitely looking up.


  About the Author

  Although my writing is based on fiction, my love of science and technology drives me to research the ‘real things’ and I like to add these into the stories. I am currently writing three series and in most of the women are intelligent and independent, and the men that are considerate and thoughtful.

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  Thanks for reading,

  Mary S. Sheppard

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  Other titles by Mary S. Sheppard

  A Where is Now Story

  Blooming Time and Time Waves

  About Blooming Time -

  Amy had always been dedicated to her job as a biochemist at BioTime Labs. It was the kind of work one could get dedicated to – saving the world, or least, curing diseases that afflicted the people of her time, in 2066. The plants whose chemical composition could provide such remedies are now extinct so one had to travel though time. Amy was not supposed to be one of the first time travelers.


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