Unbind My Heart (Club Decadence)

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Unbind My Heart (Club Decadence) Page 36

by Maddie Taylor

  Jonas was indeed an artist, creating an evocative dissonance of contrasting lines and curves, of free-flowing whimsy and erotic bondage. His imagination and skill instilled a sense of pride in her as well as a humbleness that he would include her in his project. Feeling a sense of completeness, Lexie took a deep breath and relaxed further into her restraints and her pose.

  Nearby, her Master spoke. “What color are you, Lexie?”

  “I am an exquisitely tranquil green.”

  He chuckled, “You are perfect, as well.” His hand stroked over her unbound thigh in a light caress as he stopped her body’s rotation. “Only a few more minutes, my love, then we will dismiss the crowd and the camera so we can get on with the private, more intimate activities we discussed, yeah?”

  “I am very much looking forward to that, Master.”

  Jonas had convinced Lexie to hold this combination photo shoot/demonstration at The Club. Although set up in room nine, he’d set the stages so well that it resembled the sunny warm shores of the Pacific, rather than his club dojo. The scent of the cocoa filled the air from the lotion he’d massaged into her skin beforehand. Although the purpose was to reduce chafing, it added realism to the dream. Combined with the heat from the lights and the breeze from the fan, the scene evoked a seamless sense of sand and surf. If not for the tireless whirr and click of the camera and the hushed whispers of their audience, once Jonas had her soaring, Lexie was hard pressed to believe she was anywhere else

  He’d planned for several objectives to be met tonight. First, Jonas was fulfilling the many requests by the persistent membership, who had been pestering him for a demonstration. Due to the limited space, he had to turn many away. The audience invited included his students, interested Shibari practitioners, potential candidates for training and the other club masters. It was standing-room-only inside the large room as well as by the open windows. Before he’d begun, he’d called for absolute silence and announced that observers who could not adhere to this rule would be immediately ejected, courtesy of Master Dex and Master T. From the occasional whispers and hushed voices she’d heard at the beginning, Lexie knew they had been called upon to remove more than one disrespectful chatterbox.

  The second objective was to move forward with their project. Next on the list, capturing Lexie’s first suspension on film. She’d been nervous leading up to the big night, telling Jonas she was afraid her tension might show on camera and leave her looking stiff or uneasy. He had told her to let him worry about things like that; that setting the stage and getting her in the right frame of mind was his job, in addition to posing and binding her to perfection. Her only responsibility was submission.

  Having worked her way up from floor work to semi-suspensions, tonight’s first full suspension reflected the progress they had made in a short time. Trusting him implicitly, she had given herself into his skilled hands in preparation for tonight. She’d worry about more restrictive and inverted poses some time later, although everything he had done to her so far had been deliciously thrilling and wonderfully satisfying.

  That brought her to the final objective of the evening, which in Lexie’s mind was the primary reason for having a scene at The Club in the first place. Lexie had disclosed to Jonas her recurring fantasy of being taken by him while suspended. Tonight he planned to make it a reality, which were the “private, more intimate activities” he had referred to.

  As she anticipated what would come next, she heard movements around her, muffled voices, whispers and some laughter, but it all seemed to be fading out on the periphery. The lights switching off abruptly, caught her attention. Twisting her neck from side to side, she searched for Jonas. Unable to locate him right away, she became concerned and curled her upper body forward, reaching for the ropes with both hands.

  “Be still, Sunshine, I’m seeing Seth out.” His voice came to her with calm reassurance and helped her locate him in the dim light of the room. He was closing the door behind Seth, who looked like he was done for the night, the black camera bag over his shoulder a good sign.

  Watching Jonas move about the room, she was glad to see him closing the blinds, blocking the view of the few remaining pairs of inquisitive eyes. He also went to a wall panel where he adjusted some knobs, turning on several wall sconces. She could actually see him now, his handsome features in full view.

  “You did great, baby, so responsive, obeying all my commands. You were beautiful in your submission.” He walked toward her, stopping at the edge of the backdrop and picking up two lengths of rope. “Obedient up until the end, that is.”


  “You broke one of my suspension rules, a very important one at that.”

  “Um—” Her hazy, sensually drugged mind raced through the rules they had reviewed earlier that day. “I spoke without permission and forgot to call you master?”

  “That sounds like a question. Are you asking me or telling me?”


  He shook his head, a slight upturn of his lips telling her she’d screwed up again by asking.

  “I was definitely asking. Please tell me what I did wrong.”

  “You did speak without permission, but we were in between scenes while I saw the others out. I’m really not that much of a hardass. So, what else did you do is the next question.”

  “I’m sorry; I’m not sure.”

  He looked at her pointedly, his gaze deliberately tracking to her hands that gripped two of the suspension ropes at the knots. She gasped, unaware she had even done it.

  “I see you figured it out. Tell me why I don’t want you doing that.”

  “Um, because I might mess things up?”

  He huffed a little laugh. “You keep answering my questions with more questions, baby. Obviously I didn’t cover this sufficiently in class.” His gaze became mildly reproachful as he looked at her. “More likely you weren’t paying attention.”

  “I can’t be held responsible for your lectures while I’m in rope space, Master. That’s just not fair.”

  “Hm, that’s true, in your case especially.” He traced his fingers along the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. Thinking that also wasn’t fair; she breathed deeply, trying to maintain control.

  “Release the knots and lie back, then you can tell me what you do remember from class.”

  “Who said D/s was fair? In a power exchange, someone always holds the winning hand. In our game, I hold a royal flush.” Bending, his lips grazed her thigh, his mouth and tongue teasing lightly as they moved slowly down to her knee. He chuckled, as she shivered and moaned.

  “You are wicked, Master.”

  “Yes, and you love me all the more for it. Now, release the knots and lie back, then you may tell me what you do remember from class.”

  As he spoke quietly, he began to work his magic by looping and knotting the jute around her free ankle. He efficiently attached the end to the suspension ring overhead so that her leg was lifted straight upward. Both legs were now restrained and positioned so that she was exposed from the top of her slit to her tight bottom hole. Lexie could feel the waft of cool air against her heated, damp flesh. A glance in the mirror revealed her pink flesh and bare cheeks were on erotic display. Thank goodness he didn’t use this pose earlier with the audience.

  “Are you thinking about your answer, Lexie, or have I lost you already?”

  Her eyes shifted away from his busy fingers and she glanced up into his face. “What?”

  He grinned at her, “Yeah, I’ve lost you.” Jonas captured her chin, holding her face still with a cupped hand at her jaw. “Let me educate you, dorei. I don’t want you touching the ropes because some have quick release safety knots, and if you accidentally pull them, you could end up head first on the hard floor. Or you might tighten them so that they’re difficult to get off quickly, if needed.”

  “Oh! For my safety then.”

  “Exactly, so don’t do it again, baby.”

  “Yes, Master.”


“Good girl. Now put your hands together. I’ll give you a rope you can pull on as hard and as often as you want while I fuck you.”

  Her quickly indrawn breath and her immediate compliance had him grinning. He bound her wrists together in a flash, tying the ends to the suspension ring with the others. She was now bound at seven suspension points; the only unbound part left was her head.

  “One more thing I want to try tonight,” he said as he held up a pair of yellow chopsticks. “Have you ever seen these before?”

  “Um, yeah, at the China Wok Express downtown. They have the best Tai Chien chicken.”

  With the rubber-tipped end, he reached out and grazed her nipple, meeting her gaze directly. She could tell by his arched brow that he was expecting her to get his message. As he abraded the taut bud, flicking it back and forth, he asked, “Now, can you tell what these are for?”

  Swallowing, she licked her lips before stating boldly, “We’re getting carry-out?”

  His hand connected with her bare ass as he barked with laughter. He applied five more sharp smacks as she squealed, laughing all the while. “Stop, Jonas! I was kidding. They’re some kind of nipple clamps.”

  He stopped, rubbing her tingling butt as he muttered, “Smartass,” but he was grinning and his words carried no bite. Their laughter continued until the hand at her bottom slid between her thighs and he dipped a finger into her heat. Her amusement turned to groans of pleasure, especially when he began to glide in and out of her slickness.

  “You’re wet and ready for me as always, baby. So fuckin’ hot. In a minute, I’m going to take you hard while you’re bound and suspended in my ropes, unable to move a single muscle except for these soft ones gripping me tight.” He pulled his fingers out, patting her warm cheeks as she whimpered. “First, you owe me more than a few puny swats for all that sass and disobedience, don’t you think?”

  His fingers came to her nipples, pinching and rolling both at once. Bending, he took one peak between his lips, working it until it was hard and glistening with wetness. Afterward, he took up the chopsticks and placed one on either side of her nipple.

  “By adjusting these bands on each end, I can change the pressure. The closer to the center, the more bite you’ll feel.” Jonas rolled the bands toward the center incrementally, until she hissed at the pinch of pain. He eased off a bit and repeated the process on the other side. When he clamped the second, it pinched as hard as the first, and a small whimper was his sign to back off a touch. After a moment, the initial bite settled into a warm tightness radiating through her body, which ended with a little jolt on her already tingling clit.

  “Very, very nice, Sunshine.” His praise came with a growl of appreciation as he ran a fingertip across the pinched tips. “They are turning a pretty shade of berry red.” Lifting his eyes, he warned, “If they get to be too much, give me yellow. Understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  The next instant, he spun her in a half circle that stopped with her head near his waist. She heard his zipper and moaned in anticipation. This was her fantasy to the letter. She tipped her head back to watch as his cock sprang free, hard and ready, the tip glistening with his essence. Her tongue slipped out and danced along her lips, impatient to taste him.

  “This is what you want, isn’t it, Lex?”

  “Yes, Master. I want you in my mouth so badly.” With her hands bound and without an ounce of leverage, she hung practically upside down, happily awaiting his pleasure. Opening her lips wide, she looked at his cock hungrily. One large hand traced the head along her parted lips while his other slid around to the back of her neck to hold her steady.

  He plunged inside and her lips closed around him. Halfway in, he pulled back, returning again and again, as she sucked and licked him eagerly. Lexie moaned, delighting as he took her mouth as he wanted, gliding fractionally deeper with each thrust. She hummed her pleasure in the back of her throat, the vibration making him groan in response. Relaxing, she prepared herself for his deeper possession. but he suddenly withdrew.

  Jonas spun her again until his hips aligned with hers. Expecting the hard plunge of his cock, she whimpered in frustration when it didn’t come. Instead, she heard the main rope cranking through the pulley as her bottom elevated until it was level with his beautiful mouth.

  “It’s my turn for a taste before I take this glorious pussy.” His heated words brushed her damp skin before his tongue burrowed deep inside. The sensation launched her practically to the moon. As his hands joined the play, he splayed her wide, his thumbs hooking inside and separating her outer lips exposing her clit. He devoured her then and it was amazing. His tongue and fingers, and yes, even his teeth as they nipped at her bundle of inflamed nerves. The other part of his sweet torture, the part that made her half-mad for him, was that she was bound, hand and foot and all parts in between, held motionless and at his mercy as he took what he wanted. That alone was damn hot!

  He played between her legs, inserting his fingers and tormenting her until she was crying out and dangerously close to exploding. Seconds before she passed the point of no return, he moved away and lowered her into a fuckable position. Strong hands steadied her hips as he found her molten opening and easily plunged inside. He then took what was his, what she willingly gave, uninhibitedly, as he filled her and owned every square inch of her.


  In the conference room in administration, they gathered for wrap-up an hour later. The room was crowded with owners and surprisingly, their wives, fiancées or girlfriends as the case may be. There weren’t enough chairs so most of the women made themselves comfortable by snuggling on their man’s welcoming lap.

  When everyone had quieted and the door was closed tight, Cap took his place behind Megan’s chair. Gripping her husband’s hand where it rested on her shoulder, Megan intertwined their fingers in a blatant show of her love and support.

  Cap promptly called the meeting to order. “I asked everyone here because I wanted to offer my apology. In the recent Mendoza crackdown, I made some calls that were not to the letter of our agreement, which is family first before anything else. In my frustration to close this case, I lost sight of that and placed some of you ladies in a difficult position. It happened months ago with you, Elena, and more recently with Lexie. I have personally apologized to Jonas and Dex and am extending my heartfelt regrets to the rest of you now. It will not happen again. I would also like to have a vote to reaffirm our policy.”

  Rick, Jonas, Dex, Lil T and Pete all nodded in agreement.

  “Thank you.” Cap’s eyes flicked to Lexie, held close in Jonas’ arms at the far end of the table. His serious expression faded and was replaced by a wry smile. “I’d also like to share that Jonas has rescinded his resignation. He’s also promised not to kick my ass, although it would have been justified.”

  His last remark spurred a round of laughter and lightened the mood in the room.

  “Any word on Sean, Jonas?”

  “Not since Monday when he called to set up some computer surveillance on a case.”

  “Mara?” Lexie asked.

  “Yeah, she’s gone to ground. There haven’t been any hits on any of her accounts since she ran the night of the fire. Sean mentioned something about witness protection if he finds her, but with Victor in custody, it might not be necessary—”

  “That’s the second reason for this meeting,” Cap interjected, his face darkening with anger. “It’s about Victor…”

  Jonas stiffened as he looked at Cap. Hesitantly, Cap met his gaze before switching to Lexie.

  “What is it, Captain?” Megan’s soft voice encouraged. “Lexie looks like she’s gonna freak. Tell us.”

  “He was released today.”

  The room erupted, the men growling and cursing in anger, the women in shock and gasping in alarm. Everyone spoke at once as they pummeled Cap with questions, trying to process this new information.

  “What the hell happened?” Dex asked.

  “Some bullshit le
gal technicality.”

  “Next time, if Mara doesn’t kill him, I’ll shoot the son of a bitch myself,” came from Lil T.

  “There can’t be a next time. We’ve got to find her.” Lexie’s quiet voice of reason rose over the din as she put it in perspective. “Not only because she mistakenly thinks she’s a murderer, but more importantly, we have to find her before Victor does.”

  “Fucking hell,” came from Jonas.

  “No, fucking Mendoza Cartel,” Cap countered

  Maddie Taylor

  An author of erotic romance, Maddie is also a voracious reader. A fan of all genres of romance, some of her favorite authors include Kristen Ashley, Cherise Sinclair and Jennifer Crusie. Maddie likes to write edgy erotic romances with sexy dominant heroes and spirited real women with a twist.

  An interview with Maddie Taylor


  Visit her webpage here:


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  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Maddie Taylor and Blushing Books!

  Captain, My Captain, Club Decadence Book 1

  You Said Forever, Club Decadence Book 2

  Little Light of Mine, Club Decadence Book 3

  Surrender Your Grace

  Faithfully, Club Decadence prequel

  The Gift

  Everything Christmas

  Master My Love, Decadence LA Book 1

  The Juniper Bride

  Unbind my Heart, Club Decadence Book 4

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