Outside the Box

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Outside the Box Page 14

by H. M. Montes

  “Condom? Shouldn’t you put one on?” I breathed out when he pushed further.

  He cocked his head to the side, “I guess I can, but I can promise you I’m clean, we all get tested because of the blood in the sport. I haven’t been with anybody for a month before that night you were here.”

  “Unless you want to risk having little soccer players…” I was cut off by him reaching into the nightstand and pulling out a condom. He ripped it open with his teeth pulled back out of me and rolled it on.

  He slowly entered me, we stared into each other’s eyes as he pushed all the way inside of me. “You…lost it didn’t you?” He asked. I nodded my head ‘yes’, “That was fast but I was going to do this no matter what.” He said as he took time alternating between slow thrusts and hard thrusts until I was cumming the same time he filled the condom. I was hoping that the feelings I had when I was with Jasper would be felt when I was with Derrick but they weren’t.

  He kissed me then pulled out and pulled the condom off, went into the bathroom and started the shower, then came out and asked if I wanted to join him. Once in the shower he washed me and kissed me. “Derrick, I can’t have a boyfriend right now okay?” I asked as he kissed my neck. He paused then wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me tight against his hardening cock.

  “And why’s that?”

  “I have to be able to focus on school, and work takes up my evenings. I won’t get to see you very much except for days like today.”

  “When the season is over I’ll have more free time, by then hopefully you’ll be in accounting class and doing cosmetology in the evenings won’t you?”

  “Yes, but we can just be friends with benefits for now.” I turned around and looked up at him.

  He creased his eyebrows together when he looked at me, “Friends with benefits? So you want to be able to use me as a booty call?”

  “I didn’t say that!” I felt bad that he took it the wrong way.

  “It’s all good, you’ve been under some stress and your schedule is tight. Sundays are my day no matter what.”

  I laughed, “Okay Sundays we’ll hang out.”

  We spent the rest of the day watching TV and talking about the game when he finally decided to take the time to explain it to me. He promised to get me a set of tickets so I could come watch him when he had a home game.

  For supper we made grilled chicken, baked potatoes, green beans, and had a fruit salad. Derrick was on the patio grilling the chicken breasts when his cell phone rang from on coffee table I hurried over and grabbed it and ran it out the door to him. “It’s just my brother, you could have answered it.” He said with a laugh then answered the phone.

  “What’s up?” he answered.

  I went back inside when his brother said something that obviously didn’t make Derrick very happy. “I don’t give a shit, until she makes it out of there I don’t want to talk to her!”

  I was in the kitchen cutting open the potatoes when he came in still talking on his phone, “Okay, cool. Is it okay if I bring somebody with me though?”

  “It’s a girl but we aren’t dating…yet.” He looked at me and grinned when he said that.

  “In three weeks then? Okay later.” He hung up and laid his phone on the counter.

  “My brother wants us to come out for his birthday in three weeks, he always has a big barbeque.”

  “If I’m not working I’ll go with you.” I told him as I walked with my plate over to the table.

  “It’s on a Sunday.” Derrick replied. “My day with you!” he winked.

  We ate supper and talked about his brother, he told me about how he was married but caught his wife in bed with another man so he divorced her. “After that he turned into an asshole towards all women, I can’t say that I blame the guy though. Wait until you see the house he had built, it’s a fucking mansion.”

  “How old is he?”

  “Twenty eight.”

  “Oh wow he must have married fairly young then?”

  He nodded, “To his high school sweetheart, she treated him like shit and everybody tried to talk him out of marrying her.”

  We didn’t have sex again that night, I left around ten so I could get a good night’s rest before my busy week started again the following day. Destiney got back to the apartment sometime around midnight thankfully she didn’t come in and want to talk because I couldn’t have stayed awaked if I tried.

  At school the next day we spent time learning about hair care for African American hair, we heard horror story after horror story of beauticians damaging the hair with chemicals when trying to chemically straighten it. After class was over that afternoon I was greeted by Shawn. “How was your weekend beautiful?” he asked as he opened the back door of the car for me.

  “It was okay, how about yours?”

  “Not too bad, my honey do list has a few less “to do’s” on it.” He smiled then shut the door and walked around the car. “You need to go to the apartment?”

  “I think you can go ahead and take me to the warehouse, “I’ll shower and get ready there.” We stopped at the deli drive thru so I could get a sandwich then went to the warehouse. Shawn opened my door for me and tipped his hat before getting in the car and driving away.

  Once inside I had to let my eyes adjust briefly to the blindfold and the color change. I went to my personal room and sat down to eat my sandwich since I still had another hour and ten minutes before I had to be in the ‘Box’.

  Just as I was putting on a cute baby pink lace bra that matched the pink and black lace booty shorts there was a knock at the door. I ran over and grabbed my blindfold and put it on, Peaches was waiting outside the door.

  “I thought I’d make sure that you were getting ready, the new guy is NERVOUS!”

  I wrinkled my nose up, “Really? Like how bad?”

  “I think once he sees you, he’ll be fine. He’s afraid he won’t be able to get it up since you’re strangers.”

  “Oh jeez, I’ll just have to give him some special attention then.” I smiled and slipped the black heels on that I had picked out earlier.

  She walked with me down the hall to the door, then swatted me on the ass. “Go give that boy the ride of a lifetime.”

  I slid my keycard through the slot and walked into the room, a guy with what appeared to be light brownish blondish hair quickly stood up from the bed. He was wearing nothing but a pair of boxers that hung low on his hips. He wasn’t as tall or as muscular as Jasper, I quickly pushed that thought to the back of my mind.

  “Hi, I’m Ember.” I gave him a smile and extended my hand.

  “Sky…I think my nerves can settle down now, you’re fucking hot!”

  “You’ll do just fine, just remember this is only my second week in here.” I slipped my shoes off and started to put them next to the door.

  “Will you leave those on? I fucking love your legs in them.” Sky asked me.

  The beeps sounded to let us know that the glass was now activated by a client, Sky walked over to me and placed his hands on my hips. In my heels we were pretty close to the same height, I slid my arms around his neck and clasped my hands behind his head. I felt his erection pressing against my pubic area. “See, it’s going to work fine.”

  Sky leaned in and kissed me, he traced my bottom lip with his tongue so I opened my mouth and let our tongues slide against each other. He walked me backwards toward the bed, when my knees hit the edge he leaned down in motion with me never breaking the kiss. When he finally pulled away I gasped in a breath of air. He quickly pulled my booty shorts down my legs and slipped them off past my heels. Then he knelt down beside the bed and spread my legs apart and kissed each hip, then kissed down to my pussy. With his fingers he spread my lips open and found my clit, he flicked it with his tongue, quick flicks and slow licks.

  When he stood and thrust his cock inside of me I gasped, it felt small compared to Jasper and he didn’t bother trying to make me cum. His movements were too fast and he never
spoke to me asking me if I was doing okay. I moaned until I felt his hot seed filling me, he collapsed against my chest and let my legs down. “Holy shit.” He breathed out then pulled out, his cum slid down my leg when I stood up. “Well, I’ll uh…see you after bit.” He said with a big smile as he slipped his boxers on. The beeps sounded in the room, I grabbed my robe and followed him out, he went one way down the hall to his room and I went the other way to mine.

  Once I was in my room I grabbed my phone out and sent Destiney a text;

  L: OMG, the new guy (insert thumbs down)!

  D: No matter what way I rotate my phone, that thumb never is a good sign it’s pointing down. Did you hit the wrong icon?

  L: NOPE! I sent her a line of thumbs down icons to get my point across.

  D: Sorry but you know I’m laughing hysterically right now don’t you?

  L: Bitch…that was HORRIBLE! What do I do?

  D: Talk to the boss or whoever that lady is that handles your schedule?

  L: I’m going to shower then I’ll text her.

  D: Sounds like to me that Jasper dude spoiled you LOL.

  L: Him or Derrick! (I tried to back Derricks name off of the message and hit send instead)


  I laid my phone on the end table by the bed, went into the bathroom and started the shower. When I had a good station found on Pandora I shut all of the side jets and shower heads off and turned the massive rain showerhead on. Rihanna’s song ‘Pour It Up’ started playing, I used the remote inside the shower to turn the volume up so it was louder and I could hear the bass better inside the shower. I stood under the shower head and let the thick stream of water flow through my hair. I thought about the night that we were at the club and I danced with Derrick. The way we had danced and teased each other, knowing that nothing would happen between us. Adele’s ‘Set Fire To the Rain’ started playing next, suddenly I was standing in darkness but the music continued to play, even under the hot stream of water my skin covered in goose bumps. The shower door clicked shut and a hand reached through the water and touched my stomach. I slapped it away and started to scream, I was pushed against the wall and a mouth came down covering mine and a set of strong hands cupped my face.

  That taste, the cologne, I broke away from the kiss;

  “Ja…Jasper?” I asked with a shaky voice.


  “What are you doing in here?” His hands slid down my shoulders but he remained silent his fingers dug into my waist. “Jasper…”

  “You faked it in there. He didn’t make you cum, he didn’t pay attention to your body like you deserve.” He finally said.

  He was watching us? “You’re going to get me in trouble, how did you even get in here?” I asked as he kissed my neck.

  I felt him smile before he pressed his solid body against mine, “Don’t worry about how I got in here.” He lifted me by the back of my thighs I locked my ankles behind his back, “I didn’t like seeing him with you.” He said as he let me slowly sink down on his thick stiffened cock.

  “Oh god…” I gasped as he slowly started pulling out and thrust up harder pulling down as he thrust up. I wasn’t expecting him to be jealous of seeing me with another man, but it turned me on knowing he was.

  “EMBER?!” Peaches yelled from the other side of the door, “EMBER one of the employees thought they heard a scream come from your room!”

  “I…I slipped getting in the shower.” I yelled over the music.

  “Oh…okay. Why is your bathroom light off, if you turn it on you won’t be slipping.”

  “You have a headache.” Jasper whispered and pushed deeper inside of me causing me to gasp again.

  “I have a small migraine starting, I just needed to be in the dark for a bit. I’m fine.”

  “Okay! You have some time to rest, I’ll leave some Excedrin on the end table.”

  “Thank You!”

  “No problem, get some rest. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Christ she doesn’t shut up…”Jasper whispered in my ear.


  Then Jaspers mouth was on mine again, his hands gripped in my hair tighter causing my scalp to tingle. “Push repeat.” He said when he pulled away.

  “What?” I asked confused.

  “Play this song again.”

  I moved my hand along the tile wall until I felt the keypad at my fingertips. ‘Set Fire to the Rain’ started playing again.

  “Every time you hear this song, you’ll think of me, this sex. You’ll think about me, how your body only reacts like this to my touch, my kiss…” his pace quickened and his cock grew harder. Adele’s voice built towards the end of the song, she sang “Let it burn” over and over again. “You’re mine.” He growled against my lips as his cock jerked with his release. My head fell against the tiles behind me as my orgasm ripped through my body, squeezing his cock tightly.

  I caught my breath and dropped my legs to the shower floor, he pressed against me with one arm wrapped around my waist the other he rubbed his thumb along my cheek down to my lips. ‘Diamonds’ by Rihanna started playing, “Why would you say that?” I asked.

  He didn’t say anything for a few seconds, I could faintly see the outline of his body through the darkness and steam of the shower.

  His lips brushed against mine, “Because it’s the fucking truth.” He said barely above a whisper.

  I shook my head, “It can’t be…”

  “Trust me, I don’t fucking like it either.”

  “Get out.” I told him not whispering any more.

  His forehead was resting against mine, our lips a breath apart, “Get out of my fucking head, I don’t do fucking relationships, I don’t fucking WANT a relationship. Yet since that first night together…you’re all I fucking think about. I can’t get you out of my head, your smell, your taste…” He stepped away from me and stood under the water, “This isn’t fucking happening.” He mumbled then got out of the shower.



  Peaches asked why I was staying when I never left the building that night, “Does it matter?” I asked as I walked past her to the bar.

  “It’s because she’s going in the box with Sky isn’t it?” she asked from beside me. I took a drink of my Jack and Coke before I looked down at her. Then back down at my drink.

  “I just want to see if they are going to work together, he seems pretty cocky about working here. More like he’s going to become some kind of big time porn star.”

  She shook her head as she took a drink of her bottle of water, “That’s not the reason and you know it.”

  I turned and faced her, “Please feel free to enlighten me, where are you going with this?” I asked.

  She put the water bottle on the bar, “My job isn’t at risk right? This is just a conversation between two friends?”

  “Yep, carry on.”

  “I’ve seen you in that box with a few other women, what I watched last week wasn’t what I’ve seen in the past. You two have chemistry together, you know it, I know it, if she doesn’t know it…she will.”

  I shook my head, “You think you’ve got it all figured out don’t you?”

  “I know I do. What you two did in that box wasn’t sex, there was passion, a need for each other. You can try to deny it but I’m calling bullshit.” She grinned at me.

  “You seem to forget that I don’t do relationships and I sure as hell am not going to have one with an employee. You know that since I reject you every time you make a sexual advance towards me.”

  She started laughing, “Sorry…sorry…(she crooked her finger at me to bend down so she could whisper in my ear.) I’m a lesbian you idiot!”

  If I wouldn’t have had a blindfold on I’m pretty sure she would have laughed even harder when my eyes got big and I stood there speechless.

  “SO, you’re here to watch HIM. You’re going to get pissed I’ve got twenty bucks that says you storm out of the building.�

  “You know, I was married for almost four years, we dated for six. I never felt what I feel for Ember. How the fuck does that happen? I’m not saying I’m in love with her, because I don’t even know what the fuck love is…how can I have stronger feelings for a woman that I met one week ago than I ever had for my wife?. Is it just because of the sex?”

  She smiled, “No, it’s called fate you fool. You just have to figure out what happens next.”

  I snorted at her then drained the rest of my drink, “What happens next is I walk the fuck away.”

  She shook her head and probably rolled her eyes under her blindfold, “You can try that, let me know how it works out for you.”

  I grabbed her hand, “Let’s go see how good of a decision I made by hiring this guy.”

  She wrinkled her nose as I pulled her through the bar area, “I like box three you dummy!”

  “Don’t care.” I said as we walked over to the box and sat down next to about ten other clients that had already swiped their cards and were waiting for the glass to turn clear.

  “Jasper you have to swipe your card.” Peaches told me as I stared at the fogged glass, not sure if I even wanted to watch what I knew was going to happen on the other side.

  I leaned forward and swiped my card, Peaches handed me a set of wireless headphones, I slipped them on and leaned back against the booth. The glass turned clear, Ember walked in dressed in a lace bra, lace booty shorts, and a pair of deadly stiletto heels. Sky’s head snapped up, he was wearing a pair of boxers that slowly showed his dick was getting hard. She introduced herself to him just like she did the first night we had sex together, he shook her hand. Ember started to take her heels off but he stopped her and asked her to keep them on. The very second his lips were on hers I balled my fists up and a knot of jealousy and anger tightened in my stomach. Peaches elbowed me in the ribs and shook her head at me. I looked back at the scene that was unfolding in front of me, my jaw muscles tensed when his body was hovering over hears. I leaned forward with my elbows on my knees and stared at the floor, the knot in my stomach grew tighter, I couldn’t bring myself to watch. All I could hear through the headphones was heavy breathing, Sky grunting, and her soft moans. I listened closer, looked over at Peaches and shook my head at her, I took my headphones off and left the show. I heard Peaches put her headphones on the small holder, she caught up with me when I made it to the hallway leading to the rooms.


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