MERCILESS (The Mermen Trilogy Book 3)

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MERCILESS (The Mermen Trilogy Book 3) Page 18

by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

  Salla laughed. “Who’s going to make me?”

  “We are.” Liv’s soul surged with a powerful, warm, white light. She wondered if that was what love looked like when everything else was stripped away. So pure, so euphoric and healing.

  “What are you doing?” Salla growled. “Get the fuck off of me!”

  Liv could see bits and pieces of what was happening through her own body and eyes. Roen was holding Salla down to prevent her from physically going anywhere.

  “I love you, Liv,” he said, grunting his words as Salla flailed. “You can do this. You’re stronger than she is.”

  Liv felt Salla’s soul struggling, trying to hang on tightly to Liv’s physical form. She could almost see Salla, too, though it was difficult to describe. Her energy was black with swirling bits of red—like part of her soul was just as angry as it was evil.

  “This body will die if you do that, Liv,” Salla screamed.

  But Liv couldn’t allow Salla to live a moment longer. These people had suffered long enough. She and Roen had suffered enough.

  “I’m going to crush you, Salla. And if my body dies with you, so be it.” There was no doubt in Liv’s mind that given the chance, Salla wouldn’t harm just her child, but thousands more for generations to come.

  “Liv! Don’t!” Roen said.

  But as much as Liv wanted a life with Roen and to be a mother, Salla’s world was filled with too much suffering. Now Liv could see everything, every memory, every life Salla had taken. As Liv tried to overpower Salla, she saw right into Salla’s evil heart—how she seduced the mermen into this violent life, blinding the truth from them. They’d always had the power, and she’d always been afraid to be left alone, that the humans would hurt her. Salla’s nightmare became theirs.

  And this place? This place was what it was—an island in the North Pacific. Its bedrock made from crystals and minerals that created a kind of energy that couldn’t be seen with the naked eye or measured with any instruments in this day and age. It truly was special. And all the life that blossomed around the island since Salla’s departure? It was how the island was meant to be. A paradise.

  “And you’re nothing but an uninvited guest, Salla. And it’s time for you to go.”

  Liv felt Salla shrinking under the weight of her conviction.

  “You fucking bitch! I’ll destroy you. I’ll destroy your baby, your mate, your entire family!” Salla yelled aloud, but her words only fueled Liv’s determination.

  “I’m not afraid of you anymore, Salla. No one here is. You have no more power over me, them, or this place. So go to fucking hell!” Liv felt Salla dissolve into nothing. After several long moments, Liv knew that she had finally done the impossible.

  “She’s gone. The bitch is finally gone.” A wave of utter euphoric happiness swept over her. “Roen?”

  He was silent, but then choked out, “Your body…”

  Oh no. Her body was dying. “Place my body back into the water,” Liv instructed. She didn’t know what to do, but she wouldn’t give up. Not now.


  Too anxious to sit, Roen stared down at the beautiful sleeping form on the gurney in one of the recovery rooms inside Holden’s home slash medical clinic. The machine to Liv’s side quietly beeped.

  “She’s going to be fine,” said Dr. Fuller, standing behind him.

  Roen looked over his shoulder. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  Dr. Fuller leaned over Liv and checked the IV.

  “Why hasn’t she woken up yet?” Roen asked.

  Liv had gone silent the moment he’d put her body back into the water. Then she began breathing again, and he’d wept with joy. Everyone had.

  Only, she hadn’t woken up, and he could no longer hear her speaking to him. Neither could Dana or Lyle.

  “I don’t know,” Dr. Fuller said regretfully. “But she’s only been out for a few hours. Give it time.”

  “How’s the baby?” Roen asked.

  Dr. Fuller gave him a look. “Fine. Just like the last time you asked ten minutes ago.” Holden had an ultrasound machine—hell, they had everything on the island—and Dr. Fuller had used it to take a look. A tiny heartbeat had been present, which was a miracle in itself. And from the size of the baby, Dr. Fuller was sure it was about five weeks old. That was the time he’d been with Liv, the real Liv, so there was a chance that they’d conceived the first time. Regardless, that’s what he would choose to believe.

  Dana entered the small sterile-looking room with Lyle. The red eyes made it obvious she’d been crying.

  “You’re exhausted,” Roen said. “Why don’t you go lie down in one of the beds in the other room. I’ll call you if anything happens.”

  Dana looked up at Roen with those big brown eyes that were so much like Liv’s. Even Dana’s heart-shaped face and lips were similar. “I just took a power nap. That’s why I’m here. I saw Liv in my dreams. She was laughing and swimming in the water with all of these…” Dana leaned in, “mermaids.”

  “Mermaids?” Roen asked.

  “You know, the ones with the pretty long hair and sparkling green and blue tails.”

  At first, Roen thought she was joking, but she wasn’t.

  “But she can’t be swimming,” he said. “She’s right here.”

  Dana made a sad little shrug. “It was just a dream. But I had to come see her.” She walked over and leaned toward Liv on the bed, planting a kiss on her forehead. “Come back, Liv. You’re not a mermaid.”

  “Should we do some tests to see what’s going on with her?” Roen asked Dr. Fuller.

  “I’m hesitant to do more than blood work, since she’s pregnant.”

  But doing nothing but waiting felt completely wrong. He had to take action. He had to do something to make her better.

  Roen took a seat in the chair beside Liv and rested his head on her chest. Her heart thrummed away at a steady pace. Her breathing was calm and normal. He lifted his head and looked at her. “Where did you go, Liv?”


  Liv had felt her soul release from the island, but something powerful began pulling her away from her body, pushing her toward them. Some were the shapes of mermaids and mermen with magnificent bodies and long flowing tails. Some were simply lights that mingled and swam in the air, dancing around a fire.

  I could stay here forever, she thought, feeling like she was in a beautiful dream.

  “But you need to go back, Liv,” said a soft female voice.

  Liv looked up at the woman with long flowing hair and big eyes. There was no color to her, just light. Sparkling, beautiful light.

  “Did I die?” Liv asked.

  “No, sweetie. But you will if you don’t return.” The woman simply smiled at her. “You don’t belong here. Not yet anyway.”

  “What is this place?” Liv asked.

  “This is the island. The part that cannot be seen with eyes.”

  Liv didn’t quite understand. “You mean all of the energy in that place…this is what it looks like?”

  “Yes. Now that you’ve freed us all from Salla,” the woman pointed behind Liv, “your life awaits you.”

  Somewhere in the back of her mind, Liv knew she had to go. But her heart wanted to stay and be near this beautiful light. Whatever it was.

  “I don’t want to leave,” Liv argued. “I like it here. I feel safe.”

  “Liv, Salla didn’t choose you. We did. We tricked her into finding you and into thinking you were the one who could free her. But we chose you because you are strong and you have a pure heart. It was why the maids protected you, why Salla couldn’t control you, and why my son fell in love with you.”

  “You’re Roen’s mother,” Liv realized. Roen. Roen… An image of his hazel-and-green eyes flashed in her head. It was coming back to her now. The reason she wanted to go back. But then there was a problem.

  “My body,” Liv said, “I couldn’t get inside.” Yes, now it was all coming back to her.

  “Your new heart w
asn’t ready, but it’s done now. Your body is completely healed.”

  Liv covered her mouth. “I have a new heart?”

  “A gift from all of us.”

  That is one hell of a gift. “Thank you, but how is that possible?”

  “Never you mind that. Just tell my sons I love them. And that I’m grateful they set me free.” The woman embraced Liv and then she felt herself falling and falling. The sound of beeping and a warm strong hand over hers flooded her senses. Cool, clean air filled her lungs and her body began to tingle.

  Slowly, Liv opened her eyes and saw Roen, his head resting on her chest, his eyes closed as if listening to a beautiful symphony.

  “Roen?” she whispered.

  His eyes flew open. “Liv?”

  She made a little nod. “Yes, merman. I’m back.”

  He lifted his head, and his eyes began to tear up. “Thank God.” He jerked forward and kissed her hard. He pulled back and grinned. “You’re warm. So fucking warm.”

  “Yes, it’s me. All me. No hitchhikers.”

  “But where were you?” he asked.

  “I’m not really sure. I think I was here, but I wasn’t here. And…I don’t know.” She blew out a breath. “And your mother says hi. She’s so happy, Roen. And she loves you. You and Lyle. Yeah, and I think she said something about wanting to thank you for freeing her.”

  The waterworks really turned on and Roen began to sob.

  She couldn’t keep her own eyes from tearing up. “Okay. Stop that. I thought you mermen were supposed to be tough.”

  He wiped his eyes. “I’m going to punish you for that.” He grinned, the tears still trickling from his eyes. “As soon as you’re feeling up for it.” He looked down at her body.

  Then it struck her. “Ohmygod. The baby. Is it all right?”

  He nodded. “Five weeks old and a heart like a lion. A mer-lion, of course.”

  Liv placed her hand over her stomach. Now it was her turn to sob.

  “Oh, look who’s the big baby now.” He sniffled.

  She smacked his arm and laughed. “Me. I am. And…I love you so much.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her. Her lips parted and his tongue slid between her teeth, stroking her gently, passionately and making her feel like she just might need to try out her new heart right then and there.

  “Eh-hem.” A deep voice came from the doorway.

  They stopped kissing and looked at Lyle, who stood there grinning. “I see our fair queen has returned to us.” He dipped his head. “But I knew you would.”

  “How?” she asked.

  “This island is magic. Don’t you remember? And we are forever grateful to you, Liv.”

  “We’re in the middle of something here,” Roen snapped playfully.

  Lyle nodded. “Yes, well. I came to show Roen something very interesting, but now that you’re awake, you must see it, too. Are you well enough to move?”

  “What is it?” Roen asked. “You know I foking hate surprises, Lyle.”

  “Don’t be such a pussy and come with me,” Lyle pushed.

  “I want to see,” Liv said enthusiastically.

  “No. You need to rest,” Roen protested.

  “I’m fine. I’ve never felt better.”

  “You’re such a mother hen, brother,” Lyle said, a teasing gleam in his eyes.

  “Before I forget,” Liv said, “your mother says hi, Lyle. And she wanted to thank you for setting her free.”

  Lyle’s jaw dropped. “My mother was the woman I killed?”

  Liv and Roen both nodded, and then Lyle proceeded to start crying like a giant, seven-foot baby.

  Dana suddenly appeared next to him. “Lyle, what’s wrong?”

  Dana then looked at Liv and put her hand over her heart. “Oh shit. For a minute I thought he was crying because you’d died. But you’re awake!” She rushed toward her sister, pushed Roen out of the way, and hugged her. “Oh, thank God,” she cried.

  Liv patted her sister on the back. “I missed you, too.”

  “You have no idea how scared I was, Liv.” She pulled away and wiped her eyes. “I was afraid I’d have to tell Mom, Dad, and Krista that you really were dead this time.” She smiled and then whooshed out a breath. “But now we get to have babies together.”

  Liv felt her smile melt away. “Babies?” Both she and Roen glanced at Lyle, who suddenly looked guilty as hell.

  “I’ll wait outside.” Lyle quickly disappeared.

  “Dana,” Liv said, scolding her.

  “What? I wanted a merman of my own. And now I got one.”

  “But he’s a…”

  “Eh-hem.” Roen stood behind Dana with his arms crossed over his chest.

  Liv looked at Dana and sighed. “Welcome to the family.”


  Liv, Dana, Roen, Lyle, and Dr. Fuller stood on the boat dock, staring out at the horizon to the west. The sun was just setting, turning the sky a stunning shade of orange.

  “What are we looking at?” Liv asked, the reflection of the sun dancing off the waves, making it difficult to see anything at all.

  Lyle pointed to a spot in the water where something splashed around. “There! Look over there!”

  Liv tried her best, but it just looked like a dolphin or something. Maybe even a shark.

  “It could be anything, Lyle. What do you think we’re looking at?” Roen asked.

  Just then a figure jetted up from the water and then disappeared underneath the surface. It happened so fast, Liv wasn’t at all sure what she’d seen. But it looked like… “Was that a shimmering blue mermaid?” She looked at Lyle, who grinned and wiggled his brows.

  She then looked at Roen, who just stood there staring as if he’d seen a unicorn.

  “Well, I guess we know where our people went,” Lyle said.

  “So they’re not coming back?” Dr. Fuller asked, seeming very disappointed.

  “I have no idea,” Lyle said. “But I think you should stay here indefinitely and take over studying the island.”

  Dr. Fuller stared at something off in the distance. It was a large hand waving at her in the water. A blue tail then popped up and began doing the same. Was it Holden?

  “I think I’ll go get my swimsuit.” Dr. Fuller grinned and walked off.


  “Roen? Can I ask you something?” Liv whispered to Roen, trying to keep a straight face. “Do mermen have penises?”

  “What?” He laughed.

  “I’ve always wondered, you know, if they’re half fish down there…is there a penis? Does it just dangle around?”

  Roen shook his head, chuckling.

  “Don’t make fun of me. It’s a legitimate question,” Liv said quietly.

  “Well, maybe I’ll stop drinking water so you can find out.” He cocked one beautiful, caramel brown eyebrow.

  “I would totally do you as a merman. Especially if you had a sparkly tail.”

  He pulled her close to him, their mouths inches away. “Let’s just focus on regular sex for now. We can save the kinky stuff for later.”

  He kissed her hard, making her heart flutter. A heart that she’d freed from the island, but now belonged to Roen.

  He broke the kiss and scooped her up into his arms.

  “Ohh…are we going back to your place, merman?” Liv asked.

  “I can’t wait that long.” He marched up the hill, away from the docks and through a stand of trees. The trail hooked around a bend and opened up at a large lagoon with a waterfall.

  “I remember this place,” she said as he laid her down on the grassy bank near the water’s edge. This was the place where they’d once held the strange ritual to see which merman could hold his breath longer. It was all part of their elaborate claiming rituals.

  “You know, Roen, you never really claimed me properly.” She smiled at him.

  “I’m not going to bite you, Liv. Not while you’re pregnant anyway. But I do have other plans.”

  He pulled
down her shorts and pushed up her T-shirt, exposing her breasts to the warm evening air.

  He whipped off his shirt and then shed his own shorts. His long, thick erection jutted out and made her core throb with anticipation. She spread her legs for him as he knelt and looked down at her most intimate spot.

  “Mmmm…” He stroked his hand over her gently. “You have no idea how sexy you are, Liv. Every inch of your warm, warm womanly body.”

  “I kind of prefer my view. It’s way hotter.” Her eyes stuck on his pulsing cock.

  He took it in his hand and leaned forward, teasing her entrance and c-spot with the soft, velvety head. She flung back her head, savoring the sinful sensation. She then arched her hips toward him, silently inviting him to give her more.

  “You’re so wet, Liv. So ready for me.”

  She looked up at him, those strong bulging biceps tanned to perfection, the hard contours of his pecs, the deep grooves of his rippling abs. Exquisite. That was what Roen Doran was. But what made her hotter than hell was the look in his eyes. Like he wanted to fuck her, bite her, eat her up.

  “What are you waiting for?” She ached for him. She craved to feel his cock sliding deep inside and filling her body, pumping and grinding against her.

  There was a moment of pause.

  “What’s wrong, Roen?”

  He winced. “I really do have the urge to fucking bite you, Liv.”

  She propped herself up on her elbows. “Oh. And you think you won’t be able to control yourself?”

  He shook his head no. “That’s not the problem.”

  “Then what?”

  “I never wanted to bite her. Not once. I should’ve known, Liv.”

  He felt guilty. He needed her to say she forgave him.

  She smiled at him and reached for his neck, pulling him down on top of her, settling him between her thighs.

  “Roen, I know you love me. And I don’t feel bad about a thing. I won. And I won you.” Not only that, she freed them both.

  “I still want to bite you.” He grinned.

  “How about just a nibble, no skin breaking.” She trusted him with her life, now more than ever.

  He covered her mouth with his, his tongue working rhythmically against hers as his hand reached down between their naked bodies. He positioned himself at her entrance and then moved to grab her hands, raising them above her head and pressing them into the soft grass.


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