Darcy's Temptation

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Darcy's Temptation Page 49

by Regina Jeffers

  He did not raise his head again until Elizabeth touched his chin with her index finger. Darcy looked up at his wife, and she held him there with her gaze.The music swelled behind them, but neither of them turned away. He let his gaze run over her.A jumble of memories rushed at Elizabeth, but she gave Darcy a nod, stating she knew her position as his wife. He squeezed her hand as she leaned in to say,“I adore you, my Husband.”

  Relief flashed across his eyes; Elizabeth would not turn him away. He read her answer in the silence which coursed between them. Finally, Darcy mouthed the words,“Thank you.”

  Cecelia McFarland carefully watched this interplay between husband and wife. For someone of such low connections, Elizabeth Darcy carried herself well. It almost explained why the haughty Mr. Darcy married her.The woman affected his heart, and the right woman could capture even the crustiest man’s heart.Yet, in Miss McFarland’s twisted opinion, this pert young woman corrupted the Darcy bloodline; Fitzwilliam Darcy needed to purify his name. By the time the curtain came down, Miss McFarland convinced herself, despite his earlier cut, Darcy still deserved something better than Elizabeth Darcy. Cecelia McFarland decided she would confront the Mistress of Pemberley and make her stand for Darcy’s attention one last time.

  Elizabeth watched as the spectators made their way toward the exit. “I will fetch the wraps,” Darcy whispered in Elizabeth’s ear, while motioning to Mr.Ashford to join him.

  Lady Haverty took Kitty’s arm, joining the throngs working their way through the vast interior passages. Her Ladyship took up a position on the staircase’s vast landing where those stiffly bowing to one another could admire her. She introduced Kitty to various friends and pointed out several dignitaries to the young girl’s delight.

  Finally, Elizabeth and Georgiana stepped through the draped door to the box and into the busy corridor. Mr. Harrison led Georgiana a few feet away to introduce her to some members of the Parliament.

  When Miss McFarland stepped casually in front of Elizabeth, the woman’s appearance took her by surprise. Elizabeth wanted to turn away, but there was nowhere to which to run. Miss McFarland closed the trap. “Mrs. Darcy, I presume,” the woman’s voice nearly purred with perfection.

  Cecelia McFarland, by all standards, easily portrayed a woman of social standing and position. Her well-bred manner seethed with ambition. Elizabeth felt a bit intimidated; yet, she would not give Darcy up without a fight. She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. “The purloined author Miss McFarland, I assume?” Elizabeth’s voice matched her enemy in false sweetness.

  “Where is your husband?”The woman moved in closer to tower over Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth wanted to take a step back to open up the sightlines, but instead she used one of Darcy’s tricks and stepped up to be within inches of the woman’s face. “Mr. Darcy, unfortunately, has no time to continue your relationship, Miss McFarland. I thought he made the point clear previously. I would suggest you seek your interests elsewhere.” Elizabeth watched with delight as the woman flinched with her words.

  “Should we not allow Mr. Darcy to make that decision? In what world do you believe you could compete with me? No matter what you do, Mrs. Darcy, you will always be found wanting. With whom do you believe your husband spent his time before he was called home for your lying in?” A sneer curled the edges of the lady’s lips.

  Elizabeth’s voice dripped with sarcastic sweetness. “Mr. Darcy and I spent the weeks before my lying in with his cousins in Bath. So, if you wish to insinuate otherwise, Madam, it will be my pleasure to call you out as the liar you are. Check the social registry; you will find us there.” Elizabeth purposely turned her back on the woman and began to put on her gloves.

  Miss McFarland’s temper steamed; she deluded herself into thinking Fitzwilliam Darcy cared for her, and the woman would not be defeated so easily. “This is not over, Mrs. Darcy,” she said to the back of Elizabeth’s head. “The game is not yet won by you.”

  Elizabeth turned slowly to look at Cecelia McFarland once again. “Do you play chess, Miss McFarland?” Elizabeth plastered on her face the fake smile she often used with Lady Catherine.

  Miss McFarland looked taken aback. “I despise the game.” Her voice held pure contempt.

  “That is too bad, Miss McFarland. It is a favorite of my husband’s; yet, that is neither here nor there. If you knew the game, you would know the king is useless without his queen. That is called checkmate.” With that, Elizabeth walked away to join Georgiana. She never looked back to see the woman’s look of utter bewilderment.

  “Who is that attractive woman speaking to my sister?” Kitty whispered into Lady Haverty’s ear.

  “I believe it to be Miss McFarland,” the older woman shared before greeting an acquaintance moving down the Grand Staircase.

  “Excuse me, Lady Haverty.” Kitty dropped a quick curtsy and started to leave, wishing to be at Elizabeth’s side.

  At seeing the girl’s obvious distress, Lady Haverty clutched Kitty’s arm. “What is wrong, Mrs. Ashford?” her Ladyship hissed into Kitty’s ear.

  “Miss McFarland played poorly by my sister; I must go to her.” Kitty confided.

  “Played poorly how?” Lady Haverty demanded.

  “I am not at liberty to say,” Kitty added quickly, trying to make her exit,“but let us just say if the woman were successful the Darcy name would be tainted with scandal.”

  As Kitty ascended the stairs to be by Elizabeth’s side, she saw the woman in question turn to leave Elizabeth’s company. Miss McFarland unceremoniously raised her skirts enough to descend the steps quickly. She bumped into several slower theatregoers exiting the building. Kitty stepped to the side to allow her to pass, never looking again at the woman who nearly destroyed all their lives.

  Just as Kitty reached Elizabeth and Georgiana, a scream of surprise echoed through the rafters of the hallway. They all jumped from the sound; spinning around, they caught only the commotion of bodies bumping into each other and sprawling at the foot of the Grand Staircase.The crowd pressed forward, including what was left of the Darcy party, bending over the railing, everyone anxious to see the source of the hubbub.

  Leaning awkwardly against a column support post of the staircase reposed Miss McFarland. The hem of her gown was torn and her dress askew. Blushing, the woman quickly pulled herself to a standing pose, recovering her demeanor and straightening her dress. However, the snickers of the crowd did not stop even when she restored her bearing, and she looked around nervously for some explanation.

  The crowd froze in some horrid montage. Miss McFarland stood alone by the support post, trying to determine how to extricate herself from an obviously embarrassing situation, and, momentarily, she locked eyes with Elizabeth Darcy, noting a look of amusement on the woman’s face.The crowd continued to stifle twitters and guffaws. Finally, someone in the back could be heard plainly in the silence of the hall. “My God, the woman’s bald!”

  A look of horror overcame Miss McFarland’s composure as she automatically reached for the wig she wore, finding it setting awry, covering her head but not in place.Tears filled her eyes as she looked into the faces of all those who would now shun her.With her hand trying to adjust the wig as she ran, the woman, who only moments ago commanded the room, now fled from it in alarm.The titters became full out laughter as she streaked past the members of the ton.

  Kitty buried her face in Georgiana’s hair, trying to stifle the laughter which shook her shoulders. Elizabeth and Georgiana schooled their countenances and forced back their desire to join in the crowd’s taunt.“Poor woman,” Kitty said sarcastically.

  “The encore was as entertaining as the actual performance.” Elizabeth’s tongue-in-cheek comment bubbled out as she fought hard to regain her equanimity.

  Georgiana could barely force a straight face. “I am sure tomorrow’s reviews will say the performance was so powerful, it caused the hair on one’s head to stand on end.” All three of them nearly lost it with that comment. Each h
ad to look away and cover their faces with their hands.

  Finally, Elizabeth took a deep breath to steady her composure, trying to control her natural tendency for mirth. She allowed her eyes to scan the others on the staircase, and then gasped at seeing her Ladyship being helped to her feet. “Lady Haverty,” she called as she pushed her way through the crowd to the woman. “Lady Haverty, please tell me you are uninjured.” Elizabeth quickly moved to support the woman.

  “My pride might be a bit injured, Mrs. Darcy,” her Ladyship intoned in her best attitude,“but I am well otherwise. Did you see what happened?”

  “No, your Ladyship.” Elizabeth dropped her eyes, hoping no one realized she had a confrontation with Miss McFarland before the woman tripped on the staircase.

  “Then you did not note how I shamed myself by accidentally stepping on the hem of Miss McFarland’s dress?” Lady Haverty forced Elizabeth to look at her. With a nod of her head she continued. “I am getting up in age and must have taken a misstep.”

  Elizabeth stared at this woman who once spoke out against her. Now, as she gazed at Lady Haverty, the corners of Elizabeth’s mouth turned up in a smile.With the realization of what the older woman just confessed, Elizabeth pushed the laughter deep within her.“Lady Haverty,” she chuckled lightly,“you must be mistaken. I believe you are known for your lightness of foot.”

  “Am I really, my dear Mrs. Darcy? Then you will not think poorly of my mistake? Rumors may hurt one’s reputation, and I would not wish to bring shame to your family through association.” Those few knowing seconds established an understanding. Lady Haverty protected Elizabeth from the rumors following Darcy.

  “Your Ladyship will remain a treasured acquaintance of the Darcy family as long as I am the Mistress of Pemberley.” Elizabeth locked arms with the woman and led her to where the others stood.

  The cathedral at Matlock glistened as the early winter sun flickered through the stained glass windows, shimmers of rainbow colors dancing across the faces of those in attendance. Darcy prowled the recesses of the church, dreading the prospects of giving his sister away in marriage. On one level, he knew Georgiana would be happy with Mr. Harrison, but Darcy had not come to complete acceptance that Georgiana had grown into a competent woman. In his mind’s eye, Darcy saw his sister as the little girl for whom he was responsible.

  Everyone he knew sat in the cathedral awaiting Georgiana’s appearance. Although his parents would thoroughly approve, he thought he preferred the relatively simple ceremony he shared with Bingley.The wedding breakfast would occur at the Matlocks’ estate. Several tenants from both Pemberley and Hines Park journeyed to Matlock as a sign of respect; they waited patiently outside the church to offer well wishes.

  “Mr. Darcy, you must wipe that gloomy countenance away.” Elizabeth spoke softly to him alone.

  Darcy turned to look closely at his wife. “How is my sister?” Darcy’s thoughtful attitude relayed his need for assurance of Georgiana’s will to go through with this.

  Elizabeth considered teasing him but then thought better of it. “Like any woman truly in love, Georgiana glows. The only cloud overshadowing her day is she feels she displeases you somehow, my Husband.” Elizabeth touched his sleeve, drawing attention to what she said. “Can you not give Georgiana the comfort she seeks on this, her wedding day?”

  “I do not wish to lose her, Elizabeth.” The words hung in the air.

  “You can never lose Georgiana. She carries you with her in every step she takes.You, my Love, are more than a brother; you are Georgiana’s parent, guardian, role model, and friend. You treated her with respect and taught her what you value. The magnificent woman she has become is because of you. Please give her your blessing and not just your consent.”

  Darcy touched Elizabeth’s chin with his index finger before moving away. Her words made what he had to do easier. He tapped lightly on the door where Georgiana awaited him. When he heard her acknowledge his entrance, Darcy took a deep breath before entering. He stood mesmerized by the image of the woman she had become.“You remind me of our mother.” His words told the secret he felt in his heart.

  “Do I really?” Georgiana’s nervousness crept into her words.

  Darcy walked over to where she stood; he took her hands in his and spoke to her from his heart. “You, Dearest One, are so much like her; I find I do not wish to lose you. I withheld my support for this union for selfish reasons. Losing you to Mr. Harrison is like losing our mother once again.”

  Expressing such needs cost Darcy greatly, and relief rushed through Georgiana in knowing he did not disapprove of her actions after all. She reached out and caressed his face with her palm.“Fitzwilliam, we each must find the path which makes us happy; Elizabeth is your path, and Chadwick is mine. Yet, Brother, we are always—always connected; for so many years there was just us two. Please be happy for me.”

  “I am happy for you, Georgiana; although being the selfish man I am, I put my own happiness above yours. Forgive my obsession of trying to protect you when you no longer need protection. It might take me some time to adjust to your not being at Pemberley any longer, but I do love you, and I do give you and Mr. Harrison my blessing.”

  “Thank you, Fitzwilliam.” Her eyes misted with tears.

  Darcy cleared his throat, forcing back the sadness he would not show her now. “There are two days in a woman’s life which should be perfect—her wedding day and her child’s birthday. Ignore everything else today and concentrate, Dearest One, on the happiness you will feel once you are Mr. Harrison’s wife.This is your perfect day.” He brought Georgiana to him and kissed her cheek. “You are as beautiful as I ever saw you. Now, let us go and hypnotize Mr. Harrison with your beauty. When Elizabeth came down the aisle, I knew if I died that moment, I would be happy for I looked upon the most beautiful woman in the world. Mr. Harrison is in for that same exquisite moment when he sees you.” Darcy watched as a light blush overtook her body, but his sister took his proffered arm as pure bliss covered her smile.

  Sporting the fashion of the day, Mr. Harrison wore a dark brown embroidered silk satin suit. He paced the front of the church waiting for Georgiana’s entrance. A stir at the rear told him the time arrived. When he took his place and turned to behold Georgiana, her appearance on Darcy’s arm took his breath and replaced it with a longing he did not know existed.

  There she stood in all her glory. Georgiana wore a silver matte satin gown with flecks of gold threading throughout and overlaid with gold embroidered English net.The gown laced up the back with silver and gold alternating silk ribbons; the bodice gathered at the center, emphasizing her blossoming bosom. Although most women chose a bonnet to wear as part of their wedding attire, Georgiana wanted Mr. Harrison to remember her beauty on this day. So, instead she chose a scalloped edged lace, which she attached to a jeweled comb. Accenting her blond curls draped loosely at the nape of her long slender neck, the lace, draped down her back, hung to the floor.

  Harrison stumbled back a few steps upon seeing her; she, literally, looked like an angel, and for a moment, he thought his heart stood still. Then Georgiana Darcy began her procession down the aisle toward him, and the man’s happiness could not be contained. He considered shouting for joy, but instead he let the smile on his face and the tears welling in his eyes speak of his exhilaration.

  Georgiana took her place beside Chadwick Harrison, and the words he longed to hear began. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God. . . .” The rainbow of light from the stained glass window danced about Georgiana in a mystical benediction. Harrison forced himself to concentrate on the words of the service, but the words could not calm his racing heart. Only Georgiana’s countenance gave him comfort.

  “Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?”

  Darcy’s voice rang clear.“I do.” He lightly kissed Georgiana’s cheek and then placed his sister’s hand in the bishop’s.The clergyman placed that same hand in Mr. Harrison’s and then continued with
the vows. Harrison’s heart swelled as he spoke the words which would bind him to Georgiana Darcy forever.

  “. . . to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance, and thereto I plight thee my troth.” Chadwick Harrison fell in love with Georgiana nearly a year earlier; now, he could create a future for them. “. . . with my body I thee worship and with all my worldly goods I thee endow.” Never abandoning looking deeply in her eyes, Harrison slipped the ring onto Georgiana’s hand.

  “Forasmuch as Chadwick Harrison and Georgiana Darcy have consented together in holy wedlock and have witnessed the same before God and this company, I pronounce they be man and wife together, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.Amen.”

  Elizabeth turned over in the bed she shared with Darcy to find his side empty. Reluctant to give up the dream she had of him, she eventually opened her eyes to find him standing silhouetted in front of the bedchamber’s window. Smiling, she knew his thoughts without asking. Quietly, Elizabeth slipped out of the bed to join him. She encircled his waist from behind, and Darcy reached out to pull her to him, holding her tightly.

  “Will you not return to our bed, my Love?” she whispered softly as she caressed Darcy’s jaw line.

  Several minutes passed before he spoke the words identifying what really bothered him. “Do you believe Georgiana to be happy?” His doubts about serving his sister’s future laced Darcy’s words.

  Elizabeth resisted the urge to tease him; Darcy needed a different comfort this evening. “Our sister found happiness.” The answer spoke the simple truth.

  “What if Mr. Harrison hurts Georgiana?” Darcy protected his sister for so long, he could not relinquish the need to do so now. Elizabeth realized his tendency for self-censure so she tried to choose her words well.

  “Mr. Harrison loves Georgiana most ardently.”


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