Outside the Box

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Outside the Box Page 24

by H. M. Montes

  We laid there breathing heavy as our bodies come down from the high of our climaxes.

  “You never did tell me what that perfume is you wear.” He smiled down at me.

  “It’s a secret.” I replied.

  He rolled his eyes, “I know it’s a roll on of some kind, Peaches told me that much. Quit being a smart ass.” He grinned.

  “Ugg, fine, it’s Basic Instinct from Pure Romance.”

  “I’m buying you an entire case of it, I’ve never smelled something so fucking amazing.”

  “You want to know something else about me?”

  “Yes.” He answered like he was waiting for the winning lottery numbers.

  “I dip my French fries in ranch dressing and ketchup, it’s the only way I can eat them. Or I’ll dip them in vanilla ice cream.”

  “You’re fucking sick, who does that?” he asked with his eyebrows wrinkled.

  “Have you ever tried it?”

  “Hell no, I think that’s shit pregnant women do.”

  “Well I’ve done it since I was about six years old. So you’re wrong.”

  “Fine, I’ll keep unlimited amounts of them in the house. Hell will freeze over before I try it though. Let’s go shower.”

  He pulled out of me, when I stood up he looked at the glistening line that was starting to seep out of me and down my inner thigh. He wiped it with his finger then pushed them inside of me, “I like it better in there.” He whispered sending chills over my body.

  “Who was that woman you were talking to earlier? When you were glaring at me from across the pool?” I asked him.

  “That was Peaches her real name is Patricia.” He smiled at me.

  “Really? Why didn’t you have her come talk to me?”

  He shrugged his shoulders, and led me to the bathroom so we could shower.

  The shower took longer than normal because he couldn’t keep his hands off of me and I couldn’t stop touching his perfectly sculpted body. When we finally got out it was after midnight, we were both tired, neither of us bothered getting dressed we climbed under the covers and laid down him spooning behind me. One hand tucked under my pillow the other he held onto one of my breast rubbing the nipple against the soft palm of his hand.

  The following morning I woke up alone in his bed, I looked around the room, the walls were painted a pale grey color, his bed was a massive California king sleigh style bed, the sheets were a deep maroon and the comforter had dark blues, greys, and red stripes on it. I glanced at the clock and bolted from the bed when I read that I only had forty five minutes before class would be starting. While I was in the shower I realized that I didn’t have a change of clothes with me, and I didn’t have time to go back to my apartment to get any. I hurried out, dried off and wrapped the towel tightly around me I searched the room for my purse but couldn’t find it. I walked out of his bedroom and down the stairs, when I reached the bottom step the smell of bacon hit me causing my mouth to start watering.

  “I’m glad you are so thoughtful to cook me breakfast but I need to get some clothes I’m going to be late for class.” I said as I rounded the corner. I jumped and screamed when two Spanish women that appeared in their mid-fifty’s turned around.

  “You must be Alexia, I’m Jocee this is my sister Victoria, Spencer didn’t want to wake you he said to tell you he was going to the warehouse to get you some clothes. He should be returning any minute. Sit eat.” She spoke with a thick accent.

  “Uhmm.” I looked down at my towel.

  She waved a hand, “You’re covered, ain’t nothing we don’t have ourselves, yours is just in better standing. Gravity not your friend at our age dear.”

  I laughed then sat down at the table, she put a plate with bacon and eggs on it, I was actually really hungry since my stomach was in knots the night before I hadn’t been able to eat. Just as I finished my food Spencer walked in with two bags, “Peaches picked this stuff out of your room, if you are going to class you’d better change so I can get you there on time or Professor German will dock your grade.” He said while grinning at me and looking at my legs. I took the bags from him, ran up the stairs and pulled out a pair of underwear, matching bra, capris, a tank top, and flip flops. I twisted my hair up into a French twist then ran back downstairs. Spencer was eating a piece of toast and stood when he seen me, “Ready?”

  “You need to eat, I can have a driver take me…”

  “Nope, I’m taking you.” He told Jocee and Victoria to have a good day and lead me out the door to a black Hummer H2.

  “Why Hummers?” I asked since Derrick drove one too.

  “It was dad’s lame attempt to buy us back into his life.” He shrugged a shoulder and opened my door for me.

  On the drive to the school he didn’t say anything for a few miles, “Is everything okay?” I finally asked.

  He looked over at me, grabbed my hand and kissed the top, “I want to know when you’re going to move in. Obviously you and Derrick live in the same building so now I know where you live. I just want to be with you every night, your schedule is so busy if you stay in the apartment I’ll only get to see you for a few hours during the week.”

  “Spencer, I can’t just move in with you, that’s way too fast for me.” I whined.

  He clenched his jaw, “No it’s not.”

  “Are we really going to argue about it? Cosmetology school only lasts a few more weeks then I’ll have more free time.”

  “We’ll have this discussion tonight, do you want to stay at my place or do you want me to stay with you at yours?” he asked.

  “I’ll let you surprise me.” I smiled. We arrived at the college, he got out of the vehicle and opened my door for me. He pressed me against the side and kissed me passionately, “I’ll see you this evening after your night class.”


  Over the following four months we would take turns spending nights at either his place or mine and Destiney’s apartment. Frank had warmed up to him immediately, and Spencer warmed up to her. I found him laying in my bed one night when I got home from school with her curled up on his chest while they both slept.

  Each Sunday he would try to talk me out of spending time with Derrick but that ended after only about a month when he started dating a lady he had met while out of town for a soccer tournament. We all went out clubbing one night, while Derrick and Spencer were at the bar getting us drinks Amber moved around the booth so she could talk to me without having to yell across the table.

  “I’m glad I finally got to meet you Derrick is always talking about you, (she cleared her throat), he uh, he told me about everything that happened. I just want you to know that he really does care about you and values your friendship. It was his idea to stop spending Sunday’s with you because he didn’t think it was fair to Spencer or me.” She laughed a quiet laugh at the end.

  “He’s really a great guy, you two seem to be happy.” I smiled at her.

  “I like him, he’s very sweet. I hope someday that I have a man that looks at me like Spencer looks at you. That man is so in love with you, the way he’s always touching you and kissing you.” She covered her heart with her hands. “I want that for myself.”

  “Give Derrick time, he told me he’s scared that he’s going to get hurt…again. Just take things at his pace and you’ll see he’s a genuinely nice guy.”

  Amber and I talked on the phone almost every single day after that, if she didn’t call me or I didn’t call her we were texting each other. She kept me updated on how things were going and so did Derrick since they lived six hours away. She was going to be graduating and moving to New York so Derrick and her could have a closer relationship. Every time they were together I could see the love that they shared for each other when they looked at each other.

  I was relieved to graduate from cosmetology school so I would have a little more free time to spend with Spencer in the evenings. After having a long discussion with Peaches, that I later learned was actually Patricia, Destiney, and Amber
one night over drinks they convinced me that I should go ahead and move in with him.

  While he was in the shower one morning I told Jocee and Victoria what my plans were and gave them the rest of the week off. My plan was to surprise him Friday after he got home from work since I didn’t have a shift at the salon that day.



  I loved having Alexia at my house or staying with her at their apartment, I was getting impatient waiting for her to move in and actually contemplated having movers just move her stuff and not give her a choice. Derrick told me I would be a full blown cave man if I did that so I continued to wait, only bringing it up every so often.

  One day I was reviewing spreadsheets at work when Peaches walked into my office and handed me a black postcard that looked similar to what we handed out to recruits.

  “What’s this for? You didn’t change the design did you?” I asked.

  “Nope.” She popped the P, didn’t answer my question and walked out of my office with a big smile on her face.

  I shook my head as I stared at the postcard, “Why the hell do I have to look at it then?” I said to myself then flipped the postcard over. On the back instead of the “Box’s” address was the address to my house.

  “PEACHES!” I yelled into the intercom.


  “Please tell me these aren’t what the people are giving out. My personal address is on the back.”

  “Oh…it is?”

  “Peachesss…” I growled, if these had been printed I would be having random people show up at my house.


  “Do you like your job here?”


  “Then you need to find out if these are what are circulating.”

  “I’m on it.” Was all she said and disconnected the intercom.

  I shoved the postcard into my suit jacket pocket, finished reviewing the spread sheet, and saved it. Then left to go to the house, Jocee would be pissed if people were already showing up. I tried calling the house on my drive home but nobody answered. “Fuck I hope she’s not talking to anybody trying to figure out why they are at my house.”

  I was thankful when I pulled up the driveway and there were no cars parked there, but I could see from the vehicle that there was something black taped to my front door. I hurried out of the car and bounded up the front steps, it was another postcard exactly like the one Peaches had given me. I yanked it off the door and went inside. Normally the staff would still be there but the house was quiet, then I heard music coming from upstairs, “What the fuck…” I bounded up the stairs two at a time. The closer I got to my bedroom the louder the music was getting. I threw my bedroom door open, walked quickly but quietly across the room and threw that door open. There stood Alexia in her white silk robe.

  “Hi.” She smiled at me.

  “Uh Hi? I mean Hi.” She normally wouldn’t be at the house until close to eight in the evening and it was only four thirty.

  She was still smiling when she dropped the robe and the white silk pooled at her feet, “I see you got a couple of those post cards like I was given.”

  I looked down at the post cards in my hand then back at her as she opened the door to the steaming shower.

  The song ‘Vertigo’ by Jason Derulo started playing, “I thought…you did this?” I asked and stripped out of my suit in record time.

  “Maybe?” she watched me as I walked across the bathroom and got in the shower with her. “I’d say you have about two minutes to decide if this is what you want to do.” She whispered against my lips.

  “What am I doing exactly besides refraining from fucking you against that wall behind you?”

  She pushed me against the glass shower wall, “Do you still want me to move in?” she asked as she kissed a path from my neck down my chest and circle my nipple with her tongue.


  Her kisses continued until she was knelt down in front of me, she took the tip of my cock into her warm hot mouth and sucked until it was against the back of her throat. Each suck and stroke had me fisting my hands in her hair.

  “Alexia…” I pulled my throbbing cock out of her mouth, she stood up and kissed me as I walked us until her back met the wall behind her. I slid my fingers down to her pussy, “I love this, you are always ready and wet for me aren’t you?”

  She gasped when I pushed two fingers inside of her while I rubbed her clit with my thumb, “Yes, oh god Spencer.” She ran her fingers through my hair and pulled me closer to her. When she kissed me I removed my fingers and lifted her so she could wrap her legs around me. My cock slid in through her tight pussy muscles. “Are you sure you want me to move in?” she panted out as I alternated between thrusting hard and fast, and hard and slow.

  “Yes, why do you keep asking that.” I growled against her neck.

  “Because I moved in while you were at work…oh god…” she moaned.

  I stopped moving, “Really? You did?” I looked at her.

  She kicked me in the ass, “My god don’t stop now you asshole! Yes, now please make me cum.”

  I grinned at her leaned in and bit her bottom lip, “Fuck yes…” her orgasm rippled her pussy muscles and pulled me in deeper. I cum so hard I had to lean against her to keep my knees from buckling. “You really did?” I finally asked when I caught my breath.

  “Yes...are you sure it’s okay…I mean…”

  I slammed my mouth against hers until I was dizzy and seeing spots behind my eyelids. “It’s about god damn time.” I told her when I pulled away.

  Six Months Later


  I was a ball of nerves standing on the doorstep at Carol and Harold’s house. I had snuck Alexia’s phone into the bathroom one night and got their phone number out so I could get their address.

  “Son, I’m not real sure if I believe you, Lexi told us she was sort of seeing a guy. Now that I think about it, she didn’t tell us a name.” Harold said defensively when I called him the following day.

  “It was me, I’m not sure what all she has told you about us, and honestly I’d rather let her tell you. What I can tell you is we’ve been together for a while, long enough for me to fall in love with her. Can I fly out and have a visit with you two, and you guys not tell her that I’m coming or that I’ve been there?”

  He chuckled, “I suppose we should probably sit down and have a face to face visit.”

  He gave me there address, so I flew out to her home town the following day since she had a full schedule. I hated being away from her so the trip would be, fly there, get their permission, fly home, all without Alexia finding out…hopefully.

  I rang the doorbell, the door opened and there stood a couple that appeared to be in the fifties.

  “Spencer?” the woman asked.

  I extended my hand, “Carol? Harold?”

  “Please come in.” she smiled after we shook hands.

  “Would you like a drink? I have a feeling we are going to need it.” Harold said.

  I laughed, “It’ll settle my nerves for sure, I’ll take a Jack and Coke if you have it?”

  “Hmm, I like you already.” He said as he poured us a drink then led me to the living room. He sat in his recliner with Carol in hers next to him, I sat on the couch.

  “So, you’ve been seeing Lexi for how long?” Carol asked.

  I chuckled, “Well, I’d say since about the second week she moved to New York.”

  Harold cocked his head to the side, “She’s not doing anything illegal is she, you’re not a pimp or something like that are you?”

  I laughed, “Not hardly, I own my own business, it’s very profitable and successful.”

  He narrowed his eyes at me, “That’s good, so…you met her where?”

  I cleared my throat, took a drink, “At my club.” I was NOT going to tell them what kind of club, or I’d never be able to explain the bruises I was sure Harold would leave on my body.

  “Right, she told us you t
wo had been out a few times.” Carol said.

  I nodded my head, “Alexia moved in with me not to long ago, I’m here to ask you two for her hand in marriage.” I told them. They both sat there staring at me, blinking, and speechless.

  Finally Harold spoke, “She has no idea you’re even here does she?”

  “No sir, I have to surprise her. I’ll bring her back here to do it, you two deserve to see that she is genuinely happy and I’m not blowing smoke up your ass when I say we are in love with each other.”

  Carol smiled and wiped a tear off her cheek, “You have my blessing, I can tell by the look in your eyes, and how nervous you are that you’re in love with her.”

  I smiled and nodded my head.

  Harold finished his drink and put the empty glass on the end table next to his chair, “Well, this is where the dad comes out in me. I knew her family since she was only two years old. So, I’ll tell you this only once…you here her, I’ll kill you. It’s really that simple.”

  Well, okay, I knew not to even second guess that he would more than likely actually follow through with those words.

  “I’d like to know why she didn’t have you go out with us that evening we were there, were you busy at the club?” he asked.

  “There were some issues with Alexia and her feelings for me, I knew from the very second I kissed her there was no turning back. She, on the other hand, tried to deny how she felt. It all worked out though.” I told them and finished my drink.

  We visited for another hour before I told them that I needed to leave so I would be back before Alexia got home. The plan was to fly her home and propose to her at her parents house, I gave Harold a check and told him to put the utilities in my name so everything would be ready when we arrived.


  “I know I made it very fucking clear I didn’t want to go to the strip clubs or to have strippers you assholes!” I yelled from behind the blindfold. My bachelor party was being held at ‘The Square’. I knew that Alexia and her friends were out clubbing too for her bachelorette party, we had both agreed to stay away from strip clubs. The fact that Peaches and Destiney were in charge of her party made me nervous but I knew they would take care of Alexia. “You guys are trying to get me in trouble.” I said and leaned back against the chair that I was sitting on in the middle of the stage. The club was rented out to just us so I knew once Beyoncé’ s ‘Partition’ started playing that there would be a stripper rubbing against me covering me in her body glitter and ripping my shirt open. I already made my mind up I wasn’t going to touch her when she came out.


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