Jessie (The Mark Series Book 1)

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Jessie (The Mark Series Book 1) Page 2

by D. A. Stafford

  Looch’s attention locked on to the female as he deeply inhaled her scent. Frantic, he took several quick strides towards her, bent down to check on her. She was tiny and so fragile. She seemed lifeless as there was no sound or movement from her. Looch wondered if he was too late. She was so severely beaten he couldn’t distinguish her facial features, but he knew her in a way no other man except his brother would know. Her scent told him she was theirs. Looch grabbed his comlink and hailed Leigh, his brother, and the ship’s master healer. “Leigh, get down here immediately. I’ve found her, and she is near death.”

  The comlink chimed back almost immediately, “You found her? Never mind, I’ll be there at once.” Leigh couldn’t think. He was so flustered he was almost on the transport without grabbing his medical supplies. He rushed back and grabbed his healing bag which housed his devices. He then sprinted to the transport and shuttled down to Earth.

  While transporting, Leigh thought about the last several Earth males Looch had captured and brought back to their spaceship, the Solace. Leigh tried to cure the male’s madness. None of their treatments worked, and Leigh had to end the male’s lives peacefully. There was no cure for whatever had plagued Earth. The best thing his race could do is gather the remaining females of this planet and take them back to Arenia. The Arenian race was concerned with the over abundance of males, as fewer and fewer females were being born. About one in every two thousand births was female. Maybe Earth females were their planet’s saving grace? With no males of this planet being viable, Earth will die out.

  His brother, Looch happened upon this planet by accident. Usually, semi-intelligent beings who have weapons, use them on an alien ship which has flown into their solar system. Looch had known something was wrong when he was unable to hail anyone on this entire planet.

  They had already saved thousands of women from the surface, and it was just the first several days. Leigh had stayed on the Solace to receive the females and help with translators and any healing needed. Luckily there hadn’t been females with extensive injuries needing a healing unit. Some of the females were older and some mere children. Almost all were malnourished with bones protruding and a gaunt look on their faces. They were unable to stay in one place long enough to have a nourishing meal to feed their bodies. Some were just trying to survive the best way they could. The worst, Leigh feared were too broken inside ever to be whole again. They were the ones who had been raped, tortured or forced to watch as the Earthmen killed their families. These were atrocities which should never fall upon any female and would never be mended with a healing unit.

  Arenian culture reveres females as they are loved and showered with passion. Leigh prayed to the Goddess their female’s soul wasn’t damaged beyond repair. He and his brother had waited a long time for their ayah.

  This voyage was to be their last chance to find their ayah. If they had not found their one true mate, when they returned to Arenia, they would be required to bond with a female their fathers had chosen. Looch and Leigh were not looking forward to a loveless bond with their childhood friend.

  Leigh landed the transport on the surface in no time at all. He grabbed his medical bag and exited the transport on a dead run towards Looch and the small lifeless female. He just hoped he and his brother could help fix her mind, body, and soul.

  Looking her over and assessing the situation, Leigh knew he couldn’t treat this female in these conditions. He feared he needed to get her back up to the healing ward. “Looch, we need to carefully wrap her up and get her back to the ship. She needs a healing unit immediately. We’re losing our ayah.”

  At the same moment, Looch heard a twig snap and ducked just before a projectile hit him in the head. Looch spun on his heals to glare at a tiny female holding a long-handled tool of some sort. She screamed as she swung again, “I’ll kill you! Leave her alone!”

  “Had the females of this planet gone mad as well?” Looch thought to himself. When the female swung this time, Looch was ready for it and grabbed the implement with one hand and hauled the small, feisty female to his chest with the other. “What’s wrong with you female? Are you sick with madness as well?”

  Marie was so confused. “What the hell was going on?” she thought.

  “Did you hear me female? Why are you attacking me? I’m here to help you.” Looch gave the little female a gentle shake.

  Marie’s mouth just worked up and down, like a fish out of water. This beast of a man had some type of mask device over his mouth which projected English somehow. Although Marie was never allowed to watch them, the sound emitted from the mask reminded her of those 90’s horror movies. “What’s your favorite scary movie Sidney?” she thought. Marie snapped out of it as she looked over at her friend’s lifeless body. A man in what looked to be a tight, black medical suit was assessing Jessie with some medical devices but was roaring, snarling and growling at the man lightly shaking her.

  Looch let go of the female and turned his attention back to their ayah. He helped Leigh place their ayah on the medic transport, then came back to the tiny female with the long-handled tool still in her hands. Being the commander, Looch needed to secure the rest of the females in the area and get off this planet. The quicker he did it, the faster he could take their female home. Watching the transport take off and not knowing if their ayah would make it was one of the hardest things Looch has ever had to witness.

  Turning to the small female, he said, “My name is Commander Looch, and I’m here from the planet Arenia. You can understand me because of my voice translator. It will suffice until you’re able to be fitted with a translator in your inner ears. Please listen carefully to the truth in my words as I’ll only say this once. There’s no cure for your Earth males. Although you may not think it now, your planet is dead. With no viable males, your race will become extinct. There’s no hope for you or any female on this planet. Arenia is in short supply of females, and we wish to take the remaining females of Earth, back to our world. My warriors have gathered many females thus far. I’ll not force you to leave, but will remind you of your bleak options by staying.”

  Marie was still in shock over ‘I’m here from the planet Arenia.’ Jessie was the only person who had protected her. Now Jessie had been assaulted so severely she couldn’t even recognize her and she didn’t know if Jessie was even alive. But throw in a six-foot three-inch man who says he’s from another planet, who just killed some guy and this was a full on, epic holy crap moment.

  Looch decided to give the woman another little shake and said, “Are you listening female? If you stay, you’ll die. If not from the hands of one of these males, it will be from lack of food supply or if you’re lucky, a very long, lonely existence. If you come with me and my warriors, we will protect you. All females are cherished on our planet. You’ll want for nothing, no matter who your chosen is. That is if you’re of breeding age.” Looch looked at the tiny woman, inspecting her. “You are so small you look much like a child. I know this is a lot to consider, but I need to know if you’ll come with me and I need to know now.”

  Marie didn’t trust anyone, but she’d witnessed how tenderly both men treated Jessie and knew in her heart these men wouldn’t hurt her. Marie wouldn’t leave Jessie by herself. Jessie had saved her and Marie had to help save her. Besides, what choice did Marie have? Stay here and be raped again or killed by one of these maniacs or go with the alien? “Go with an alien?” That’s not something Marie thought would ever cross her mind. She believed the alien was the lesser of two evils and stated, “I’ll go with you Commander, on one condition. We go back to the ranch and get the rest of the girls; then we go see Jessie.”

  Looch was a little perplexed as his translator seemed not to be working right. “What’s a gurrrlll and a Jessie?” Looch said.

  Tilting her head to the side, she said, “Are you for real? It’s not a what; it’s a who. A girl is another female and Jessie is the female you just carted up to wherever you’re from.”

  Looch became agi
tated as there were more unprotected females in the area and they may be in trouble right now. He tersely said “I assure you I’m not a holographic image. Please show me the way to the girls.”

  Marie had other ideas. “First you promise and then I’ll show you but not until you promise.”

  Looch tried not to show his irritation. He looked the little female squarely in the eyes, placed his right fist on his chest and bowed slightly while stating. “You have my pledge; I’ll show you and your girl’s safe passage to our planet.”

  “What about Jessie?” Marie asked.

  “Yes, you’ll see Jessie. I wouldn’t keep her from you.” Looch stated. Marie gave him a short nod and turned towards the ranch.

  Using her shovel she kept as a weapon, Marie hiked up the small incline towards the ranch. Not a word was said between herself and commander Looch. Marie was overly shy. It had taken all her willpower to go and help Jessie, but she couldn’t let Jessie die. When Marie had caught up to Jessie, this beastly alien had just pulled a knife out of the neck of a man he just killed and was over Jessie in moments. Marie didn’t know what to do. Like most ballerinas she knew, she was five foot two inches and one hundred pounds soaking wet. How did she think she was going to get this guy away from Jessie? Marie would have risked this beastly man running after her if she could have distracted him, but she wasn’t a runner. Although the commander had not been violent towards her or Jessie, Marie knew she’d not like to be the cause of his ire. Marie was wondering if she was doing the right thing bringing him back to the ranch. Would the others be angry with her? Suddenly out of nowhere she was being scooped up in the Commander’s arms. She screamed and struggled to get out of his hold. “Let me go!”

  The female was so small, Looch could almost encircle her waist with one hand, but he was having a hard time controlling her movements as she was wiggling as much as a Parethian maggot about to be eaten. When Looch had almost dropped her for the second time, he said in an authoritative voice, “Calm, small female. I will not hurt you. I smell the others and would like to get there quickly so we may all leave.”

  Marie froze. What did he just say? Did he smell them? Everything was too overwhelming for her. What was she thinking? This guy could snap her like a twig. Her breathing started to come in pants more than breaths. She felt the blood rushing through her veins, and little stars danced across her vision. “Calm, little female, calm. Tell me what you are named.”

  “M-M-Marie. I’m shak-k-ing, I don’t know why I’m sh-sh-shaking.”

  Looch said gently, “You’re in shock. If you don’t slow your breathing, you’ll lose consciousness. Can you concentrate on my voice? You’re safe with me M-M-Marie.”

  Marie gave a quick forced chuckle and said, “Marie. It’s j-just Marie.”

  “Marie of Earth, we will be with the others in a moment.” Looch said while running through the terrain towards the ranch without any effort at all.

  Marie was tired, scared and cold, so she buried her head down in his chest to absorb some of his warmth. “At least I’m safe for now.” She thought.

  Moments later they reached the ranch which had become everyone’s home since this whole nightmare began. Looch placed Marie on her feet, and she swayed a little. After Looch righted her he said behind his mask, “My people have a keen sense of smell. I know your friends are here, and I can get them, but I feel it will be better if you ask them to come out. If I go in, they may panic, and then we’ll have a situation on our hands. I’d encourage you to ask as soon as possible as I need to return to the ship to take care of Jessie.”

  Marie looked at the ranch home and weighed her options again. There wasn’t much to weigh as there were only two options. Stay or go. Marie cleared her throat and yelled loudly, “Riley? Sloane? Teagan? Can you come out here for a moment?” Marie didn’t hear anything and was about to repeat something, when Looch had stopped her. Riley came out first with a baseball bat in her hands quickly followed by Sloane and Teagan who also carried bats.

  “Let her go,” Riley said.

  When Marie was just about to speak, Looch placed himself beside Marie and held his hands up proving he wasn’t touching Marie. “I’m not touching nor hurting Marie of Earth. My name is Commander Looch, and I’m here from the planet Arenia. My ship, the Solace is orbiting Earth. Jessie has been brutally attacked and is on my ship being treated as we speak. I’ll take you to her, but I need you to gather whatever belongings you want to keep, as you won’t be returning.”

  “Let me get this straight. You’re an alien, and you’re telling me, to see my friend I must come with you and never come back? Why can’t you just bring Jessie to us if you’re so high and mighty?” Riley said with a snarky attitude.

  Looch cocked an eyebrow at her. Who in all Molinka did she think she was? Looch and Leigh were the princes of Arenia. A female would never question his authority. Looch’s voice boomed. “Those are my conditions. I’ll not force you to leave but would remind you there are still many males on this planet and they will find out where you are. They will hunt you down, rape, torture and kill you. Do you still want to stay knowing those facts and knowing you’ll never see Jessie again?”

  Riley looked at Marie and then to Sloane and Teagan. Riley gave Marie a twitch of her head indicating she needed to come up on the porch with them. Marie slowly looked up at Looch and then started walking on the path towards the porch. Once there, Marie began to tell Riley what had happened to Jessie and that she trusted Looch.

  “How do I know you’re not going to keep us and use us for some genetic testing or even worse, some sex slaves?” Riley said.

  Looch flinched as if someone had just slapped him. He straightened his back and said, “You have my word no harm will come to you. Females are revered on my planet. Whichever males you are assigned for your protection will be honorable males. Decide and gather your belongings. We must leave.”

  Marie told Riley with determination in her voice, “I’m going. I have nothing left for me here. I won’t leave Jessie alone. She’s done too much for me.” Riley nodded and looked at Sloane and Teagan to gauge their reactions.

  “What do you think? Marie has made her choice. Jessie would never forgive me if I left you here, but I need to be with her. She’s the only family I have left. Please consider going.” Riley said.

  Tears filled Sloane’s eyes but didn’t spill onto her cheeks. With love overflowing in her heart Sloane said, “You know I don’t have very much time left, so anything is better than what’s going on here. I can never repay Jessie for her help. I owe her, so I say we leave.”

  Teagan as always, not speaking a word shrugged then nodded. Sloane quickly nodded to Riley, Teagan then to Marie. “Let’s do this, ladies. We don’t have anything to lose except each other.” Said Sloane.

  Relief washed over Looch as the females went inside to pack their belongings. When they emerged from the dwelling, they each had a large bag. Riley gave Looch an extra-large bag, and from the scent on it, he knew it to be Jessie’s. Looch gave Riley a quick nod acknowledging her.

  When they were all safely on the transport ship, Riley spoke quietly to Looch. “Look, I don’t know what you did to gain Marie’s trust, but if she trusts you, then we all trust you. Marie has had it the worst when this whole thing started. I won’t get into details, but she’s withdrawn, shy, and most of all scared. I’m utterly shocked she went after Jessie knowing there were all those men out there. Teagan is new to our little group. She hasn’t spoken a word since she’s been with us. Jessie picked her up wandering the streets with a deer in headlights look on her face. We’re still not sure what she has been through, but it must’ve been bad because she wakes up screaming hysterically from her dreams. Sloane has stage four ovarian cancer which has spread. She had about six months left when MEDS hit the area. She’s young, so we’re hoping she has a little longer. That’s us in a nutshell.”

  Sloane piped up, “When we get to the ship, Marie and Teagan will stay with Riley, and I’ll
go with you to see how Jessie is doing. Jessie saved me from a hospital, and I won’t abandon her in one.”

  Looch just nodded. Although he noticed Sloane had a slightly yellow tinge to her skin and the scent of pain around her, he was too distracted, thinking about Jessie to figure out what cancer was and what would happen at the end of six months.

  As the transport broke through Earth’s atmosphere, Looch explained he’d get Riley, Teagan and Marie settled with the other Earth women and take Sloane to see Jessie. He couldn’t help but remember how poorly Jessie had looked when they loaded her on to the transport. He was anxious to see her. Looch explained to the females he’d have to take the translator mask off to communicate to the crew. He also reassured Riley, Teagan, and Marie not to be frightened when they received their permanent translators in their ears when they were processed into the Arenian system. All three nodded, but Sloane asked, “What about me? Why don’t I get a translator?”

  “I’d have to wait for you to be processed before the crew can place the translator and it could take over an Earth hour to do so. I want to make sure Jessie is doing well, and I’m sure you do too.” Looch stated flatly.

  When they all reached the Solace, they broke apart. Riley, Teagan, and Marie went one way, and Looch and Sloane went another. Looch barked out orders in his native tongue which was terrifying to Sloane. The language was incredibly guttural with nothing more than grunts, roars, and growls. It was nothing Sloane had ever heard but didn’t care. All she wanted was to see Jessie. A door opened, and Sloane saw Jessie lying on a bed of some sort. Sloane gasped and started to cry as she pushed her way past Looch and headed straight for Jessie.

  Chapter Three

  While Looch attended to the other females on Earth, Leigh gently laid their tiny female on the healing unit. He was disgusted the female, his female, had been abused so horribly. Both of her eyes were so swollen she couldn’t see out of them even if she was awake. Her forearm was at an odd angle from being broken, her breathing was shallow and raspy, but the injury Leigh was concerned about was the stab wound to the shoulder. The injury had slowed in bleeding, but his ayah was so cold to touch, and from what Leigh had seen of Earth females, she was an unnatural color of grey. In the short time Leigh had been treating the incoming Earth females, he’d seen many different shapes, sizes, and colors, but he never saw a grey color.


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