Saving Summer

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Saving Summer Page 9

by Masters, Constance

  Summer emerged from the bathroom and Ben was there, already showered and changed. He must have another bathroom, she thought.

  "It fits. Sort of," he said with a grin.

  "Yeah." Summer looked at Ben carefully before starting, but she had to get it out. "Can you please put me out of my misery? Things feel weird. Will you just yell at me or spank me or something? I can't stand this!"

  "Whoa, calm down. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, I'm a little nervous that's all."

  "You're nervous?"

  "Men do get nervous, too, you know. We're not immune to feelings."

  "So it's not about what happened this morning?"

  "It has everything and nothing to do with this morning. When I thought you were late, I was angry. I thought you were being unprofessional and that you just didn't organize yourself enough to get there on time."

  "I told you I'd be there."

  "I know, but you weren't. When it got to one hour and then two, I'll admit to you, I was frantic. I was ready to call the whole party off and call in a search team. I was a crazy person. It was then that someone told me a few things I needed to hear."


  "Gladys. She asked me when I was going to man up and tell you how I feel about you."

  "Oh, really?" Summer was dying to push him, to find out exactly how he did feel about her, but she waited.

  "I told her she didn't know what she was talking about. That our relationship was one of mentor and student and that was all."

  "What did she say?"

  "She laughed. A lot and very loudly."

  Summer smiled.

  "When she finally stopped laughing, she let me have it. 'Blind Freddy can see you're crazy about that girl. I don't know what the hell you're waiting for.' I told her that it would be inappropriate for us to be in any kind of relationship."

  Summer didn't want to ruin the moment, so she just continued to listen, wondering if she was about to wake-up.

  "She told me I was being old before my time and that life was too short."

  "She's right."

  "I know. She said that and then you were even later. I started to think that I WAS stupid to have waited, that if something had happened to you and I hadn't gotten around to telling you how I feel..."

  "It's ok." Summer took the most cleansing breath she'd ever taken in her life. In that moment, everything that was wrong in her world became right again.

  "No, it's not. It's not ok; so I'm going to tell you now how I feel. You mean more to me than a student. I've come to care for you so much. The thought of never seeing you again was so mind-boggling that I couldn't get my head around it. I want you to be a part of my life."

  "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"

  "I guess I am."

  "Well, hell yeah!" Summer climbed onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck."

  Ben lowered his lips to hers, gently at first and then more pressing, his hands molding into her naked ass, pulling her tightly against his rapidly growing erection.

  "Oh, God," Summer said, coming up briefly for air. "This evening is turning out so much better than I ever imagined." She ran her tongue along his bottom lip. "I thought I was in so much trouble."

  "You are in so much trouble. I'm still going to spank you."

  "Are you serious? You're going to ruin our first night together by punishing me?"

  "Summer," he said disbelievingly.

  "I know, it wasn't one of my better days."

  "Better days? Honey, you had unpaid fines that you didn't mention, you ignored those fines because you were too proud to ask for help and then you found out your license had been suspended and you didn't even know. Sounds like a pretty big day to me."

  Guilt flickered through Summer's mind. She hadn't told him about the hitchhiking. It was only for a second, but it was enough.

  "What was that?"

  "What?" Summer tried to climb off Ben's knee, but he held on fast.

  "That guilty look. There's something else isn't there?"

  "Why would there be? Like you said, it was enough."

  "For most people. What else happened?"

  Summer had been caught in a trap; and she couldn't hide while sitting there on his lap, her face so close to his. His eyes weren't moving from hers and there was nothing else she could do but tell the truth. "He wouldn't let us drive the car..."

  "Uh huh, that I already knew."

  "So we kind of tried to hitchhike 'cause we didn't know what else to do and we didn't want to be late," she said in one breath.

  "Oh, Summer, you know how dangerous that is? Not to mention against the law."

  "I know. I mean, I didn't know about the law, I mean."

  "What about it being safe?"

  "There were two of us and we thought it would be okay because we were only going a little way."

  Ben shook his head. "So then what happened?"


  "How did you get from hitching into a police car?"

  "Well..." Summer tried to look away for a minute; she had never realized how hard it was to maintain eye contact for that long, but Ben was having none of it.

  "Look at me."

  Her eyes were back on his and she didn't like what she saw there, a mix of disappointment and determination. "A car stopped and we thought we had a ride, but it was an undercover cop."

  "That's why Poppy wasn't wearing pants. They thought she was soliciting?"

  Summer nodded.

  "My God, you two shouldn't be let out. I've a good mind to go over there and spank Poppy too."

  "She'd probably like that."

  "I bet she just would, too." He shook his head. "What am I going to do with you?"

  "Um, new relationship, new start? We could forget about this horrible day and start over?"

  "That's not going to happen."

  "It's not?"

  "Nope." He lifted her off his knee and steered her towards the corner with a smack. "Get your cute little butt over there to that corner."

  "You think my butt's cute?"

  "Summer go, now. I'm not playing with you here."

  "Ok. I'm going." She managed to keep her smile from spreading across her face, but she was smiling on the inside. Yes, she was going to get a spanking, but he wanted her, he really did and that made up for everything.

  The smile didn't last very long; it was boring in the corner. "How long do I have to stand here?"

  "Until I tell you that you can come out. You're supposed to be thinking about what you did wrong today."

  "You didn't say that."

  "I didn't think I had to. Didn't you ever get sent to the corner when you were little?"

  "Yeah, once."

  "Well then, you know the drill."

  "I didn't think about what I did then, either."

  "Of course you didn't. What did you do, Summer, while you were in the corner?"

  Summer winced. "I peeled off the wallpaper." She could tell that Ben was holding back a laugh, but he hid it well. He did a twirly thing with his finger that she assumed meant he wanted her to turn back around and he left the room.

  He was back, though, a few seconds later with a kitchen timer. "Ten minutes. If you turn around or talk, I'll put it back to the beginning."

  Summer decided to cut her losses and be quiet.

  Ben answered the door to the pizza man and set the table with plates and glasses. When the timer went off he called Summer over.

  "Oh, good, you got pizza! I'm starving."

  "The pizza's keeping warm in the oven, we have something to take care of first."

  Summer bit her lip. The firm voice was back. "I did think about what I did wrong and I know it was all silly avoidable stuff."

  "Good. Tell me how you could have better handled the situation."

  She was right in front of him. His hands were on the back of her thighs and she could feel the heat from his fingers as they crept up to cup each twitching cheek. "You're making it hard for me to th
ink straight." His hands tightened and her flesh burned under the firm grip.

  "Focus." He didn't loosen his grip, but he didn't tighten it either.

  "Um, I should have paid the fines?"

  "Before that."

  Summer was trying to think. "Oh, I should have taken the time to park properly that first time."

  "Good." He loosened his hold just a little.

  "I should have just been five minutes late and then told you why?"

  "Yes. Why didn't you do that?"

  "I don't know; I didn't want to get into trouble. Would I have gotten into trouble?"

  "A little because putting your phone on charge is part of not being late, but it wouldn't have been anything like the trouble you're in now. Now what's the next thing?"

  Summer sighed. The fingers had loosened again but that didn't stop the heat that was building between her legs. The clothes Ben had given her to put on after her shower had consisted of a t-shirt and nothing else, which left her with a whole new problem. She tried to press her thighs together so the juices she could feel pooling wouldn't run down her legs and embarrass her further.

  "I'm waiting, Sum."

  "I know. I, ah, I never should have answered my phone when Poppy rang."

  "Good girl. I think you've got it. So tell me what you should have done when you realized you couldn't pay the fines."

  "I should have told someone; but I don't like relying on someone else."

  "Well now you can rely on me. I had Poppy go home and look for the fines and she scanned them and emailed them to me. They're already paid."

  "Oh. I didn't want you to have to pay for my mistakes."

  "I just paid the money. You'll pay for your mistakes, believe me. You can pay me back weekly for the money if it means that much to you."

  "It does."

  "Ok, we'll figure it out." He took her hand and turned her sideways, still between his knees. "I won't ask you why you're getting this spanking."

  "Ok." Summer suddenly was full of nerves.

  "Take off your shirt."

  "You want me naked?" Oh, lord, she didn't want the first time he saw her naked to be like this.

  "Yes. You're a grown up girl about to get a grown up spanking. I want you naked."

  Oh, how she'd longed to hear those words, just not quite in that context. Her hands trembled against the hem of the shirt for a second. "Couldn't you do it for me?"

  "No. I want you to do as you're told."

  Summer took a deep breath, yanked the t-shirt over her head and practically threw herself over his knee, all the time trying to keep her legs together.

  A warm hand rested on her lower back and it calmed her a little until his other hand tapped gently at each thigh.

  "Open them," he said gently.

  "I can't," she whimpered.

  "Open them," he said more insistently. "Now."

  Summer shut her eyes tightly and pushed against the force that was keeping her legs tightly together, knowing he would see her shame. Finally she was able to pull them apart, leaving her open to his gaze.

  Ben said nothing, but ran his finger along her wet slit, so she knew that he could see what effect he was having on her.

  He didn't pause for long, though. The hand on her lower back pressed into her goose bumpy skin securely and her punishment started.

  "I am so disappointed that you felt that you couldn't come to me," Ben said as his hand fell heavily on each white cheek. "To put yourself in danger so you could hang on to your pride." He didn't miss a beat, his hand bouncing off her poor naked bottom with increased vigor as he went along.

  "I'm sorry I didn't tell you!" Summer managed to puff out. She was just holding it together. Just. The short and sharp lessons he'd given her before were nothing compared to this. There was no warm heat slowly building here, this was an onslaught of pain and a fire that was being fanned out of control. "I can't take it!" she cried.

  "You will take it, Summer." The hand just kept smacking.

  She just couldn't keep still. Thoughts of keeping her lady parts hidden went out of her head and she started to yell and kick for all she was worth. Her hands clawed at the cushions and her toes drummed on the floor.

  "Keep still!" Ben barked as his hand caught the edge of her hip.

  "I can't!" Suddenly she could keep still because Ben had clamped his leg over the top of hers and she found she was pinned in place. Try as she might, she couldn't even rock her bottom from side to side. "That's not fair!" she yelled. Probably not her smartest move because it set Ben off again with the lecturing.

  "I'll tell you what's not fair. A naughty young woman who thinks that the law doesn't apply to her! A little brat who selfishly thinks saving her own pride is more important than any worry she causes anyone else. What's not fair is a person who carelessly talks on the phone when they are supposed to paying attention to the road, to other cars, to the speed they're travelling at. That's what's not fair."

  All the time he was beating a tattoo on her poor broken ass. She would have to stay here tonight; she couldn't possibly sit in a car or anywhere else. The thought that he might not want her anymore because she was such a terrible person was too much. "I'm so sorry!" A strangled cry started, then the tears burst out of her like someone had opened a dam. Not the dainty sniffling type of cry, but the loud, red faced ugly cry that shook a person's soul. Summer was so consumed in the misery of having disappointed Ben and the throbbing of her ass that felt like it had grown it's own heartbeat, that she didn't even realize that he'd stopped.

  "Summer, honey, shh." He shifted himself so he was lying on his back and pulled her on top of him where he held her tight and whispered reassuring words in her ear. His hands soothed her, rubbing her back while he kissed her hair over and over. "It's over now."

  "I'm'," she sobbed, her face buried in his chest.

  "Oh, honey, I don't hate you. I could never hate you."

  "But you said... I was... selfish and naughty... and careless."

  "I said you were thinking that way. You were acting that way. Were being the operative word. I know you're sorry and I know you're not in the same frame of mind, but you were, that's why you got spanked. But it's over, you're forgiven."



  "So you still want to be with me?"

  "More than ever. Do you feel up to eating something now?" Ben slipped the discarded t-shirt over her head. "Lift up."

  Once she was wearing the t-shirt again she stood up. "I think I might have to stand to eat." Her voice was husky from crying.

  "No dice. You can sit; I want you to know what it feels like to sit on a well-spanked bottom. You might remember that next time you're tempted to answer the phone when you're driving."

  "You're mean."

  "No pouting. You should be getting my belt for even considering hitchhiking."

  "No! Please, I promise I won't ever do that again."

  "I know you've had enough, but you've been warned, try it again and that's exactly what will happen."

  Summer nodded silently. She was a smart girl and she was learning fast when to stop talking.

  * * *

  The remains of dinner and the dishes taken care of, the new couple moved into the living room. "Want to watch some TV?"

  "Sure. YOU can sit on the couch and I can hang over the back."

  "Hmm, I see your inner smart ass is finding it's way back, maybe you better hang over there and I'll go and get the wooden spoon."

  "Only joking with you. Could we lie like before?"

  "Uh huh. I might just go and get changed first."

  When he came back, Summer was pleased to see he was only wearing boxer shorts and a t-shirt. He settled himself on the sofa and she happily climbed on top. "This is nice." She slipped her hands under his shirt to feel the warmth of his skin while her face burrowed into his neck. She savored his fresh scent. "I've wanted to do this for so long."

  Summer wasn't t
he only one with roaming hands. "Me too." Ben smoothed the end of her shirt tight, sliding his hands across the firm round shape of her bottom.

  "Really? I thought you just thought I was some annoying kid." Summer shivered with pleasure as Ben's hands roamed underneath the shirt to fondle her ass. It was still sore, but when his fingers slipped between her clenched cheeks she groaned, reaching up to find his lips.

  "I was brought up to do things right. I was being careful."

  Summer pulled herself up to straddle him, well aware that he was growing hard beneath her. "What's not right about me?" she teased, kissing the corners of his mouth and moving down to nibble on his neck.

  "Nothing at all." Ben's voice was husky and his cock lurched towards the naked target nestled on top of him.

  As their kisses deepened Summer knew her juices were soaking through Ben's pants and she didn't care. She wanted to feel him inside her. She wanted him to feel how much she wanted him.

  "We need to take this to the bedroom." He stood up and took her with him, lifting her so she was facing him, his hands grasping her hot, freshly spanked rear.

  Summer sucked in a breath with this fresh burst of pain, but it was overshadowed by the delicious friction of his stomach muscles rubbing against her as he walked them to his room. It seemed to her that he flicked back the covers and whipped off his shorts in one quick movement, laying her in the middle of the bed.

  "Are you sure?" he croaked.

  "Get over here." She held out her arms for him. Lying on her back, her ass was burning but she didn't care, she was desperate to feel him near her, on top of her, inside her. Instead, he went to the end of the bed. He kissed each of her toes, ran his tongue along the inside of each of her calves as his hands kneaded her thighs. He left a trail of tiny kisses as he crawled, inch by inch up her body. "Spread your legs for me," he growled.

  Summer didn't have to be told twice, her legs fell open while she clutched at the tiny stubs of his hair, trying to make him go faster but he was in no hurry.

  His fingers walked all the way up each thigh until he reached her slick lips. "You're so wet." He dipped inside her, and then licked her juices from his fingers.


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