Unbind My Heart (Club Decadence)

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Unbind My Heart (Club Decadence) Page 17

by Maddie Taylor

  “Jonas!” the DM greeted warmly. “Good to see you back. Need number nine? It’s free.”

  “Please,” Jonas said as he accepted the key. “Lexie, you know Kyle. Since I’m with you, he gets a night off.”

  “Of course, until you got shot he was like my shadow.” The DM was also a Rossi man who had been her bodyguard for the past few weeks. Whenever she wasn’t with Jonas, he was on her like glue. “Hello, Master Kyle.”

  “It’s Sir, Lexie, I haven’t earned Master status just yet.” He smiled warmly, his eyes scanning her body curiously. “Your rope dress is stunning. Turn for me so I can see the back, please.”

  She did as he asked, although her frown showed how awkward she felt. Kyle’s request was innocent and he’d added a courtesy, but it was obviously a dominant’s command. Her eyes flashed to Jonas in question. He nodded his approval; taking orders from another Dom—within limits—was a show of respect. That’s how things worked at The Club. It wasn’t like he’d asked her to strip and prostrate herself before him.

  Obediently, she stood silently as Jonas and Kyle discussed the rope work and the knots. This would certainly take getting used to. Everything here seemed amplified, common interactions taking on new meanings. She knew it was because there was a hierarchy that placed submissives a rung below the dominants. Entering this world willingly meant that that hierarchy was acceptable to her. As such, it was her duty to comply. Was it that much of a stretch from the hospital world she worked in? Where doctors and administrators held and wielded all the power? At Decadence at least, she had a guaranteed out if she chose to say no to something, and it wouldn’t result in financial or career suicide. Here, “no” came in the form of a safeword, honored immediately and without question. She had to remember it was all about consensual play, role-play specifically, no matter how real it all seemed. She had entered a fantastical new world, exhilarating, but bizarre all the same.

  She jumped, turning her head in alarm, when she felt her skirt being lifted in the back.

  Jonas placed a hand at her waist to reassure her. “Be still. Kyle is simply admiring your bindings.”

  He resumed his discussion with Kyle as they examined her crotch rope, a matanawa, as he called it.

  “As an Army man, you’ll appreciate the braiding of this tie, Kyle.”

  “A bugle cord,” Kyle exclaimed with a laugh. “I’ll be ahead of the curve since we learned that knot in basic training.”

  Lexie, who didn’t know one knot from the other, only half listened. Knowing that someone she had seen and interacted with during innocuous daily activities like shopping and getting gas was now staring at her bare ass cheeks was unreal. As such, she didn’t really care which tie was used or where.

  Her skirt fell and Jonas turned her around gently, kissing her cheek. “That’s my good girl. Kyle appreciated seeing your bindings up close. He’s a beginner and will be taking the open slot in our class next weekend. He’s seen my work before, though never this up close and personal.”

  Kyle bowed slightly, giving her a kind smile. “Thank you, Lexie. I look forward to learning more from you and our Sensei. My wife, Sandra, will be joining me. I think you two will get along quite nicely. She’s also a nurse.”

  “I’ll look forward to it, Sir.” Amazingly, Kyle acted as though seeing her nudity was commonplace, which she supposed at The Club it was. Would she ever be so nonchalant? Highly unlikely.


  Bidding his friend goodbye, Jonas escorted Lexie upstairs. The second floor was actually more of a loft with a large open area in the middle overlooking the main playroom below. Members lined the railing to observe the activities from a bird’s eye perspective. Along the perimeter were the private theme rooms—twelve in all.

  At the far corner of the room was another set of steps leading up to a third floor. Access to this ultra-exclusive section of the club was secured behind a locked door marked private and required a keycard and passcode to enter. Jonas explained it was the owners’ private area and was comprised of another small, fully equipped dungeon, space for private parties or intimate gatherings, as well as newly constructed private apartments for each owner. The size and scope of The Club were impressive. From outside, the building didn’t look like it could house an operation half this size.

  They continued the tour, stopping by each of the theme rooms. Each had a large observation window with sliding glass. He pointed out the light system overhead. Green indicated the room was in use and that the occupants were open and welcomed observers. A red light meant the room was private, the tightly closed blinds ensuring the occupants’ privacy. For safety reasons, each door had a window for use by the DMs only. Jonas told her they had the authority to stop any scene if there were any doubts that play was SSC—safe, sane and consensual.

  He stopped in front of a large room with a huge window, at least 30-feet-wide. A crowd had gathered, and members were jockeying for position to get a premium viewing spot. A quick look at the play told Jonas that this was rather advanced for a first-timer.

  “This is always a popular room with group players, and from the looks of it, they are a really creative lot. Let’s move on.”

  “Jonas,” she protested, “don’t tease me like that. Now I’ve gotta take a look.”

  Looking on with amusement, he watched as she stood on tiptoe, trying to get a peek. As tall as many of the men in the crowd, with the disadvantage of bare feet, Lexie still couldn’t see a thing.

  “Hey T, give my new sub a look-see, will ya?”

  Turning, Lil T practically leered down at Lexie. “Sure thing, I like newbies, especially when they’re tied up in such pretty packages.” Without looking away, he addressed Jonas. “You want me to lift her on my shoulders? I wouldn’t mind having those long sexy legs wrapped around my neck.”

  Lexie stepped back, bumping into Jonas’ chest. He instantly steadied her with his strong hands at her waist. She shook her head furiously. Whirling in alarm, as she pressed up against him, she said in a panic, “Please, Sir, his shoulders are bare and if you’ll recall, so am I.”

  In her short skirt, her bare ass and decidedly more would be in direct contact with T’s equally bare upper body since he wore nothing except black leather pants and boots.

  “He’s teasing, Lexie.” He pulled her tighter against his chest while glaring at his hulking friend. “Knock it off, T. It’s her first time in the members’ areas and she’s freaked out enough as it is.”

  T chuckled and backed off, taking the intensity down a notch. “Sorry, Tech, I do like to tease the newbs. She’s in for an eye-opener. One of the Dommes is using a Serpent’s Tongue and another a signal whip, quite skillfully too, I might add.” He winked at Lexie as if she should know what those things were. Then he moved aside.

  Lexie now had an unobstructed view of the kink fest going on just a few feet away. There were six men and women in a circle on the floor in a BDSM style daisy chain. All were engaged in pleasuring the person in front of them, at the same time receiving pleasure from the person behind them. Mouths connected to pussies and cocks, cocks connected to asses and pussies, the latter including both male and female orifices. Most of the penetration was from real cocks, but at least one was rubber and worn by a sub who had a huge dildo strapped to her face.

  Her jaw hit the floor as she stepped back into Jonas’ chest. His hands instantly curved around her shoulders and squeezed.

  T, unhelpful as ever, chuckled with mirth. “She looks like a witness to a train wreck, Jonas. Shocked, but she can’t look away.”

  She added to his amusement when she murmured, “Sweet holy crap!”

  T’s chuckle turned to a full-throated laugh. “Nothing more entertaining than a newbie, lucky bastard.”

  Jonas was surprised she didn’t turn and run because T had been right. What Lexie was witnessing was creative and pure hedonism at its kinkiest. Surrounding the circle of sex was a group of Doms and two Dommes, and each had a punishment implement in their hands
that was liberally applied to the busy circle of subs. They were enjoying striking the asses, backs, thighs, breasts and chests of any sub who gave the impression of less-than-enthusiastic participation.

  Jonas was enjoying Lexie’s undisguised reactions more than the scene and knew when her eyes zoned in on the two dominant women. He figured the impact devices would get her attention. One of the Dommes was using a single tail whip, which, when thrown with her practiced arm, sailed through the air, the momentum making it land sharply upon the full width of the poor bare-assed slacker. The crack echoed loudly through the room and into the corridor beyond. Lexie flinched beneath his hands, her eyes widening as she looked around her, searching for the source of the reverberating sound. A loud slap sounded right after, and she jumped again, turning back to the glass. The other Domme was using a slapper on the far side of the circle.

  Jonas’ warm hands steadied her as he his lips brushed her ear. “Easy, Lexie.”

  “It’s so loud, we can hear through the glass. How can they stand it?”

  “The speakers are on. When the room is green, the observers get to hear as well as see all the activities inside.”

  “That leather strap looks wicked… and very painful.”

  “It can be, if the Domme so chooses. It’s called a slapper. The two leather straps snap together, creating the added sound effect. It can impart a wicked bark as well as a bite, or less with a softer hand. Look closely and you’ll see the deep V cut into the end. It looks like a serpent’s tongue, thus the name.”

  “So it’s made to be that loud intentionally?”

  “Yes, because sound adds a psychological impact to the play. The mind is one of the most powerful tools we use in BDSM. Don’t misunderstand me, the implements they’re using can hurt like the dickens, but look at the submissives’ skin. I see some redness, a few stripes, but no blood or broken skin. These are experienced dominants who know how to use their tools.”

  T was listening and watching her closely. “Don’t worry, little Lexie. You are a lucky subbie to have paired up with the rope Master. A few swats or a flogging is about all you have to worry about with your Dom, unless you consider being tied, hung upside down and forced to orgasm over and over again—or not being allowed to come at all—a punishment.”

  She swallowed audibly at his words and Jonas enjoyed the blush that flooded her cheeks with color and extended to the roots of her beautiful hair.

  T laughed uproariously and slapped Jonas on the shoulder.

  “I see you’ve demonstrated that already. Good man! No sense wasting any time when you can jump into the training with both feet.” Grinning, T turned away. “Even though I’d love to stay and be entertained by your new sub, I’ve got rounds to make. These kinky Doms and subs aren’t going to monitor themselves.”

  Another crack reverberated from the speakers, making Lexie jump yet again.

  Jonas shook his head. “Don’t take up poker, Sunshine, that expressive face and your body language tells it all.” Seeing her uneasy expression, he tried to reassure her. “Remember, it’s all consensual. You don’t hear anyone calling a safeword, do you? That’s Mistress Diane, she’s exceptional with that whip and can practically make it sing. Dex trained her himself and says she was his best student.” With an arm around her waist, he moved her along. “Don’t worry, although he might act like an ass sometimes, T’s on DM duty up here tonight. He’s one of the best monitors we have. He’ll make sure the group doesn’t get out of hand. Let’s see what else is going on.”

  Jonas led his dazed newbie from room to room. They saw a modern day office, a Victorian study, and a classroom where a naughty schoolgirl in a plaid uniform, with knickers lowered to mid-thigh, was getting a paddling over the headmaster’s desk.

  When she shuddered at the paddling, Jonas asked curiously, “What bothers you about this, the age play element?”

  “The uniform reminds me too much of boarding school—bad memories.”

  Jonas nodded as they moved on. He mentally catalogued her reactions as they progressed. Pausing briefly in front of room eight, the medical playroom, he watched her sidelong as she took in the scene for a while. This room had also drawn a crowd. A sub had been stripped and bound to the table, her legs up in stirrups as a man dressed like a doctor sat on a stool between her widespread thighs.

  “You seem interested subbie. Could it be you have a medical kink?”

  “Hardly, it’s too much like my day job, Sir. I assure you it’s purely professional interest in the doctor’s technique.” She added a nervous giggle at the end. It choked off abruptly as the man turned and picked up a speculum from the table. It was Sean.

  “He sure does get around,” she said much too loudly and before thinking. Jonas stiffened at her side as several of the other Doms who’d heard her ill-advised comment turned their disapproving gazes on her. After a brief glare at the rude sub, their eyes lifted to her Dom. Lexie had forgotten one of The Club’s cardinal rules—no judgments or criticisms.

  “I’m sorry. I—”

  Lexie’s words halted abruptly as a hand wrapped firmly around her bound hair. Moving to silence her before she made matters worse, he pulled her head backward until she was looking directly up at him. Giving her his most austere glare, he addressed her with a firm censorious tone. “Quiet, sub, I’ll deal with you in a moment.”

  Looking at the two affronted men, Jonas recognized them as long-term members, both seasoned Doms. Jonas made his apologies. “My sub is new, gentlemen, but she knows better. I will address her bad behavior momentarily.”

  Both men nodded, one adding, “She is lovely Jonas, nevertheless, you may want to consider adding a gag to her bindings.”

  Lexie stiffened at the mention of a gag.

  Punishment was left up to the submissive’s Dom, always. If the Dom chose to, he could take recommendations from the offended party, but it was not required. Although he didn’t remind him of this fact, Jonas’ tone sharpened as he addressed the Dom’s unsolicited advice. “Have no doubt that I’ll see to my sub, Sam, as I see fit. If you’ll excuse us?”

  Jonas guided her forward, his hand clamped firmly at the nape of her neck. He easily took charge of her, getting to their room in no time. When they were inside room nine with the door closed behind them, Jonas directed her to the center of the practically empty room.



  The one word command and the chill in his tone had her responding without question and her knees connected with the cold uncarpeted floor immediately. As she knelt uncomfortably on the hard tile floor, Lexie looked nervously about the room. It was stark and cold. The only piece of furniture was a wooden ladder attached to a wall. It was obviously used like a St. Andrew’s cross because there were eyebolts with restraints hanging from it at the top and bottom. Next to the ladder was a rack loaded with whips, floggers and crops. The only other item in the room was a large chest that sat in a corner, out of the way.

  Her eyes followed Jonas as he went to the window and flipped a switch. A red light illuminated outside, casting a sinister red glow over the stark room. He then closed the blinds. Turning, he folded his arms over his chest, legs spread wide in an intimidatingly dominant stance. His voice was stern when he addressed her wrongdoing.

  “What was your offense, sub?”

  “I spoke out of turn and was judgmental about Master Sean’s activities. As soon as it came out of my mouth, I knew it was rash and disrespectful, and I wanted to take it back. I’m very sorry, Sir.”

  “Behavior like that is what gets memberships cancelled, Lexie. You were cut some slack because you are new. It also helps when your Dom is an owner. If this happens again, I would expect one of those Doms to demand a public chastisement. I promise, if that happens, you won’t like it.”

  “It won’t happen again, Sir. I am truly sorry.”

  “I see that you are remorseful, Lexie. No matter the end, I’m concerned about your unguarded tongue and want to ensure this
doesn’t happen again. I’ll give you a little reminder in a moment.”

  Lexie’s eyes flew to the implement rack, taking in the wide variety of whips. Would he really use something like that on her? The space would certainly allow for the throwing of one of those awful whips.

  Following her gaze, Jonas could see she was troubled by the impact items on the shelves. “No, Lexie. T was right when he said a hand spanking or flogging are all you’ll get from me. I’d add paddling to that short list—you already know that. I’m not into extreme impact play, and I know that pain is not your kink, that doesn’t mean I won’t blister your ass raw for bad behavior. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Tears stung her eyes. Jonas had never been this stern with her and she didn’t like it. She wanted her dulcedo back, the sweet, gentle, fun, sexy man who had a wicked sense of humor. “I’m sorry for disappointing you. Please, forgive me. I’ll apologize to Master Sean if it will help.

  “No need for him to find out. I can tell your regret is sincere.” He heaved a long sigh and then appeared to put the topic behind them. “Let me show you why we came up here in the first place.”

  Jonas walked to the chest and pulled out a few coils of rope. As he walked toward her, he directed her attention toward the ceiling with a silent lift of his chin.

  Lexie’s eyes rose and she took in the cables, ropes and pulleys of the rigging built into the ceiling. She sighed with relief. He had brought her here for this, not for a whipping. Ill-advisedly, she giggled.

  “I’m getting the impression that you think you’re getting off lightly.”

  “Oh no, I was just relieved that you aren’t going to use that bullwhip on that rack.”

  “This is the suspension room, dorei, designed to my specifications. You will find yourself here frequently for play and demonstrations. Tonight, unfortunately, we are here for punishment. This is like my dojo so I expect you to act accordingly, showing your Sensei due respect.”


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