Keeping the Biker's Oath (Dogs of Fire: Savannah Chapter Book 5)

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Keeping the Biker's Oath (Dogs of Fire: Savannah Chapter Book 5) Page 16

by Piper Davenport

  I was early, which was normal with twins, but Doc predicted I’d be even earlier from the last ultrasound he took. My stomach was huge, and the babies were running out of room, evidenced by the fact that they were squished so close, we couldn’t tell the sex of either of them.

  “Did you call Jasmine?” I asked, as we drove.

  “Alamo’s bringing her, baby. She’ll probably beat us there.”

  “What about Clem?”

  “Sent her a text.”


  Doc chuckled. “I let your brother know before Clem, but after Jazz. And Willow’s letting everyone else know.”

  “Okay,” I rasped, grabbing the handle and trying to breathe through another contraction.

  Pulling up to the hospital, Doc grabbed a wheelchair before helping me out of the car and handed his keys off to Otter who’d followed us. Doc wheeled me inside, and the fact he had privileges at this hospital was a bonus for me, because I was settled in one of the best birthing suites without having to wait to fill out paperwork.

  “Is Margo coming?” I asked Doc once I’d changed into a hospital gown.

  “Yeah, sweetness. Any minute now.”

  I grabbed his hand. “I want you here as my husband, okay? Not my doctor. Can you do that?”

  He smiled. “I’ll do my best.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m glad it’s Margo. She’ll verbally spank you if you get in her way.”

  “This is true.”

  Doc got me settled in the bed just as Jasmine walked in, followed by a nurse who looked far more runway model than medical professional. She was tall, with red hair and big blue eyes, and she was curvy. She looked like she’d stepped out of the pages of an Irish fashion magazine.

  “Hi, Olivia,” she said. “I’m Shiloh and I’ll be your nurse through your delivery.”

  “Hi,” I squeaked as a contraction took over.

  “Breathe,” Shiloh instructed as she squeezed my arm.

  Once the pain subsided, Shiloh made quick work of getting me hooked up to a fetal monitor and then went about getting the room ready for delivery.

  “Oh my god, I’m so excited,” Jasmine said, sitting on the bench by the window.

  “Where’s Alamo?” I asked.

  “He took Sebastian to the barn. I’m yours for as long as you need me.”

  I smiled. “Thanks for being here, honey.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it.”

  Doc took my hand and lifted it to his lips. “Love you.”

  “I love you, too.” I smiled. “Make sure you introduce the guys to Shiloh, okay? We need a nurse in the family.”

  Doc laughed. “I’ll do my best, after the babies are here.”

  “I can live with that.”

  That was the last coherent sentence I remember forming as Margo arrived with the anesthesiologist and then my water broke. Clementine arrived two hours later with my brother, but Hayes stayed in the hallway.

  Four hours later, I delivered our little boy, Phoenix Tristan, who was six pounds, two ounces, followed seven minutes later by our baby girl. Chloe Rose was five pounds eight ounces, and feisty as all get out, screaming the second she came out. Phoenix was much more laid back, letting out little noises that were way too cute to be considered cries.

  “Jesus, you’re amazing,” Doc whispered, kissing me gently before kissing the babies. “I love you.”

  I turned teary eyes to him and smiled. “I love you, too.”

  As I stared down at my miracle children, I couldn’t believe the blessings that had been heaped upon me. And as my family and friends took a minute to hug me before leaving me blissfully alone with Doc and the babies, I sent up a silent prayer of thanks.

  My life was filled to the brim and I couldn’t have asked for more.


  Eighteen months later…

  “CHLO, CHLO, LET’S try not to kill Uncle Doom, okay?” I warned.

  My daughter currently had her arms around Doom’s neck like a vice grip. It couldn’t be helped. He was her absolute favorite person on the planet. Well, next to her daddy, of course.

  “She’s fine, Liv,” Doom said, kissing Chloe’s neck. “Aren’t ya, baby girl?”

  Chloe squealed and slapped his face. We were enjoying another family night at the barn and Doc was currently trying to get Phoenix down for the night. We’d found that if we tried to put them down at the same time, the twins felt it was a chance to catch up on all their conversations of the day. We’d caught one such conversation on their bedroom cam, and although it was the cutest fucking thing on the planet, because they seemed to understand each other’s gibberish perfectly, it didn’t work in terms of them getting on a normal sleep schedule.

  They were still sharing a room, because Chloe wanted her big brother close, but she wouldn’t go down unless he was already asleep. So, after a few failed tests, we figured out Nix needed to go down first, or he’d wake Chloe to ‘chat.’

  A very pregnant Lyric walked in, holding Sterling’s hand, but when he saw Doom was holding Chloe, the toddler pulled away and made a run for Doom’s leg.

  Doom chuckled and picked Sterling up.

  Sterling stroked Chloe’s cheek. “Pretty baby.”

  “Well, shit,” I whispered. “Let’s not let Doc see that.”

  Lyric settled her hands on her belly and giggled. “How cute would their babies be, though?”

  “Illegally cute,” I said.

  Doc walked in a few minutes later and cocked his head. “What?”

  “Nothing,” I said, and he rolled his eyes.

  “Are you two scheming?”

  “Us?” Lyric asked in a sing-song voice. “We would never.”

  “Hm-mmm.” Doc smiled. “Nix is down, but let’s give him a few before we put Chloe in.”

  “Oh, she doesn’t care… she’s too busy giving Sterling googly eyes,” I said.

  “Jesus,” he hissed, and made his way to Doom. “Come here, Rosie,” he said, reaching for our daughter.

  She let out a squeal and buried her face in Sterling’s neck.

  “Baby,” Sterling said, patting Chloe’s back.

  “Chloe Rose,” Doc tried again. “Come to Daddy.”

  Doom handed her off, but the second Doc had her in his arms, she threw her head and body back and screamed. Doc had to hold her with both arms to keep her from falling.

  “Okay, so she’s fallen in love,” I deadpanned.

  “Like hell she has,” Doc said. “No love until you’re fifty.”

  “Do you want me to take her?” I asked.

  “No, I got her. Have some wine, sweetness,” he said, leaning down to kiss me quickly, all the while, Chloe screaming and trying to get back to Sterling. “She’s just exhausted.”

  “Yep, sure,” I said.

  He chuckled and headed back up the stairs, and I finally heard Chloe stop crying.

  “Crap, we’re in trouble,” I mused.

  Lyric wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “We got your back. Now, go do what your man told you to do so I can live vicariously through you.”

  I grinned. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

  I was actually the only one not pregnant, currently. Jasmine had given birth to a gorgeous little girl and gotten pregnant again less than six months later, so she was dealing with Sebastian, Chance (coolest little girl name, in my opinion), and morning sickness. Luckily, Alamo was an incredible partner and took on most of the physically taxing work.

  Both Quin and Willow had gotten pregnant within weeks of each other, so, Lyric was scheduled to deliver first, followed by Jasmine, then Quin or Willow. Quin had informed Badger, and everyone, that she was getting her tubes tied because she was convinced that even if Badger got snipped, his bionic sperm would still get through.

  Doc and I had decided to purchase the home next to Doom and Lyric’s, and Doom’s father, Sterling, had just finished the renovation. We’d moved in less than a month ago and I loved our home. It was huge, with six
bedrooms and six and a half bathrooms, two living rooms, and a gigantic eat-in kitchen, complete with the original fireplace where they used to cook, so it was three times the size of modern fireplaces.

  It also had a carriage house that the previous owners had used as a man cave, so Doc converted half of it into a makeshift clinic, keeping the other half as his own man cave. He and Doom had put a gate in the fence between our homes, so we were constantly going back and forth between the two.

  Even with the next generation now in the world, my parents were still being assholes. They’d ask to see me and the kids without Doc, even going so far as to offer up an all expenses paid week in Paris. Yeah, like I was going to Paris without my man. They were delusional. I explained in no uncertain terms, and a few choice curse words, that they were no longer welcome in our lives and to kindly fuck off. My children would never know the feeling of disapproval in the form of my mother’s nose up in the air, and they had a gaggle of the older generation to act as their grandparents who would love them unconditionally.

  Sugar Bear was behind bars, and with the evidence Dalton had gathered, he’d be there for a long time, which meant we all had some breathing room. The rest of the Spiders’ were fractured, both here and in Portland, but I had a feeling that wouldn’t last long. I just hoped they left us the hell alone. I didn’t think I could handle another war.

  Raquel had gone back to Colorado with Orion, and they were head over heels in love, even if it was a bit of a hard road for them to get there. It made sense. She was a Brooks’ and they always seemed to like a challenge.

  As I poured a glass of wine and made my way out to sit with my family, I found Doc already there, laughing with his brothers. He was sitting in one of the overstuffed chairs and held his hand out to me.

  I lowered myself onto his lap and he wrapped his arm around me, kissing my neck before focusing back on his conversation with Alamo.

  Jasmine gave me a grin and I tipped my glass to her before taking a sip of my wine and snuggling closer to my man.

  And what a man he was. I was truly a lucky girl.

  © 2019 Trixie Publishing, Inc.

  All Rights Reserved.

  18+ for language and sexual situations...

  When Hatch, the beloved Sargent at Arms for the Dogs of Fire MC, finds himself falsely incarcerated, his woman, Maisie, must move heaven and earth to release him, while holding back a pack of ravenous bikers whose bite is worse than their bark.


  Two years ago…

  I STRETCHED, MY body, well and truly sated from the royal shagging my husband, Hatch, had provided before heading off to work. He was a mechanic and owned a garage not far from home. He’d left me in bed with a promise to drop our boys at school before heading to his shop, so that I could have a lie in. Today was “Maisie Day.” It happened once a month, come hell or high water, and Hatch took care of everything. Today it was the royal shagging, followed by lunch with my girls, then mani/pedis with my baby girl, Poppy. This particular Maisie Day came during hell and high water, considering someone had stolen Hatch’s identity and it was taking a while to sort it out. Whoever had hacked his accounts was a hacking phenom and not even our resident genius, Booker, could get around it.

  My phone buzzed on my nightstand and I answered it, assuming it was Hatch. “Miss me already?”

  “Babe, it’s Flea. Hatch has been arrested.”

  “What?” I whispered, throwing the covers back and jumping out of bed.

  “Hatch has been arrested,” Flea repeated.

  Those four words had just turned my perfect world upside down.

  “For what?” I demanded.

  “We don’t know. Mack’s trying to find out.”

  “Flea, you need to get me information. I need to know what the bloody hell is going on.”

  “I will, Maisie. I promise.”

  I hung up and tried to call Hatch. He didn’t answer…not that I expected him to, but I tended to be an optimist and really wanted this to be fake news.

  In hopes of getting something, I called Mack. He answered after one ring. “Babe, I don’t know anything yet. Try not to panic.”

  “How can I possibly not panic when my man has been taken by God knows who to God knows where, without a word to anyone? I want to talk to him.”

  “Tryin’ to work that out, Maisie. I’m kinda runnin’ into a brick wall.”

  “Are you joking?”


  “Look, I get that I’m not versed in how the American jail system works, but I’ve watched enough movies to know that he gets a phone call,” I said. “And I’d imagine, if he doesn’t ring me, you will be the next choice.”

  “No one’s getting to him and I’m trying to find out exactly why.”

  “No, no, no, no, no, Mack. Not acceptable. You need to shut this down.”

  “Can’t do that if I’m on the phone with you, Maisie.”

  “Right. Of course. I’m hanging up now.” I did and hurried through a shower before donning clean clothes. I wasn’t really sure why I was even bothering, but my British stiff upper lip required I didn’t show emotion whilst wearing the freshest of knickers.

  My phone buzzed just as I pulled my hair into a band. It was Payton. “Hi, Pay. Have you heard?”

  “Yes! What the hell is going on?”

  “I don’t know. I was kind of hoping Hawk would know.”

  “No one knows anything,” she said. “Crow and Mack are working on it. Hawk went to the club. Actually, everyone’s there. I’m at your door. Come let me in.”

  I rushed downstairs and pulled open the door, finding myself pulled into one set of arms, then another. Payton and Cassidy, who were Hawk and Ace’s women, respectively, lived just down the street and were both speaking at once as I led them to my kitchen.

  My phone buzzed, and I answered it without looking at the screen. “Hello?”

  “Are you sitting down.”

  “What’s going on, Mack?” I asked as I lowered myself into a kitchen chair.

  “He’s being held on the Patriot Act, which means, he cannot contact anyone. Not even me.”

  “Oh, my god,” I rasped, tears making their way down my cheeks. “Is he okay? Will they hurt him?”

  “I don’t know, honey, but try not to freak out, okay? We have friends in law enforcement. You know they’ll do whatever they can to watch out for him.”

  “Where did they take him?”

  “He’s being held at a secure facility in Portland. That’s all we know.”

  “Mack, you have to find a way for me to speak to him. At the very least, make sure he’s okay. Safe. I don’t want him getting shived in the shower or something horrible like that.”

  “Technically, he’d be shanked with a shiv,” Mack said.

  “I swear to all that is holy, are you telling me there’s a possibility he might be shanked?”

  “Bad joke. I’m sorry. Pretty sure he can take care of himself, Maisie.”

  “Not even he can survive a shank wound.”

  I could tell he was holding back laughter as he said, “As soon as I know anything, I’ll call you.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  I hung up and Payton slid a cup of coffee in front of me then sat down. “We’re gonna figure this out, honey.”

  “God, I hope so,” I whispered, just as my phone rang again. “Hi, Poppet.”

  “What’s going on with Sid?”

  Poppy had called Hatch ‘Sid’ (Stand-in-Dad) ever since he’d adopted her. Hatch’s love and acceptance of my daughter had helped further soothe the loss of my late husband, Niall. The heartbreak had been something I thought I’d never survive. Before Hatch and I got married, Poppy had fallen hard for his nephew, which Hatch had kyboshed, but love always found a way, and the two had been married for almost a year now.

  “We’re not entirely sure, darling. Just that he’s being held and they’re citing Patriot Act so he can’t ring me,” I said.

  “Well, tha
t’s a load of shit,” my daughter hissed.

  “I know, love.”

  “I’m coming over.”

  “Okay, darling. I’ll see you soon.” I hung up again and stared at the wall.

  “What does everyone want for breakfast?” Cassidy asked.

  “Nothing, love,” I said. “I don’t think I can eat.”

  “Which would piss Hatch off,” Payton said.

  She was right. It would. I sighed. “Eggs.”

  “And bacon,” Cassidy added.

  “Sure. I have loads of it, considering I’m married to a bacon hoarder.”

  I rose to my feet, but Payton tugged me back down. “It’s Maisie Day, honey. We’re cooking and taking care of the kiddos until all this shit is sorted.”

  I sat down again and focused on my friend. “What if he’s stuck, Payton? What if he never comes home?”

  “Don’t think that way, sweetie. We’re going to figure it out.”

  I wish I believed them, but until we knew exactly what was going on, I was going to have to be strong for Hatch. It wouldn’t do him any good for me to melt down.

  * * *

  If you’d like to read more, you can order Hatch HERE!

  Unedited Copyright ©2019 Trixie Publishing, Inc.


  I’m the oldest son of MC royalty. My father founded the Primal Howlers and he expects me to wear his patch one day. The problem is, I don’t know if that’s what I want. Lately, I couldn’t give two sh*ts about anything.

  Until her.


  I moved to Monument, Colorado to write my thesis and get some much-needed distance from my overbearing family. What I didn’t expect was to find is myself hung up on a biker who appears to have nothing to lose.

  I, however, have everything to lose and I’m worried Orion just might be my downfall.



  About two months ago…

  “Are you ready?” Georgia bellowed up the stairs of the townhouse we shared.


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