Freeing Jasper

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Freeing Jasper Page 15

by Riley Edwards

  “Shhh. I mean, we’ve fooled around, and that’s good-good. But we’ve never, I mean, we haven’t... you know, had sex,” I whispered. My face heated, and it had nothing to do with the beautiful weather and sunny skies.


  “What do you mean, wow? Didn’t you hear me? There’s been no nookie, no home run, no knockin’ the boots.”

  Lily tossed her head back and laughed. I didn’t see what was so funny. She had to have been getting some from Lenox. He didn’t strike me as the type of man who would go too long without. Not that I often thought about Lily and Lenox’s sex life. It was merely an observation on my part.

  “I’m gonna be real honest here. I was worried at first. The first night you met Jasper I told Shane that if Jasper tried to make you a flavor of the week I was gonna chop off his balls. He’s a great guy, but he has…”

  “I know what happened. He told me,” I said, saving her the trouble of trying to explain Alesha to me without breaking his confidence.

  “He told you?” Lily asked, surprised.

  “He did. Before anything happened between us. He wanted me to understand why he’d pulled away at first. He also made it very clear in the beginning that he wanted to try but didn’t know if he could make me promises. Since that first talk, things have changed. Promises have been made, but still no sex.”

  I sounded like I was some horny sex-depraved trollop.

  “It’s not about not having sex,” I explained. “Sometimes I worry that it’s me. I mean, I know about his past, he was very open about that, too,” I grumbled. I hated thinking about all the women he’d been with. “He used to meet a woman at a bar, take her home, have sex.”

  “It is you,” she said, and my heart sank. “You are different than the barflies he used to bring home. You are special to him. I’m proud of him for taking his time with you. Sweetie, you’re not a one-weeker to him, you’re his lifer.”

  “I don’t know about all that. Thank you for telling me that. He keeps saying it, but you know when your feminine insecurities take root it’s hard to shove them aside. I’m really, really happy. I’m falling in love with him.” I admitted. “Actually, I think I’ve already fallen. And that worries me.”

  “It’s not too good to be true, Emily. It’s just damn good. And true. Enjoy it,” Lily said on a smile.

  “Is it crazy, I feel like a silly teenager and want to dance around because I’ve landed the hottest, strongest, smartest guy in the room?” I giggled. Yes, I giggled, like a teeny-bopper.

  “I wouldn’t go that far, sister. I might have to fight you on who got the hottest and strongest.” Lily joined in laughing with me.

  I had missed her so much, missed this.

  “What are you two women laughing about?” Jasper’s smooth sexy voice floated over from the back door.

  “Nothing,” we said in unison and busted out laughing once again.

  Damn, it felt good to laugh.

  “Dude, I think you and Lenox are screwed,” Clark said shouldering his way past Jasper. “I bet they’re comparing notes. You know… size does matter boys.”

  “Yeah, you’d know all about size mattering. I thought I saw some penis enhancement cream in your locker, how’s that working out for you?” Jasper shot back.

  “I don’t know pretty boy, you wanna come find out for yourself?” Clark deadpanned.

  “So help me God, if you two idiots are discussing the size of your cocks in front of my wife, I’m gonna junk punt you both,” Lenox added, joining us outside.

  “Don’t mind me over here,” Lily smiled at Lenox. “I know yours is the biggest, honey.”

  Three sets of jaws hit the ground before they picked them back up and roared with laughter. My shy innocent friend just made a dick joke. She was normally the one telling them to stop the obscenities, and here she was joining in.

  “That was goddamn funny, Lily,” Jasper said.

  “Good woman right there. I love you, Lillian.”

  I loved that Lenox was demonstrative toward his wife. He didn’t care if the guys were around, he touched and kissed her often, and had no issue with the guys hearing him tell her he loved her. Lenox had told me something in the hospital about how he had watched someone hold a gun to Lily’s head. I wondered if that was why he didn’t care that other people saw how much he loved his wife because he’d almost lost her.

  “Who’s ready for some poker?” Clark asked.

  “Are we gonna wait for Levi and Connor to get here?” Jasper asked.

  “Levi can’t make it. Family shit. He had to go home for a few days,” Lenox explained, and I watched as all three men’s mouths flattened in annoyance. “Connor said that he had a date, but would be over for drinks when he was done.”

  “A date?” I asked, I wanted to clap my hands in excitement but stopped before I embarrassed myself.

  “Yeah. With Harris?” Lenox elaborated.

  “Harrison, yes.”

  Harrison had been at Connor’s apartment every day since he was released from the hospital taking care of Connor. I liked Harrison, he was a nice guy. He wanted a commitment, but Connor didn’t and kept him on the back burner. Maybe the gunshot to the gut had woken him up and made him realize that life is short. As if either of us needed the reminder; however, Connor seemed to have forgotten how to be happy. I wanted this for him. I wanted him to find someone to love and have a life with.

  He deserved it, we both did.

  Connor never showed up, he texted and said that he and Harrison were taking a weekend trip and he’d check in later.

  The five of us sat outside, ate good food, drank beer – minus Lily, and played poker. We laughed until we cried. It was a good night. And unlike the first time we all sat around the poker table, when the night was done, Jasper took me and Jason home.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I struggled through the last hour of poker. Not because I wasn’t having a great time with our friends. I was. We were having a blast. However, all I could think about was Emily perched up on the bathroom counter, me between her legs. The moment Jason said he was tired, I announced we were leaving. That brought about a round of ball busting and name calling.

  I didn’t give two shits if the guys knew I wanted to get my woman home and all to myself. I also didn’t care when Clark said it was nice to finally see me pussy whipped. He could call it whatever he wanted. I was calling it heaven.

  When we pulled up to the house, Jason was already asleep in the backseat.

  He barely woke up when I carried him in the house and into his room. I set him in bed getting ready to leave so Emily could change him into pajamas when he woke up.

  “Jasper?” he asked, his voice full of sleep.

  “Right here, bud.”

  “Do we get to live here forever?” he asked.

  I struggled to find an answer that Emily would approve of. I didn’t think she’d appreciate the “Fuck yes” that I wanted to say.

  So instead I settled on, “That’s up to you and your mom.”

  “Okay.” He rolled back to his side.

  I gave Emily a kiss on the forehead and left her to do her thing with Jason. I had grown to love that kid. Not because he was Emily’s son. But because he was smart and wicked funny. He helped me fix things in the garage and asked a thousand questions about how things worked. He was my buddy, and I loved having him around. I hoped Emily had made up her mind about staying. She still hadn’t given me an answer. I was trying to be patient. However, I totally sucked at it.

  I moved to the bedroom, closing the door behind me. I pulled my tee, jeans, and boxers off, tossing them in the direction of the hamper. I thought better of the mess I was leaving on the floor and took two steps to pick up the clothes, knowing that Emily would do it if I didn’t. She didn’t need to be picking up after me. When I opened the lid to the hamper, I saw a pair of red panties on the top of the pile of dirty clothes. I groaned remembering what those looked like against her pale
skin. The lace sheer enough to see the hair at the top her pussy poke through. When I pulled them down her legs, I remembered catching a glimpse of how wet she had been, and I hadn’t even touched her yet. Just the promise of my fingers excited her.

  I took my hard dick in my hand and gave it a firm tug. I needed to get a shower and take care of this before Emily and I got into bed. I was too worked up and needed some relief so I could take my time with her.

  The door opened and Emily walked in. She stood frozen as she closed the door behind her. I felt her gaze on me, warming my skin everywhere she looked. It looked like her hunger matched mine. I was more than ready to take her. It was more than need, it was a compulsion I never knew existed. For once, it wasn’t about the sexual release, it was the bond, the connection I desperately wanted. She and I connected in the most intimate way two people can be, not mindless sex, but mindful sex. My emotions were fully engaged.

  “Starting without me,” she purred.

  “Thinking about it,” I told her.

  “Can I help?” She reached behind her and popped the lock on the door.

  She sashayed her fine ass over to where I was standing and slid the straps of her dress over her shoulders and let it pool at her feet. The strapless bra that could barely keep her tits contained came off. Next, she let it dangle in her hand for a second before she dropped it. My own sexy striptease. She hooked her fingers on either side of her panties at her hips and pushed them past her thighs until gravity took over and they too were on the floor.

  She licked her lips drawing my attention from her chest up to her mouth.

  “You are so pretty, Em. You take my breath away.”

  I sounded like a pansy ass, but I didn’t care. She had to know how stunning she was.

  “Thank you.” She stepped closer and put her hand on my chest. When I reached for her, she stopped me. “It’s my turn. For right now, I want to touch you. When your hands are on me, I can’t concentrate. And I want this to be good for you.”

  Was she crazy? It was always good for me.

  “I’m all yours.” I dropped my hands to my sides and braced for her sensual assault.

  Emily didn’t waste any time. Scoring her nails down my chest followed by her soft tongue circling one nipple then the other, her hands moved over the ridges of my stomach, my muscles tightening under her expert touch. She licked down the center of my chest down to my belly button, continuing south she kissed her way down my happy trail. She steadied herself with her hands on my thighs and lowered herself to her knees.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off her as she licked just shy of where I wanted her mouth, down farther completely missing my balls. She moved to the other side and started her slow torturous ascent still not licking where I wanted.

  She was killing me. My dick was straining toward her face, yet she ignored it. Instead, she teased me with soft kisses and periodically bit the sensitive skin gently. By the time her hand wrapped around my dick, I was panting. The first swipe of her tongue had me seeing stars, and by the time she had licked her way around the head to the underside I thought I was going to come out of my skin. Was it possible to come from head licking?

  She must’ve lost patience, because with one long wet swipe of her tongue from base to tip, she was done with her tease and took the head of my dick in her mouth sucking with perfect force.

  “Holy fuck.”

  My outburst seemed to fuel her onward; she took more of me into her mouth and cupped my balls, gently massaging them as she continued to flatten her tongue, bathing my dick on her down stroke and sucking on the way up.

  Over and over. Up and down she went. She wasn’t sucking my dick, she was worshiping it. Never had a blowjob felt so fucking good. Her other hand came up and gripped the base, every time she went up her hand followed. Her tongue continued to swirl on the way down, her hand adding more pressure on what couldn’t fit in her mouth.

  My hands itched to touch her. I fought back the urge to fist her hair and feel the soft strands pull through my fingers as her head bobbed. Finally, I couldn’t hold out any longer. I clenched my ass trying to stop the rush of pleasure.

  “I’m gonna come, baby. You need to pull off if you don’t want me to come in your mouth,” I warned. She doubled her efforts and rolled my balls in her hand. “Oh fuck, Emily. Now.”

  In a rush of red-hot pleasure, I shot off in an explosion that had my muscles tightening painfully. I was simultaneously desperate for it to end and also continue forever.

  She pulled her mouth off of my dick with a pop and sat her ass back on her heels, endless pools of blue desire stared back at me, a wide, satisfied smile pulled at the corner of her sinful mouth. She knew she had rocked my world, and if I was a betting man, I’d bet she was damn proud of herself that I couldn’t hold out. Firm tits sat on full display and my mouth watered to taste them. I reached my hand to her to help her up, not allowing her to settle on her feet before I hoisted her up forcing her to wrap her legs around my hips.

  “That was fantastic.” I leaned in to kiss her, and she pulled her head back.

  “You just, you know. You sure you wanna kiss me?”

  The thought hadn’t crossed my mind. I’d never kissed a woman after she had given me head, but the thought of kissing her after didn’t faze me.

  “I just what, Em? Came in your mouth? Yeah, I remember it was fucking otherworldly. I couldn’t give two shits if I taste myself on your tongue.”

  She leaned in, and much like she did with my dick, she did the most amazing things with her tongue in my mouth.

  I walked us to the bed and let her top half fall to the mattress, keeping her legs wrapped around me. My eyes traveled her body, and my dick jerked coming back to life. In a rare moment of self-doubt, I lowered myself to hover over her.

  “Are you sure you want to do this? We can wait.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  What did he just say? Was I sure? Was he out of his ever-loving mind? He was seriously asking me to form a coherent thought when he was naked looming over me with all of his muscles on display. I didn’t want to talk. The time for talking was over.

  I took advantage of him leaning over me and closed the distance, kissing him again. I loved kissing Jasper. It had become my favorite thing to do – any excuse to feel his lips on mine. The lazy kisses he gave me before he left for work. The aggressive, demanding kisses when he was working us up. The ones that were full of need and lust when he was bringing us down from orgasms. They were all spectacular.

  His dick jerked between us, I pulled back from the kiss in surprise. “Already?” I whispered against his lips.

  “I told you, you inspire me. Did you not believe me?” he said.

  If he was ready, and I was more than ready, what were we waiting for?

  “I want you inside me.” I licked the seam of his lips, then his neck. He tasted a little salty and a whole lot fucking sexy. I needed him to hurry.

  “Not so fast.”

  His mouth went to my neck, and he sucked and licked his way down to my chest. His hand went between us, his thumb found my wetness and smeared it up to my clit, rubbing hard slow circles that he knew would drive me wild. My hips bucked as he sucked a nipple into his mouth. Sweet Jesus his mouth was wicked.

  “Please,” I begged. My hands fisted the comforter harder, and I lifted my hips to reiterate I was ready.

  He reached over to the bedside table and opened the drawer pulling out an unopened box of condoms. I don’t know why that made me feel better that the box was brand new and he’d never used any from the package, but the petty, jealous girl in me did.

  He pulled one out and tossed the box on the table. With the corner of the wrapper in his mouth, he opened the foil and spit the piece in his mouth off to the side. He reached down and grabbed his dick in one hand and rolled the condom down his long shaft.

  “Scoot back, all the way on the bed,” he instructed.

  I quickly did as he asked. He plant
ed his knee on the bed and crawled over me, leaving me mesmerized by the way his muscles flexed and moved. When he settled between my spread legs, he came down on one elbow as he brushed my hair off my shoulder and placed a soft peck there before moving to my neck.

  He pushed his hips forward, his dick rubbing between my legs, the head bumping my clit. The friction of his movement was driving me mad. I wiggled my hips trying to get him where I really wanted him. Finally, he reached between us and in one long slow glide he pushed inside of me.

  My backed arched and I threw my head back. “Oh God.” My skin felt like it was on fire, every part of me heating up. He pulled back just as slowly as he’d pushed in, leaving just the tip in before he thrust forward giving me his full length. With two strokes, he had pushed me past all rational thought, and hormones took over.

  “Baby, please move,” I pleaded.

  “Not yet. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Now, Jasper. I need you to fuck me now.”

  That did it. With both elbows planted on either side of my head, he fisted my hair. He pulled back and drove forward with such force he moved us farther up the bed. I hooked my ankles and squeezed my thighs together and matched him thrust for thrust. I threaded my fingers with his on top of my head, just wanting to hold his hand as he picked up his pace.

  His face came up from my neck and found my lips. His kiss was in complete contradiction to the way he pounded into me – it was soft and sensual. A lover’s kiss. The juxtaposition of sensations was spurring me closer to climax. He had said he was gonna fuck me senseless, and he was right. I couldn’t think, I could barely breathe. He slowed his pace, changing the rhythm hitting the spot deep inside of me, a spot I didn’t even knew existed.

  “Slow it down, Em,” he said.

  “I can’t,” I panted.

  “You can, baby. I wanna go with you.” He rocked harder, not helping his cause.

  I couldn’t stop the wave that was building even if I had tried. He was rubbing some special magic button inside of me, and his pubic bone was scraping against my clit on every down stroke. Everything was escalating so fast, and just when I thought the dam was going to break and I was going to fall over the edge, nothing happened. The feeling kept building.


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