Getting Rowdy

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Getting Rowdy Page 18

by Drew Sera

  I watched her scene with Seth in the classroom. I smiled at her smart mouth that came out in full force, winced and tried to look away while Seth was fucking her, and my heart ached when she said her safe word at the end.

  “No, little one,” I said under my breath in the hallway.

  Seth did what he could to get her to just sit down with him, but she wouldn’t have it. Once Seth left the room, I watched her carefully. She paced around for a few moments before wrapping her arms around her midsection, then lowering her head and began crying. I stood in the doorway, watching her.

  She made eye contact with me for a brief moment before returning her gaze to the floor. Kelsie was trying hard to keep it together. I walked to the small fridge by the teacher’s desk and took out a juice box. I poked the straw in the top and sat down on the couch with it. Looking up at her, I urged her with my eyes to come sit down with me. I knew she wouldn’t do it with others, but I hoped she’d still do it with me. Slowly her feet came closer until she sat down beside me. I held the juice box out, and she took it from me. Neither of us spoke, but we both sat there and soaked up something we both were missing terribly. Soon, Kelsie was leaning against my side, slurping on her juice. Once she hit the bottom of the box, and the straw made the noise confirming it was empty, I took the box from her and kissed her forehead.

  “Good girl, little one.”

  “Thank you, Daddy,” Kelsie whispered before kissing my cheek and leaving the room.


  Oh fuck, my heart hurts.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  July 2003

  Weeks had gone by, and Cathy and I had many conversations on the pros and cons of adding Noah and Kelsie. We wanted both of them; we needed both of them.

  I turned the light on and glanced at the alarm clock while the ringing phone blared in my ear. 3:30 a.m. Ringing phones in the middle of the night meant one of two things: something was wrong or it was the wrong number.

  “Hello,” I managed to say into the receiver of the phone.

  “Blake, it’s Brent.”

  I sat up in bed and woke right up. Brent’s connected with Kelsie.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Can you come to Kelsie’s?”

  “Yes, what’s wrong?”

  I held the phone with my shoulder while I pulled on some pants and took a shirt out of the closet.

  “Kelsie and her roommates went to Tails, and some of the girls brought some guys home with them. Assholes. Kelsie called me in a fit of tears asking me to come over because she was scared. People were yelling and screaming in the background. I think she was hiding in her room. Someone started pounding on her door, she screamed, and the line went dead. I just got to her place, and the police are here. She won’t talk to me now. Blake, two of them are badly injured.”


  I sat down on the bed and started putting shoes on but stopped when he mentioned two girls are injured.

  “I’m on my way.”

  I quickly told Cathy what Brent said, and she encouraged me to go, but to be safe.

  In the car, I dialed Anthony. I needed someone I trusted to go with me. I wasn’t leaving there without Kelsie, and I am going to insist that I hold her in the backseat. Which meant, I needed someone I trusted to drive. Anthony’s place was on the way to Kelsie’s, and he was waiting outside.

  “So the police are there?” he asked.

  “That’s what Brent said.”

  I turned onto Kelsie’s street, and it was lit up with tons of lights from police cars, ambulances, and a fire truck.

  “Damn,” Anthony said.

  I parked along the street and quickly went to the front door but was stopped by police. Brent saw us and let the police know we were friends of one of the girls. Friends? I was more than friends with Kelsie.

  I quickly made my way to her bedroom and stopped in her doorway. There were police officers and two paramedics crouched on the floor. My heart ached as I saw my little girl, cowering in the corner.

  “Sweetheart,” I said and made my way toward her.

  She looked up and held her arms out toward me, her black and pink skull bracelet dangled from her wrist. I knelt down, and she flung her arms around me and started crying hysterically.

  “Daddy’s got you, little one,” I whispered into her ears.

  She shook in my arms, and the paramedics recommended that if we weren’t going to ride with them to the hospital to have her looked at, that we drive her there ourselves. Kelsie cried harder and shook her head before she buried it against my chest.

  “We’ll take her and have her looked at,” I told the paramedics and police.

  The paramedics left her room, and the officer asked Anthony for some information for contact purposes. He handled that while I concentrated on Kelsie. She settled on my lap when she brought her arms down, and I saw she had her teddy bear. In one hand she held the bulk of it and the other hand she held it’s arm.

  “Oh, sweetheart,” I frowned at her bear’s severed arm.

  “We have to f-fix him. Please, he’s all I have f-from my mom.”

  Kelsie was in hysterics and started to get the dry heaves. I urged her to calm down and promised her I would fix her bear. I knew how important her bear was to her, especially since she lost her mom violently. She probably clung to it while she witnessed such a heinous act. Anthony finished with the officer and then knelt down beside me.

  “We need to take her to get looked at,” I said to Anthony, and he nodded.

  Anthony moved around Kelsie’s room, looking for some clothes and shoes. Her room looked like there had been a fight going on in here. I prayed to God she wasn’t hurt, but considering there were two girls with wounds and an unconscious girl, I’d say Kelsie was doing fine. We got her dressed and carried her from the house towards my car. Anthony held Kelsie while I got in the back seat and then he put her in my arms. Kelsie dropped her bear on the floor of the car, but Anthony picked it up and placed it over her stomach. He grabbed my wrist and moved it, so I put my hand over the bear, holding it to her stomach. Anthony just nodded at me, silently telling me not to move.

  Many things went through my head, and Anthony’s teddy bear interaction had me thinking. I couldn’t dedicate much time to think about it like I wanted to. I held Kelsie in the waiting room while Anthony checked us in and then he came to sit next to me.

  “What’s your bear’s name, Kelsie?” Anthony asked her.

  I think the shock was setting in because she wasn’t very talkative and perhaps Anthony knew and understood this a bit more than I did. Again, something I wanted to come back to and talk about or at least, think about.

  “Kelsie, what’s this little guy’s name?” Anthony asked again and playfully shook the bear’s foot, but Kelsie remained quiet in my arms.

  “I had a bear when I was little. He wore a blue shirt but no pants. I named him Buster. Buster Bear. He and I were great friends. We climbed trees, ran together, played hide and seek. We were both terrible at it though because we both would hide at the same time.” Anthony laughed lightly at his own story.

  “Did your mom give you Buster?” Kelsie asked Anthony quietly.

  Anthony shook his head and wiggled Kelsie’s bear’s leg.

  “My dad sent the bear to me when I was very little.”

  “My bear’s name is Jazmin,” Kelsie said quietly.

  “Oh, pardon me then.” Anthony laughed and looked up at me. “I was calling her a he. Jazmin is most definitely a girl…right?”

  Kelsie laughed and nodded, and a few moments later we were called back. The doctor checked Kelsie over and listened to her story as she struggled to tell it. When Kelsie heard the screaming in their living room, she went to check on it and tried kicking everyone out. That's when things turned ugly and Kelsie grabbed the phone, and threatened to call the police. One of the guys chased her, and she locked herself in her room while the guy tried to break her door down.

  “He was most likely af
raid you'd call the police and wanted to get the phone out of your hands,” the doctor tried to ease her worries.

  While the doctor examined her and tended to a few small abrasions, the arm of her teddy bear fell from her hands. Anthony picked it up and said he'd hold onto it for her.

  “Please don't lose it,” she said nervously to Anthony.

  “I won't, sweetheart.”

  The doctor left the room for a few minutes, and I returned to the bed to sit beside her.

  “Little one, why didn't you call me?”

  “Because it was late and I knew you'd be in bed and didn't want to wake up Cathy. Brent lives alone and is in security. And I was afraid you wouldn’t come…I miss you so much.”


  She started to cry, and I wrapped my arms around her. The doctor came back with a prescription to help her sleep and explained it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for Kelsie to have difficulty sleeping. I carried her to the car and sat in the back seat with her again. It was going on six in the morning, and Cathy was awake when we got home. I held Kelsie on my lap while I told the story to Cathy. We sat up for a little while until Kelsie nearly fell asleep in my arms.

  “Darling, why don’t you and Kelsie lie down and try to sleep for a while,” Cathy suggested.

  I happily accepted that suggestion and carried Kelsie to the guest room she had occupied for the week she stayed with us. I laid down with her and held her closely. I noticed she didn't have her bear, but knew for a fact she had it when we came inside.

  “Try to rest, little one. Just close your eyes and know that I will be right here when you open them.”

  I woke up hours later and nudged Kelsie. I took her by her hand, and we went to the kitchen so I could make sure she got some food. In the kitchen, Cathy was sitting at the table chatting with Anthony. Cathy looked over at us, smiled and headed over to the pantry.

  “Kelsie, let me help get you something to eat,” Cathy said warmly and pushed me towards the table to sit down.

  Kelsie stayed in the kitchen and spoke with Cathy as they began making sandwiches and soup. I sat down across from Anthony and smiled at him.

  “You're still here. Sorry about that,” I said quietly to Anthony.

  “It's no problem,” Anthony said as I noticed Kelsie’s bear was sitting in front of him on the table.

  There were some things that he did or said last night that I wanted to talk to him about, but I didn't know how receptive he'd be to it.

  “You were very calm with her last night, Anthony.”

  He shrugged and sipped his coffee. I had a feeling he'd be closed off about it. I pulled the bear over and frowned at it. The arm was fixed! I held it up in the air and got Kelsie’s attention.

  “Sweetheart, look,” I said happily.


  Kelsie hurried over and pulled the bear from my hands and tested out the arm. I eyed Cathy and saw her smiling as she watched how genuinely happy Kelsie was.

  “Thank you,” Kelsie said and looked up at Cathy.

  Cathy glanced at Anthony and then back at me and then Kelsie.

  “Thank Anthony. He’s the one who fixed her.”

  Cathy turned around to tend to the soup and Kelsie gave him a hug before going back to help Cathy with lunch. I just stared at Anthony.

  “You're a seamstress now?”

  “I’m multi-talented. I'm very good with my hands. Ask the ladies of your club,” he joked back.

  I nodded at him and thanked him. Anthony stayed and had lunch with us before I drove him home. So many things were on the tip of my tongue to ask him or say to him, but I wasn’t going to over complicate it. Besides, I knew his walls were firmly in place.

  Kelsie wasn’t going back to that house where she rented a room. The time we’ve spent apart has cemented the fact that I need this young woman in my life. Cathy and I had our final discussion on the matter, and we were both in agreement; we would add Kelsie and Noah to our special dynamic. We invited Noah over for dinner and talked with him and Kelsie about the invitation to join our family.

  “What? Seriously? You’re inviting me to live here?” Noah asked and set his silverware down.

  “Yes. This is something very special. Neither of you will be considered house slaves. While there is a hierarchy, everyone treats one another with respect. Same rules apply as during the week you both stayed here. We’ll adjust rules here and there as they become necessary. So, what do you guys think? Do you want to think about it?”

  “No! I want this!” Noah eagerly replied.

  “Are you certain, Noah? Our play could kick up a notch,” Cathy teased.

  “I’m certain!”

  “I’m going to take that sweet, little ass of yours, young man,” Cathy warned Noah.

  Noah’s cheeks flushed, and a smile spread across his face, exposing his perfect teeth. Kelsie’s sweet sounding giggles caught my attention, and I reached across the table, and playfully grabbed one of her breasts.

  “What are you laughing at, little one?”

  “Noah’s going to get something up his ass,” she continued to giggle and laugh while Noah smiled and nodded.

  “Don’t worry, little one. Daddy’s going to make sure you get something up that little ass of yours tonight,” I promised.

  After dinner, I decided to enjoy myself. I called the three submissives into the living room and instructed them all to undress. Noah’s cock was already hard, and I could see some pre-cum forming on the tip. We’ll have to work with him on control.

  “Little one, Daddy has something for you to suck on.”

  I unzipped my pants and pulled out my hard cock while keeping my eyes on Kelsie. I motioned her closer and then helped guide her to her knees. She knelt between my legs and lowered her head, taking her time licking and sucking.

  “Cathy, darling…enjoy Kelsie’s pussy.”

  Watching my wife lower to the floor and lie on her back was beyond sexy. Cathy’s hands came up to hold Kelsie’s hips and help guide her to lower down over my wife’s face.

  “Enjoy it, sweetheart.”

  I made a gesture towards my wife while looking at Noah. He didn’t wait for a second invitation and immediately went down on Cathy. Once I came in Kelsie’s mouth, I encouraged Cathy to make Kelsie come, and for Noah to make my wife come. Sounds of pleasure filled my living room, but I was eager to have some alone time with my little one.

  Eventually, Cathy took Noah to the play room, where I’m sure she was ready to collect on taking his ass. Once Kelsie and I were in her room, I lowered her panties just below her ass cheeks.

  “Daddy’s going to spank you, little one.”

  I pulled Kelsie across my lap and warmed her ass cheeks up with the palm of my hand. After I had given her ten playful swats, I made good on my dinner promise and buried myself up her ass.

  After I had snuggled with Kelsie, I gave her a bath and read her a filthy story. I kissed her goodnight and checked on Noah before returning to my room for the night. Cathy filled me in on her pegging scene with Noah. It made me smile to see Cathy speak with such excitement over her evening dominating Noah.

  Over the coming weeks, Cathy and I got Noah re-enrolled at UNLV so he could finish his degree and Kelsie and I spent a few hours each day studying for her citizenship exam. She was very determined to earn her citizenship, and it brought me a great deal of pride to see how dedicated she was about this.

  At the end of July, we collared Kelsie and Noah in front of our friends at Irons. The collaring ceremony was simple, but I had put a lot of thought into the collars. Noah and Kelsie each received a unique collar from Cathy and me. Kelsie’s was a necklace that had a daisy charm, and the reverse side engraved with “Blake and Cathy’s.” Noah’s collar was a set of dog tags that had the same engravings that Kelsie’s had on one tag, and the other tag said “Cathy’s boy” on it. In addition to the collar, I had a skull charm engraved for Kelsie’s black and pink bracelet that said “Daddy’s” on it.
br />   Epilogue

  November 2013

  “Thank you, little one,” I said to Kelsie and kissed her cheek.

  Kelsie had just delivered me a glass of whiskey and was heading back behind the bar to help Noah out when I heard Anthony’s voice boom out in the main room of Irons.

  “Fuck, Evan! Red, goddamn it!” tore from Anthony’s mouth, causing me to stand up straighter.

  I had been leaning against the bar watching a little scene between Evan and Sydney; a little submissive that Colin has been working with.

  Many things disturbed me about this scene, but possibly the most disturbing are that that one of my experienced Doms took such little care in listening to Colin about some things to avoid with her. From what I knew, Sydney was just coming out of a very violent recent past and needed a little extra care.

  Evan lost his head and failed to exercise caution with this little sub. While she hadn’t said her safe word, Anthony was wise enough to step in and say it.

  From my conversations with Colin about Sydney, I knew that she had developed a strong bond with Anthony. She trusts him, and I can see what she does to him. He’s been a mess tonight and ended up aiding Evan in the scene. I watched Anthony carry that girl away from Evan, and I’ve never been more proud of him as I was at that moment.

  Colin had gone over and sat with the two of them for a while, and I closely observed their interactions. Anthony looked so content with her in his arms, and I remembered way back to something he said to me when he first entered the mentoring program. When I asked him what he liked most about being a Dom, he told me that he loved feeling needed and meeting the needs of submissives. Anthony needed to be needed. Sydney needed him just as much as he needed her, and I could tell that it scares Anthony to death. I saw it all over his face when Colin stood up with Sydney in his arms; Anthony ached for her.


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