Seeking Our Destiny : Nelson Brothers'

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Seeking Our Destiny : Nelson Brothers' Page 1

by Liberty Parker

  Seeking our Destiny

  Rebel Guardians

  Liberty Parker

  Darlene Tallman


  Character Bible




  1. Destiny

  2. Destiny

  3. Destiny

  4. Silas

  5. Destiny

  6. Destiny

  7. Silas

  8. Silas

  9. Destiny

  10. Silas

  11. Silas

  12. Silas

  13. Silas

  14. Silas

  15. Destiny

  16. Silas

  17. Silas


  Liberty Parker

  Darlene Tallman

  Also by Liberty Parker

  Also by Darlene Tallman

  Also by Liberty and Darlene

  Character Bible

  Nelson Brothers





  Piper Carsden Nelson

  Raven Robenstein

  Destiny Carsden

  Team Members









  Seeking Our Destiny

  Nelson Brothers Book 3

  Copyright © Liberty Parker & Darlene Tallman 2020

  Published by Liberty Parker & Darlene Tallman

  Cover by: Dark Water Covers

  Model : Alfie Gordillo

  Photographer : Reggie Deanching with RplusMphoto

  Edited by: Melanie Gray, Shannon McFadden, Beth DiLoreto,

  Mary Kern

  Formatting by: Liberty Parker

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person or use proper retail channels to lend a copy. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. To obtain permission to excerpt portions of the text please contact

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All the characters in this book are fiction and figments of the authors’ imaginations. No part of this story is based on any true events or anyone’s life. If any MC names are used by any real, or true person, it is coincidental and in no way based on them or any real-life human being, living or not.


  We want to thank the ladies who have helped us make our words tighter and more solid. While two now have some life things going on that prevent them from being as active, we know that our books are better because of ALL of their hard work! So, Mary, Kat, Joanne, Shannon, Melanie, and Beth – thank you. We honestly feel that between y’all and us going back through what we’ve written that we end up with as perfect of a manuscript as possible!


  For our readers who embraced this crazy trio of men that at first glance, aren’t very likeable. Until you started asking, we never thought to give them their own stories! We hope y’all love seeing the many facets of Silas; he’s definitely a complex, challenging man.



  I'm a hard man; I've had to be thanks to my father. I protect those I love and care for with everything I have and nothing gets to me. Until the day I carried a slip of a woman, Destiny, out of the hell she had been held in, I took what I wanted with no regrets. But Destiny is different; at first, she clings to me as her rescuer and then we fell into a relationship of sorts, even though I don't do those. When an enemy from our past shows up causing male and female submissives to come up missing, a plan is set in motion that will change everything.


  Despite his rough, gruff exterior, there's something about Silas Nelson that calls to my inner self. He's made it clear that sex is all that we can have, but I want more from him. I deserve more from him, and I will pull out all the stops to get what I want. He’s the one who makes my heart sing and my soul rejoice; can I get him to recognize and admit that he wants the same as me?

  **Suitable for ages 18+ due to subject matter**



  I’m so angry I could spit nails. Destiny doesn’t need to be out on her own. Does she really think all threats against her have been eliminated? She’s so fucking naïve that it pisses me off. She has no self-preservation what-so-fucking-ever. I’m not stupid, this isn’t even about her, it’s about putting me in my place and making me commit. Which I’m aching and willing to do, but not until I’ve seen to her safety first. I’m a ball of endless energy as I watch her puttering around Raven’s old house. I’ve turned into my youngest brother, Jonas, stalking a bitch like a rabid dog. There’s absolutely no way I’m letting her out of my sight. We haven’t been able to break the chain of command in the organization that took her in the first place. Every time we think we’ve cut the head off the snake, another vermin rears its ugly mug. I’m determined to find out who everyone is so fucking scared of that they won’t turn on them… give up a name. Even facing death, they’ve refused.

  Fucking pussies.

  I tried to get her to at least let me stay with her and help her ‘unpack’ her meager belongings; to which she shooed me away like one would a stray animal perching on their doorstep. Fine, she wants to teach me a fucking lesson, I’ve got several up my sleeve to teach her as well. First order of action will be to redden her fucking ass for putting herself smack dab in the middle of the danger zone. This isn’t the right time for her to try and top me from the bottom… I’m not the man to be tested. I don’t get put in place, in fact, I’m the one who does all of the teaching. My father taught me several lessons, and I refuse to allow another to make me so vulnerable ever again.

  Even the woman I’m in love with.

  Ain’t motherfucking happening.

  My hands involuntarily ball up into fists. I think of the possibilities and scenarios of things that could go wrong and happen to her if I was to be off my game. Jonas and Raven have been tirelessly roaming the internet, dark web and whatever else it is they do to find out who the head honcho in charge is. Atticus, and the men he’s in charge of, have gone to their underground sources on several occasions; still, we find our intel limited. Our resources are not panning out, and it fucking pisses me off that we’ve thrown away markers in our quest to find out who our enemy is.

  We’ve had to watch out on what we share, and what we don’t, with our closest allies. Jonas is keeping his eyes on the Rebel Guardians; somehow, they play into this, but we haven’t figured out exactly how yet. Until we do, I’m not ready to share information with them. The three of us, Atticus, Jonas and myself, are protective of the crew and their offspring. They are valuable to us, some of the only people we consider to be friends. After the childhood we endured, we usually only stick together, but Braxton and his friends have snuck in there, and now, they are part of us. Even if it’s from a distance at times. We always watch out for them, even if they aren’t aware of us doing so. If anything, our father taught us about loyalty. It may not have been in the traditional way, where a father teaches his sons through words; it was his actions against us that united us. I always managed to take my brothers’ punishments if I was around. I’m the oldest,
it’s my job to protect them as much as I can.

  Through his beatings, we banded together, always taking care of the other’s injuries until we were healed enough to go another round with dear old Dad. He was always an angry motherfucker, taking the woes of his life out on us. We were his punching bag, no gym membership needed for him. His workouts against us kept him in shape; when he wasn’t beating us unconscious, he was working us through physical courses. Things he learned through the military… said it would make men out of us. When I was ten, I could overpower and maneuver around a grown man. His lessons did something good for us, I now can find a threat in my surroundings without having to see them in action. Eyes are the tell into a person’s soul; if you look hard enough, you can tell evil from good. My father’s eyes were always dead inside, he was a soulless man, one this earth is better off without having walk its planes. He was a waste of space, the only good thing he ever did in his life was father the three of us. I can’t imagine my life without having my brothers at my side.

  Dad may have been a fuck-up at life, a pathetic excuse of a father, but he kept us together, even after our mom split. I remember that epic showdown as if it were yesterday. She wanted to take us with her, but he held a knife to my throat and told her he’d kill all three of us boys before allowing her to leave with us. I don’t for one second believe it’s because he wanted us; no, it was simply an authoritative act. He had to show her that he still had some sort of control over her and her life. That’s the day the only person who ever truly loved me was ripped from my life. That’s the day I died inside; a new version of me was born that day. My protective side over my brothers bloomed… I was their father in my eyes; that piece of shit who donated sperm to our mother, he was forever from that day forward, viewed as my enemy.

  That’s the day I vowed to myself, and to the world that I, Silas Nelson, would forever be childless. I’ll never allow a child to feel an ounce of betrayal and devastation as I did growing up. I’m not father material, he made sure of it. But I won’t allow him to take my destiny away… and it’s in the form of a little spitfire, one who owns my heart, holds it in the palm of her hand. Only she has the capability to smash it, obliterate it, and crush it alongside my soul.

  She has become my everything.

  My destiny.

  My love.

  And I will destroy anyone who tries to take her away from me. That’s a promise I can, and will always, keep.


  I know he’s out there watching me. A smirk forms on my face at the thought that he’d drop everything to protect me from the ghosts of my past. I shouldn’t get such glee from this, but it makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over that he is. Piper is all I’ve had for so many years, that it’s enthralling and adventurous to have another person in my life. I should be ashamed of putting him through his paces, but I’m not. It’s euphoric to be the reason for someone’s attention being solely on me. I know it’s a childish way of thinking, but I can’t help it. It is what it is, and I make no apologies for who I am. The only love I’ve been surrounded by in the past is that of sisterly love, and I long for the feeling of being a man’s entire world.

  And Silas, he is the love of my life.

  I can’t, and won’t lose him. If I have to play childlike games to garner his attention, that’s what I’ll do. Raven understands where I’m coming from, which is why she’s allowing me to reside in her old house. I need a place without outside influences to be alone with Silas. His brothers are a distraction in my pursuit of making Silas mine. It’s all business and brothers against the world when we’re there. I’m feeling a bit selfish in my needs. I want him to need me, and I feel like branching out on my own will make him miss me that much more when he can’t sneak into my bedroom and sleep beside me. He’ll have to make an effort to be with me, I’m not going to be an easy side piece when the desire hits anymore. I was there, easy for the taking; now, he’ll have to leave his house to track me down.

  Peering out of the window, I see my man sitting in his car, watching me like a hawk. My giddiness takes over and I end up doubled over in a fit of giggles. Checkmate, Silas. I draw the curtains closed and head up to my new bathroom for a shower. I’m elated for a night in my new bedroom, and I’ll surround myself in lit scented candles and soft music. Just what a girl needs after a long day of unpacking. I may not have had much in the way of belongings, but I rearranged cabinets and turned this house into my home. Things such as towels needed to be laundered, dishes needed a good run through the dishwasher, and tubs and toilets needed a good scrubbing. I’m a hot sweaty mess, but I feel invigorated with what I’ve managed to get accomplished.

  Filling the tub full of warm water, I put a splash of bubble bath in. The aroma of lavender fills the room and my body instantly relaxes. I smile when I remember how Piper used to do that for me when I was a little girl. Slipping off my clothes, I put my foot in and test the water. It’s not too hot, but perfect for a nice long soak. As I submerge my body, a moan leaves my mouth. My muscles are tired from being overworked today, and they begin to loosen up as the water does its job.

  I start to daydream about Silas’s hands roaming my body, washing the dirt away, and massaging my taut tight muscles. We’ve had acts of intimacy before, but nothing of this level. I long for the days of him coming home from work and me submitting to his every dirty need. I may sound like a pansy, but I’m truly submissive at heart… especially when it comes to that dominant man of mine. He has certain proclivities in the bedroom, ones I never knew I’d like, but have found myself desperately seeking out. After my ordeal, you’d think I’d shy away from such endeavors, but if I’m being honest with myself, they actually make me feel in control of my sexual encounters. He’s taught me a lot about myself, things that others would deem dirty, but they’ve never felt Silas’s hands on their flesh. The way he brings my bad girl side out, it is astounding.


  He has forever changed my life and point of view on sexual encounters. My inner vixen has surfaced; she was buried deep inside, and I’m so happy that she’s emerged. It’s made me feel stronger, the nightmares have lessened since Silas helped me take charge of my life. Truthfully, despite his dominance over me, I’ve never felt more cherished or adored.

  Now to get him on the same damn page so he realizes that we belong together. He can spew his bullshit all he wants about not taking things further until danger has been put to rest… permanently. But I want it now, I’ve always had to wait for my life to become my own; my patience has run out.

  It’s time to show my man that he won’t be holding me or our relationship, at an arm's length. He will claim me, or I will be searching for another Dom. Let’s see how much he likes that bushel of apples. I’ve decided playing hardball with him is the only way I’ll force his hand. I’ve been searching the internet, and have found a dungeon I can visit. Since I know he’ll be following my every move, let’s see how long it takes him to claim what’s his.




  I’ve had a personal invite from the man in charge of the club I seek to use in my pursuit of Silas. Club Oblivious is a high scale BDSM club. You have to have a personal invitation to enter their sanctuary. I’ve actually made contact with the owner, Tony Powell. He’s the man in charge if you want an in. We’ve conversed on the internet every night over the past week getting to know one another. I’ve shared my hard limits with him, and he’s assured me that no one would dare push me past my comfort zone. I’m hoping that Silas gets with the program pretty damn quick because after having sex with him, I really don’t want to give my body to anyone else. He’s not the first man I’ve had intercourse with but if I have my say, he’ll be the last. Isn’t the saying that you save the best for last? Shrugging, I hit up a website to order some racy clothes; of course, Silas is at the forefront of my mind as I see the lacy teddies and garter belts.

  Hmm, bet it would drive him crazy to see this little number;
it’s demure as hell, but underneath the lace of the top, there are holes for my nipples to protrude and the bottoms are crotchless, but not obviously so. Yep, I think I need this in a multitude of colors. While he hasn’t done a lot except to restrain and blindfold me, I ache to see what he’s been holding back. I click on another part of the website and see floggers so decide to order one of those for us. Well, the us I long for us to be, anyhow. Nipple clamps? I cringe a little thinking of my nipples being in a vice then after reading the reviews and description, decide that him laving attention on them after he removes the clamps might be something I’d enjoy.

  Silas, you’re not gonna know what hit you. Going to my cart, I review everything then put my credit card in and press the order button. Looks like I’m getting free shipping and a ton of free gifts, including flavored lube and some lotion that’s supposed to heighten sensation. I can’t foresee anything being better than what Silas gives me, but I’m willing to give it a try. I hope he does as I expect, and he will and come charging in there, tossing me over his shoulder, and demanding my body belongs to only him. It may be a fantasy of mine, but it’s one I suspect will come to fruition. If I know anything about my man, it’s that he’s possessive when it comes to what he deems his. And I’m his. Body, heart and soul. No doubt about that, I just need to remind him of this fact. He can take the act he’s portraying and shove it up his ass. He either is willing to take me as his own, or let me move on. I don’t want anyone outside of him, but I want to feel alive and free… I deserve nothing less.


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