The Camper: First Contact and the Planet Tamer (The Stellar Universe Book 0)

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The Camper: First Contact and the Planet Tamer (The Stellar Universe Book 0) Page 20

by Richard C Holmes

  Then, there was the rumor of a visit by a Special Envoy and the leaders had smirked. No matter what was said or done, there was no way any envoy was going to make a difference, special or not.

  The aircraft carrier and its helicopters and jets and marines were completely unable to take any action against them, the raiding teams were too small, too quick to camouflage themselves and too clever to initiate any hostile action against the helicopters or aid workers. That would have provided an excuse to return fire with undoubtedly overwhelming force. Instead, harassment, sabotage, softening up of the target country would continue till the time was right.

  It was a thoroughly happy situation they had created with their unrelenting raiding teams. All it cost was a few trucks to carry the teams to the borders, then wait for their return, and a barracks to house them and some food. After a year of such action the teams were hardened to their task and a raid, a punishment beating or the destruction of a village and its inhabitants was all in a nights work.


  This night three of the ten man teams were sent out. Their goal was to accelerate the destabilization, push the populace to the camps, create more fear and confusion.

  The tasks for the night were to completely obliterate one village, destroy a small power station and finally to steal as much food as they could.

  The raiding teams were carried to the border by trucks running without lights which was normal as they’d been done it so many times lights were not necessary. The trucks stopped then the soldiers got down, checked their weapons and night vision goggles. All was in order so they split into teams and set off on the well known tracks. The whole border of a few hundred miles had hundreds if not thousands of tracks that led inward and the three teams chose three separate tracks a mile apart from each other and completely at random.

  When they crossed the border they moved quickly, scanning ahead looking for any sign of ambush, of which to date none had been successful. Everyone knew where the teams were coming from but no hard evidence had been found, no teams captured and indeed seldom were the teams engaged in a fire fight. They evaded and struck elsewhere.

  A mile into the border the first team saw in the distance something unusual. It looked to be a small woman dressed all in white waiting for them. Since it was night they were surprised that she’d be out alone and also that she would be lit up as she was, however this did not pose a problem. They would kill her, take her clothes and anything she carried.

  Warily they circled but she was oblivious to their presence. She was sitting in a pool of light, sitting motionless even when they rushed forward.

  The last thing they saw as they rushed out at her, reaching out to grip her arms, was her flicker with speed as she moved quickly. With an arm movement and a glint in the moon light, a head was removed in passing. Flickering with speed, she was beside, or behind or in front of a raider and with each movement or her arm something glinted as it flew through the air and a neck. In just a few seconds it was all over for the team.

  The second and third teams experienced exactly the same thing and each was wiped out in exactly the same way. In only a minute or two all the raiders were left laying on the ground, waiting for discovery the next morning then the shocked reports that crossed the area.

  The night was far from over. The truck drivers were next. Two were standing beside their trucks smoking and each found a small young woman in front of them. She looked into their eyes then they felt a band of fire round their neck as their head was removed. The third driver was asleep in his seat. He woke when he heard something and it was to see a hand reach in and the short flickering sword take out his throat and neck in one swipe.

  The next thing that happened was that the barracks were targeted. Being in a sovereign country it was considered a grave mistake for an attacker to cross a border, it would be an incursion and cause for reprisals at the very least. The fact that the barracks supported just such activity did not mean anything. They would defend themselves to the limit with machine guns, rocket propelled grenades, helicopters and even a few tanks. If they were attacked in force, they were able to summon help from nearby army bases..

  Since the night was yet young there was a plenty of activity at the raiders base. The men not conducting a raid were drinking, playing cards, smoking and in a few isolated cases, actually sleeping.

  As the festivities were proceeding, the lights went out and then a wave of sighs, thumps and some quite loud crashes were all that signified what happened. An ‘angry genie’ flickered through the area, an arm surging, a wrist flicking, a glint of steel catching the meager star light then ending a life.

  There were almost no survivors. The small fast presence flickered through the buildings and with a flick of the wrist, a push of the arm a soldier was dispatched.

  The senior officer in charge of the teams was 'entertaining' that night, in the middle of the 'entertainment' with his young lady guest. The lights were out, some gentle music was playing and he was endeavoring to make music of his own when he felt a band of fire round his neck, his vision jumped as his head rolled forward then everything faded to red then black.

  His companion however took a few seconds to realize what had happened. She was covered in blood, she rolled the headless body off herself then she screamed long and loud into the night.

  The night was far from finished with its surprises.

  The ammunition dump, the armory, the petrol oil and lubricants store each exploded without warning and only moments apart. Each totally obliterated, then it got worse.

  This was a small base, close to the border. It took only seconds for the destruction. Other bases were much larger with more equipment and material were targeted. Within seconds each lost its armory, ammunition and fuel dumps and each shattered by the experience.

  The largest base even had a few old Soviet era T72 tanks. The ammunition in them exploded sending turrets high into the sky on a fountain of fire only to come crashing down indiscriminately and dangerously. Armored personnel carriers, jeeps with pedestal mounted heavy machine guns, multi barreled anti aircraft guns, self propelled artillery and even their most prized attack helicopters were destroyed. It was not that there were a lot of these comparatively high-tech pieces of equipment. It was just that every single one was destroyed utterly.

  Within a few minutes much of their military infrastructure was destroyed leaving them only the weapons carried by sentries and some isolated stores. The smaller bases were left untouched but could contribute little.

  To cap off the night perfectly the generators powering the city exploded, some kind of short circuit blew the magnetizing coils which melted. The fuel tanks were not touched, just the generators wrecked in total. The city was plunged instantly into a darkness that would take a month to lift. At least the fuel was available for smaller generators to be setup for the essential services but few thought they were lucky.

  The instant effect on the government and the military was a massive surge in communications. Frantic calls. Calls detailing the destruction and in the case of the raider base, the calls gave the shocking picture of the death and destruction.

  "All dead, all dead, all dead," was repeated over and over by a junior staffer lucky enough to have been out of the camp at the time of its termination. He’d driven into the city to find and return with more alcohol and his return had shaken him to the core finding every person dead, beheaded or stabbed. Even his commanding officer was dead, his head sliced off whilst he was 'busy' with the prostitute. He’d rushed from the guard post (all dead) to the barracks (all very dead) to the command bunker (completely dead) then to the officers quarters where every person was dead. The only survivor was the prostitute the captain had been with and she was cowering in his room covered in blood and screaming. That was when he got on the telephone.


  Collecting Nations

  On the bridge of the USS Bataan, Captain Collins was keeping a close eye on flight and aid operations
. With helicopters coming and going constantly it was easy to lose control of the situation.

  She was watching the flight deck when, "Ma'am," said the master chief.

  She turned and saw his slight smile, the smile that spoke volumes. He had a choice nugget of information, she could just smell from the look on his face, with twenty twenty clarity.

  She nodded, "Ma'am," he said quietly so just the two of them could hear, "you are never going to believe who the special envoy is, then you're gonna kick yourself real hard as it's obvious."

  She was feeling irritated, she was busy, "Go on!"

  The Master Chief looked right in her eyes, "Kate Smith."

  She blinked, twice.

  Then it all fell into place. Who did she know who was the most difficult, manipulative, cunning operator surely on the whole damn planet? Only one person she could think of. She was shaking her head completely without realizing it muttering, 'damn, damn, damn, how in all the hell’s did I not think of her.'

  Then, "You’ve done good, keep digging. What's her history? Is this the first, somehow I don't think so."


  Later, on the Bataan the news of the destruction of a sizable piece of one nations heavy weaponry as well as the total destruction of one base, supposedly the main raiding base made captain Collins stiffen for a moment, stiffen in almost fright as she realized instantly what had happened. She knew, just knew with great certainty, who had done it.

  She vividly remembered the events of a few years past, the seemingly trivial task of investigating a simple house belonging to a young woman. Unarmed. No defenses whatsoever they could see. Completely open and available.

  The mission failed spectacularly. A full marine platoon failed to even find the house then the LCAC, a Pave Low and even a Combat Talon had all been disabled in the attempt.

  Then she’d met the teenager herself who’d claimed the strange goings on were for practice and now it looked likely.

  With the news of what happened, with the destruction of a sizable piece of military hardware and personnel, she saw this was the real deal, the time for practice over.


  Cross decking from ‘Bataan to the carrier Obama for the evening meal, she looked with envy. Bataan was dwarfed by the carrier and in her eyes, it was a thing of beauty. She wondered how she could manage to grab command and for how long.

  She’d been given a very brief summary of her expected career and it included promotion. She wondered if command of a carrier battle group was possible.


  Yasmin would never have believed the last three days could happen to her. In just three days she’d gone from senior high school, preparing for her exams, to working in aid camps in some of the most impoverished areas on the planet. She’d and Kate had arrived after getting leave from school to work with the marines giving aid in the camps. She had gone to the camps. Kate had gone elsewhere.

  From arrival at the carrier, then on the next day becoming an assistant to the doctor at the refugee camp had been roller coaster days. She’d gone from shock at what was happening around her, then to fear-grief at the plight of people in the camps.

  Only a few short years ago she and her parents had escaped the camps and made a new life in America. Returning to them, the crashing impact of the sights, the smells, the fear and terrors returned to her. But all that was swept aside in the feeling of actually providing aid, of helping when she’d been asked to assist the doctor because of her language skills.

  After that, her time with Medicines Sans Frontiers in providing aid and care to the nearby communities, she’d felt the inner drive, her inner conviction become ‘I can do this’ as her life goal.

  Her three days of giving aid finished as she knew they must and her return home the next day filled her with guilt. She’d only had to endure the conditions for three days, for the people in the camp it might have been years, and for years to come.

  However she had no choice in the matter, her time was over. She and Kate must return to school the following day.

  Returning to the carrier she felt like she was returning home even though she’d only spent one night here.

  In the officers mess Yasmin felt deeply guilty being dressed up in her best dress, a long white dress with sequins, medium-low at the front with her best sandals and hair up, a little makeup and scent but she did feel good after the hot shower. That had felt amazing after going without.

  When she’d entered every head turned, every man stood and she felt strangely embarrassed to be made a fuss of but it was a good feeling. A very good feeling.

  Seconds later she felt an arm around her waist and there was Kate with a beaming sunny happy face and the hug she got was spectacular. Kate was so little, she was almost a head shorter but Yasmin could feel just how strong she was.

  The whole room started to clap gently, she and Kate shared a look then bowed together. It was one of those happy moments. Quickly they were surrounded by officers, chatting, laughing, enjoying themselves. Yasmin felt so happy and proud and not just for herself but to be with Kate.


  She remembered only a few short days ago the abject misery of the camp she’d been in. She put her head down in emotion as she remembered the moment the tremor of expectation shot round the camp, 'she has done it' was all she heard. She’d wondered at the time who 'she' was and what had been done, but it had become clear quickly.

  Most of all she remembered the hope. The solid heart felt hope that surged up like a groundswell.

  The camps had been waiting for the legend to provide a miracle and it had happened. The sighting of the special helicopter had been reported then news of it had flown between the people like a shock wave. It took only one person to say 'the Chosen One is here' and that too flowed outward as an unstoppable wave.


  As they were standing, chatting, then Admiral Smeaton introduced another woman in uniform who’d just arrived. "Kate, Yasmin, I would like to introduce Captain Collins, commanding officer of USS Bataan, an amphibious assault ship also here providing aid. Captain Collins, Special Envoy Kate Smith and Ms Yasmin Fahrouk."

  Yasmin put her hand out then shook the Captains hand then watched as Kate did the same. Like most people in the mess she was intrigued by Kate so she watched closely as Kate smiled as she shook the Captains hand.

  "Captain Collins, it is good to see you again," she hesitated as she smiled, "and you've kept Bataan for quite a while now. No small task."

  She saw the captain was almost mesmerized by Kate, her eyes boring in seeming to study Kate. "Kate, Special Envoy Smith, it is a surprise to find you here. I'm thinking you've been busy." The captain looked to her like she was trying very hard to work out what Kate had done.

  Kate was just smiling in happiness.

  "Captain Collins, I've had a lovely time. The Admiral has made us most welcome and Command Master Chief Rizio has been a complete gentleman ferrying me around, meeting people, chatting with them, gaining some agreements. They’ve been more like a pair of fathers than anything else."

  Kate was chuckling as was the Admiral. "But ma'am, on the ground I had a few difficult moments but we worked through them and maybe the future is looking rosy for a change."

  "Rosy indeed Special Envoy," said the captain, "interesting title, it feels vague. Most Special Envoys are to a country or a special interest or process."

  Kate was nodding slightly, agreeing, "Certainly you are correct. The full title is 'Special Envoy To the United States of America.' President Young permits me to use it every now and then when something comes up that needs my skill set."


  Sitting at the Admirals table talk naturally centered on them.

  Kate had instantly deflected on her role, instead pushing Yasmin forward. Yasmin talked about her experience and when she said, "On the first day I dearly wanted to be a Marine like Paula or the doctor," and the CO of the Marines had smiled, "best thing a person can be
ma'am." Everyone had then joined in teasing and even Kate had a chuckle.

  "Not a bad career Yasmin, not a bad career at all," but Yasmin had continued.

  "Then I wanted to be with the MSF. Their work is so rewarding and my heart went out," and they all nodded. "When I got back to Paula I saw the difference. The huge difference. The border had been opened and everyone was talking about the merge. It was an amazing transformation and then I wondered just what I could do to make it all better."

  The table was silent for a while. One officer asked Kate, "Ma'am, what about you? You've been quiet?"

  The brought a smile to Kate. "Sir, six months ago this could not have happened. A lot of people had to die and a lot of heartache had to happen before this could work. It is not a very good feeling that, not a good feeling at all. To you perhaps the last three days may look easy or quick but I promise you they come at a huge personal cost and a huge cost to others who helped determine the best possible time when this resolution would work. Don't just look at the three days and assume it was simple or easy. That’s just like saying Major Hardy doesn't require a ground crew to service and maintain his plane. It’s no different. I have a team behind me."

  The officer had seemed to accept that but, "Ma'am, it is just too quick to believe. We see nothing happening then in just a short time it’s resolved, the borders open, the countries merging into African Unity."

  She gave him a lopsided grin. "I of course have no experience in this but I assume that in a battle, timing is everything? Surprise? Then strength of arms? That is exactly what was brought to bear in this case."

  The table went quiet. The term 'strength of arms' was wondered at. Kate was the smallest person in the room and not a man among them had any doubt she had pulled off the impossible again. Talk of her joining the Marines for morning exercises was common; she was as fit as a SEAL and twice as quick.



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