Thanks to:
My family, for your enthusiasm and encouragement. My husband, Shanon, for your support, and for enduring the sound of typing at midnight for the better part of a year. Levi, Mahalia and Scarlett, for being exactly who you are. Mum and Dad, for entertaining small children so I could write with two hands. I’m sorry about what they did to your wallpaper.
Claire Craig at Pan Macmillan, for your invaluable advice and for making this far better than it started out. Ali Lavau and Natalie Braine, for your input. Tom Clancy once said the difference between fiction and reality was that fiction had to make sense, and you all ensured this was the case.
Adele McGee, Sarah Wenborn and Victoria Jones, for your expert opinions as I researched.
Jessica Davidson was only twenty-two when her verse novel, What Does Blue Feel Like?, was published. She was named one of the Sydney Morning Herald’s Best Young Australian Novelists in 2008.
Jessica lives in Queensland with her family, where she divides her time between trying to persuade her children to eat broccoli and writing.
Also by Jessica Davidson
What Does Blue Feel Like?
Jessica Davidson
What Does Blue Feel Like?
Char is seventeen. She’s in her last year of school. She’s in a mess.
She can’t sleep, she can’t eat. She feels . . . nothing.
As Char deals with her parents, her boyfriend Jim, her friends, parties, school work and end-of-year exams, we feel just what it’s like to be seventeen and so unsure that the future is anything more than just a concept of time.
A compelling verse novel from an exciting new voice in children’s fiction. Confronting, realistic, funny and chilling, the kaleidoscopic emotions of a teenager on the edge are poignantly conveyed in powerful verses that weave in and out of Char’s view of the world, and the views of those around her who watch, disturbed, helpless, as Char slowly loses herself.
First published 2012 in Pan by Pan Macmillan Australia Pty Ltd
1 Market Street, Sydney 2000
Copyright © Jessica Davidson 2012
The moral right of the author has been asserted.
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National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication data:
Author: Davidson, Jessica, 1985–.
Everything Left Unsaid / Jessica Davidson
For young adults.
First loves—Fiction.
Teenagers and death—Fiction.
Adobe eReader format: 9781743296363
EPUB format: 9781743296769
Online format: 9781743296561
Typeset by Midland Typesetters Australia
Cover design by Melanie Feddersen/i2i design
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