Casanova In Training

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Casanova In Training Page 21

by Aliyah Burke

  “If you say so.”

  “I’ll stay for just a bit longer.”

  She smiled her gratitude. Lexy wore sweats, no shoes, and a T-shirt, showing Jaydee the softer side of her personality. After navigating some boxes, Lexy returned with another cup of tea.

  “It’ll feel odd to be back home,” Jaydee blurted out. Lexy’s look encouraged her to continue. “It’s never been an issue for me before. There’s no logical explanation why it’s happening now.”

  “Sure there is.” Lexy crossed her legs and leaned against the wall. “Commander Cassano.”

  Her traitorous pulse kicked up a few notches at the mere mention of his name. With a determined shake of her head, she said, “I did what I did for the good of the programme.”

  An amused grin flitted across Lexy’s dark features. “Right. You defended him only to turn around and work nights when he wasn’t there. Followed that by preparing plans of leaving without a word.”

  “So you’re telling me my feelings are because of him.”

  “I’m not telling you anything, hon. I’m merely questioning your endless choices, which seem to increase the gap between you and this man—whom, according to you, you have no feelings for.” A sardonic smirk. “Or so you claim.”

  “I’m going to see him tomorrow, Lexy. After they’re done for the day.”

  Lexy nodded her approval.

  Since her staunch defence of him six days ago, she’d not allowed herself to be near him. He’d come by her apartment a few times, pounding on the door, but she’d never answered. It hurt her but she was leaving and, as she’d shown, she had little to no restraint when it came to Gio. But he’d left a few things and she would return them. Tomorrow. Tonight she’d watch the rain and read before she headed in for her last night of work.

  Ivan met her at the entrance to their building and said, “Come on, let me give you a ride.”

  They dashed through the rain to climb into his older Toyota 4Runner. “Thanks.”

  “My pleasure.”

  On the ride in, they chatted amicably about work. Out of habit, she scanned the lot for Gio’s car.

  “He’s already gone,” Ivan supplied.

  She couldn’t quite determine if her sigh was one of relief or regret. Either way, she would ignore it.

  The night passed quickly with the final handing over of the reins to Ivan. At least her father had left before the news of her scandalous behaviour had come to light. Many people still gave her odd looks. Some envious, some jealous, and some downright confused.

  After work, Ivan took her out for breakfast. As she nibbled on her toast, he put his fork down and stared at her.

  “What?” she asked after a few moments had passed with his gaze unwavering.

  “Marry me.”

  She slowly set her toast down on the edge of her plate. Perhaps she’d misheard. As she stared into those pale blue eyes of Ivan’s, she realised she’d not. She didn’t laugh or attempt to make a joke of his statement. What she did do was consider his offer.

  It could work, she discerned. Ivan was a good man. Smart, handsome, and he had genuine affection for her. They were compatible, for lack of a better word. Sex would always be pleasant and he already had been acquainted with most of her quirks—as others referred to them.

  Yet, as she sat there and stared into his blue eyes, she couldn’t help but notice there existed no heat. No passion that seemed all-consuming. As it had in a pair of hazel eyes when Gio had watched her.

  The tip of her tongue slipped out and skimmed her lips. “Ivan, I don’t know what to say.”

  “Don’t have to say anything right now. We’d make a good couple, Jaydee. Our children would be brilliant.”

  Children. She resisted the urge to press her hand along her abdomen. The last time she had been with Gio, in the B-2, there’d been no use of protection. Could there be a possible child from that union? An unsettled flip in her stomach disturbed her. She wasn’t ready to be a mother. In the realm of maternal instincts, she had none.

  “Just think on it, Jaydee. Really, think about it and let me know. It doesn’t matter where we end up.” He reached across the table and captured her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Think about it, okay?”

  She released his hand and nodded. “I will.”

  After they’d finished eating and had gone back to their apartment building, she gave him a hug.

  “I’ll miss you, Ivan,” she murmured.

  “And I you, Jaydee. Let me know what you decide.”

  She nodded and headed inside. The place bustled with activity as the other residents prepared to head out for their day. She called out her farewells and made her way finally to the elevator and to the second floor.

  Mrs Atag, her landlady, stood there, hands on her ample hips. She smiled when their eyes met.

  “Good morning, Mrs Atag.”

  “Morning, dearie.”

  “I could have come by.”

  “Nonsense. I was down here anyway. Shall we?”

  With a nod, she opened the door and they stepped inside.

  * * * *

  That afternoon, when Jaydee left, she headed down to where her motorcycle sat. She would meet Lexy later on but, for right now, she had something to deliver.

  On her bike, she gathered up her hair and slid the helmet on. Assured that her bag would sit right on her back, she started the engine and drove away. She took her time, not pushing hard.

  The late afternoon was nice and relatively cool. Still, heat seemed to singe her body the closer she drew to her destination. Before the turn to his street, she paused and almost ran.

  Almost. Girding herself, she gave it some gas and slowly went around the corner of his street and drove until his house appeared. His car sat in the drive and she pulled in before parking at an angle behind it.

  She removed her helmet and raked her fingers through her unbound hair. Another sigh and she swung off, set her helmet on the seat, and walked up towards his front door. Once there, she knocked.

  The door opened and she lost her breath. Gio stood there, his eyes a bit red, and she knew she’d just woken him. He had on a pair of jeans that hung low around his hips. They were zipped but not buttoned. That was all he wore. His hair had been recently cut—it was shorter than it had been the last time she’d seen him. And his jaw sat covered in shadowed growth, adding to his sexual allure.

  He blinked a few times, almost as if unsure he saw her. “Jaydee?”

  “I’m sorry to wake you, Gio.” She removed her pack and opened it. “I have some things to return to you.”

  He reached for her but she stepped back, well aware of what would happen if she allowed him to touch her. All her clothing would be gone in barely any time and he would be deep inside her. Her skin burned at the temptation, her pulse quickened, and her body prepared.

  Anger flashed in his hazel gaze, darkening it, but he didn’t pursue her. “Come inside.”

  After a quick glance at her watch, she offered him a small nod. He retreated and she followed him into his home, doing her best to ignore the masculine scent that surrounded him. They’d had a long day—she knew the pilots had come in around two and had been running drills. “I won’t take up much of your time, I just wanted to give these back to you.”

  He didn’t speak, just stared at her with raw hunger in his eyes. She couldn’t deny wanting him. Especially not standing here staring at his near-naked state. He crossed strong arms over that cut chest and waited for her to say something.

  Ducking her head, she dug through the bag and withdrew the items he’d left over at her place. She held them out for him and he just stared at her. She worried her lower lip before placing the things on the straight-backed chair by the door.

  There were so many things she wanted to say but she couldn’t bring any of them up past her lips. She tried for a smile and failed. “I…I should get going.”

  He caught her before she could reach the door handle. His callused fingertips
sent shock waves through her system and her knees trembled in remembrance. Remembrance of what he did to her and with her.

  “Jaydee,” he said. The word, gravelled and rough, dragged along her skin, setting up goose bumps in its wake.


  She glanced back at him, licking her lips. His gaze narrowed on the door as he shoved his free hand through his short, buzzed hair. She read his command in the look he gave her before releasing her and stepping around her to open the door.

  “Giovanni!” the feminine cry reached her as he swung the door wide.

  “Michelle.” There was definite recognition in his tone. As well as affection.

  From where she stood, she could see the thin pale arms of this Michelle person wrap around his tanned body. Jaydee closed her eyes and reined in that unpleasant feeling of jealousy which that threatened to run roughshod over her. She’d had her chance with him. And she’d made her decision.

  Gio carried her back and set her down once they were fully in the room. The woman drew away and glanced over to where she stood. A flash of warning lit her green eyes as they stared at one another.

  “I didn’t know you had company, Giovanni,” Michelle said in a low voice. Her fingers stroked familiarly along his arm.

  “Don’t mind me,” Jaydee said. “I was just on my way out.”

  She stepped to the door and over the threshold only to pause and look back. Nothing in her life could have prepared her for the spear of hurt that jabbed her at what she saw. Gio stood there, one arm around Michelle, who had her hand resting familiarly against his chest, and a proprietary glint in her eyes.

  “Jaydee, wait,” he said.

  “No, I have to get going. Again, I’m sorry to have disturbed you. Good luck on your quals.”

  Before the first traitorous tear could escape, she shut the door, blocking out his image. She walked calmly to her bike, past the convertible Mustang parked beside Gio’s car, and left. When she reached her destination, the sun had begun to set in the sky. She waited for the gate to open then drove through to where a man waited. After talking to him, she signed some papers and climbed into the back of a waiting taxi. Two hours later, she walked with Lexy through the airport, one black leather bag in hand.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Gio stared at the door after it shut. A small sniffle yanked his attention from the sound of Jaydee’s motorcycle engine. Michelle’s eyes had large, dark circles underneath them.

  “Michelle, what are you doing here?” he asked, brushing some of her hair behind one ear.

  “I missed you,” she said softly. She rested her head against his bare chest.

  “I’ve missed you too, but what are you doing here? Did you come for Mike’s memorial?”

  Her arms gripped him and he sighed when she burst into tears. With care, he held her close while she cried. Even as he stood there staring out of the window he realised he had to go after Jaydee. Had he known she was coming over he wouldn’t have slept, for he was just too tired to have kept her from leaving.

  “Let me get you something to eat, Michelle.”

  Gently he prised her away from him and led the way to the kitchen. He gave her a Coke from the fridge and detoured to his room to grab a shirt and button the fly on his jeans. He paused and stared at his reflection.

  Damn, I look rough.

  Remaining barefoot, he made his way back to where his guest waited. As much as he loved Michelle, right now he really just wanted her to vanish so that he could go after Jaydee.

  He pulled out some chicken salad and set some crackers down before her, then grabbed some flatware and joined her. “Help yourself.”

  They ate in silence for a bit then he leant back in his chair and sighed. “What’s going on, Michelle?”

  “Do I need an invitation to come see you? I never did before, when Mike was alive.”

  Guilt ate at him. “No, of course you don’t. You’re always welcome here. You know that. But it doesn’t tell me why you’ve come.”

  “Who was she?” Michelle asked instead of answering his question.

  It didn’t escape his notice that there was a slight bite to her tone. He cocked an eyebrow and stared at her. She met his gaze head-on, defiance blazing in her eyes. A sinking feeling grew in his gut. She couldn’t…

  “A pilot. Now answer me.”

  Her lower lip quivered and he steeled himself against his instinctive reaction towards her. “Daddy is just so angry. I couldn’t take it and had to get away.”

  “So you came here.”

  “Yes, just until they finish painting my new place. I want you to come see it.”

  “Of course,” he replied automatically. “And Mike’s stuff?”

  “I’ve rented a storage locker and once my things are out of it I’ll have his moved in. That way I can go through them at my own pace and they won’t be here as a constant reminder.” She took a drink. “I’m sorry it has taken me so long to get my shit together, Giovanni. It’s just that I still feel so empty without him. I mean, he was my twin.”

  “I know, and he was my best friend. It will take some time to get past this tragedy.”

  “And the girl?”

  He shook his head. “Let it go, Michelle.”

  “She’s something special to you then, isn’t she.” It wasn’t a question, not that he’d have answered anyway. “I know Mike and Daddy always wanted us to get together. And so did I.” She lifted her head and pierced him with her green eyes. “I admit I was even a bit jealous when I got here and saw that woman in your house, especially with you only wearing your jeans. Unbuttoned, at that.”

  He opened his mouth but she shook her head. “Let me finish before I lose my nerve. I’m sure I gave off some vibe that told her you were mine and I’m sorry but all I could see was myself losing you like I lost Mike. I wasn’t ready to face that. Still not ready. But I saw the way you stared after her once she’d left. In all the years I’ve known you, I’ve never seen that look in your eyes. So despite what I want—hoped for—I know you will only ever see me as a younger sister.”

  Her expression appeared pained and hurt. However, she met his gaze square on.

  “I never meant to lead you on, Michelle. Ever.”

  She gave him a small smile. “I know. It was my own fanciful thinking. I just don’t want to lose you.”

  “You never will, honey. We’re family.” He reached across the table and squeezed her hand.

  She released a heavy sigh and gave him a grin. One with a bit of sorrow in it, but a grin nonetheless. “Now, tell me about the woman who was here.”

  He had to admire Michelle. She wasn’t a person who whined or threw tantrums. She had told him up front how she felt and accepted he didn’t feel the same. Well, not in the same vein as she would have liked.

  “That was Jaydee Amos, a fellow pilot.”


  He lifted his gaze to find her giving him a look identical to the one Mike used to level at him when he disagreed with whatever Gio was saying. Her green eyes twinkled as she laced her fingers upon the tabletop and asked him another question.

  “What would you have told Mike about her?”

  * * * *

  Gio drove towards Jaydee’s apartment building, his mind full of the stuff he’d told Michelle before she cried off to crash. There were no more excuses, or anything like that. He loved Jaydee—that was the bottom line.

  He parked his car and dashed inside the brick building, heading for the stairs, unwilling to wait for the elevator to return to the ground floor. As he stepped on to the second floor, he breathed a bit easier.

  She would hear him out. He wouldn’t leave until she did. On the way over, he’d tried reaching her by phone only to be sent immediately to her voicemail. Her floor was silent.

  Night had fallen and he didn’t expect to see her other neighbours. At her door, he knocked. No answer. He knocked again. Still nothing.

  Biting back a frustrated groan, he reached for the knob an
d turned. He breathed a sigh of relief as it spun easily under his touch.

  “Jaydee,” he called out, not wanting to scare her. “I’m coming in, sweets. We need to talk.”

  He stepped through into the dark and a tingle went up his spine. Something felt wrong. He didn’t like it. Sidestepping to the left, he flipped on the light switch. A warm soft glow enveloped the room but did nothing to stop the chills from converging on him.

  The apartment was empty.

  He blinked a few times, hoping, praying, it was nothing but his mind playing a dirty and devious trick on him. Unfortunately, it wasn’t to be so. The reality of the situation smacked him head on.

  Jaydee was gone.

  And not in the ’I’ll catch her at work tomorrow’ gone sense. There was no trace of her. No items lingering around that indicated she would be back. Ever. Nothing remained aside from bare floors and walls. No furniture, either.

  He hurried back behind the opaque blocks to where her bed had been. Also gone. The place was so sterile it looked like it had been scrubbed.


  Back in her open kitchen, he leaned against the countertop and tried to find his lost breath. Lexy’s words streamed like a mantra in his mind.

  By the end of her time here, she’ll look in that box that contains her feelings for you, sigh, and delete it. Then she’ll move on.

  “The hell she will.”

  He stormed to the exit, shut off the lights, and closed the door behind him. Trying hard not to think of the click as being something so final, he paused before the elevator. Ivan lived here.

  Back on the first floor, he checked mailboxes and got the number to Dr Vinokourov’s apartment. Three A. Gio paced in the elevator as the machine took him up to the third floor. He tried her number one more time. Same result, her voicemail.

  “Jaydee, call me when you get this message. We need to talk.” He hesitated. “Please.”

  Shoving his phone back into his pocket, he rapped sharply on Ivan’s door. No sound could be heard so he pounded again, louder this time.

  “Yes?” Ivan asked as he swung the door open.


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