Wolf on the Run: Shifter romance (Shifters of the Glen Book 4)

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Wolf on the Run: Shifter romance (Shifters of the Glen Book 4) Page 8

by Jones,Skye

  Keeping his hand covering me, he slipped one finger between my lips and to my entrance. He paused for a moment, and his eyes asked the question. I answered with a hitch of my hips, and he pushed inside, filling me.

  “Gods, Laura.” His hooded gaze roamed over my face, watching me breathe as he continued to push into me.

  The heel of his palm pressed against me, his finger flicked against some oversensitive spot inside of me, and I came. Whimpering, I clenched around him as he stroked me through it. Not once did his gaze leave my face, and I never looked away.

  I’d never been so open with a man before. Hell, I’d never been so open with another human being. He’d seen me broken down to my most elemental, and I’d stayed with him through it all.

  When I came down from the high, he pulled his hand away and slid it around my back, tugging me into him. He kissed me hard and fierce.

  I wanted to pay him back even a tenth of what he’d given me, but he pulled away when I reached for him, a dark shadow passing over his face.

  “What? Do you hear something?”

  He held a finger to his lips, and I shut up. A sharp crack sounded outside the window, like a twig snapping, and he held his breath, listening to other things. Things my human ears didn’t pick up.

  After what seemed like the longest time, he let go a long exhale. “It’s gone.”

  “One of them?”

  “Nah.” He shook his head. “A fox or something, but I wanted to be sure.

  I nodded and then smiled at him. “Now… Where were we?”

  “I don’t seem to recall.” A delightful smile played about his lips, and I loved how being light and carefree transformed him.

  “I think, if I remember rightly, you’d given me the orgasm of my life, which means I owe you one.”

  I began to kiss my way down his chest, amazed at the firmness of skin and the strength it contained. His pecs were great slabs of muscle, and I wanted to sink my teeth into them and take a bite of him.

  When I reached the flat expanse of his stomach, I took a breath in and savored the scent of him. Warm, spicy, and oh-so-male.

  “I want to taste you.” I glanced up at him through my lashes. “Can I do so, Boyd?”

  His breath hitched, and he gave a nod. Wow, the femme fatale I’d changed into shocked me. I kind of liked her, though, and I hoped she’d come out to play now and again in the future.

  Reaching his hard—and very large—penis, I licked my lips. Not sure where to begin, I lifted it up from where it lay flat against his belly and ran my tongue around the tip.

  “Oh, fuck!” Boyd arched his back.

  And he’d called me responsive. I licked around the thick head some more and then got more adventurous. I ran my tongue in a swipe from the top to the bottom and back up again. Then I licked my lips and opened wide before taking him into the warmth and wet of my mouth.

  He grunted and gave a tiny thrust of his hips. I’d never thought myself talented at blow jobs, and I’d never wanted to give one to such a well-endowed man before, but I wanted Boyd with every single fiber of my being. So instead of worrying about my technique, I let go and did what I wanted. I tasted him. I sucked on him and licked at him, and he must have liked it because his breath soon came in ragged gasps and he tangled his fingers in my hair.

  A few moments later, he tried to pull my head up.

  “Laura, I’m going to come.”

  I wanted to taste him and for him to give me everything he had, so I didn’t move away but continued to suck at him. His hips stilled, and he gave a low groan before his cock twitched in my mouth and hot wet erupted onto my tongue.

  I moaned around him and swallowed every drop.

  When I lifted my head, he flopped back onto the pillow, chest heaving.

  I crawled up his body and lay atop him as he enveloped me in those massive arms of his and held me, safe and warm and cosseted.

  I never wanted to leave.

  Chapter Nine

  I awoke with a dry mouth to find my head balanced on his chest. One heavy arm lay draped over me, and Boyd had his other arm flung out to the side. Our legs were tangled together, and I’d never felt so right in my whole life.

  It made me sad. I wanted this, but I couldn’t have it. Something in Boyd grounded me, made me feel safe and content. And I imagined that something in me gave him a lift, let him enjoy moments of fun and brevity. I’d seen it in the way he’d smile with me and let go of the permanent air of heavy seriousness he carried.

  We would work together. Beyond the bond we felt, due to weird preternatural things I had no understanding of, we would work. I wanted to scream the fact at him. Write it backward on his damn forehead so he saw it every day, but it wouldn’t do much good. One of the things I both admired and disliked about Boyd proved to be his steadfast nature.

  He shifted under me and grunted something under his breath I didn’t catch. We had no way of telling the time, and with the windows boarded up, I didn’t know if it was night or day.

  “It’s late.” Boyd shifted again and moved me to the side of him, snuggling up behind me. “We ought to get dressed in case anyone from the pack comes for us.”

  “Do you think they will?”

  “Yeah. Soon, too. They’ll be dealing with the rogues, and then they’ll come for us. It worries me how many rogues there were on top of the fuckers who took you. I think our pack is in for a battle. We need to batten down the hatches and hunker down for the long haul because there’s something going on.”

  I sighed. “What will happen to me?”

  “You’ll stay…with us.”

  I sighed again. Not with me, but with us. So I’d be expected to hang around the village like some spare part. Seeing Boyd every day, but not being with him? No, thank you very much.

  Boyd pulled me in tighter as if sensing my pissed off attitude. “I can’t promise you things, Laura. But…I do like you. This…thank you for this.”

  If I’d imagined hearts and flowers, I wasn’t getting it.

  Thank you! A girl doesn’t want to hear thank you, for fuck’s sake. It sounded like a brush-off to me. Okay, he might not be the kind of guy to spout odes to his love. Not that he loved me anyway. But, thank you? Ugh.

  A loud banging at the door rent the air. Boyd’s arms tightened around me, and I gave a squeak of surprise.

  “Stay here,” he whispered.

  The bed dipped as he climbed out. I turned to see him pulling on the too-small sweat pants. He crept out of the room, and I held my breath. Moments later, I heard voices, friendly voices, and laughter. I exhaled a long sigh, a mixture of relief and, oddly, melancholy. Our time together sealed in had ended.

  “Hey, Laura!” Cait ran into the room and stopped short, her eyes wide.

  I looked down and realized she’d figured out pretty quick what had transpired.

  “Don’t get your hopes up,” I muttered. “It’s not quite what you think, and nothing’s changed.”

  “Oh, I think it has. Give it time. Once these guys get physical, it seems to be game over for them. At least, it does when they play around with someone they are bonding with.”

  “It stings, you know? The way he keeps me at arm’s length.”

  “I know, only too well. Remember? Crazy lady who dragged you all camping to stalk her eco-warrior?”

  I smiled at her words and cheered slightly. These strange men sure made a girl act insane.

  “Come on, let’s get you dressed, and we can head home. You can stay with Jake and me for however long you need. Adam has called a pack meeting, and no one is allowed out of the walls for now. Tomorrow, a group of them are heading out to go hunt down the rogues.” She shivered. “Jake’s going to be one of them, as is Boyd.”

  I nodded and swallowed down the pang of fear I felt at her words. He wasn’t mine to care for or worry about, and I needed to get some perspective. I got dressed quickly and followed Cait out into the cabin.

  When I headed into the small main room, I saw J
ake, Drew, and Louis. Boyd held the shotgun, Jake another gun of some sort, and Louis carried what looked like a knife strapped to his waist. Drew twirled a set of keys around his middle finger and gave me a wink as I stepped into the room.

  “Okay, we’re all here,” Drew said with a light tone. “We’ve got two off-roaders outside, and we should head back ASAP.”

  I shivered as the cool air wafted in from outside. Brooke walked into the room with a man I’d never seen before.

  “Feel familiar, babe?” Drew pulled her into him and dropped a kiss to the top of her head.

  “Yeah, it does. Holds good memories.” She looked up at him, and the two shared a moment so intense, I glanced away, wanting to give them their privacy.

  The man I didn’t know moved into the room. Tall, dark, and devastatingly handsome, he shot me a blinding grin. “You must be Laura. I’ve heard a lot about you.” He held out his hand, and I took it and shook. “I’m Marc.”

  “Are you a member of the pack?”

  He shook his head. “I’m from a pack in Norway. I’m here to help these guys deal with the rogue situation they’ve got. I know Louis from back in the day.” He clapped Louis on the back, and they grinned at one another.

  “So…” He stepped nearer to me. “You’re Cait’s friend, right? You’re the one with the sight.”

  I nodded, not sure how much I should share.

  Boyd came and stood next to me, towering over me and matching Marc’s height. Marc might be as tall as Boyd, but he came with a leaner build. Something told me he’d be no less dangerous in a fight, though. His dark eyes brewed with something powerful.

  “I’m the alpha of my pack, Laura. And you’d be welcome to come visit with us anytime you like.” He shot an essentially goading look Boyd’s way and then stepped back.

  “Come on.” Boyd took my hand and pulled me almost roughly after him out of the door.

  Two huge vehicles stood outside, and Drew climbed into the driver’s side of one, Cait the other. I got into the back of the one Cait drove, wanting to stay near my friend. Boyd climbed in next to me, and then a warm thigh pressed next to mine on my other side, and I saw Marc settling in on my right.

  A low growl came from Boyd’s chest. So quiet I strained to hear it over the roar of the engine. To my right, Marc gave a soft chuckle and pressed his thigh closer to mine.

  Just what game was being played here? Feeling out of my depth with the whole situation, I shut my eyes and waited for the ride to be over.

  When we arrived at the village, Boyd shot out of the car and then leaned in, giving me his hand and helping me step down.

  He shuffled from one foot to the other, looking awkward and unsure of himself. We’d pulled up outside Cait and Jake’s home. They headed inside, and Marc followed them.

  “Where are you going?” Boyd demanded as Marc reached the door.

  Marc gave such a wide-eyed look of mock innocence I had to bite back a smile as he raised his hands in supplication. “To my bed for the night. I’m staying here.”

  “Why not with Iz and Louis?”

  “Three of my pack are there.”

  Boyd’s jaw clenched, making a muscle in his cheek twitch.

  “See you inside, Laura.” Marc said my name in a low, seductive whisper.

  It did nothing for me, but I played along and shot him a sultry smile. “Okay.”

  Fuck it. If Boyd didn’t want what I offered, then I’d have some fun flirting with someone who did seem interested.

  “I hate leaving you here, not being able to watch over you.” As soon as the door shut, Boyd spoke.

  “Then don’t.”

  “If you come back with me, I doubt I can control myself, and we can’t take things further.”

  “Okay, then.” I pulled away and plastered on a bright smile. “I better get inside. I’m sure I’ll be safe with Jake, Cait, and Marc to watch over me.”

  I let myself linger on the word Marc, and Boyd narrowed his eyes.

  “Goodnight, Laura.”

  He brushed a soft kiss over my lips and turned and walked away.

  I hated him in that moment. I’d give him my beating heart on a platter, but he didn’t want it. Didn’t want me. And he showed me as much over and over again. Each time making me feel a little more broken inside.

  I entered the house and heard voices in the lounge. I didn’t want to mix with people, and I needed more sleep. A strange, aching tiredness settled over me.

  I poked my head around the door and forced a smile. “Thanks so much for having me, guys, but I hope you don’t think I’m rude if I head off to bed?”

  “Not at all. You’ve suffered quite an ordeal,” Jake said.

  Cait came to the door. “I’ll come up with you for a bit.”

  “No. Honestly.” I put my hand out and stopped her. “I’m fine. I do need some sleep. I’m shattered.”

  She wrinkled her brow but nodded and pulled me in for a hug before letting me go.

  “Use my stuff in the bathroom to get ready for bed. There are spare toothbrushes in the cabinet and makeup remover and other stuff too. Try my new serum. It’s gorgeous!”

  I smiled at her and nodded before turning and trudging up the stairs.

  Once in the bathroom, I ran through my bedtime routine on autopilot, taking off my smeared remnants of eye makeup and cleaning my teeth, and then dragging my miserable behind to bed. It seemed to take me hours to drop off, but I was too tired to do anything, so I lay there and thought depressing thoughts of where I’d go from here. Belonging nowhere. Safe nowhere. I’d fucked up. I should never have become involved with these people. Maybe then the rogues wouldn’t have targeted me.

  My head pounded, and I sat up in the dark room. I must have finally dropped off and slept some. Christ, I felt like crap. I swallowed and my dry throat burned. I needed water. I reached out and switched the light on, but I saw no glass on my bedside table.

  Hauling myself out of bed, I opened the door quietly and crept out onto the landing. I didn’t want to wake my friends. I sneaked along the landing and down the stairs, but as I reached the bottom step, the low hum of deep male tones came to me.

  I paused and listened. They were coming from the lounge, and I recognized Boyd’s voice immediately. He’d come back? When?

  “You don’t have to stay here.” It sounded like Marc speaking.

  “Yeah, I do. I need to keep her safe,” Boyd snapped.

  “I’m perfectly capable of keeping her safe. So this little, middle of the night guilt trip you’ve got going on is unnecessary. You went on home and left her here in our care, so stick to your decision, friend.” Marc again.

  “You’re not my friend, asshole.”

  “No, but I am an alpha, so take care what you say.”

  “You’re not my alpha, and I’ll say what the fuck I like.”

  Whoa. Why the aggression? Not sure if I should go and intervene, Marc’s next words stopped me.

  “You don’t want her, but you don’t want anyone else to have her. It’s not fair, Boyd. She needs protecting.”

  “I will be the one to protect her.”

  “But if you don’t mate her, what sort of life is it for her?” Marc sighed then, and his tone softened. “Think this through. She’s most likely some form of Seer. Probably not as true in her powers as Ayina, the Warrior’s Seer, but still, she has a talent. Sadly, a talent which makes her a commodity for all the wrong reasons. Especially as she doesn’t know how to use it. She’s ripe to be taken again…to be trained by the dark ones. She’s in danger and will be for a long time. You guys can keep her safe. Of course, you can. But during her time under the pack’s protection, she can’t return home. Can’t go back to her job. Can’t meet a guy, settle down, maybe even have kids.”

  A low rumble filled the air.

  “Yeah. You don’t like the idea of her having kids with anyone, do you, Boyd?”

  “Go fuck yourself.”

  “I’d return the compliment, but you’ve a
lready fucked yourself well and good. I’d heard great things about you, but you’re nothing more than a fucking coward.”

  I sucked in a big breath at Marc’s harsh words.

  “I’ll show you how much of a coward I am if you keep running your damn mouth.” Boyd sounded about ready to attack.

  Oh, no. I did not want Boyd fighting an alpha. He’d get into trouble for it, for one thing.

  “Listen to me. I’m trying to be a friend to you, but I’ll be honest, too. Laura is beautiful, and she’s linked to our species somehow. She’s not empathine, but she gets us. More, she sees the beauty in our kind, and few humans do. I sensed it as soon as I stepped into the same room as her. You don’t want her, then one of our kind will take her. And you’d better pray it is someone like me and not some rogue.”

  Boyd gave a frustrated sounding exhalation. “I do want her. More than I’ve wanted anyone or anything in my whole damned life. It makes me feel guilty as hell because I want her even more than I did Ali. Of course, the feelings I had for Ali went beyond the purely physical. We were bonded and together for years… But still, the guilt is there. Every time I look at Laura, she reminds me of it. But I still fucking want her.” He gave a harsh laugh.

  My legs went from under me at Boyd’s words, and I grabbed the banister as I sank to sit on the bottom step.

  “Then for the sake of the gods, take her.” Marc’s exasperation became clear in his terse tone. “Don’t waste the chance because of a useless emotion like guilt.”

  “It’s more than guilt. I’m scared I’ll fail her. I failed my first mate, and I can’t go through it again. I can’t risk putting Laura in such a position.”

  “My friend, my warning remains. You can’t sit in limbo like this. Claim her as yours or let her go to find what she needs with another. You can’t keep her hanging in this in-between. Not now. Things are getting dangerous. The Warriors are aware of this surge in rogue activity and might be heading this way.”

  I heard movement in the room and figured either Boyd or Marc was pacing up and down from the rhythmic tread.

  Marc, I presumed, as he spoke next. “You guys still have those half-dead rogues in your medical center, and I’m pretty sure the Warriors will want to take a look at them. You want someone like Dante seeing Laura? You know him. He’s like catnip to the females, but he wouldn’t know commitment if it slammed him upside the head.”


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